
Yoga 101: Ms. Brigitte

I don't own Overwatch or Blizzard things.

"This is dumb. I got my appendix out, I don't need a physical therapist." I replied casually on the couch as Dad loomed over the back of it, watching football with me for a minute before he flicked my head.

"Son. Dr. Ziegler said so. And I'm inclined to believe the doctor over you. How are you feeling today?" he asked as I sighed.

"I'm fine dad."

After I got my appendix taken out in an emergency appendectomy my recovery has been rather speedy all things consider, I felt perfectly functional after two weeks. However, I have been basically living in the living room for those two weeks, going constantly up and down the stairs was uncomfortable at first so Mom and Dad set me down here hooking up everything else. I was well cared for, I got to watch whatever I wanted on TV, my PlayStation was close at hand, I'm even eating healthier…

...…..I really missed Fareeha… And it's been almost three weeks since I touched a woman. Dr. Angela told me SPECIFICALLY no sex… she's the doctor. But I'm moving around fine enough, I don't know why she's having me meet a physical therapist… and for a house call at that

"You sure you're fine son?" he asked, already grabbing his coat and ball-cap. "I can stay home for them if you want."

He had plans to meet up with Uncle Matt and Uncle Tychus and quite frankly I'd rather he just go. Less chance of Uncle Tychus trying to give me some kind of home remedy of whiskey, turpentine, and a can of raw corn or something.

"Dad. I'm going to be honest with you." I sat up on my bed couch, it was getting easier every day. "Please distract uncle Tychus." Dad chuckled softly.

"Fair enough. If you need me, call. I'll come right back…" Mom was working hard at the diner, she's already taken a week off to take care of me, so now it was technically dad's turn. "I'll see you in a couple of hours, try not to antagonize you Physical therapist he's only trying to help."

"It's not like I broke a leg!" I replied as dad shut the door, I sighed sadly. Before reaching onto the table and grabbing at my phone… debating on calling Fareeha to hear her voice at least, I've only texted her over the last few days. Flopping back down on my makeshift couch bed as he looked at my phone and texted.


I sighed putting my phone on my chest and staring up at the ceiling, after a few minutes I got my answer… Buzz

Fareeha – Aw… poor baby. Do you miss me?

Scott – Every day.

Fareeha – LOL

Scott – Wow. Now I'm sad.

Fareeha - Oh, lighten up you big baby! I miss you too. Without you around I'm having a lot of mother-daughter-sister/mother time…

I'm not going to lie it was impressive she managed to text that so quickly without fucking auto-correct screwing it up.

Scott – What's on the agenda today?

Fareeha – Gun range. The Anas are competing to see who's the better shot. How about you? Another day of missing this?

She then texted me a picture of her sexily posing with I hope was an unloaded magnum… I have so many Fareeha pin-ups now I never knew which one I wanted as my wallpaper… this one was at least 20 or 21 on my list of sexy Fareeha pics.

Scott – YES… and now I need to meet my Physical therapist. I don't need a physical therapist I had an appendix Tony.

Son of a bitch, fucking auto-correct! I quickly sent a correction. Or I attempted to.

Scott – Appendectomy. Driving Angela is sent Ring one over.


Scott – DOCTOR ANGELA. Duck you auto-correct!

Fareeha – LOL LOL LOL

Scott - …I hate you.

Fareeha – You LOVE me.

Scott – I do but right now I hate you.

Fareeha – Well think of it this way. The faster you go through your recovery, the faster I'll come and see you.

I sighed. She wasn't wrong, however before I could reply.

Fareeha – I got to go before my Mothers do something stupid. I'll talk to you later. Love you. Heart Emoji.

I sighed again, texted that I loved her, and tossed my phone onto the nearby recliner by my head before pouting childishly up at the ceiling. She's not wrong, the faster I do this the faster I can plow her into next week, or the week after that depending on whether or not I get through this easily enough. I sighed loudly, stretching my toes to the arm of the couch before going slack again. My surgery scar twitched a little but it was better than openly weeping.

I closed my eyes, slapping my hand on the table to mute or turn off the TV, either way, the cheering crowd and the commentary was silenced as I lay on my back, slowed my breathing and I'm fairly certain I fell asleep but I'm not sure for how long. 10 or 20 minutes maybe? But my eyes shot up at the loud-


-of our doorbell… Whether or not I approved of the idea of having physical therapy for an appendectomy it would be rude to leave them just hanging out there and not answering the door. I sat up, slowly, and shuffled to the front door.

"Scott open up I know you're in there!"

I paused for a moment, registering the voice before opening the door. "Brigitte? What are you doing here?"

Brigitte was standing outside the door with a duffle bag over her shoulder. But she was wearing a tight black, white-trimmed sports bra and matching bikini bottoms and sneakers, "I'm your PT." she declared frankly as I stared at her.

"I'm pretty sure you're not a registered Physical Therapist." I noted staring at her… "…and I'm pretty sure that's not something a physical therapist should wear…" I added unable to look away from her gloriously toned body… even as she began walking into my house. I went from her tight-toned stomach to stare at her perfectly toned ass wrapped modestly by her bikini-like spandex bottoms. She tossed her duffle bag onto the recliner before turning around to stare at me.

"I'm not. But what we're going to do I don't have to be." She curled a finger at me, calling me back into the house. "…Angie seems to think that unless the one talking to you is an attractive woman, you're not going to be paying attention."

…Well, I can't really fault her logic, now can I?

"And since Zarya will break you and Angie's too busy that just leaves me." Replied Brigitte with a casual shrug, "So. I'm going to show you some stretches, walk you through a few exercises, and you can do the rest on your own time. Alright?"

I sighed and stared at her for a long time as she rested her hands on her shapely hips. "…You know that's not how this is going to go right?"

"You're not supposed to have sex without the doctor's say so." she replied knowingly as I frowned. "It's to my understanding that she hasn't said so." then she smirked, "I'll get this done quick Scott quit stalling." She curled a finger at me again… which wasn't really helping.

Come on. Sports bra? Latex underwear? Thick sexy Brigitte? How could Angela do this for me? Is it a test? At least those bottoms weren't a thong… but she's still doing all sorts of things to me.

"First we need a bit more space… she put her foot on the couch and easily kicked it back, clearing up some room as it blocked off the door to the kitchen. That was kinda impressive. "Alright. Now you TELL me if it hurts, alright? I'm not supposed to hurt you…"

We started with slow stretches, she showed me what to do, I copied her, and occasionally she'd correct my stance. And Angie's not wrong, if I'm being taught by a sexy teacher I'll pay attention. And I'm not going to lie, I'm not feeling as stiff as I was earlier…

At least in MOST of my body… Look I haven't had sex, made love, or all-around FUCKED anyone for two WEEKS… remember when I couldn't do that for a few days? That Abstinence fiasco?! I'm fucking horny damn it and a perfect picture of sexiness is flexing, stretching and touching me in a sexy workout uniform. I REALLY want Fareeha to experience a whole week of forced abstinence but Brigitte is inches away and I'm fucking WEAK.

"Alright." Brigitte finally declared, bent almost in half and touching her toes… that fit ass tweaking slightly as she finished flexing it before shooting upright. "I don't expect you to do that. Just stretch your arms, raise your leg and put your foot on your knee… just like this." She said, showing me what was clearly a yoga pose.

I think I saw Wii fit trainer doing it once in Smash… and now I'm imagining Wii fit trainer as Brigitte and that's just not helping anyone, especially me.

"Take a deep breath." Brigitte instructed, watching me closely. "And let it-SIGH…" she sighed audibly, "…Not surprised…" she teased and-FLICK

Her finger pinged off my hard-on.

"YOU HAD TO KNOW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!" I snarled at her before relaxing. My foot hit the floor and I glared at my own erection. "It's been two weeks!"

"You are SUCH a horn dog." Brigitte declared again, "Good thing I'm leaving…" she added casually.

"What? Come on!"

"No sex." She replied smugly, "Doctor's orders.

"Technically she said no strenuous activity!" I replied, "If you give me a blowjob that's not very strenuous."

"Ha-ha-ha!" she laughed mirthlessly, "Seriously? Like I'm going to drop to my knees and give you head?"

Not really. Honestly, I was thinking on sex-brain at this point… so that was my point. It was then I noticed something telling that might at LEAST get me a blowjob. I chanced a glance down at her crotch and her soft thighs and noticed she was kinda wet for mild stretches.

"…Your crotch says otherwise." I replied as she blinked at me, glanced down, and cringed. Her face was a little red as she glared at me, squirming slightly in place. Then she snarled, trying to be tough as her hands slammed on her hips. "Listen you, Angie picked me SPECIFICALLY because I, out of all the other options, am resistant to your cock sorcery!" she poked at my bulging tip, feeling it through my shorts.

Although 'cock sorcery' is a new one… is that anything like language sorcery? Because I get it.

"I am not going to bend over and take it up the ass like I'm OLIVIA." She declared confidently as I nodded.

"Okay… but how about a blowjob?"

"…God damn it I HATE you." She growled, before sliding down to her knees and pulling my pants down. "Fuck… did you get bigger?" she asked in a slightly awed whisper.

"No… I'm just that horny." I mumbled regretfully as she glared up at me.

"You don't move. You don't touch! You stay with your hands on your hips. You're a fucking statue."

"…Yes Ma'am…" I mumbled as my cock wobbled agreeably, and drooled pre-cum in anticipation. My balls were so full they were almost sore… it took everything I had NOT to bust as soon as I felt Brigitte's hot breath around my tip.

"Mmmmmn…" my pre-cum drooled onto her tongue as it flapped over the tip of my cock in her warm mouth, her head sliding further down my shaft as I gripped at my shorts determined not to grab her head. No matter how much I REALLY wanted to.

…Was Brigitte always this good or has she been practicing? More than likely it's because I haven't had a blowjob in two weeks… over two weeks really I was saving up for Bunny Fareeha…

SHIT. Don't think of bunny Fareeha! Enjoy Brigitte! DO NOT WASTE THIS BLOWJOB.

"MMmnhg!" she buried her face into my crotch and for a brief moment look like she enjoyed it a lot more than I did. AND I ENJOYED IT A LOT… almost too much.

"Haaaah…" I breathed softly, clawing at my legs as I resisted the urge to push into that throat no matter how welcoming it felt.

"Mmn-hhmn…" Brigitte moaned, her tongue swiveling rapidly beneath my shaft before sliding up to my tip. Then down again, and again. "MMn-mmn!" sliding off my tip to lean forward and suck on my sack briefly, my cock trembling wildly in her hand as she gave it a quick stroke. "MMn! Aah…" before popping loudly off my heavy balls and returning back to my tip. "MMgnhh! MMngh!" stroking me with lips and hand, sliding up and down rapidly as my eyes began to roll…

…My fingers bit deep into my waist, FORCING them to stay there and almost drawing blood as I came.

"MMGNH?!" she squealed as the sudden flood of cum busting into her mouth. Gazing up at me in awed surprise as her cheeks bulge. "GULP! GULP!" she quickly swallowed by was immediately filled up again as I gasped for breath and let it ALL out… "MNGh! GULP!! Bwaaah! Ahh… haaah… FUCK you…" she breathed gasping up at me as a trickle of my thick white load oozed from the corner of her lip. "…Fucking shit…"

"Told you it's been a while…" I replied gasping, "…That felt amazing." I repeated as my cock throbbed in her grip-"

"Ah! Fuck…" she closed one eye as my cock shot a final rope onto her face.

"Sorry…" I gasped, "I actually didn't mean to do that." I rested my hands on her shoulders for balance as my cock poked against her cheek, smearing my load on her face. "It's REALLY been tough."

"I told you no touch…" she replied irately as my cock twitched.

"…Want to take a bath?" I asked as she glared up at me with one eye sealed shut by my cum.

"…I hate you."

2 minutes late.

"OH! FUCK!" she gasped as I pressed her big tits to the cold wall of the first-floor shower as hot water sprayed onto the both of us. "No… STRENUOUS! Oooooh!" My cock plowed into her warm, wet, snug pussy my hand clapped loudly onto her ass cheek and my other hand hooked beneath her chin, tugging her head back as she gasped loudly. "Haah! Aah!"

The only POSSIBLE way I could've been happier is if she was Fareeha… plowing my hips greedily into her, over and over as my hand slid around her waist sliding against the wall as I rubbed at her clit. "Haaah!" squeezing her as her insides clung tightly to my grinding hips.

I wanted to go harder. I wanted to FUCK. "OOoh! OH!!" she gasped in response as my slow, steady pace against her. I sucked hard on her neck, feeling her insides quivering around me as she came.

"You're so fucking sexy!" I hissed in her ear as I managed to pry my lips off her neck, feeling her bounce back against me as I pushed her toward the wall with my thrusts.

"Aaahgh! AAH ASSHOLE!" she hissed, cumming her brains out as I rubbed her clit harder, faster. "Haa-haaahaaa!" she squirted onto the wall as he buried my cock into her from behind, lying against her soft but muscled body as I enjoyed her snug pussy.

"NGh! Make me cum!" I begged, pounding at her faster and faster until my side started to sting. "Make me cum Brigitte!"


She slid up the wall, shaking as I buried my cock in her again and again, pulling my hands from her neck and clit to grab at her ass and squeeze firmly. "Haah… AAH!" my cock bulged but I kept thrusting even as my load rushed up into her.

"Aaah! Oh! GOD! NNGH! Aaah… you… how do you always have so much CUM?! MMMNGH…" she moaned as I swatted both of her ass cheeks, pressing up against her shaking body as I reached up to claw at her big breasts… squeezing and moaning as I enjoyed her warm body. I pulled slowly out of that snug pussy…

Cum poured out of her as her ass cheeks wobbled tantalizingly… I spread her ass and gazed at her dripping pussy as cum leaked down into the pooling waters of the shower. My hands slid over her glorious ass, prodding her quivering pussy with my thumbs and pulling it open as she pushed out more of my load…

"That is a view…" I breathed happily as she moaned, my thumbs sliding inside her.

"Haaahh…" sticky with my cum I scooped out more as her arousal joined it, dripping like thick honey down into the water before standing up again with another rock-hard erection.

"I want more." I declared, washing my hands in the shower water before clapping my hands onto her ass firmly.

"Ah… fuck of course you do…" she groaned irately, but her body shuddered.

"I want to fuck you so hard you have to crawl out of this shower…" I moaned, feeling her body shake as I held it against me. "MMngh…" squeezing and prodding her with fingers and cock.

"You damn horn dog…" she groaned arousingly, my cock throbbing between her ass cheeks as she broke free of my embrace. "No strenuous activity." She groaned, before 'slamming' me against the wall. It wasn't really SLAMMING it was more along the lines of 'encouraging forcefully'.

With her legs spread and her ass pressed against my waist, she bent over grabbing her ankles, grinding up and down against me as my cock twitched happily in response. I grabbed at her ass cheeks, I spread them for a better view as I slipped easily back into that, increasingly wet for multiple reasons, pussy.

"Aah… AH! Ahh! Ahh! AAH…" fit ass cheeks clapped wetly at my waist as she pinned me to the wall with it. Whap-whap-whap as her fingers squeezed at her ankles, barely moving as she kept her balance. Panting, gasping… writing erotically on my cock as I held her waist.

"Ahh… ahah…" flopping awkwardly off the wall as she clenched her teeth together and slammed her body against me.

It hurt a little more than I would've liked but it felt SO good.

"Aahah aah! Aah! Agggh! NNGH!!" her ass claps were better than workout music, my hands gripping her waist tightly as she clenched everything and came hard.

So did I. I came inside that tight warm spasming pussy and stayed there as he held her firmly against my waist, her body shaking like it was freezing and squeezing me like she was trying to rip my impressive floppy bits off.

"Aah!" she shot upright and slapped my face with her long, very wet hair. It was like being slapped in the face with a mop, leaning back against me. "…Are you dying?"

"Nope…" I replied, but it came out in a painful groan that I could not hold back. I was… a lot sorer than I expected to be. She squirmed her body against mine, keeping me firmly in place with her ass as she soaped up her hands and began rubbing them all over her body, writhing erotically like the part-time stripper she sometimes was. My hands already reaching around to join her, bucking my hips subtly against her as she moaned. "One more time. I have two weeks-ish worth of cum to shoot and the damn's broken now…"

"You're a nasty fucking horn dog you know that…" she pulled her hips forward and turned around, grabbing my cock with her soapy hand and quickly 'scrubbing it.'

"Haah… aah!" I groaned, shaking as it throbbed in her slippery grip as she licked my neck, snarling angrily. "Just because you're a good fuck and always make me cum doesn't mean your anything special. It just means you make a really good gigolo."

"aah… NGh! NNGH!!" my cock throbbed warningly, oozing pre-cum as her fingers seemed to massage it as her hand went up and down… or maybe that's just my cock vibrating quickly, ready to release.

"You always need to stick it in a hole…" she snarled, her hand sliding faster and faster like she was trying to give me a good wax rather than a good hand job. "But THIS works just fine! Grip and jerk! Now cum you horn dog! Cum all over this shower!"

I picked a tile on the wall… and hit my mark three times.



…That last one sort of dropped off. I'm pretty tuckered out. Still, Brigitte continued to milk me, squeezing out the last drops before flicking her hand onto the floor of the shower. "Seriously why not just yank one out?"

"Masturbation is against my religion," I replied breathlessly as she stared at me.

"…Are you being serious right now?" she asked, still washing herself in the shower water. All sexy like a naked fitness model. "I'm not sure."

"No I'm not being serious. WHY would I jerk off when I have Fareeha? And Olivia? AND Satya? Also Mei when I can get my hands on her. And those are just the girls at the TOP of my list!" I added getting a fistful of fit girl ass as she continued to wash.

"And just where the fuck am I on that list?" she asked, while still letting me continue to fondle her ass so I was a little concerned about how to answer that.

"…I direct you to my Director of Hierarchy Olivia to answer that question." I replied quickly as she rolled her eyes, finished washing her hair and slapped my hand gently away from her ass cheeks.

"Get clean, get dressed, and make sure you do those stretches." She replied firmly. "I'll be back in a couple of days to check on you."

I blinked at her. "I thought that my PT was supposed to be weekly?"

Brigitte just shrugged, giving me a sultry but angry look as I grinned, and she slammed the door behind her. "…Giving 'Delivery Health' a new meaning…" I mumbled suddenly feeling a LOT stiffer…

And actually REALLY sore… I should do those stretches.
