
Chapter 535 Getting Married_1

The casino owner reported that Li Yiguang did indeed visit, but was called away after just one game, by a person wearing a black bamboo hat that obscured their face.

Ye Ge continued his search within the city...

The next morning a message came. A fisherman fishing in the river had caught a corpse in his net.

It was the missing Li Yiguang.


Due to the sudden death of Li Yiguang, the investigation was momentarily stalled.

That is to say, the Inspection Mansion was unable to identify the direct poisoner, there was no evidence or witnesses to prove the poison originated from the box, and no evidence or witnesses could prove Nan Feng's innocence.

Since those consumers who had developed facial sores had indeed used items from Nan Feng's store, she remained the primary suspect.

Therefore, Nan Feng had to continue to be detained.