
Panda Gets EXP By Sleeping?!

Blakely Arcas is a socially dense 15-year-old who hates wasting her energy on unnecessary things. "Why make the bed if I will be getting back into it later on?" "Is it really necessary to spend four years with a bunch of loud, obnoxious teens just to get a piece of paper? How about we cut the time in half? Make it two years instead. More time to sleep". When a new VR MMORPG is released, her best friends make her play it. "What do you mean I can be or do whatever I want in the game?! I want.... I want to be a Panda!" *I do not own the cover; please don't sue me. I will take it down, I swear! *

Ignavia_Ursa · 奇幻言情
155 Chs

Erisophis's Story

The air in the abandoned laboratory was thick with tension. Berenice stood with her arms crossed, facing the dark sorcerer Erisophis. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of madness and something else—perhaps a glimmer of the boy he once was.

"Are you certain you wish to know my purpose in destroying the veil between our worlds?" Erisophis asked, a twisted smile playing on his lips. "I must warn you, it entails my meeting a certain sealed Primordial dragon."

Berenice nodded firmly. "Yes, I want to know. Tell me everything."

"Very well," Erisophis said, his voice taking on a reflective tone. "It all starts as a young sickly boy…"

I was born into a world of shadows and whispers, a frail and sickly child in a small, pious village. My parents were devout followers of Umbriel, the god of darkness, and they dragged me to church every week. But while they found solace in their prayers, I found only bitterness and anger.