
The Ms.Sojourn 4th of July Special

I don't own Overwatch or Blizzard things

"Scott… Scott!"

I shoot upright and blink nervously around, I had been asleep… and judging from the pretty puta before me I fell asleep in Spanish class. "What did I do? What happen?" I asked blearily as she smiled and sat that perfect Latina booty on my desk and toyed with my hair.

"Nothing Papi you fell asleep." She said, "My poor mijo…" she cooed, "…Am I keeping you up at night?" she whispered seductively as I groaned.

"You and every other teacher in school," I replied sarcastically as she laughed. "I had to help Mei with cleaning up her explosions. Hana with an all-night league of Legends tournament, Kiriko too…" I flopped back on the table, "Then bang the heck out of them… and that was just last night."

"Would it help Papi if I sucked you off?" she cooed playfully as I replied tiredly.

"Well, it might make me feel better but I'm pretty sure I'd just be shooting dust at this point…" I lifted my head slightly, "Especially since I had Fareeha for lunch… and that's exactly as that sounds." I rested my head on my arms… which wasn't that comfortable. "Don't suppose I could use your culo as a pillow?" I asked tiredly as Olivia chuckled.

"Well it's certainly soft enough Papi, but I think that might be awkward for now… come on. Just a little?" she licked her lips as my cock twitched. "Your puta is hungry papi…" I sighed, then pushed off the desk and stood up.

…Let's be honest I'm not going to say no to my puta. I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up… just like she's going to. I put my hand on her face as she slid off the desk, she slipped her tongue in my mouth before grinning at me, slowly sliding down my body, bending down slowly-

"Scott?" Olivia suddenly shot back up, BAM!

"Oh god!" I grunted, she got me RIGHT in the nose with her forehead.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Olivia hissed nervously, looking genuinely horrified as Ms. Chase entered the classroom… she was dressed in a tight T-shirt that said 'Instructor' on it, along with a Canadian maple leaf on her stomach, as well as skin-tight pants, that looked more like jogging shorts on that shapely booty, hugging her curves distracting… and now my nose is bleeding for more than one reason. "Scott are you alright?"

"I have been better." I mumbled sadly, as Ms. Chase entered looking concerned.

"What happened?"

"You surprised me!" Olivia replied indignantly as Ms. Chase cringed slightly. "And then I headbutted Scott!"

"…Sorry? Wait, what would me, surprising you, have anything to do with headbutting Scott?"

"I find it's best not to ask." I replied sadly, "…Did you need something Ms. Chase?" Olivia gave her SUCH a look but she went ominously quiet as Ms. Chase said curiously.

"…McCree tells me that you're the guy to ask about helping me set up an obstacle course?"

"What? That's… I'm pretty sure that's his job."

"I know. He, Zenyatta and Bastion are already helping but you're the 'pack mule'." She said hesitantly, confused somewhat at the term as I groaned.

"…The things I do for this school." I mumbled, then again if the price I have to pay for banging most of the female faculty is the occasional 'volunteer work' I think it measures out. "Can it wait until I get this checked out?" I asked pointing to my nose, as Olivia licked her lips thoughtfully before noting.

"Pretty sure Moira's on duty today." She warned.

"So where am I setting up this obstacle course?" I replied as Ms. Chase shook her white-haired head.

"Don't be such a baby, Scott let's go to the nurse's office first."

"Uuuugh." I whined as she took my arm, and with a curious and hesitant look at Olivia who was frowning at her, led me out of the classroom as Olivia pulled out her phone and started doing Olivia things… I'm sure that will end well.

Ms. Chase dragged me to the nurse's office but it seems that Moira's off doing something… probably evil. "Alright Scott sit right there." She pointed to the bed as I sat down on it. "I can apply rudimentary first aid." She said as I gazed at that thick backside wobbling in her tight clothes. Searching the cabinets as I tried to stop the blood from flowing… hard to believe that not too long ago she was a chocolate bunny, and before that my personal stripper… not that she knew of course.

"…Fuck that's a nice ass…"

"What did you say?" she asked suddenly as I blinked at her surprised.

…Fuck did I say that out loud?

"…If Moira gets back, it's a hard pass." I said cringing as her eyes narrowed thoughtfully before she promptly shut the cabinets, and moved on to another, lower one… squatting on her heels to do it… I think she bought it, but if she keeps making subtly sexy poses like that then my nosebleed is never going to stop… AND I'll have a rock-hard cock and no one to help me calm it down.

"You'd think." She noted sadly, "That they'd put the medical supplies somewhere where we can find them in an emergency." She said sarcastically as I struggled to not imagine her twerking… because that is my life now. Gorgeous teachers, fantastic asses, a strong unearthly desire to escape the clutches of the nurse's office and pound Olivia into the floor to relive the pent-up stress I now had because my stereotypically thick black teacher kept working dat ass in subtly teasing ways.

"You'd think that." I replied as she stood up, hands on her hips. "But you'd also think that they wouldn't hire a mad scientist as a substitute teacher. Or a high-profile criminal. Or a low profile one come to think of it-" Thinking of you and that culo, baby. "-Super Rich purple ballerinas, gaming champions. Part-time Strippers-"

"What?!" she snapped around to look at me as I froze. I was TALKING about Brigitte but now that my nose bleed had calmed down and I got some blood to my brain I remember that SHE was also a part-time stripper.

"Oh uh-"

"How did you find out about me!?" she whispered harshly as I stared at her, opened my mouth, closed it… then opened it again.

"…I was talking about Brigitte." I replied slowly as we stared at each other, for a long time in palpable silence.

"…Ah shit." She finally sighed, "…Cat's out of the bag now." She frowned angrily.

"So you're a part-time stripper. Who cares? You have the body for it." I replied quickly as she glared at me.

"That is EXTREMELY inappropriate Snow." She said harshly as I groaned tiredly.

"It's a compliment! You arguably have the best ass in school." I replied, at the very least the biggest... then again Mei's got a pretty big butt, and Odessa has a big one because she's, you know, seven feet of sexy muscle.

"You can stop talking now Snow." She ordered like a military officer but unfortunately I was on a roll and suffering from blood loss so my judgment might be a little impeded.

"I mean Amelie's has some fantastic appeal, Lena is surprisingly popular and OH Satya's got a figure on her. Honestly, all the female teachers in this school are hot, so you fit right in."

"Keep your mouth, closed, SNOW." She said coldly, "I don't want it getting around that I still take my clothes off on stage… a teacher's salary is a nightmare." She mumbled as I shrugged.

"Hey I don't judge, again you have the figure for it." I replied quickly, "Watching dat ass move must really pay the rent." She glared at me coldly as I stared right back at her. "…Have we forgotten my nose is still bloody?" I replied as she sighed, turned around, and promptly went back to searching cabinets for something for my nose.

"…Don't go spreading it around Scott." She said firmly, as I stared at her ass again. "If everyone suddenly starts talking about me stripping then I'll know who to shoot." She replied as I frowned… watching dat ass again… it was probably, DEFINITELY blood loss, but something in my body, probably my growing erection, was practically SCREAMING for me to screw with her, just a little.

"How about a private show for my silence?" I asked teasingly as slowly she turned her head to look over her shoulder, reaching into the cabinet and finding cotton balls, disinfectant, and bandages.

"…Are you joking?" she said harshly as I stared at her approaching me, looming over me… and since she was in the military I'm reasonably sure she could break me like kit-kat… buuuut…

"…There's a lock on the nurse's office door." I said frankly as she stared at me… we were both profoundly silent. She then shoved the cotton balls and the disinfectant against my chest. Turned and moved towards the door… the sound of the lock engaging echoed around the quiet nurse's office as she frowned at me.

"Put those on your nose… and not a WORD, Scott." She said, and there was a sultry sashay in her steps as she returned, tossing her white hair she stood before me before slowly turning in place, shimmying and swaying her wide majestic hips before she did little hula movements around in a circle, facing away from me as she belly danced her ass wriggling and swaying faster and faster, popping to the left and the right rapidly as her ass cheeks clapped in her shorts…

"Somebody's been studying with Satya." I said as she actually slowed, and looked legitimately surprised.

"…How did you know that?" she asked, a little amazed as I grinned at her, cleaning up my face.

"Because I watch her all the time. I know her moves." I replied honestly. My own personal belly dancer gets a lot of practice for me. "I didn't say stop." I replied as she scowled and began swiveling her hips again before suddenly spreading her legs apart, bending her knees, resting her hands on them, and making her ass CLAP with raucous applause.

It was a miracle those tight shorts didn't fly off her body considering how much they were straining to hold on to that magnificent booty, her ass doing little circles as she continued her expert twerking… FUCK I hope Satya learned that from her… and I wonder if Olivia could take lessons?

Ms. Chase, or maybe since she was dancing right now 'Sojourn' slid abruptly to the floor, spreading her legs in a split before leaning forward, her ass flexing and bouncing up and down, wriggling her hips as her ass danced before she pushed off the floor, bending her legs to sit on her knees as it continued to bounce up and down, before raising her hands above her head and dropping them down. WHAP!

Smacking her ass cheeks hard, they wobbled together before leaning forward and pressing her hands to the floor. Her ass cheeks wobbled as she kept twerking for me my erection hardening as she shook dat booty.

"See? You do have the body for it." I declared as she glared over her shoulder at me, but kept working it. "…Also… since this is a private strip show… shouldn't you be taking your clothes off?"

"Don't push it BOY." She said coldly.

"…Ow." I replied in mock hurt. "I mean there's no reason for name calling you're the one that's paying for my silence with your body."

Her ass abruptly stopped and she stood up, turning to face and scowl at me. "I think that's enough then."

"…Oh fine." I mumbled dejectedly, as her eyes glanced down at the bulge in my pants.

"Hah Really?" she sighed, politely looking away as I noted irately.

"I have a type. What can I say?" I replied, dark skinned girls with great bodies… My girlfriend, my Mistress, my pet… sure I bang EVERYONE but I do have an obvious type.

"Well don't get your hopes up. I'm not-"


Sojourn frowned, then reached into her pocket… wait, those pants have a pocket? You think I would've noticed a phone bulge… she pulled it out and looked at it curiously, tapping something… then freezing. "…Uh… you okay?" she stared at the phone, then looked at me… then the phone again as it dinged… she clenched her teeth and, before I could stop her, she stripped. "Uh! I stared at her for a minute she tossed aside her top furiously, then pushed down her tight shorts… I stared at her standing in her underwear. "Did I miss something?"

"Shut up Scott." She said, before immediately dropping to her knees before me, yanking my pants down and opening her mouth as she wrapped her lips around me.

"Holy crap, WHAT DID I MISS?" I hissed excitedly, her head furiously and rapidly bobbing up and down on my lap as I glanced down at her, gazing at her thick black ass wobbling with her movements, AND she was wearing a thong. "Uh… That's…" I grabbed her hair, and she glared up at me furiously, but I jerked her head up and down into my lap. "Man that's good!" I growled, her lips sloppily slurping on my dick.

"MGH!" she growled quietly, but kept sucking as I leaned back and enjoyed the show… her face diving into my crotch was pretty hot, but dat ASS there was so much of it… but after a few more seconds of her stroking my cock with her mouth. I had to ask. "What was on the phone?" she pushed her lips to the base of my cock, glaring up at me angrily. Immediately sliding her lips up my shaft.

"Like you don't know!" she snarled as I blinked down at her.

"…What?" she stood up, then showed me her phone…

It was a message and a video.

Do what I say, or this gets posted on the school message board.

The video was… well I didn't have to watch it… I was staring at it. Though I was in a mask… it was the first time I had sex with her, with Olivia… I then read the instructions.

Have sex with the guy in the nurse's office.

…Wow Olivia… WOW… we're going to have a long and very stern discussion about sexual blackmail… when I'm done with this beautiful black woman. I'm not going to look a beautiful woman having sex with me in the mouth, I'm going to watch her ass…

"Welp… got to do what the blackmailer wants." I mumbled resignedly, "Also not me. I don't have the technical skills." I grabbed her arms and easily hauled her to her feet, she blinked at me surprised as I turned her around and swatted her big black ass.

"Ah!" she gasped before I pulled her onto my lap, sliding my cock between her ass cheeks before reaching up and cupping her breasts. "You don't have to be so handsy!" she snapped but I squeezed her body, she moaned pleasurably as I began grinding her ass on my lap, sliding my cock between her cheeks as she hissed. "…W-Where did you learn to be so good with your hands?"

"Plenty of practice." I replied, "…Move this ass for me."

"You don't get to tell me what to do." She replied angrily, but I squeezed her tits again. "Ngh.

"How about I make you cum your brains out first and then you can complain? Kay?"

"You're being pretty damn confident for-Ah." I stood up, my cock still hotdogging her ass cheeks before turning her around and throwing her onto the bed. "HEY!" she snapped, but I yanked down her underwear, exposing that tight warm pussy and shoved my fingers into her. "Don-Oooh! OOOH…" she groaned, shaking as I slid my fingers into her body, spreading her as I finger banged away, watching her ass wobble until I put my hand on her ass and squeezed. "Y-You way to good at this!" she sneered resignedly, shaking and twerking as I continued driving her body to orgasm. "Aah-aah! HAA!!" she shrieked and orgasm as I ripped my fingers from her body and spanked her with the same hand before grabbing her waist and PIERCING into her body. "OOooh!"

With two fistfuls of thick black ass, I rammed away into her beautiful and tight body, watching dat ass wobble as I pounded away. Reaching up and grabbing her white-haired ponytail, yanking her head back as I slammed into her. "This body was made to be sexy!" I hissed, thrusting furiously into her. Spanking her again as she howled, her hands twisting into the bedding of the nurse's bed.

"D-Don't Oooh FUCK…" she moaned, shaking as I sped up, pumping harder, faster. "Do-Don't cum inside me!" she gasped but shaking again. "H-How do you feel… so GOOD!?"

"I got to cum somewhere!" I hissed, pulling back on her hair as she tightened up around me. "Don't want to make a mess! Want me to cum all over this black ass?" I slapped her clapping cheeks as she squealed, shaking again.


"I got to cum somewhere!" I repeated, spanking dat ass again. I love the feeling AND the sight of it wobbling. "Where do I cum?"

"Ugh! Uuuggh!" shaking in orgasm as I kept thrusting, "C-Cum in my mouth!" she snarled, "Cum in my mouth I'll swallow it!"

"Cum in your mouth?" I teased, riding her hard and pounding that ass with my hand and hips. "Better beg for it then. Or I'm cumming inside because this pussy is SO GOOD."

Sojourn came again as I drilled into her trembling body. "Haah! Ah1 Cum in my mouth! I want to taste your cum!"

I yanked her upright off the bed, ripping out of her dripping pussy and spanking her black ass one last time before pulling her to her knees. She planted her hands on the floor, opened her mouth, and took my cock into her mouth as she wiggled dat ass tantalizingly as I groaned, shooting my wad into her mouth as she moaned. "Mmgh! Mmnn… Mmmgn?!" she groaned as I kept cumming, filling her mouth to capacity with my cum as she glanced down at my cock, pulsating one final time before she pulled away, cringing slightly before opening her mouth and showing me the thick pool of cum she earned. Then with a grimace and a cough, she gulped it down. "Ahh…"

She shook her head as I sighed contentedly, "Ugh… you… that was… what?!" she gasped as my cock abruptly rose rigidly up before her eyes. "Already?!" she gasped in surprise as I promptly kicked her off. "Ah!" she flopped submissively onto the floor as I knelt down, grabbed her ankles, and folded them over. "W-wait a second!" she squeaked in surprise before I rammed down into her. "Uuugh!"

"I'm not going to be satisfied with just once, you should know that." I replied, holding her down by her ankles and furiously jackhammering into her body, pressing down on her hips as her ass bounced off the floor.

"Ah! Ha! Aah! Haah-hooow would I know THAT!!" she whined, but her eyes rolled up into her head as she squirmed helplessly. "Oh God. OH GOD!!" she howled as I rammed into her body.

"So tight and so WET!" I groaned, "Nice and snug around me!" I rammed deep into her body, feeling her orgasm and clench around my cock inside her as I rolled my hips. "I don't think…" I groaned, pounding into her grunting, spasming body, "You understand JUST! HOW! MUCH!" I pounded my words into her, "I want to blow my load in you!"

"OH god! Oh! GOD! OOOH! GOD!!" she howled as I forced her dazed eyes to look into mine.

"Cumming your brains out!" I groaned, slamming into her tight pussy as it desperately tried to keep me inside her… but… "I'm going to cum in you!" rampaging into her as she gasped, groaned and garbled dejectedly, trying to deny her own body's immense satisfaction at being pounded. "I'm going to cum in you and you're going to love it!" I declared, feeling her body answer me approvingly but her mouth whimpered her mind's answer.

"No! Not inside me! Don't cum in me!!" she begged as I grinned and buried my cock into her. "Noooo!" she howled as she orgasmed, but I suddenly ripped from her quivering pussy, watching it spasm briefly for my seed as I let her writhing legs go, she flopped onto the floor as I grabbed her hips. "W-what" lifted her up. "W-Wait…!" and plunged it straight up her ass. "EE-EEAAAH!!" she covered her mouth as I anally pierced her.

"Just as tight!" I roared, fucking away at her tightened body as her muscles tensed, "Just as snug!! And now full of my! CUM!!" I pushed into her ass, and sprayed my hot load into her as she shuddered like she was shocked. I held her firmly to my waist, gasping in pleasure as I emptied my cum into her warm little ass hole and clutched to her MASSIVE black booty. I extracted my cock from her gaping hole, letting her flop to the floor as I fell onto her, she dazedly gazed at the ceiling, shaking and shuddering in pleasure as I squeezed her chest.

"…How about next time I bust inside you properly? You'll love it." I said, speaking from experience.

"There won't be… a next time…"

"There's always a next time." I replied as her phone dinged beside us and I looked at it.

Sombra – there is always a next time 

…I knew it… someone's going to get an ass fucking. And a kiss, but mostly an ass fucking… causing all sorts of shit.

I crawled off Ms. Chase as she shuddered again. "…Where did you learn to have sex like that?"

"Porn, internet, plenty of practice."

"With who…?" she gasped incredulously as I sniffed, and grabbed her clothes for her.

"…Ask Olivia." I replied as Vivian sat up slowly and glared at me.

"You're having sex with you-" she suddenly froze, as a look of realization suddenly hit her. "…YOU!" she pointed at me as I blinked. "You're the one I had sex with! Her boyfriend!"

"She's technically my mistress." I replied, paused, then added. "I mean she's MY mistress, she's not my BDSM mommy… I have a girlfriend. And a pet… and Mei…" she stared at me, suddenly looking concerned.

"…You're sleeping with Mei too?"

"No. Not a lot of Sleeping." I replied with a cheeky grin. "…I'm fucking the SHIT out of them. Regularly." She stared at me as my erection grew harder again. "…Welcome to the club?" I replied hesitantly as Vivian looked at me, her eyes rolled up into her head, and she fainted… "Oh… might have put it on a little early." I said as the door suddenly opened and Moira entered, looking at me, then at Vivian, she then sighed exasperatedly.

"…Get her dressed Mr. Snow I'll give you 5 minutes." And shut the door, standing outside.

"…Right…" I mumbled, and began to tug those shorts over that thick black booty… with significant difficulty. There was just SO MUCH of dat ass to get them over.


...Okay there's no doubt about it, this had nothing to do with the 4th of July. But when I decided that Sojourn's first chapter would be the fourth of july, I didn't really think about how I would get those to mesh... So... yeah. Sorry about that. Not only is she Canadian... but she couldn't have her 'first class' for the 4th of July because... you know, schools are closed... but Hey, as long as we get da booty I don't think it matters THAT much.