
Confirming Identity

"Carolynn Bitters, call transfer post at H&R Block. Called in sick nearly two weeks ago and has not returned to work. 5'4", blonde hair, hazel eyes. Lives in a one bedroom apartment, fascinated with dogs and owns a Dalmatian. Have I missed anything?"

My growling stopped and I shook my head.

His expression changed and he seemed to debate something before climbing back into the jeep and having the corporal drive away.

"Carolynn, what are you doing out here?" Brandt asked. "I thought I told you to stay."

I whined and sniffed at the vents. The metallic smell entered my nose along with the smell of sweat and fecal material. But the worry I felt in my dream had been relieved and something else took its place. He stuck his fingers out again for only a moment before pulling back. I lay next to the box, hungry and tired. But until they let him out, I refused to move from his side.

Captain Hawker returned in the heat of the day to offer me water, but I wouldn't drink. I didn't think it fair for me to drink when Brandt was being punished for something that wasn't his fault.

"You have strong camaraderie in this one, Lieutenant. She's refused everything we've offered her since you were taken from the cell."

"Drink, Carolynn," Brandt said.

I just whined and curled into a ball with my back to Captain Hawker.

"And still she refuses."

"Damn it, Carolynn. Drink the water. You're not Army material."

I huffed, but still didn't move.

"I'll leave it for when you're ready," the captain replied.

Why couldn't they get the hint? I didn't want it. Standing, I stepped on the edge of the bowl and tipped it over, spilling all the water onto the dry soil.

"Carolynn!" Brandt yelled as the bowl clattered.

Growling at the vent, I sat then lay back down.

"So, be it," Captain Hawker sighed. Then he took the empty, and now muddy, bowl and left.

"Why Carolynn?" Brandt asked. "Why? I don't know how long I'll be in here and killing yourself won't break the curse."

I didn't respond. They had to let him out sooner or later.

One more day passed before they pulled Brandt out of the box. He was dirty and weak legged, but he lifted me and my bag out of the dirt before walking across base.

I whined to make sure he was okay, but he didn't take it that way.

"You should have kept the water, Carolynn. Then you wouldn't feel like this."

I licked his stubble covered chin before resting my head on his shoulder and laying still.

We were escorted into another building where Brandt was allowed to wash up. He made sure I was clean as well. I tried to catch some of the shower water in my mouth and got it up my nose instead. Brandt shaved and dressed in uniform before he met with Captain Hawker and two others in an isolated room. I was permitted to accompany him.

"Lieutenant Quire," the captain in the middle of the table said. "Can you tell us where you have been for the last year and a half?"

"In the city," he replied. "Living on the street, and then in Carolynn's home, as a Dalmatian.

"So after all the time we gave you to think, you're sticking to that story?" Captain Hawkers asked.

"Yes, Sir."

"If that is the case, how did you become human again?"

"After five months of wandering, I was taken to a shelter where Carolynn bought me."

"Yes, Carolynn. And supposedly she's that bitch that's been accompanying you since your return."

"Yes, Sir."

I didn't respond to the slight. I just silently sat by Brandt's side.

"And how long were you with Carolynn before you were no longer a Dalmatian?"

"One year, Sir. My transformation back started the night of the new moon."

"Carolynn?" the second unknown captain addressed me.

I raised my ears.

"I have a few photos here I'd like you to see."

Slowly I approached the table. I was shown several blonde haired women with hazel eyes. My work ID photo was part of them.

"Which one is you?" he asked.

I touched my work ID photo with my nose before he sent me back to Brandt's side.

This same captain then laid the photos out on the edge of the table. "Lieutenant, perhaps you can tell us what Carolynn looks like."

Brandt approached the table and studied the photos. "None of them," he said.

"Surely it must be one of them. Even she was able to recognize her photo."

"The photo she picked is not among those displayed here, Sirs."

Tipping my head to the side, I watched the captains. What kind of game were they playing? The captain on the far side of the table moved something onto his lap. I growled and Brandt turned.

"Carolynn, be still," he commanded.

I stopped, but kept my eyes on the captain.

"Then how about these?" he asked, laying out several more photos.

"They're…," he paused. "That's her."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, sir."

"Shall we see what Carolynn thinks?" Captain Hawker asked.

He held the photo over the edge of the table so I could see it. Coming closer, I looked at it. It was me, but my hair had been turned black and my face was several years younger. I baked once, wagging my tail before the photo was placed back on the desk.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Leave us to deliberate."

"Come, Carolynn," Brandt said. Then we were escorted back to the cell we were placed in three days ago.

Brant sat heavily on the cot and rested his face in his hands. "This is not what I expected."

Whining, I set a paw on his knee.

His hands lowered and framed my head. "Thank you."

I wagged my tail a moment before his expression changed. He let go and I tipped my head to the side.

"Climb up here," he said, patting the cot.

I climbed up and lay partially across his lap. He pet me.

"There's something I don't understand," he said after a moment.

Raising my head, I looked at him.

"Not once through this whole thing have you turned me away. You shared your bed with me when I was bouncing back and forth; you bought me clothes; you never reacted to my nakedness that first night; nor did you ever try to have sex with me. Why?"

I looked at the floor, making sure I still had my bag with me. I did, so I climbed off the cot and dug into my bag. Towards the bottom was a rectangle that had two hands clasped together. Pulling it out with my mouth, I gave it to Brandt. He took it and turned the small stone in his hand and read the saying on it.

Kindness and Respect go hand in hand.

His expression turned thoughtful. He ran his thumb over the stone. "Thank you, Carolynn. That means a lot to me."

Barking and wagging my tail a smile brightened his face.

"Get back up here," he said.

Jumping back onto the bed, Brandt scratched me all over and rubbed my belly when I rolled over as I had done for him before I knew he was human. When I rolled back over, he lay beside me, propped up on one elbow and rubbed my ears. After another minute, he lay down completely, his hand just resting on my back. There was so much about this curse I didn't understand. What had taken Brandt fourteen days to change into had only taken me five days. I shifted slightly and Brandt pulled me closer before going still once more.