
The lost prince

(seven years later)

Several years passed the lost prince grew up, he was a boy who didn't have happiness in his family, sometimes he thought binbola was not his mother

Koni works at a restaurant since the age of nine years old with his hard-working when he reaches home binbola do collect the money from him

Binbola didn't show any love to his son she always bully him calling him a bastard

One earlier morning Koni was at the restaurant where he was working the manager ask of him.

Manager: Omo(talking to one of the workers) where is Koni?

Omo: he is in the kitchen.

Manager: what is he doing in the kitchen call him for me.

Omo: okay sir (she drop what she is doing and rush to the kitchen, some minute later Koni rush out.

Koni: you called me manager?

Manager:what are you doing in the kitchen?

Koni: you are the one that orders me to Wash the plate

Manager: go and pack all does dirty plates before customer we enter

(Koni obeys him and rushes to pack the plates, At the corner two customers was sitting down discussing, and Koni comes there to pack the plates

Morenikeji: who is this boy? he irritating sweetheart I can't endure it(angry)

Johnson: who is the manager here? (shouting)

Manager:(he rushes in)I am the one managing this restaurant, how can I help you?

Johnson:why will you keep this thing in here(pointing to Koni)

Manager: O you mean him? Yes, he works here.

Johnson: he works here o you mean this thing cook?

Manager: No he is just a small boy, he can't cook.

Johnson: tell him to leave here or I leave here for him, ahhn...why will you bring him to a restaurant (angry)

Manager: we are sorry sir it won't happen again, Koni(facing him) go out right now.!!!

(Koni rushes out )

Manager: we are sorry

Morenikeji:(she uses her hand to cover her nose)then you can leave!!!

(Light fade)

(Light shine on the manager shouting at Koni)

Manager: didn't you have a mother? why is whenever I sent you to the restaurant you always cause problems to the cust, see if you want to continue working here tell your mother to take care of you before working here.

Koni: am sorry sir(he apologizes)

Manager: Still yet you are still small before coming tomorrow make sure you take. Your bath

Koni: okay manager.

(Light fade)

(Light shine at the palace)

Cherry maid was at the door knocking

Cherry: ( he has grown up to be a handsome prince ) am coming (he rushes to open the door)

Maid: am sorry crown prince, but it is urgent king wants to see you

Cherry: let go, I also need to see him(he leaves his room)

(In the king room)

Cherry enters the king's room without knocking

Cherry: your majesty (he shows respect)

King:: my son sits down

Cherry: am okay thanks!!

King: soon you will be crowned as the crown prince

Cherry: I know so what do you need I have somewhere to go

King: this evening I will like you to see me at the royal court

(Light fade)

(Light shine at Amukoko town)

Koni gets back home. Late both grandma and his mother were sleeping forgetting they have a son out, binbola didn't do any work and only depend on Koni salary

Koni: mami am back.

Mamii: you are welcome

Koni: any food at home?

Mamii: no your mom eats your food

(Binbola comes out of the room)

Binbola: where is my money?

Koni: he gave the money to her

Binbola: why is the money not complete?

Koni: I use the money

Binbola: how dare you spend my money

(Light fade)

(Next morning)

Koni rushes to wash the cloth he wear yesterday, after that he takes his bath combes his hair, and bush his teeth

Binbola: ( she comes out) what are you still doing at home you have to resume at seven o clock and this is after nine, see if my money didn't complete don't try to come home

Mamii; why are you waiting for the cloth you just wash can't you wear out of the ones in your bag?

Koni: manager said I should not wear that one again because is not good.

Binbola: Mamii did you hear now my money must complete (a Lexus car Rx 350, pack out of the house binbola move to the car)

Chief:(he comes out)hi ma (greeting mami)

Mamii: well-done my son(she replied)

Chief:who is this boy

Binbola:O he is our house boy I bought him here to help my old mother (smiling)

Chief: Okay let go binbola: yes dear(she enters the car also chief enter and drives out)

(Light fade)

(At night)

Koni close from work and the money he was paid is not complete he was paid two thousand nairas because of his lateness, Koni can't go home he seat down crying, on his way back home he saw a gang playing a game he move to them, he Was getting more interested in the game and determine to join, then if he wins he will balance her mother money.

Koni join the group he win the game he was happy and determined to play another round after many bets Koni was losing, he cried out and ask them to give him his money they're all ignore him.

Koni rush there he pack all the money and run the gang shouted at him and start running after him after some minutes, Koni was caught they beat him all his swallow up.

Leader of the gang: stop don't kill him yet( they all stop)(he moves to the boy kneeling) hey little one why did you do that?

Koni: my mummy will beat me, my manager didn't give me my money completely, and she will beat me if she knows am not with any money (he cries out)

Leader of the gang: you should have told me, don't do that again, ...hey you there give me the money he stole ( talking to one of the gang)

Obio: why now, this one has been doing it before, if you let him go he will do it again

Leader of the gang: don't worry give him the money (he collects the money and gives it to him) don't do that again, now go home

(Light fade)

After Koni reach home, Binbola collected all the money without checking his wound

At midnight Koni was having fever he move to binbola on the bed when binbola notice someone was with her she push Koni from the bed and warn him not to sleep with her again

(Light fade)

(Next morning)

Koni: mom I have not eaten anything since yesterday and am having fever

Binbola: O sorry is like I have hundred naira with me (she gave him) take use it to eat and take drugs in my room after that go to work(she leave the house)

(Light fade)

Light shine on doctor ola, king Adebade's family doctor he come to visit the little prince

Mamii: how may I help you?

Doctor:oh am doctor ola, king Adebade family doctor

Mamii:O you are welcome come in


Mamii:water or what?

Doctor:am okay I will stay in a hotel near your street

Mamii: binbola is not around by now

Doctor:what about our little prince

Mamii: O.....he also went out

Doctor: he will have grown up so we'll by now(door open Koni enter)

Koni:mami am back

Mamii: what happen to you my son( do as if she don't know Koni was sick before)

Doctor: who beat you like this?

Koni:mami manager said I should come back home to Treat myself

Mamii: come here

Koni:(he starts shifting back and crying) am sorry ma, please don't beat me

Mamii:(look at the doctor) what's wrong my son(fake smile)

Koni:(he kneels) please help me to beg him (calling doctor)

Doctor:is it him? How come he looks like a beggar

Mamii:( she moves to him) stand up Koni

Kon:mami am sorry don't tell mummy

(Light fade)

(At Hotel)

The doctor bring Koni to the hotel he baths him changes his dress and treats him after feeding him

Koni:who are you

Doctor: am your friend

Koni: how did you know mami and aunty binbola?

Doctor: I only know your mother!!

Koni:(silent)....she always says am not her son, she said I should not call her my mother

Doctor: did you offense her

Koni: I don't know why she hates me, even I work at a restaurant

Doctor:you work at this your age, why not going to school

Koni: she said I will pay her the money she use to born me and also mami doesn't like feeding me I really what to go to school to have friends nobody loves me

Doctor: as from today don't go to work just come to stay with me still I will leave then I will pay you every day

"Bang bang!!!! (door knock)

Binbola: (she enters)

Koni : (he was scared) aunty binbola

Binbola: why are you here? why are you not in your work

Koni: manager sends me back home!!

Binbola: then you are here to meet him here, going to kill you here (he drags Koni herself elf and slaps him)

Doctor:stop beating him did you realize who you are beating?

Binbola: then who is him(shouting)

Koni: you are doing this to a nine-year-old boy is wrong of you

Binbola: I can do whatever I want to him so is not your business

Doctor: then why him?

Binbola: he is here because of you, I don't want him a long time ago but you can't do your work shameless doctor

Doctor: so you can't abort him, now you hate him for that

Binbola: yes I hate him because he ruined my life I hate him

Doctor: remember who he is, am I promise you I will make sure he returns home as soon as possible

Binbola:did he care about him, no he doesn't want him as I do so what does this devil want from us while am getting married soon

Doctor: that mean when you give birth you are going to do so to that one

Binbola: not your business!!!

Doctor: you are so stubborn, wicked, and heartless one day you will be free my boy.

(Light fade)

(Light fade)

(At the palace)

King: let him in

Doctor:(he enter) kabiesi ...O(my king)

King:hope there is nothing? Why are you here?

Doctor: nothing much my king, but I have wronged you so much and am ready to pay for it, I go against you my Lord also betrayed you.

But I can't keep it anymore again my Lord.

King: which secret are you keeping from me?

( Queen is about to enter and had about the secret and waits to hear the full gist)

Doctor: about seven no, nine years now ....the news about the special make of queen who was pregnant that you bought to terminate

King:yes I know about that

Doctor:I didn't terminate it!!!

King: what?

( Queen was shocked as soon she heard it, and she leave them)

King: what did you mean? (angry)

Doctor:am Sorry ( he kneels) I safe her life back then.....and now your son is suffering where he is

King: then what do you want from me?

Doctor: a wise one said the head of the crown must not sleep outside, he is your son, my lord

(Light fade)

(Six months later)

Binbola was married to chief after the wedding she travel out

Mamii: are you not going to work today? (asking Koni)

(door opens and doctor enter)

Koni: uncle (excited to see him)

Doctor: how are you

Koni: aunty binbola has gotten married also Mami is traveling to her side today

Doctor:are you happy

Koni: yes of course I will be free, but I will be alone(sad)

Doctor:then you will stay with me

Koni: wow are you sure? (he was happy)

(Light fade)

(At the palace)

Priest was consulting the oracle about the prince who fainted the day he was about to crown next to the king

Priest: your majesty the oracle said prince cherry is not the right one after you

Osi: (minister) what? then who?

Priest: the head of the crown has slept out

King: meaning I can't understand?

Priest: oracle said you have a son who was right to the throne, and he must be in the palace or else no one will take his position as far he is still alive and no one can kill him or else God, which mean you have to find the lost prince.

(Light fade)