
The Return of the Halloween Special VI

I don't own Overwatch or blizzard things

"This is Halloween, This is Halloween…" I hummed to myself applying the make up to my face with the mirror. Clown white, "Halloween Halloween…" my phone buzzed, and I read the text sent from Olivia.

'My Place. 5:00.'

I agreed to help Olivia move some boxes at her place. But I also promised Fareeha that I would 'escort' her trick or treating with some neighborhood kids. It was a community thing Overwatch High does, and she drew the short straw this year. So to speak. But that was at 6-ish.

I double-checked the time. That gave me about an hour, but barring any unforeseen awkwardness I'll be able to make it. I finished applying my make up. Washed my hands in the sink and grinned at the Joker looking back at me.

I threw on the purple coat and slipped out of the bathroom and posed as Mom and Dad smirked at me from the couch.

"Snazzy." Mom noted dressed up as April O'Neil. (1987)

"A lot of effort this year huh?" Dad replied, his face muffled by the hockey mask he wore as 'Casey Jones'.

"Yeah. I always wanted to be a creepy clown." I joked, grinning at the both of them. "Sorry for leaving you two on door duty."

"Well, you're getting out there and having fun." Mom toyed with Dad's scraggly Casey hair, "And we all know you'll just eat the candies anyway."

"Dad's the one that steals all the snickers." I replied, heading to the door as Dad coughed.

"As is my right as Dad. Be safe!" he shouted as I walked outside and hopped down the steps. It was a little early for trick or treating proper, but you'd be able to find a costume here or there. I slipped into the car, and pulled out of the driveway, heading off to Olivia's

When I got there I found several boxes outside along with Brigitte and Mei. I parked the car in the lot before walking curiously up to them. Brigitte was not in costume. Wearing breezy shorts and a workout sports bra, ready to lift apparently. Mei on the other hand…

"That is the cutest thing you've ever worn." I said abruptly as Brigitte snorted with restrained laughter. Mei on the other hand looked smug. There was a little wicker basket resting on the stoop, of which apparently went with the rest of her costume which was a red dress with a hood and a white apron… the dress was surprisingly stiff, but it went down to just above her knees.

"I'm little red riding hood." She declared, although there was nothing little about her as her breasts were still very apparent. She gave me a little twirl, smiling prettily. "I asked Angie to help me with the least sexy costume we could think off. Especially since I knew I'd be seeing you for this." She pouted at me adorably…

…She's still doing it for me. Not gonna lie.

"What is this exactly?" I asked, gesturing to the veritable pile of boxes before us of all shapes and sizes. "…Olivia told me we were moving boxes. Is someone leaving? Are you finally moving out?" I asked looking at Brigitte who reluctantly shrugged.

"…No the rent is too good." She mumbled dejectedly. "We're not moving anyone out, were moving them in."

"…We are?" I asked srurpsied. "Who's moving in?"

"Some… new teacher. No idea, I haven't met her yet but her flight was delayed, her stuff was not." Brigitte noted. "So we're going to move it in for her. it's only a floor up." She smirked confidently and began to stretch, showing off I think… like her body got an upgrade, or a slight redesign, when I wasn't looking.

"Okay well I was tricked, and your buff so I get it. Why are you here?" I asked Mei as she fidgeted. "Don't get me wrong I enjoy seeing my Mei all cute and walking around-"

"Stop talking like that." she blushed adorably.

"But when I think hauling boxes I don't think adorably squishy Mei." I said as Mei pouted.

"I can lift boxes!"

"I'm not saying you can't!" I laughed good-naturedly, "I'm just saying that maybe asking the Coach would be a good idea?" i paused, "Not that new one who's name is literally Helscream. Our Coach, the big one... or that new big girl. The seven foot tall one that almost broke me in half? Plenty of other choices..."

Mei adorably 'harumphed'. Before looking upwards… I joined her skyward gaze as a figure with bat wings descended. Right in front of us…

"…Nice costume Echo." I noted curiously. "…Morrigan from Darkstalkers? That's a reference I didn't expect." Apart from the glowing face she filled out the Morrigan succubus costume expertly, with tiny little bat wings sticking out from her 'hair'… she 'filled' herself out to fit that costume. Leggings, cleavage displaying bodice, thong… for an Omnic that usually doesn't have a shape she often makes herself into one.

"Thank you Scott. Scary Clown fits you." She complimented.

...I'm sure she didn't mean that as an Insult. "I'm the Joker." I noted but shook it off, "She gets Morrigan from Darkstalkers but not the Joker?"

"Olivia has been delayed but she says we should just get started. I have opened the room door." She pointed up to the now open window before retrieving two heavier-looking boxes from the pile in both hands and floating right back up.

"Alright. Scott help me with the futon…" Brigitte declared and together we all began hauling the stuff up.

"A futon?"

"Straight from Japan." Brigitte declared, as we hauled the frame like a pair of lumberjacks up the stairs. It was lighter than it looked.

"And she's a new teacher?" I noted suspiciously as Brigitte nodded, easily carrying her wait as we got to the assigned room.

"Yep. Apparently she's going to be some student teacher first, then they find her a new class. Folklore or ancient religion studies." We set the futon frame down in the bedroom of the apartment as Echo neatly carried more and more boxes into the bedroom through the window which was apparently much larger than it looked. "Mr. Morrison says he got the idea from one of the Azeroth exchange students and Hanzo said he knew just the chick."

"Hey sounds fine with me." I mumbled following her out as Mei adorably carried a heavy box under her heavier chest. "Here." I took the box from her before turning around "Let me carry that for you."

"I can carry it!"

"Yep." I replied smiling as she followed after me.

"Seriously Scott I can help!" she declared as I put the heavy box down in the room only for it to get swept up by Echo and placed somewhere else in the apartment. Apparently trying to stay organized.

"Well find a lighter box!" I said concernedly as she turned abruptly around with another 'Harumph' and marched out. "We don't want you to hurt your adorable self." I said, following close behind and giving her butt a squeeze as she squeaked.

"Scott!" she slapped my hand away, "I specifically wore this costume because it's not sexy! And it is NOT. COMING. OFF." she declared firmly… but she's far too cute… and her tits are too big.


"Promise me!" she ordered sternly. "I!"

"…I…" I repeated.

"Promise not to make Mei take off her costume!"

"Promise not to make Mei take off her costume." I replied hand upraised. "Seriously Mei I don't-" I paused, then rolled my eyes. "Is this a sex thing?"

"No!..." she paused, "Yes. But no!" she blushed and quickly went back to help carry boxes. "No sex!" she ordered firmly as I sighed, "I'm going to have a nice normal Halloween without kinky costume sex!"

"I doubt it." Brigitte declared. "I told you not to wear a costume. Scott are you helping or not?" Brigitte hauled more boxes on her powerful shoulders as I quickly ran to help.

"But I'm going trick or treating with Echo and my neighborhood kids after." Mei noted softly, "I have to wear a costume."

"I'm going with Fareeha later for the Overwatch Community thing." I said, while helping Brigitte. "Why don't you go with her?"

"That's already 20 kids." Mei replied, "adding another 12 and Echo seems a bit too much."

20 kids huh… welp… I'm going to need something for that. 20 kids and no chance for fun times with a costumed Fareeha…

Brigitte and I got all the futon parts, and the futon mattress itself, into the bedroom and after that everything else was quick with the elevator that was Echo flying up and down… and somewhere in the middle of ALL of that…

"When did you put the futon together?" I asked surprised, putting down the last of the boxes in the pile Echo designated as 'clothes and knickknacks.'

Echo herself tossed the mattress onto the futon. Setting it perfectly in place, before sitting her (currently) perfect succubus ass on it. "While you were retrieving the last of the boxes." She said lazily as I checked the cute kitty clock she had also mounted on the wall.

"That was like 2 minutes." I said as Echo shrugged her shoulders.

"And done." Brigitte declared as Mei sat down the last box, huffing and puffing as the… I'm just going to say 'bigger' girl but they're both big in their own ways. She smiled at Mei. "Nice work. We finished way faster than Olivia said we would. SO." she then waved, "LATER! I'm off to a costume party."

"What's your costume!" I shouted.

"Boxer!" she replied, but her voice was carrying she was practically a mile away.

Sports bra, shorts? Sexy Boxer. Sneaky.

"Welp! I got about 20 minutes before I need to go find Fareeha. Anyone for cards?" I asked, absently glancing into a open box. "Hey Hanafuda… neat."

"You have no idea how to play with Hanafuda cards do you?" Mei noted smiling exasperatedly.

"I do not. You?"

"Not really. Anyway… Echo how about we head out?" Echo however continued to sit on the mattress, she ran her hands over it curiously before eyeing me thoughtfully.

"Scott. Would you like to have sex with a succubus?"

"No, because they'd kill me." I said abruptly. I knew my folklore.

"Well then would you like to have sex with me dressed AS a succubus?" she corrected smiling as I checked the cute kitty clock.

"…Sure I got 20 minutes."

"REALLY?!" Mei asked angrily as Echo's hand was already rubbing my crotch. Her (recently) shapely legs crossed as her holographic face smirked. Her costume strategically faded away at the crotch and the back but maintained its overall appearance… she was naked just in costume. "Why?"

"Sexy costumes are tradition." Echo replied, "Plus Scott is already very erect."

"Well I'm not taking off my costume!" she declared as Echo unzipped my pants, reaching her very cold fingers in!

"Cold!" I hissed as Echo's hands immediately warmed up and pulled my erection from my pants.

"Luckily the removal of costumes is unnecessary." Echo smiled prettily as her fingers vibrated up and down my length as I rested my hand in her hair… then the tip of my dick fizzled into her face. Right… no mouth… but her hand is still pretty good…

She smiled up at me around my length, before pulling her head away and glancing at Mei. "Would you suck on Scott's Phallus for me?" she asked.

"NO!" Mei squeaked adorably, as Echo just shrugged.

"Very Well." She pulled away, and floated to her feet, she then lifted me and tossed me onto the bed. "Succubae ride on top." She declared, hovering over me. She spun around showing me that (currently) round backside before slipping me easily inside her as she sat on me reverse cowgirl… her wings spread out as she began bouncing on my lap. I raised a hand and swatted her rear. "MMN!" she moaned and moved faster as I thrust my hips up into her.

I grabbed her artificial hair, yanking on it hard as her head tilted back with the tug. "Ugh… ugh! MMn…" moaning on my lap as I bucked up into her watching Mei just stand there fidgeting and pouting disapprovingly.

"You're having sex on someone else's bed!" She declared angrily.

"it is quite exhilarating." Echo cooed as her insides vibrated around my shaft.

"Uck! Cheating! Cheating again…" I hissed grabbing at her waist and trying to yank her bouncing body off before she made me cum to early. Didn't help that she could design herself to be the best fleshhole in the world…

I'm not trying to be a dick it's just science!

"MMN!" Echo slammed her hips down onto me so hard I heard the futon frame creak. I held her waist as her insides wildly spasmed around me before I sat up and shoved her forward. She flopped onto the mattress, her face hanging off the edge of the bed as I climbed up behind her. "Mmn! Mmn! Mmn!" she grunted as I thrust down into her.

"You make a good succubus Echo!" I grunted, ramming into her body as she wiggled beneath me, shaking as I planted my hips inside her and smacked her ass again enjoying the omnic hole.

"Thank you Scott." She wiggled beneath me before I pinned her down and pounded her. She moaned loudly, gazing at Mei as I bounced off that surprisingly springy ass. "Haha-aahhh…" her voice undulating as her holographic face was locked into ahegao mode.

"Since you enjoy being a fleshlight so much it fits!" I grabbed her shoulders, grunting eagerly. "Here you go! Succubus feeding time!"

"Haaah…" her voice undulated as I thrust into her, filling her with a load of thick succubus juice as her insides milked and contained it. He grabbed at her hair, shaking as I slowly pulled my cock from her evil demon hole. "Performance increases 12% when in costume." Echo purred.

"Neat." I declared, getting a fistful of robo booty.

"Indeed and you improved 7%." She replied as I frowned.


"Great. Can we go now." Mei asked, blushing adorably as my cock throbbed. Considering she didn't look away once as Echo rode me… I can only imagine why… and it was making me harder.

"What? You got time." I hopped off the bed with my erection throbbing towards her as she wiggled adorably, that skirt looked shorter by the second. She didn't even try to run away as I began running my hands on her waist.

"MNhph…" she squirmed but my tongue brushed against her lips, her mouth opened slightly as our tongues wrestled and I guided her towards the futon. Echo watched us excitedly as I slid my hands down her thighs, then up her skirt. "You promised… mmgh… you wouldn't take my costume off…" she cooed into my lips as I removed her very normal underwear.

"And I will keep my promise…" I replied between kisses before I let her underwear hit the floors. "You're wearing a skirt…" I teased, before pushing her gently to sit on the futon and let my cock greet her lips. She stared at her concernedly as Echo slid beside her, watching approvingly. Apparently taking notes. Mei blushed but seemed to accept her predicament, opening her mouth.

"Wait." Echo ordered as Mei froze, her mouth hanging open adorably over my pre-cum leaking dick.

"What? Don't wait… Mei Blowjobs aren't to be delayed!" I declared irately as my erection throbbed in agreement.

"Roleplay has been proven to improve performance. Perhaps Mei should participate in the process? Repeat after me." Echo 'cleared' her 'throat'. "Ahem. 'My. What a big dick you have."


"I can't-"

"Do what the sex bot says Mei." I groaned, resting my hand on her head as she pouted.

"…My what a big dick you have." She declared as my length slipped between her soft lips. "Mmgh!"

"All the better to plug your throat with my dear…" I groaned as her lips instantly began slurping on it. "Uh Mei… I needed this a LOT."

"Mmn! MMn!" she buried her face into my pants again and again, slowly speeding up as Echo observed eagerly. "Mmn! Mmn!"

"Mei's ability to perform fellatio has increased by 2%..."

"I beg to differ this is at least a 5…" she stared up at me angrily but kept sucking, I smiled at her. "6.5 tops."

"Your opinion will be documented." Echo replied cheerfully before abruptly sliding her hand under Mei's skirt, Mei squealed around my dick. Shaking as Echo's fingers found that snug little me pussy and vibrated inside it. "Mei's arousal has increased 4%. Costumes are indeed effective."

I held Mei's face against my crotch, holding her in place as I enjoyed her throat. Feeling her squirm and moan on my dick as her tongue thrashed desperately. I would've blown my load into that throat right away and just kept going but I'm on a timetable… "BWAH!" Mei gasped erotically, "Haaah!" her head rolled back and moaned as Echo continued to vibrate her.

I pushed Mei onto her back and pulled Echo's hand from her dripping pussy before kneeling and slipping my head beneath her skirt, overwhelmed with Mei's scent. "I'm going to eat you all up." I growled before licking her quivering pussy.

"Haah! Aaah! Aaah!!" Mei squealed and warped her thick legs around me, my tongue slipping into her wet pussy, slurping up her taste like candy as her squeals echoed around the room. Speaking of Echo.

"I see. Mei thoroughly enjoys cunnilingus. Arousal sensors increased by 18%. Mei is very naughty…" she teased as Mei drooled into my licking mouth.

"N-No! No I'm noooot." She whined as she came, quivering on my tongue as my hands reached out to cup at her breasts and squeeze. "Noooo!"

"If it is any consolation Scott thoroughly enjoys your wails of pleasure as he is fit to burst, arousal increasing by 26%... or perhaps he's just horny. That is also possible knowing him. I pulled from Mei's quivering pussy and came up for air out of her skirt before standing up.

"I know what will REALLY turn Mei on." I hooked her hip with my hand and rolled her over onto her stomach.

My Mei didn't resist, argue, or even squeak a negative word as I pushed my cock up her skirt and found those thick ass cheeks and My Mei's snug little asshole. She bit her bottom lip as I pushed into her bottom. "Mmmngh!" her eyes wide and already rolling as I stretched her hole.

"Indeed… Mei is increasingly aroused." Echo stated almost cruelly as Mei squeaked, shaking as I bottomed out in her bottom. "She must thoroughly enjoy anal as well." Mei didn't argue… but she did scream.

"AAAH!" I pulled out and rammed back in, "Ahh! AAH!!" shrieking in pleasure as I FUCKED. THAT. ASS. My hand hooked around her chin, pulling her head back and pressing her big tits to the futon as I kept railing into her ass, faster and faster, her skirt hiding out intercourse like a couple of dirty perverts. "I'm SORRY!" she squealed adorably, squeezing tightly around my rampaging cock as she clenched her teeth. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm! SORRY!!" cumming her brains out again and grinning madly as I planted my hips HARD against her ass. "Hot! HOT so hot…" she gasped breathlessly as I filled her ass with my load.

I fell onto her body, roaring my orgasm and squeezing her tightly, tenderly kissing and licking her cheek as she moaned happily into the bed with post orgasm twitching. "And that Echo is how my Mei likes anal… hard. Dirty. And with my dick…" I teased, squeezing Mei tightly. "MMMn…"

"Indeed." Echo teased, "Luckily I was here to enhance the experience." She declared confidently as I slowly, but reluctantly, removed my erection from Mei's tight ass.

"What? How?" I asked teasingly as Echo helpfully placed my erection back into my pants.

"As a succubus clearly I enhanced the experience. In folklore they are known to extract and inspire intense lust from their victims." She smiled, frowned thoughtfully and smiled again. Volunteers." She corrected as I stared at her, Mei still quivering on the bed as I pulled her adorably stiff body off the mattress and to her feet.

"Uh huh." I smiled, "…So you're saying we fucked because YOU made us?"

"…Did I not?" she replied simply. Wrapping her arms around a twitching Mei and smiling knowingly.

I stared at her, frowned then stared wide-eyed. "…Shit you literally did."

"Language Mr. Snow." She declared sweetly.

"Are we still doing that?" I asked as she began walking out of the apartment with Mei.

"If I miss one, you will have to forgive me I was too busy seducing you." Replied Echo charmingly. "As I am a succubus."

Mei once she was out of the apartment 'woke up' she brushed down her skirt, politely brushed away Echo's hands and stomped awkwardly to the stairs. "Okay. Now that it's out of our system-"

"Out of my system and into your systems." I teased as Echo chuckled at the joke, floating over the railing.

"Now we can go. And YOU are going to be late for Fareeha." Mei noted as I sighed.

"Yeah… probably. "How's my face?" I asked as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Less Jack Nicholson and more Heath ledger." Said Wonder Woman/Olivia as she walked in through the front door. "Looking good Papi." She purred as I stared at her and her star-spangled pants.

"Same to you." I replied, somewhat confused. "I did not expect Wonder Woman." I added as Olivia winked at me, and her cleavage jiggled.

"What? I can't be Wonder Woman?"

"Now that I did not say." I noted firmly, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her close, feeling the 'golden' lasso on her hip.

"So judging by Mei walking funny and-" Olivia sniffed loudly, "…The smell of my fuck-machine's cum lingering in the air." Mei fidgeted. "We got my new tenant's stuff in her room?"

"Yep. All done." I replied as Olivia patted my arm pulling away and walking sultrily down the hall.

"I'll leave your keys on the dresser!" Mei shouted as she checked Echo's watch… well, her clock, that formed on her arm. "We got to go."

"By Scott. Enjoy your evening." Echo replied as I waved them off. Turning around and looking down the hall for Wonder Olivia and her star-spangled culo.

"Hey Olivia. Are you coming with me to meet up with Fareeha and the kids?" I asked as Olivia fiddled with something in the back.

"I can Papi." Purred Olivia loudly.

"Because if you are I hope you didn't borrow that Costume." I teased.

"MMN! Promises Papi…" she shouted back, "Give me a minute it's… kinda tough getting out of this thing when I have to go-" she then shut her bathroom door and I laughed. Turning away and sitting on the bottom of the stairs… I closed my eyes, stretched… then felt an odd breeze brush against my cheek. I opened my eyes quickly. Glancing around… it felt like a feather duster brushed my cheek.

I scratched it like it left a lingering itch, before glancing around curiously upstairs as I saw something… it was small and it ran across the floor like a cat, or a dog… I got up and walked upstairs just in time to see something rush into the still-open door of the new 'tenant's' apartment as I stepped curiously towards it.

Sticking my head inside I glanced around again. Nothing new or different but if there was an animal in the house I should at least make sure it wasn't a stray or a lost pet. I checked the bathroom, and the open closet… before finally turning to look into the bedroom and froze…

"…That's a fox." I noted, pointing at the blue THING sitting on the mattress, tapping its little fox feet on it as its tails flickered in the air behind it. Yep. TAILS… as in more than one. But my eyes might be playing tricks on me because I am seeing a blue FOX. "You're a fox. And foxes aren't blue…" I stated at it. It blankly glanced at me before turning away from me and hopping off the mattress towards... Mei's underwear, studying it… "…Olivia?" I shouted, not looking away from the terrifying but still kinda adorable thing. "OLIVIA!"

"What!?" shouted Olivia from downstairs. "Papi I can only dress so quickly!" she shouted as I turned my head.

"Just come here for a second!" I said, looking away for that long. "I'm in the new…" turning back to obviously find nothing because I live in a horror movie now. "…Room." I finished as Olivia stuffed her tits into the corset.

After a second of looking around she smiled at me, rubbing my Joker suit. "…Papi I'd love to play but if I'm the one that stops you from meeting Fareeha she will kill me." She patted my chest. "We can play Joker catches Wonder Woman later. Let's go." She smiled and walked out as I stood there for a second, raising my hands as if to defend myself from any weird animal attacks… walking backward out the door. Before shutting it…

"…Nope." I declared abruptly, then followed my puta out of the house. I'm not dealing with no ghost foxes no matter how cute they are.
