
Summertime Lamaze Class: Ms. Tracer

I don't own Overwatch or Blizzard things

"Breath in… and out…" declared the Night elf instructor as the ladies followed instructions.

"How does this keep happening? How do I get roped into this?" I asked. Lena had dragged me to Lamaze classes, I woke up, she caught me by surprise, and I was promptly roped into this. She had pregnant lady strength or something, that's a thing right?

"Lena…" teased a young woman beside us. "Where'd you get a cute boyfriend like him? Does Emily know?"

"She introduced us." Lena replied taking it in stride as I held her back gently. Her hand resting on her large bulging stomach dressed in a loose flowery dress.

"He's easier on the eyes than the monkey." Replied a stern orc woman who looked like she had an entire litter of pups ready to pop. She smirked at me.

"He's a gorilla." We replied together before I added.

"WHY isn't he here? I thought Mr. Winston was your support monkey?" also apparently the godfather of the baby… if you're going to have SOMEBODY take care of your kid a super-intelligent gorilla is probably a good choice if available.

"Winston needed to take care of something on the moon." She replied as I blinked at her. She shrugged, "That's what I said, only I looked more confused…" she added, "And Emily is working, so…" she whispered under her breath without moving her lips. "Why not the possible baby daddy?"

…Fair enough… but okay.

"When we're done want to get frozen yogurt?" she asked.

Once again. Fair enough. "Sure."

I had to hold her hand, massage her, help her breathe, and all the fun relaxation stuff. Boring for me, good for her. She seemed happy and a happy mother gave a happy baby-Wow this stuff is good. Eventually, the class was dismissed, and many of the expecting mothers spent a good majority chatting each other up… leaving me alone with my thoughts…

I was also the youngest partner there. Everyone else was a friend, relative, husband, wife…

"Seriously Lena who is he?" smiled the woman who had been near us during the last few exercises. "You're little brother?"

"He looks nothing like her." said another as I sighed. "Come on…"

"He's my favorite student." Lena replied playfully, "…Family friend." She added brightly as the ladies laughed and chuckled.

"Oooh so scandalous! Is it teacher/Student romance?"

"Oh yeah…" she rolled her eyes, as they laughed together. "He's my taboo baby daddy! Bugger off." she added as the other ladies giggled again.

"NNgh…" grunted the orc woman with the bulging belly, rubbing her stomach. "Ugh… feels like I'm going to have a litter of the little bastards…" she grinned proudly, "…Kicking like Pandarian Monks…" she rubbed her stomach fondly. "Do you know what you're having yet?" she asked Lena as I decided to listen in.

"Oh we want it to be a surprise." Lena replied fondly. "Got names and everything. But we're leaning towards Tracy." She replied with a happy grin, "All I know is we want more than one…"

…Well, that's probably something to remember. The girls began chattering in quick laughing whispers as the various partners used their phones for whatever they were going to use them for, I didn't exactly pry but a pair were whispering softly to each other. An Orc male and a human male.

"I'm telling you what they say about pregnant women getting hornier is true… the closer she gets to the delivery date the WILDER she gets!" the orc hissed exasperatedly. "She had me going three times last night alone! I can't wait for those kids to get out of her…"

"…You make it sound like having sex with your wife is awful…" his friend replied with a subtle murmur., "Apart from the occasional late-night store run, my wife's been very affectionate."

"Your wife's not an orcess." The orc replied sourly. "Ugh… hormones." He added as they held plastic cups of complimentary lemon water, toasting each other as the teacher returned and decided to try and get us back into session.

However, about halfway through it, we all got a weather alert on our phones. A sudden thunderstorm was approaching. "Hmmn…" she noted, "Ladies and Gentlemen I think we'll call it a day and head home before the worst of it hits us. She smiled at us all, "I'll see you next time."

I helped Lena to her feet as the collective class of pregnant mothers and nervous partners filled out quickly and rapidly as water from the sky pitter-pattered on the windows. Ominous clouds looming over a quickly darkening sky as I frowned. "…I'm sure it won't be that bad-OOF!" I grunted as Lena elbowed me HARD in the ribs. "Lena, I NEED those-oh my god I'm sounding like dad…" I mumbled aghast.

"Now you jinxed us, love!" she replied indignantly as I quickly gathered her things and we made out way out of the Lamaze studio. "You don't say that sort of stuff!" she added pouting angrily at me as I walked her to the car. Mom's car, I borrowed it for today so I could help Lena. Emily says she shouldn't drive and the rain was starting to pick up.

"Right right, sorry… Let's get you home before everyone forgets how to drive in the rain."

"So much for frozen yogurt." She mumbled as the rain began in earnest.

EVERYONE forgot how to drive in the rain… and of course, the thunder, the lightning, and the heavy winds: those didn't help at all. I pulled Mom's car into the Oxton's garage. It was a good thing Emily was out with their car today. The streets were FLOODED with water. The drains were backed up, and it flowed like a tarmac river probably all the way to my house…

In fact, I think I might have seen a couple of naga swim through it and a couple of kids in canoes….

I stared out the garage window as Lena promptly slapped me hard with the back of her hand. "I KNOW!... I know…" I replied, grabbing her stuff for her. "Me and my big fucking mouth…"

I helped her to her couch as she turned on the weather channel and- "Due to a misshape at the Nexus Sorcery and Science research center-" The poor weatherman standing in storm conditions shouted, "This sudden storm is expected to last the night while the magical energies in the air struggle to dispers-is this @$#% even real?!" he shouted and was bleeped, as a night elf woman took his mic and shoved him aside, continuing.

"Everyone in the following areas-" she added, serenely calm as a map of the general area, several segmented sections including ours, was highlighted. "Are advised to stay inside-" she held up a hand, forming a magical barrier casually as a large flying tree branch PINGED off it. The other weatherman screamed, clinging to her leg as she continued. "Until the winds die down. Do not leave any shelter and we will keep you up to date with any changes."

I had just finished with helping her with her shoes before plopping down beside her legs and frowning. "…I'm stuck here aren't I?"

"Looks like it, love…" Lena frowned hesitantly. "…I hope Emily's okay."

I sighed reluctantly as my phone started to blow up with mom and dad's concerned texts. After assuring them I was safe and sound with Lena I tried to tell them I'll try to get home later but surprisingly both of them told me to stay put.

Dad: You can't leave a pregnant woman alone in a storm! It's bad luck!

Mom: Help Lena out since you're there, she'll need someone to help her if she's alone.

Dad's superstitions aside they were both right. I shouldn't try to leave if Emily was trapped at her work. Lena might need something or have an emergency. She might have a baby!

"Don't be so dramatic love, my due date is not for six weeks at least." She replied confidently when I told her this assumption. "…Now fetch me a peanut butter and pickle sandwich.' She ordered with a cheery smile as I got to my feet and salute.

"Aye-Aye ma'am." I replied calmly and went into her kitchen. I might be a slacker and a horndog but I can take care of a pregnant woman while being trapped by a magical storm.

I made her cravings sandwich, handing it to her as she sighed, putting her feet up as I sat on the couch next to her. Watching the TV as the emergency broadcast gave us updates on the storm… the local naga seemed to be having a fun time outside.

"MMn… BURP!" Lena belched happily and patted her round stomach, "MMn… the baby thanks you." She declared as I patted her stomach too.

"You're welcome."

"Cheeky." Lena elbowed me as her toes wiggled. "…Don't suppose I could get you to massage my feet?" I shrugged, then wrapped my arms around her legs before rolling them onto my lap. "Woo!" she cheered, lying down on the couch as I stuffed a pillow behind her head, resting on the arm of the couch as she smiled. My fingers already sinking into her feet as she moaned. "…Mmmn!" she writhed on the couch, sighing as her toes hooked on my wandering fingers.

My hands absently went to work as I watched some sort of British mystery show on her TV as she sighed contentedly. "…Where did you learn to massage like this?"

"Lots of practice with Fareeha." I replied.

"You massage her feet?" she giggled.

"I massage everything." I replied with a shrug.

"…Her insides don't count, love." She replied raising her foot and pushing against my face with it as I glanced up her dress.

"…Why aren't you wearing underwear?"

"Why would I wear underwear?" she replied, "Just another thing to take off when the baby's punting my bladder!"

"A fair point…" I noted as she smiled devilishly at me… still poking my face with her foot. "But wh-mmgn…" she stuffed her toes in my mouth. Now it's weird. "Mhy ifs or oot n eye moth?" I mumbled.

"Cause I like it there love…" she cooed as she caressed my face with her other toes.

"Mmgnh?" Spat out her toes. "…Are you turned on right now?" I asked surprised as her breasts began to leak…

"…Mmn-hmmn…" she nodded her head slowly as she began to rub my lap with her other foot.

I thought about it for half a second. "…Does that count as taking care of the pregnant lady?" I asked.

"Scott. Love…" she replied frankly, "Do you REALLY care?"

The sexy pregnant British lady makes a FAIR point. "Good point." I got off the couch, slid my arms under her body and lifted her off.

"Ooh!" she cooed as I carried her to her bedroom. Her arm wrapped around my neck as her legs kicked playfully in the air, giggling sweetly as I kicked open her door. "MMN!" I set her on her feet before grabbing the bottom of her dress and lifting it easily over her head in one tug. "Whoo!" She stood shyly naked, her engorged breasts and her bulging stomach. Her nipples were enlarged and leaking… she gasped as I wrapped my hands around them. "Ha… MMGNh!" she bit her bottom lip, shaking as I promptly had a taste.

…Oddly enough it was kinda like watered-down vanilla…

"Don't drink it all save some for the baby…" she whispered sensually but trembled in excitement, her plump pussy oozing arousal down her inner thigh as I switched nipples, getting another helping as I squeezed her in my hands.

"I'll drink some of your milk… you can drink some of mine…" I grinned as she cooed.

"MMn…" she ran her hand over my shorts, rubbing my growing bulge. "…Still think I'm sexy even like this?" she grinned.

"If I wasn't worried about the baby…" I growled, "The things I'd do to you…" I let it linger as her hand slid into my pants, found my cock, and eagerly stroked it. "Feel how hard that is? All you."

"Well love you do know how to make a girl feel pretty…" she purred as I let my pants drop to the floor. "MMNh!" her hand slid up and down my erection as I reached for her face and shoved my watered-down vanilla tasting tongue into her mouth. "Mmn-nmmmn…" her hands roamed to her stomach, rubbing her baby bump lovingly. "I don't… think I'm going to be doing any riding…"

My cock rubbed against her stomach. "I'll be doing all the work, you are pregnant." I smiled, "So after you drink your nutritious milk, I'll get right to work…"

"My milk?..." she scoffed, "…You just want me to suck your tadger don't you?"

"I will always want you to suck my tadger." Then I added admittingly, "Probably Emily wouldn't want you to too…"

"Ugh you're lucky I'm randy right now." She slowly tried to kneel down but hesitated. "…Can you help me down? Ooh…" I lowered her to the floor as she knelt on her knees. Her arms wrapped over and under her belly as if to emphasize that she was pregnant. "…What is it about you knob?" she moaned as my tip wobbled just underneath her nostrils. "SNIIFF!" she inhaled deeply before her mouth opened and licked my tip, slowly. "…I only do this with you, you know…"

"I know…" I replied, letting her tongue slide slowly around my tip.

"I don't just suck any blokes knob!" she pouted.

"I know." I repeated.

"You're special…" she said pouting, her tongue slithering along my shaft as without using her hands she salivated on my length. "…So special… AHhh…" she opened wide and wrapped her lips around my tip. "Mmgh! Mmn! Mmmn…"

For a woman who didn't give male fellatio to anyone but me she was REALLY good at it… or maybe she was just great at using her tongue… or maybe it's the fact that she's potentially carrying my baby, or that she's just super sexy… or her hormones are affecting me too. Either way. The Point: Lena felt awesome.

"Haa… haa…" she didn't even go all the way down, her neck darting back and forth. Her big milk-filed breasts wobbling and leaking from her nipples as she gazed up at me with her sexy brown eyes, slightly glossed over, her tongue spiraling under and around my cock as her head slipped back and forth. Holding onto her baby bump like it was a lifeline, my hand caressed her moppy brown hair as she slurped loudly.

"MMNh-Hmmn…" my cock visibly bulging and pulsating with every stroke of her beautiful face as I massaged her scalp, shaking warningly.

"Here it cums. It's cumming." I hissed softly, "Uuugh…" I sighed as she froze on my tip. Gazing up with sexy wide-eyed devotion as I pumped my cum into her mouth. "Feeew…" I sighed as I slipped from her lips, leaving a small rope of cum to fleck down over her bottom lip before she slurped it into her mouth.

"SLURP! Mmmn…" looking into my eyes as her head nodded subtly, "MMnh! Ahh!" she opened her empty mouth. "Nutritious." I hooked my hands under her arm, lifting her to her feet as she gasped. I gave her leaking breast a playful fondle before slowly lying her on her back. "Ooh… Love… making a girl swoon." I slid her onto the bed as she lay on her back before spreading her legs. "Mmn…" she fidgeted as I examined her swollen pussy, spreading her gently as she gasped…

"…Think if I look hard enough I can see the baby?" I teased as she frowned.

"Sod off." she noted as I leaned close, gently teasing her inner folds as she shuddered and trembled, she was so moist she was like a soaked sponge, one tap and there was liquid everywhere. "Haa-aah…" she trembled wildly as her insides vibrated on my fingers.

"Are you cumming already?"

"Haa-aah…" she gasped, not really answering as she shivered, biting on her finger to silence herself.

"I haven't even done this yet…" before running my tongue along her slit.

"Haagh!!" she bounced on the bed, shaking wildly as her 'extra weight' kept her in place on the mattress. "Bloody hell…" she sneered, as I buried my tongue into her and lubricated her further. Before getting up… from this angle she could just see the curve of my erection. I interlocked her hands in mine as she gazed up at me nervously.

"…G-Go easy on the baby…" she whimpered.

"Why? It's my baby…" I grinned as she rolled her eyes.

"You wank-ER!!" she hissed as I buried my length into her moist insides.

"God you are wet AND tight!" I hissed as she shuddered. "I'll go Nice. And… sloooooow…" I hissed, slowly rocking back and force and valiantly resting the urge to pound her hard and fast… she still seemed to be enjoying herself.

"Haa-AHHH-AAAGH! YOOU! WANKER!!" she clenched her teeth, hissing through them as her eyes widened, my hands pinning hers to the mattress as my cock churned in and out of her. My hips pressing against hers. Feeling her insides spasm as she climaxed. "NNGH!! Bugger! ME!

"Think you'll like it better in that hole?" I replied teasingly as her legs stretched out behind me, shaking as they went tense.

"Sod! OFF!" she gasped as I continued my steady grinding inside her. "It's cumming! It's cumming!"

"Oh shit the baby?!" I gasped, burying myself inside her.

"MEEE!!" she squealed, shaking as her insides clamped like a vice.

"Ah-GOD!" I snarled, "D-Don't screw with me like that! I'm balls deep in you!"

"Haa-ahha! Ahhhh…" she sighed, shaking excitedly as her fingers stopped digging into the back of my hands and she let go, going limp as I slowly pulled my cock from her tight wet insides, oozing pre-cum as it twitched and DEMANDED to get back in there. I lay slowly beside her, rolling her over. "Ha?" she gasped, as her belly rested on the bed, her leg raised in the air. "Ah bugger…"

"I need to cum." I declared, kissing her neck from behind as I rubbed her stomach. "And I don't want to scare the baby by trying to make another brother or sister already while you're still occupied…"

"You just want to bugger my ass!" she hissed but said ass puckered excitedly as it felt my wet tip press against it.

"I want to plug everyone your holes." I declared, "No clench up 'mommy' daddy needs it as much as you do."

"Wanker!" she hissed, and shuddered as I stretched her slowly "Haa-aah!"

"And I can pound THIS hole as hard as I want…"

"Aah! Ahh!! Agh! FUCKING! WANKER!" she shrieked and came. "Haa-aahh! Ahh! Ahh!!"

"NNGH! MMN!" I squeezed her tight as her legs floundered off the bed, toes curling as I ground my hips hard against her. "You show this thing… OFF! ALL the TIME!" I groaned, squeezing her ass before rubbing her pregnant belly, feeling her tighten on me. "Lot of guys talk about this ass Ms. Oxton!" I hissed in her ear.

"HAa-aagh aaah!!" her body shuddered as I grabbed her hips, my cock more than ready to burst. "Ha! Ha! AH!! Ahh!!" she gasped, shaking as I pushed deep into her, her fingers slapped on my thigh and raked deep scratches on them. "Haa-Aah… warm…" she whimpered as my cum flooded into her. She panted heavily, shaking as I held her tight, rubbing her belly… "…You are not 'daddy'…" she declared abruptly, but exhaustedly.

"Fair enough." I groaned, "…That was great."

"MMn… top three at least…" she shuddered excitedly, "Just under my honeymoon and my 'I'm pregnant' sex with Emily." She replied sassily.

"Well it's good to know I'm over Scott." We jumped as we glanced towards the door, a SOAKED Emily stood there, blinking dazedly at us. "Oh thank god…" she sighed contentedly "You better make sure she can't walk Scott because I am too exhausted to give her her nightly shag." She declared.

"…Did it stop raining?" I asked, unable to do much else with my cock up her girlfriend's ass.

"No." she said abruptly, heading into the bathroom to wring out her soaked red hair. "I had to abandon my car and hitch a ride with some street surfing Naga."

"…Did you say nightly shag?" I added as Lena laughed nervously.

"Bloody hell she's relentless!" she declared, "It never stops! And you can't say no to a pregnant woman it's bad luck!"

I extracted my cock from a shaking Lena. Suddenly I felt that I needed to try and leave, or I was in for a rough night. Blissful. But rough…

"And WHERE do you think you're going?" asked Emily, kicking the door to the bedroom shut, and grinning evilly.

"…I'm going to be fucking my pregnant teacher all night aren't I?" I asked after a second, my cock suddenly jumping to attention. I glared at it. "Oh fuck you."

"You pick up that gorgeous mother of my child right now Scott and get her into the bath." She pointed to the bathroom. "And if anything happens, it happens."

"…My life is so weird." I grumbled, "Great. But weird." I picked up Lena from the bed as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "So…" I asked, carrying her carefully into the bathroom. "Shower or tub?"

"I don't feel like a soak so a Shower would be good…" I carried her into her shower. Turning on the warm water as I set her down on her feet. "Wash me would you?" she smiled smugly, "Toes to nips!" she perked as I grabbed the soap and began at her feet… raising to her legs… "Haa…" thighs, waist, and crotch getting a good… THICK… lather. "Haammn…" she moaned my hands roaming over her round body as I began soaping up her milk-filled breasts, mixing in a bit of leakage with the suds before getting her shoulders, arms…

And then pushing her gently towards the wall. "Haa…" she gasped as I held her waist, directing my erection back to her pussy. "…What happened to not wanting to scare the baby?"

"That was before I found out that I was going to be entertaining a pregnant woman all night…" she bit her bottom lip. "The baby, like you, is just going to have to take it."

"Haaa-aah…" she moaned erotically her voice echoing around the bathroom as I buried my length into her. "Haa-aah-aah…" her pregnant belly wobbling back and forth beneath her with my thrusts. "Haa-aah! Ahh! Ahh!!" I wrapped my arms around her, holding her in place as I slapped my hips against the iconic ass, wet smacks echoing with the water. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" she gasped, squeezing my cock as I buried it inside her and-"AAAAh!" she gasped, shaking in climax as I moaned… my cock twitched as I exploded into her clinging insides…

Then I felt something… warm… rush down my leg. I blinked, squeezing her trembling body. "…Did you just pee on me?"

"…Think so… yeah…" she replied chipperly, she chuckled. "…Oh that was just the baby…" she teased. "Informing you of their opinion about you interrupting her nap with your bloody wanker!" she added, elbowing me playfully. "Ah!" she laughed as I pulled her upright, rubbing and squeezing her as she giggled.

"Well, you can just tell your baby that it's either mommy's ass all night or her snug little baby tunnel…" I teased back as she gasped, feeling my fingers slide over her stomach as I rubbed her clit. "…I'm okay with either.

"…Wanker…" she moaned, shaking excitedly, before wiggling her body against me. My cock rubbing her insides. "Do it again…" she sneered encouragingly.

"…Uh… Emily? want to tap in?"

"Can't hear you Scott!" Emily declared, apparently conveniently far away as I cricked my neck.

"Alright then…" I mumbled and got to work.

The rain finally stopped, eventually, something about a winged lady killing some elementals according to the news. But I wasn't going anywhere… mostly because I was too exhausted to move. I spent at least four hours trying to satisfy Lena to her desires and she finally fell asleep on the bed, snoring ingloriously as I lied on the floor.

Emily, strutted in, grabbed me by the arms, and hefted me up. Walking me to the bathroom and slapping me twice across the face.

"I'm up! Up I'm!" I blinked blearily around as she shook me.

"Shower Scott. I'll take you home." she turned me around and pushed me into the stall. "…Nice job." She added, stretching.

"Has she been like that since she got pregnant?"

"Somewhere around her second trimester." She added sighing exhaustedly, "I needed a break. Taking care of her is one thing but I can only shag her so many times before I need to take a breath!"

"Well… I'd say anytime…" I mumbled getting out of the shower after a quick rinse and scrub. "But I think even I need a break after that…" I yawned. "…Geeze…"

"Ha-ha…" Emily laughed as she tossed me my clothes and I pulled them on. "…Well… Scott, love." She said grinning evilly, "Keep going the way you're going and you're going to have more than Lena to worry about…"

I blinked at her for a minute as she went to get her keys. And suddenly the idea of Fareeha pregnant seemed far more terrifying than exciting… "…Oh...huh…"

End of chapter.