
Into the Sunlit Dunes

The harsh sunlight beat down on the Ursa Minor Guild as they trekked through the Sunlit Dunes. Blakely squinted against the blinding glare of the desert, sweat trickling down her forehead despite the cloth wrapped tightly around her head and shoulders to block out the worst of the heat. The endless waves of sand stretched as far as the eye could see, with the wind occasionally kicking up small, swirling sandstorms that made visibility even worse.

"Well," Maven muttered as she adjusted the hood of her cloak to block the sun, "this is officially the least fun place we've been to. Who decided a desert was a good spot for a queen to set up shop?"

Blakely, riding on Matcha, grumbled. Even her loyal panda summon, who usually loved being her comfy traveling bed, seemed to find the heat unbearable. His thick fur was ill-suited for the scorching temperatures, and he huffed in the oppressive heat, his steps slower than usual. Blakely couldn't blame him.