
Summertime Campout: Ms. Widowmaker

I don't own Blizzard things

"Alright Jeremy, you got it?" Dad asked as Jeremy grabbed the other end of the cooler and helped him haul it from the truck.

"Yeah I got it." Dad grinned, and leaped down from the back of his truck as I began setting up the tents.

"Alright the Snows and Wildhammer camp experience can now begin!" Dad cheered as Jeremy put the cooler down.

"Thanks for inviting me." he replied as Dad clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it Jeremy, you're always welcome." He replied.

Dad and I were having our own little camp out… granted it wasn't too far from our house. It was an hour's walk or so away in the forest. It wasn't a tradition or anything but Mom was off winning cooking competitions again and Uncle Tychus Findlay was in jail still. Or again, it was hard to keep track. So camping at least for the night. The clear night sky above, smores, campfire roasted hotdogs…

"And Not a single Amari or Colomar around…" I mumbled to myself fidgeting with the tent. Fareeha and Family were off doing things and Olivia was-CLASSIFIED!- in-CLASSIFIED-doing-CLASSIFIED!... that was weird

Jeremy's dad was at work and Freya was doing… something game-related. So we invited him as usual. Dad says he's the son he never knew about or something like that. But why am I the only one setting up the damn tent? "Hey Jeremy." He turned to me, "Mind grabbing that hammer?" I asked as we began nailing in the spikes.

"Ahhhhh…" Sighed Dad, grinning as he relaxed in front of the campfire we made. "Nothing quite like a bit of roughing it huh son?"

Inwardly I sighed but outwardly I smiled, "Sure dad." Before I leaned in close to whisper to Jeremy. "He's going to try SO hard not to poop in the woods." He snorted with laughter. Maybe once upon a time dad was some 'Mar Saran Outlaw' or whatever but years of comforts but a damper on those instincts.

"I heard that!" Dad shouted sitting in his folding chair. "Ahem." He cleared his throat and did a fairly spot on imitation of Uncle Tychus. "I didn't come all the way up from Mar Sara Texas to wipe my ass with leaves!" he sighed, "That one was for you buddy."

"He's not dead, dad…" I replied exasperatedly, "Unfortunately…" I added under my breath.

"Yeah I know but he loves these roughing-it trips. Says it reminds him of home." he 'supervised' us as we continued putting up the tents. "What, say we try a bit of lake fishing this time? Not too far that way…" he gestured behind him as I put the finishing touches down and tossed our sleeping bags inside. "And if we fail." He groaned, getting up. "We can always cook hotdogs." He grinned.

"I don't mind." Jeremy replied as he clapped his hands and went back to the truck, opening the cab and grabbing a fishing pole.

"You sure you know the way?" Jeremy asked as Dad scoffed.

"Jeremy, boy…" he slapped his shoulder fondly, "Don't doubt your uncle Jim."

Well that's not a red flag.


I fucking knew it.

"Yeah, we're lost." I declared abruptly as we suddenly found ourselves back at Camp.

"Son-of-a-bitch." Dad grumbled as he pulled out a map, "I could've SWORN the lake was that way!"

"It's the other way."

We jumped as there was a new voice, but familiar.

"U-Ulsea?!" I gasped surprised as Jeremy's Night Elf friend from Azeroth High, Ulsea Fallenstar, stood stealthily behind us. That girl is cool, but freaking scary.

"Holy shit!" I gasped out of reflex, "OW!" Dad punched me… he's been trying to stifle my swearing.

"Watch your mouth son… Now where did you-" he then eyed Ulsea. Dressed in tight green clothing that clashed with her purple skin but she still seemed to blend into the foliage. "…I remember you." He smiled, pointing at her as recognition crossed his ruggedly handsome face, as she fidgeted excitedly. "…You're a fan right? Jeremy brought you over to meet me."

"Oh-my-gosh yes!" she declared happily, "It's nice to see you again Mr. Reynor!" she said excitedly.

Ulsea Fallenstar was Jeremy's Night Elf friend and a football fangirl. Dad's team the Star Raiders to be specific. It's kinda weird but in a surprising way.

"Ulsea what are you doing here?" Jeremy asked as she cleared her throat and promptly got her fangirling under control.

"Oh. Ahem. I come out here once a month to practice my stalking." She said, "I have my own camp set not to far." She said pointing. "But the lake you're looking for Mr. Reynor it's this way." She pointed, "I can show you."

"Well lead on Ulsea." He grinned as she fangirled again, cooing excitedly as she skipped forward. It was then I realized she had her bow on her back as I elbowed Jeremy lightly in the arm.

"You just got girls everywhere, don't you?" I smirked. He coughed and tried not to answer. I know I'm one to talk but it's hard to imagine this coach fanboy walking around with sexy Azeroth High girls like his a movie star or something.

…However once we reached the lake.

"Son-of-a-bitch." I hissed as we found ourselves staring at a small bungalow… on the lakeside by a dock with a small rowboat moored to the edge. And resting right on the porch of the bungalow was one Mrs. Amelie Lacroix.

Wearing a sundress and sunglasses she raised them up and frowned. "…Scott?" she mumbled surprised, then followed that with. "Mr. Reynor? Jeremy Wildhammer?"

"…Mrs. Lacroix?" Dad frowned, "…You just have a bungalow out in the forest?" he asked skeptically.

I'm not surprised. She has a fucking Gargoyles castle she brought over from FRANCE… how fucking rich is she again? Why is she working as a teacher and my personal sex friend? I don't know my life is one giant fucking weird coincidence….

"It's a timeshare." She replied, putting down her book and walking towards us smiling politely. "I like to come up here and enjoy the sights. I know there are camp grounds not far from here but I never expected to see you three…" she then eyed Ulsea. "And someone new." She added smiling at her.

"Hello ma'am." Ulsea nodded politely.

"We came here to fish, do you mind?" Dad asked about priorities. Good. Priorities are good…

"No! Please it's a public lake." She smiled politely, gesturing to the rowboat, "Just make sure it's tied up when you're done."

"Thank you kindly." Dad grinned. "We're going to have hotdogs later if you'd like to join us." He gestured back towards our campgrounds.

She smiled prettily; she was one of the most popular teachers at the school after all it was hard for her to do anything that wasn't considered pretty.. "Oui I would like that." she replied, "It's rare I have a hotdog I might as well splurge."

Amelie returned to her book and quiet time as Dad, Jeremy, Ulsea and I walked to the edge of the pier and looked into the rowboat. "…It's not very big." Jeremy noted nervously.

"Hmmn. Two people maybe." Dad said as Ulsea nodded.

"…Jeremy." She turned to him as he jumped. Still so mousy after claiming a harem of sexy Azeroth girls. "How about you and I do some target practice at my camp? Mr. Reynor and Scott can have father-son time?"

"…That's not a bad idea if you don't mind man." I replied. I love the little guy but quality time with dad that doesn't end with me getting kidnapped, beaten up, or shot at or… generally anything weird is rare at the best of times. Uncle Tychus being detained is a gift and I kinda want to use the time as much as possible until someone comes along and ruins it. Uncle Tychus spent more time with my dad than I did after all.

"…Uh. Sure…" he said grinning. To be fair he's not really much of a fish guy that doesn't come out of a classic RPG game like Breath of Fire, or Dark Cloud.

"Alright." Dad checked his watch as we loaded the boat. "Back here in say… an hour and a half? Maybe earlier?"

"Sure." Jeremy said as Ulsea curled her finger at him and they headed away.

Dad and I slipped our gear into the boat as he ruffled my hair, I shook it grinning at him. "So you and me. Bet you're disappointed the pretty Night elf girl's not coming along."

"You watch yourself son." Dad replied warningly. "If your mother hears that we'll both be in the dog house." he chuckled, "Besides she's closer to your age then mine…" he elbowed me as he grabbed the oars. "…How about you ask her out?"

"Pretty sure she likes them small and mousy." I replied. "...Easily tamed." I added jokingly.

"Jeremy?... huh… go him." he replied with a surprised chuckle.

We got a good way out onto the lake, then our lines hit the water. I didn't have high hopes of catching anything but it was nice to spend quality time with Dad. After what felt like ages upon ages of just sitting in a boat and enjoying the quiet… Dad finally spoke.


"Yeah Dad."

"…How come you keep getting wrapped up in stuff?"

"…What?" I asked, looking over my shoulder as he continued to watch his line.

"Well…" he frowned, took a sip of beer and continued. "Your teachers keep asking you to do stuff all the time. Dance around in a mascot costume, play a sport, act as a training dummy, deliver dangerous fireworks…"


"So what I'm wondering is why they always come to you for that. Don't get me wrong I'm glad they're paying attention to you and your studies but…" he laughed, "But it is kinda weird that when stuff goes down their response is to go to Scott Snow."

"…Well Dad…" I began, looking up at the sky, then at Amelie's timeshare house where I could JUST see her through the window reading a book on an L-shaped couch through the wide front window. "…I think it's because I'm a sucker for a pretty face."

"…Oh yeah?" he replied laughing.

"Yeah… I mean. If my super attractive teacher asks me to do something…" I noted, "…I'm probably going to do it." he nodded slowly, then snorted, shaking his head and patting me on the shoulder. "I'm cheap labor."

"…You are your father's son." he said lazily, as I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. "A sucker for a pretty face..."

"That's what I said Dad… DAD!" I pouted at his line as it sunk into the water. He jumped and grinned broadly, reeling it the thrashing fish.

"I got em! I got em!" he declared as I grabbed the rod from behind. "Heave boy! That's dinner!" he grinned as we pulled.

The trout broke the surface as dad hauled it into the boat, raising it by the line as he grinned. "Ha! Fish for dinner!" he declared confidently as I watched him for a second. Something suddenly occurred to me.

"…Are we allowed to eat fish from the lake?" I asked as his face fell and the trout continued to flop in the air.


"I mean that's a thing we need a license for, right?"

"…Hmm…" he sighed then tossed the fish back into the lake, patting my shoulder. "…Let's not mention this to anyone alright?"

"My lips are sealed Dad." I replied as he smiled and sat back in the boat.

"Want to try catching more fish or shall we head back to camp?"

"…Well I need to catch one bigger than yours, right?" I replied as we tossed in our lines.

"That's my boy."

Annnnnnnnd fail.

I sighed as I eventually spotted Jeremy and Ulsea on the shore. Coming up empty as Dad clapped my shoulder with a chuckle. "Loser paddles back son."

"Thanks Dad." I mumbled sarcastically, "Love you too." I smirked as he relaxed.

"Well Champion fishermen don't have to row." He declared as I rolled my eyes.

"…I bet uncle matt's better."

"You take that back son." he glared at me with a sour look, but his lips twitched.

"Did you catch dinner?" Jeremy asked excitedly as Amelie stepped out of her timeshare wearing tight thigh-length shorts and a just as tight T-shirt. Looking like a quickly dressed camp counselor so I was briefly distracted by a sexy purple woman in tight clothes. "Scott?"

"What? Oh. No." I mumbled as Dad chuckled.

"Scott didn't catch anything. I on the other hand-"

"-Forgot to get a license to fish so we're pretty sure we can't eat what we catch." Dad coughed slightly as I punched his shoulder. "Nice try." I smirked as he rolled his eyes.

"You are your father's son. SO! Hotdogs it is."

"Trei-bien." Smiled Amelie walking with us. "I haven't had hotdogs in ages." As we began walking back, dad leading the way I could not HELP but whisper.

"That's not entirely true…" I noted walking at the back with Amelie.

She frowned at me, "Careful Scott. Ou je croquerai la prochaine fois." She then quickly opened her mouth, snapping her teeth playfully before smirking smugly.

"Alright now. Scott: fire." Dad declared, kicking open the cooler. "Jeremy sticks. Ladies, have a set." He said setting up chairs and winking, "As our guests, you don't have to do anything."

Uslea smugly sat in the chair, as Amelie sat a bit more primly like she was trying to show off etiquette at a fancy dinner party. Jeremy retrieved the cook sticks as dad grabbed the footlongs he brought and promptly loaded them up as I set the campfire alight.

"Now what?" smiled Amelie, "Do we sing campfire songs while they cook?" she chuckled as Dad cleared his throat and stroked his beard.

"I do have quite the baritone." He declared confidently.

"But your music choices are country and more country." I replied, "And off-key." Amelie and Jeremy laughed as Dad took it in stride.

"Your mother LIKES my voice." He replied as I coughed.

"Well. Yeah. But mom loves you. She has to take the good with the bad."

"Oooooooooh." The collective crowd replied as Dad nodded slowly.

"Keep that up son and you're sleeping in the truck." He declared proudly. "Alright then if we're not going to enjoy my dulcet tones. What should we-"

"You spin me right round baby, right round like a record baby right round round round…" Ulsea put a tiny portable music device on a nearby rock and turned it up. Then she blinked at us as we stared.

"…I'm an elf but I'm a MODERN elf…" she replied simply.

I had a fun time. Laughing, telling stories, eating hotdogs… watching Amelie eat a hotdog… oddly hypnotic… the moon rose higher in the sky, Amelie had had one of dad's beers. Dad had had the rest. And she was singing something in French but I wasn't entirely sure as Dad's eyelids got heavier and heavier… Ulsea yawned… and got to her feet. The hotdogs were eaten the campfire was dying little by little… she took a breath and eyed the tent. It was about time to turn in.

"Thank you for the evening Mr. Reynor." She smiled, "Jeremy." I smirked at my blushing best friend. "But I'm going to head back to my camp and turn in."

"Sounds like a good idea!" Dad toasted, finishing his beer bottle and shoving it into a recycle bag with the rest. "I think I'll do the same." He yawned.

"Jeremy… why don't you camp with me?" Ulsea asked as he jumped.

"What? Uh…"

"Oh go for it!" Dad grinned elbowing him. "Pretty girl like her? Plus more room in the tent for me." Amelie rolled her eyes, sipping the beer bottle before pouring the rest into the fire and shoving the bottle into the bag.

While Jeremy sat embarrassed and conflicted Amelie got to her feet. "I think I shall return to my own lodgings." She noted. "Thank you for the fun evening mister Reynor."

"It's JIM!" he replied kindly. "Next time I'll sing to you." She chuckled and shook her purple-haired head, her ponytail flopping about on her back as I stared at her ass. "SCOTT."

"What!?" I jumped in surprise as Dad pointed to me accusingly. Shit did he catch me staring? Ulsea Definitely did but I think that girl has super hearing with those ears of hers... and she's got archer eyes.

"I raised you better than that you escort her back." He yawned, "I am FAR to drunk to do it."

"…No you're not."

Dad just yawned, crawling into the tent as Amelie eyed me sternly, hands on her curvy hips. "Can't hear you son, I'm going to sleep."

I sighed and got to my feet. Gesturing for Amelie to lead with a smile as she rolled her eyes. "Jeremy, Ulsea. Good night." She said politely.

"Before you go to hang out with your night elf friend at night." I said to Jeremy, "Make sure the fire's still going so I can find my way back."

"Maybe I should give you hunting lessons to Scott." Ulsea declared as Jeremy blushed, as Amelia and I walked into the trees.

"I do not need you to escort me back to my home away from home Scott." She declared as it came within sight before she turned around and pointed at me chest sternly.

"I know!" I replied indignantly.

"Just because I'm out here alone, I had a good time, it's a lovely night and I had a small drink does NOT mean I need you to escort me home.

"I know." I nodded agreeingly.

"You are only doing it because you want sex!" she hissed under her breath as I blinked blankly at her. "Well Scott!" she declared firmly, "I came out here to relax! Not to have sex with you!"

Give it a second.

The door burst open as I carried her inside. "MMGh! mMn-mwah!" she moaned into my mouth as we furiously kissed. I kick the door shut behind me before glancing around her beautiful face quickly and rapidly approaching a long L shaped couch before dropping her on it. "MMgn! MMN!" She pulled me to her lips as I slid my hand down her shorts, finding her slick moist pussy as I shoved my fingers into her. "MMngh… ah! Oui…" she breathed sensually as I pulled away and removed my shirt.

She sat up and removed hers, I fell onto her purple breasts as she bit her bottom lip. "Mmn! Ahh-haa…" she quivered excitedly as I sucked on her left nipple, her hand on my head as I squeezed her left with my other hand as her head turned to the window.

"T-The curtains we have to shut them." She said as she got up, I watched her tightly wrapped ass cheeks wiggle towards the window gripping the curtains to pull them shut. I came up behind her, wrapping my arms around her from behind as I licked her slender neck. She cooed invitingly. "N-Non… wait…" the moonlight slipped through a crack as my hands slid down her beautiful purple body to push them down.

"Its hotter though if someone might see…" I whispered as she trembled, just a crack in the curtains, so small nobody would see. But that didn't excite her any less. I pulled her ass back against me as her shorts wrapped around her ankles, I tugged down my pants and ran my tongue along her neck again as my cock slid between her ass cheeks like a hotdog on a bun.

"Merde…" she shuddered, dripping down her inner thighs. "Bon sang, Scott." Before releasing a shuddering breath as I slid down to her moist slit, and pushed deep into her. "Aah… oh… Oh mon… dieu…" she moaned as my hips slapped slowly against her. She soft slapping of our hips as I enjoyed every second and every inch inside her.

Her fists tightened in the curtain as I pulled her head back, kissing and licking her cheek. That curtain rod was fairly solid considering how hard she was jerking the curtains attached to it. "Ugh! Ha-aha!!" she turned her head to my lips. "Putain de pervers… mmgnh!" shoving her tongue into my mouth as she grunted with my deep thrusts. "Mmngh-mmgn! Mmgn! Mmgn! MMnwaa-aah!" he tongue writhing with mine as I pumped harder, faster… "Ah-ah-haa-aah-MERDE…" she clenched her teeth, and her entire body.

I pushed her flush against the curtains as her body trembled, moaning into her purple shoulder as she gasped, "HAa-aaha-aaah!"

"UNNGH!" her pussy clung tightly to my bulging cock as I pumped her full. "God that feels so GOOD." I hissed in her ear as her body trembled. I pulled her from the curtain's sliding a hand to her crotch and rubbing her clit playfully as she milked my load.

"Mon dieu…" she cooed, glancing down her shaking body. I slid out of her trembling body, slowly… her tight pussy didn't want me to leave, clinging to me as I slipped out. "Haa…" she panted softly, shaking as I squeezed her ass and turned her around…

"I need more."

"More?" she purred seductively as I kissed her again, turning her back towards the L shaped couch before shoving her into the corner. "Haa…" she flopped down, lying slack before me as I grabbed her ankles, kneeling down and lifted her legs up, folding that ballerina body flexibly in half as her tight puckered asshole winked at me.

She wrapped her arms around her legs as I gently thumbed her holes with both hands. She quivered, her warm inviting holes trembling as I spread her ass, prodding her cum filled pussy as a tiny droplet oozed out. Looking her dead in the eyes, I pushed it back in.

"MMngh…" she bit her bottom lip. "Tu es si méchant avec moi…" she whined. I shoved multiple fingers slowly into her ass as she gasped, then twisted as she squirmed, shaking in pleasure as her fingers sunk into her legs, desperate to keep them up.

"Nice and tight as always…" I declared as she moaned, "I love your ass." She blushed as I got up, kneeling against the couch as I aimed my rigid cock right at her tight backdoor. She gazed up at me with a mixture of arousal and defiance… a look only a beautiful and stern French woman like her could master. I gripped the back of the couch and PULLED myself forward.

"Haa-aah-AH!" she gasped, shaking as my cock slid slowly up her ass as my legs slid onto the couch… trapping her in the L shaped corner. "Pourquoi est-ce si bon?!"

"It just makes me harder." I groaned slowly rocking and rolling my hips as her hands shot up against my chest as I leaned over her. Pulling myself forward with my arms on the couch as her shapely legs rested on me. "I'm already going to cum in your tight purple ass!" I declared as she moaned arousingly, squirming and writhing beneath me as I slapped my hips off her ass. "But God!-" I leaned forward my mouth inches from her lips, grinning proudly at her orgasmically happy face. "You just make me want to stay in there all NIGHT."

Her ass tightened around my cock as her toes curled against my face. "Haa-gah!!" she shuddered as I sped up, "Oh mon Dieu, tu me tuerais ! Tu me tuerais si tu faisais ça toute la nuit!" she gazed up at me, dreamingly gasping in a sexy French Ahegao… that's fucked silly face but French. "Ahh-aha-haa-aagh!"

"Ha! Agh!" I buried my cock into her spasming hole as I rolled my hips, grinding against her purple cheeks. "I'm cumming!" I declared, gripping the couch tightly as I rapidly bucked against her, her panting moans increasing like a primal chant. "I'm cumming! Look at me when I cum in your ass!" I pushed into her as she squealed.

"Je ne peux pas! Je ne peux pas le prendre!" she slapped at my body, squirming helplessly as her orgasm rocketed through her, I fell onto her as we curled up into an uncomfortable but content ball of sexy and musk.

"You sexy French whore you love it." I growled and kissed her, she laughed derisively sucking my tongue into her mouth as I continued to empty my balls into her tight purple ass.

"Va te faire foutre mon garçon... tu as BESOIN de moi…" she purred, shaking on my cock. "Videz tes boules…" she cooed, pulling me to her lips. "Mmmgn…"

I'm not entirely sure how long we stayed curled up together as I tried to inseminate her ass but it was a nice moment. She eventually pushed me gently away from her lips. "Get off me." Less gentle but firm…

I popped out of her ass, my cock dangling between my legs as she got off the couch, walking stiffly. "…Come on you need to at least bathe… you smell like sweat."

"I smell like sexy French slut…" SMACK! "OW!" I groaned as she SMACKED me across the face and smirked.

"That is enough pillow talk, oui?" she replied stiffly. I rubbed my cheek as I followed her into the neat shower room.

"You didn't have to hit me!" I replied frowning, "Geez…" She turned on the shower, stepping in as I followed in behind her caressing her.

"Don't get touchy." She scolded, "You had your fun…" I pouted but squeezed her tits firmly from behind before taking her soap and washing myself. "Don't be a spoiled brat, you intruded on my quiet time…"

"You were the one screaming your orgasms." I noted as she turned pink.

"Shut up Scott."

Eventually we got out of the shower and she threw on a bathrobe, I pulled my clothes back on and she walked me to the door. "See you later Scott." She said stiffly as I turned to her at the door. "MMGh! mMn…"

I shoved my tongue possessively into her mouth, slipping my hand into her bathrobe and finding her still wet pussy. Considering she just dried herself off, she was fairly moist. "Ah…" she pulled away. "Don't get lonely without me-WHOA!"

I stumbled outside as I fell down her porch into the thankfully soft grass. She glared at me and flipped me off. "Good NIGHT Snow." She declared and turned… then with the same middle finger she lifted the bathrobe, showing me my favorite purple ass, and she smacked it lightly, kicking the door shut with a slam as the lights turned off.

"Good night." I replied with a yawn, getting to my feet and dusting myself off as I headed back to camp… the fire was almost dead. And there was no sign of a best friend or his sexy but scary night elf friend… Good for him. I opened the tent and crawled right in. I dropped onto my sleeping bag and closed my eyes.

"You smell nice." I blinked


Dad yawned sleepily, "You smell nice. Fancy… did she let you use her shower?"

"Yep. And her toilet."

"…Rub it in boy…" he grunted, "…Maybe if I ask nice she'll let me use it before we head home."

"Ah I think she likes you dad…" I grinned, "She's pretty fond of the Snows overall…"

"…I'm Reynor."

"You're KINDA like mom's wife dad." I yawned as he chuckled, "That counts…"

"MMmn…" he grunted, and soon enough he was drunkenly snoring. "…Night son."

"…Night dad…" and soon enough, we were both asleep. Another fun Snow-Wildhammer camp event… I hope Jeremy got as lucky as I did.


This is the first half of a chapter already up in Azeroth High, chronologically it came first.

Anyway to the tradition of french butchering. (corrected by Masudo, thank you.)

Ou je croquerai la prochaine fois. = Or I'll bite it off next time

Bon sang, Scott = God damn it, Scott.

Putain de pervers = fucking pervert

Tu es si méchant avec moi = You're so mean to me.

Pourquoi est-ce si bon ?! = why does it feel so good!?

Oh mon Dieu, tu me tuerais ! Tu me tuerais si tu faisais ça toute la nuit! = Oh god, you'd kill me! You'd kill me if you did that all night!

je ne peux pas ! Je ne peux pas le prendre! = I can't! I can't take it!

Va te faire foutre mon garçon... tu as BESOIN de moi = Fuck you boy... you NEED me...

Videz tes boules. = Empty your balls.