
Paint With Love - A story of Art & Love

Chen Ji Yang and Li Yi Ming, two talented art students, meet and fall in love as they navigate the competitive world of college-level painting. Despite coming from different backgrounds, they bond over their shared passion for art and discover that their unique styles complement each other. As they collaborate on projects, their relationship blossoms, but they must overcome societal expectations and jealous rivals to pursue their dreams together. A talented and driven art student, Ji Yang is known for her bold, expressive brushstrokes and her ability to capture the essence of the natural world. She is determined to make a name for herself in the art world, but her traditional family background creates tension as she pursues her passion. A gifted painter with a more technical and analytical approach, Li Yi Ming is initially seen as Ji Yang's rival. However, as they collaborate on projects, they discover a deep connection and a shared vision for their art. Li Yi Ming must overcome his own insecurities and learn to embrace his emotions to fully express himself through his paintings.

han_hannie · 青春言情
12 Chs

Chapter - 10

After unsuccessfully trying to reach her grandfather, Ji Yang sighed and sank onto a bench in the hospital corridor. The air was thick with the antiseptic scent of the hospital, and the sterile lighting did nothing to lift her spirits. Her mind was racing with thoughts of how to get Dr. Xie to perform the surgery.

A moment later, Yi Ming approached her with a cup in hand, offering a sympathetic smile.

Yi Ming: "Here, have this."

Ji Yang looked up, momentarily surprised by his kindness, and accepted the drink with a grateful nod.

Ji Yang: "Thanks."

The two sat in silence for a moment, the gravity of the situation weighing on them. Just as Ji Yang took a sip, Asst. Wu appeared again, his presence commanding attention despite his unassuming demeanor.

Asst. Wu: "Ms. Chen, were you able to contact your grandfather?"

Ji Yang looked up at him, a hint of frustration visible on her face.

Ji Yang: "I tried, but he didn't pick up. Maybe he's busy. I'll try again later."

Asst. Wu nodded, understanding the urgency but also recognizing the limitations of their current situation.

Asst. Wu: "He might be tied up with something important. It's worth trying again later. In the meantime, I have other matters to attend to, so I'll be taking my leave."

With a formal nod, he turned to go, but not before addressing Ji Yang in a way that caught Yi Ming's attention.

Asst. Wu: "If you need anything, Ms. Chen, don't hesitate to call."

Ji Yang's eyes widened, and she immediately jumped to her feet, kicking Asst. Wu's foot lightly as she whispered urgently.

Ji Yang: "What are you doing? Didn't I tell you not to address me like that? Just call me by my name, got it?"

Asst. Wu raised his hands in a gesture of mock surrender, a slight smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Asst. Wu: "Alright, alright, I got it. Okay, Ji Yang, I'll get going now."

Asst. Wu left, leaving behind a cloud of mystery about Ji Yang's true identity. Yi Ming watched him go, his mind puzzling over the interaction he'd just witnessed. He turned to Ji Yang with a curious look, his brow furrowed with suspicion.

Yi Ming: "Who exactly is that guy?"

She hesitated, caught between the desire to maintain her privacy and the need to reassure her friend. She glanced at Yi Ming, considering her words carefully.

Ji Yang: "He's... well, he's just a friend."

Yi Ming wasn't convinced, sensing there was more to the story than she was letting on. He studied her for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as he weighed his next question. But before he could press further, Ji Yang shifted the conversation, hoping to steer it away from her mysterious connection.

Ji Yang: "Anyway, I just hope I can reach my grandfather soon. We need Dr. Xie for this surgery. Jingjing's situation is serious."

Yi Ming nodded, accepting her redirection, though he remained curious about Asst. Wu's true identity and Ji Yang's apparent importance.

Yi Ming: "If you need anything from me, just let me know. We're all in this together."

She smiled at his support, grateful for his presence during such a challenging time. As they sat there, Ji Yang's phone buzzed again, and her heart leaped, hoping it was the call she had been waiting for. But it was another message from a friend, not the call from her grandfather.

Ji Yang: "Thanks, Yi Ming. I'll keep trying. For now, let's focus on being here for Zhang Jun and his family."

The sky above Guangzhou had turned a dusky shade of indigo as the city transitioned into night. Streetlights flickered on, casting a warm, golden glow on the sidewalks where Ji Yang and Yi Ming strolled away from the hospital. The day's events weighed heavily on them, yet there was a sense of camaraderie in their steps.

Ji Yang: "Her voice was a mix of exhaustion and wonder as she reflected on the unexpected twists they'd encountered. Yi Ming walked beside her, hands casually tucked in his pockets, the cool evening breeze ruffling his hair.

Yi Ming: "Yes, it's been quite a day."

Ji Yang paused for a moment, looking at him with a hint of regret.

Ji Yang: "I'm sorry, Yi Ming. We came here for something entirely different, and I feel like I wasted your time."

Yi Ming waved her apology away with a dismissive hand gesture and a reassuring smile.

Yi Ming: "It's fine, really. I actually felt good helping them. We can visit around some other time."

He grinned, his expression softening with sincerity. Ji Yang couldn't help but smile back, surprised by his easy-going nature.

Ji Yang: "I didn't expect this from you."

Yi Ming: "Expect what?"

Ji Yang: "Oh, nothing," she said, brushing it off with a teasing glint in her eyes.

Yi Ming: "Since we haven't had dinner yet, how about we grab something to eat?"

Ji Yang's stomach growled in agreement at the suggestion. She laughed lightly and nodded.

Ji Yang: "Sounds great. It's my treat."

They continued down the bustling street, their laughter blending with the distant hum of traffic. Just then, Ji Yang's phone buzzed, interrupting the moment. She glanced at the screen, seeing the familiar name, Yi Jie—her older brother.

Ji Yang: "It's Yi Jie," she said, tapping to answer the call.

Yi Jie: "Hey, little one, how are you?"

Ji Yang's face lit up with affection as she responded.

Ji Yang: "Missing you, of course."

She said this with a playful tone, unaware of Yi Ming's sudden change in demeanor beside her. He wore a cold, slightly jealous expression as he listened to her side of the conversation.

Yi Jie: "Okay, stop lying. If you're really missing me, then why didn't you call me after you got to Guangzhou?"

Ji Yang: "Sorry, I was busy. Don't get angry."

Her brother's voice softened, but there was a hint of seriousness.

Yi Jie: "I'm not angry. It's Grandpa who is. You should call him."

Ji Yang's eyes widened with realization.

Ji Yang: "Really? No wonder he didn't pick up my call. Tell him I'll contact him soon."

Yi Jie: "Well, you might not need to."

Ji Yang: "What do you mean?"

Yi Jie: "Where are you right now?"

Ji Yang looked around, spotting a familiar landmark.

Ji Yang: "I'm near Hiam Square."

Yi Jie: "Look on the other side."

Confused, Ji Yang turned her gaze across the street. Her eyes landed on a sleek, luxurious car parked nearby. Inside, a man was waving at her with a phone in his hand, smiling broadly.

Realization dawned on Ji Yang, and she hung up the call with a mixture of excitement and urgency. Yi Ming watched her, curiosity and a slight twinge of suspicion in his eyes.

Ji Yang: "Sorry, Yi Ming. Something's come up. I have to go."

Her words were rushed but sincere, and she looked at him apologetically.

Yi Ming: "It's okay. We can do this another time."

She nodded, grateful for his understanding.

Ji Yang: "I'll treat you next time, I promise."

She waved goodbye, turning to leave but paused to add one last thing.

Ji Yang: "Take care on your way home, and don't forget to have dinner. Thanks for today."

With a final smile, Ji Yang dashed across the street toward the car, leaving Yi Ming standing in the gentle glow of the streetlights. He watched her go, pondering the unexpected layers of mystery that surrounded her life.

 She approached the car, the man inside stepped out—Yi Jie, her older brother, dressed impeccably in a tailored suit. He enveloped her in a warm hug.

As she settled into the plush leather seat of the luxurious car, she turned to her brother with a teasing glint in her eyes.

Ji Yang: "Ge, did you miss me?"

Her brother, Chen Yi Jie, smirked, feigning nonchalance as he adjusted the car's air conditioning.

Chen Yi Jie: "Nope."

She playfully punched his arm, her lips forming a pout.

Ji Yang: "Chen Yi Jie, I hate you!"

Yi Jie chuckled, shaking his head with a fond smile.

Chen Yi Jie: "Alright, alright. Of course, I missed you."

Ji Yang relaxed into her seat, satisfied with his response.

Ji Yang: "So what are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be on a business trip?"

Chen Yi Jie: "I was, but I returned this morning. I've heard you called Asst. Wu urgently today. He mentioned something about a doctor."

She shot him a look of surprise.

Ji Yang: "Who told you that? Asst. Wu reported to you? Aya, I specifically told him to keep it a secret."

Yi Jie shrugged, his expression amused.

Chen Yi Jie: "Well, since I know now, maybe I can help."

She pondered for a moment, weighing her options. Her brother had always been someone she could rely on.

Ji Yang: "Okay then, thanks."

A comfortable silence enveloped them as the car glided through the city streets, the distant hum of traffic barely audible over the soft music playing from the car speakers.

Ji Yang: "Right, Ge, where are we heading now?"

He glanced at her with a mysterious twinkle in his eye.

Chen Yi Jie: "I'm taking you to a good place."

She raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued.

Ji Yang: "A good place, huh?"

The car turned onto a wide avenue lined with trees, their leaves rustling gently in the evening breeze. The city's lights sparkled like jewels against the velvet backdrop of the night sky.

Chen Yi Jie: "By the way, who was that tall guy you were with earlier?"

She blinked, caught off guard by the sudden question.

Ji Yang: "Which guy? Oh, Li Yi Ming? He's my classmate."

He nodded thoughtfully, filing away the information.

Chen Yi Jie: "Okay, I see."

Before long, they arrived at an opulent hotel, its façade gleaming under the lights like a palace. Yi Jie parked the car, and they stepped out, the cool night air a welcome change from the warmth inside the vehicle.

She looked up at the grand entrance, her eyes widening in surprise.

Ji Yang: "Ge, you should have told me we were going for dinner. Why were you being so mysterious?"

He chuckled, gesturing for her to follow him inside.

Chen Yi Jie: "Come on, let's go. You'll see."

As they walked through the lavish lobby, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity. The hotel's grandeur was nothing short of breathtaking, with its marble floors, crystal chandeliers, and elegantly dressed guests mingling about.

They made their way to a private dining room, where the doors opened to reveal a beautifully set table. Seated at the head of the table was none other than their grandfather, Mr. Chen, a man whose presence commanded respect.

Her eyes widened in surprise and delight.

Ji Yang: "Grandpa!"

Her grandfather looked up from the menu he was perusing, his stern expression softening as he saw her.

Mr. Chen: "Ji Yang, my dear, come here."

She hurried over, giving her grandfather a warm hug. She was genuinely happy to see him, knowing it was a golden opportunity to pester him about the favor she needed.

Mr. Chen: "It's good to see you. How have you been?"

Ji Yang: "I've been well, Grandpa. Busy with school and everything."

Mr. Chen nodded, his eyes twinkling with pride.

Mr. Chen: "Your brother told me you've been quite occupied. That's why I wanted to surprise you with dinner."

Ji Yang took her seat beside her grandfather, Yi Jie sitting across from them.

Chen Yi Jie: "You know how she loves surprises."

Ji Yang playfully rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. The three of them settled in, and soon, the waitstaff began bringing out an array of exquisite dishes that filled the room with delicious aromas.

As the meal progressed, Ji Yang decided it was time to bring up the matter weighing on her mind.

Ji Yang: "Grandpa, there's something I wanted to talk to you about."

Mr. Chen raised an eyebrow, setting down his fork with a curious look.

Mr. Chen: "Oh? What is it, dear?"

She took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully.

Ji Yang: "It's about a friend of mine. His little sister is sick, and she needs surgery. The doctor they need is a friend of yours, Dr. Xie. But he's busy and can't make it. I was wondering if you could talk to him and see if he could make an exception."

Mr. Chen listened intently, nodding as he processed her request.

Mr. Chen: "Dr. Xie, you say? I haven't spoken to him in a while, but I can certainly try. If it's as urgent as you say, I'll see what I can do."

Her face lit up with gratitude.

Ji Yang: "Thank you, Grandpa. It would mean a lot to them."

Mr. Chen gave her a reassuring nod, his demeanor calm and composed.

Mr. Chen: "Consider it done. Now, let's enjoy our dinner, shall we?"

The evening unfolded with laughter and stories, the bond between Ji Yang, her brother, and her grandfather growing stronger with each passing moment. As they dined under the soft glow of chandeliers, Ji Yang realized that, despite the day's chaos, everything seemed to be falling into place.