
Obedience School 3 Part 1: Ms Sombra, Ms Symmerta

I don't own OVERWATCH

By the perverted gods, I will have bunny Fareeha… or at least that was my plan today however.

"I feel that you're avoiding me at this point." I said into my phone, flipping pancakes in the skillet as I made myself breakfast.

"But I'm really not." She laughed playfully on the other end. "Principal Morrison himself sent a bunch of the teachers to a workshop across the country. I couldn't very well tell him 'Sorry sir I can't go. My boyfriend wants to have sex with me in a bunny girl suit, now could I?"

"…No." I mumbled dejectedly, flipping the pancake onto a plate and pouring the pancake mix into the skillet. "I guess not."

"That's my handsome boy." She cooed, I growled quietly, glaring down at my dick as he 'woke up' ready to play with a sexy Fareeha who wasn't here to play with me.

"But I want a verbal agreement."

"I'm not going to promise you bunny girl sex." She declared chuckling good-naturedly. "I'm fairly certain that I didn't promise you bunny girls in the first place so I don't know why you're so adamant on it!"

"Because my sexy, gorgeous, beautiful girlfriend dressed up in fetish level sexy clothes is a MASSIVE turn on for me." I said silkily into the phone, hearing her breathing increase just a little over the line. "Because I love her SOOOOO much that I want her to enjoy doing the things I enjoy doing with her…"

"Mmmn…Ahem. Nice try." She replied smugly as I sighed, "I'll see you when I get back in three days. Just you and me." I grumbled quietly, it was almost summer vacation and I can't even bang my sexy girlfriend! "And I won't need a bunny suit to be sexy…" she purred as I cleared my throat. Glaring down at my dick, "I love you." She added as I sheepishly replied.

"Love you too…" I sighed as she hung up and I put my phone down. Mom and Dad have been leaving early for the diner and for football practice respectively, so it was really just me, alone, with nothing better to do but eat and game…

"Hey Papi."

"Dah!" I gasped as Olivia's pretty head stuck through the kitchen window, she smiled at me. I patted my chest, trying to get it back to a regular beat.

"Did you miss me?" she cooed, licking her lips as I stared at her and took a relaxing breath.

"Yeah I guess so." I replied.

"You guess so!?" Olivia declared with a pout, before practically dragging herself into my kitchen through the window. Her shapely latina ass got stuck briefly as she rolled on the floor to her feet. "Hmph! Is Fareeha the only one you say I love you too?" she replied indignantly before approaching me. Her long shapely legs strutted across the floor in her short-shorts and tank top… however I noticed she was wearing a purple one piece under her clothes. A swimsuit.

I curled a finger at her as she got closer, I wrapped one arm around her to squeeze at her sexy ass cheeks through her shorts as I flipped my pancake from the skillet onto the plate. Shoving my lips against hers as she cooed happily, our tongues briefly wrestling for dominance as I swallowed her spit. "Mmn… mwah… I love you too my slutty puta…" I squeezed her ass cheeks as she laughed, turning off the stove to get a double handful of sexy samba booty as I shoved my tongue back into her mouth and my rigid cock against her crotch as she grabbed my face and hungrily continued to kiss me.

"Mmn! Mmmn…" humming lovingly as we made out in the kitchen. "Mmmn-mwah… so papi…" she purred, licking my lips playfully lick a cat and smiling sultrily at me. "Are you doing anything today? I was thinking you and I could go to the beach…"

"The beach?" I replied surprised, "I didn't think you were a beach sort of girl…" I squeezed her ass cheeks, sliding my hands into her shorts to get a better feel of that fantastic ass and the swimsuit she wore beneath it.

"MMn… I don't mind the beach Papi." She replied, "But I want to show off for you in my new swimsuit… and I can't suck you off at the pool. Too many people…" she whispered as I laughed, grabbing my pancakes and heading to the table as she followed me. Sitting on my lap as I sat on the chair.

"There are a lot of people at the beach too." I replied casually… "And if you REALLY wanted to suck me off we could do it here…" my hands began exploring my beautiful puta's body as she casually cut a piece of my pancakes with the fork, holding it to my mouth as I ate.

"Papi do you want to spend time with me or not?" Pouted Olivia as she ate a piece of my pancake herself, "Mmn… because it sounds to me like you don't want to!"

....This is a trap. I know this is a trap. I don't know why or how. But it was…

"Papi." She tapped my chin, guiding my head to look at her sultry, Cheshire cat grinning face. "Come play with me…"

...I wasn't doing anything else today, I guess. "Fine…" I replied as she kissed my cheek and hopped off my lap. I smiled as I watched her ass wiggle to the kitchen doorway.

"Excelente!" she declared happily, "I'll go get you all packed up Papi, don't you worry I know where everything is you finish your breakfast." I watched her head off into the house and I sighed, my cock twitching eagerly. I know, I should be concerned but there was one thing I knew about Olivia's 'traps' and that is I'm definitely going to have a fun time…

I finished my pancakes in record time and after putting the plate in the sink I was about to go and find Olivia when she returned with a dufflebag over her shoulder. I was unaware I had a duffle bag. "Alright Papi let's take my car…"

I'll meet you outside let me lock up first." I said, making sure the house was secure. Left a note for my parents in case they got home before me. More than likely because I'd be fucking Olivia… then met her outside as she stuffed the dufflebag into the trunk and threw the keys to her car at me. I caught them in the air, looking at them curiously as she opened the passenger's side door, "You drive." She said, sliding in with a smile as I sighed, heading towards the drivers and getting in.

"Why am I driving?" she buckled up and leaned over to kiss my cheek, then slide her cheek down my chest towards my erection that was finally calming down but sensing a pair of lips getting closer and closer, rose back up to meet them.

"Because I can't suck your cock and drive Papi…" she moaned, kissing my cock through my shorts before tugging down the waistline to get full access. "Mwah!" she kissed my tip as I sighed, clenching my teeth and hissing before getting the car in gear and heading towards the beach as her lips slid to the base. "Mmngh!"

…She sucked me all the way to our usual beach. The one by Mei's house. Keeping me on edge and salivating over my cock. I don't think getting into the ocean would've made it so wet. One hand on her ass the other hand on the wheel I drove right up to Mei's house and parked, at least we'd get a little privacy.

…Because I needed to FINISH.

I put the car in park, leaned the chair back, and pried my fingers off the wheel to grab the back of her silky haired head. "Mmngh!" she cooed happily, moving her head up and down constantly as I squirmed in the seat.

"Suck Olivia. Suck my cock, ah god…" I smacked her ass as she squeaked.

"MMng! MMn! MMn! MMn!" rapidly moving her head as I planted my feet of the brake and gas pedals onto the floor of the car, rapidly bucking up into her face. "Mmngh! MMnh-mhmn!" she moaned, her eyes rolling up into her head as her saliva oozed down my cock. Her hands rested on my stomach and thigh, rubbing my leg affectionately as she let me fuck her face.

"I'm gonna… cum! I'm gonna cum Olivia!" my hips smacking wetly against her face. "Ahh… ngh! I love you!" I groaned happily as she hummed lovingly around my cock as I shot my load down her throat.

"Mmn-hmmn!" she buried her face onto my cock as my hips rose from the seat, thrusting deeper into her throat as my hand squeezed her shapely ass tightly. She didn't stop sucking my cock until I was good and dry… for now… my limp dick slipping from her tight puckered lips as she kissed it. "Mwah…"

She stuck her tongue out at me, "Ahh…" then just smiled as she let my pants snap back to my waist covering me up "Papi saying I love you when I'm sucking your cock isn't the same you know." she sat in her seat, briefly brushing her hair with her fingers. "It doesn't have the same meaning."

"But it is appropriate." I replied, sitting up with the adjusting seat. "Whoo… that was a good one." she giggled, licking her lips. Then getting out of the car, I did the same. Popping the trunk to get the duffle bag I didn't know I had. I started heading towards the beach, however, Olivia started going up to Mei's front door. I watched her curiously. "What are you doing?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well I should at least ASK Mei if we can park the car here…" she said with a smile.

"…Uh Huh…" I noted, my eyes narrowing suspiciously at her, and her ass as I redirected myself to the front door with her.

"Papi you're so suspicious!" declared Olivia as she opened Mei's front door… that was curious it wasn't locked? I know Mei lives in a pretty good neighborhood but there are plenty of people going to and from the beach. "I should be insulted… Oh Meeeei." She cooed, strutting inside as I followed her. She stepped a few feet inside and gestured for me to follow. "Come on Scott don't be so boring!"

I walked inside and she shut the door behind me before shoving me further in. "What's the worse that could happen? We find a cute and cuddly Mei all snug in her bed ready to be greeted by her favorite student? Or she's at the beach! In which case it doesn't matter…" I kept my eyes on her as she smiled, "Oh Meeei." She repeated, strutting around the house with the duffle bag over her shoulder as I went to go look for her myself…

She wasn't in the kitchen, or downstairs in her tabletop gamer lair. She wasn't in her bedroom, and the bed itself was neatly made as if it wasn't even slept in. Now I was wondering if she was at that Workshop with Fareeha… now that I think about it why wasn't Olivia?" I checked her bathroom just in case to no result. Shrugging and finally concluding that Mei was just not here before returning to the living room as Olivia cooed.

"Papi. Look who I found!"

"Ah god damn it…" I sighed as my hard on returned in force, stretching out my trunks as I gazed at my sexy Puta in her purple one piece, high heels, and sporting a pair of matching purple bunny ears. However in one hand she held a leather leash and was leading into the living room a sexy, buxom, caramel-skinned Satya on her hands and knees.

Fully nude Satya crawled on her hands and knees into the living room, a writhing, vibrating dildo designed like a bushy tail wriggling in between her shapely ass cheeks as she followed in beside Olivia. A thick leather collar around her neck attached to the leash and a blindfold over her eyes, she let her tongue loll out of her mouth like the BITCH I'm sure Olivia was making her be…

…Welp. I know who I'm fucking today.

"Look Papi it's your favorite… bitch…" she noted as my pants already hit the floor. She yanked the leash, guiding a blind Satya towards me as she crawled adorably forward. "That didn't take you long…" she cooed.

"Well I knew it was a trap but was all this really necessary?" My cock and Satya's face seemed to be connected… perhaps she could 'sense' where her favorite treat was. Her head moving up and down with my throbbing erection as he knelt down and gently caressed her face. She moaned longingly as I ran my hands over her perfectly smooth skin, and her silky black hair. "Why not just bring her to my house?"

"Satya is house sitting… Mei's at that workshop or whatever Morrison took most of the staff too." Olivia replied, "And I don't want my Papi to be disturbed while he plays with his pets…" she whimpered.

"She is such a beautiful girl." I teased, running my hands over Satya like I was petting a real dog. Satya moaned and whimpered, shaking pleasurably as her beautiful ass began to wiggle. Her vibrating tail almost fell out of her tight ass. "You are just the perfect fucking pet aren't you?"

"Haaaaaah!" Satya moaned, her tongue dripping saliva as I pulled her face to my lips, "Mmnggh…" her tongue lapped away at mine as I pulled away, she licked my cheek again and again affectionately. "Haah… Aaah! Aaah!" licking my fingers as I stood up and took the leash from Bunny Olivia before lightly whapping her thigh with it.

"Oh! Papi! Ay…" I grabbed her ass, and pulled her to me as Satya sniffed around my crotch. I kissed my beautiful puta. "Mmmn…"

Pulling away I smacked her rear. "What's the spanish word for pet?"

"Mascota…" she purred, my cock twitching against Satya's face as she tentatively licked at my sack. "Ooh…" I licked her neck.

"And Bunny?"

"Conejitaaa…" she teased excitedly as my cock quivered eagerly on Satya's beautiful fuckable face.

"You're my Conejita Mascota…" I moaned, sucking a nice big HICKEY on her neck as she trembled, and I pulled my hand away. "Sit." I ordered.

WHAP. Satya's ass hit the carpet without a second thought. Her legs spread apart and her hands were firmly planted on the floor as she 'gazed' up at me, tongue lolling from her mouth and panting excitedly as Bunny Olivia cooed.

"Papi-AY…" I swatted Bunny Olivia's rear.

"Bad Conejita I told you to sit." I purred before giving my beautiful, obedient pet teacher my full attention. "Here's your treat for being a good girl." Satya's pussy drooled almost as much arousal as her tongue did saliva as I slapped the tip of my cock on her tongue.

"Mmngh!" she wrapped her lips lovingly around me.

"Oh shit, that's a good girl." I praised as she immediately began to suck, Bunny Olivia getting down on her knees and grinning knowingly up at me as Satya's vibrating tail dildo was shove deeper up her ass, her ass cheeks rippling in pleasure as she dove back and forth on my cock, loudly and sloppily slurping.

"Mmgh! Mmngh-SLURP! MMngh! Mmgn-hmmn!" her leash tight in my right hand as I rested my left between Bunny Olivia's floppy bunny ears as Satya's hungry slurps got messier and messier, saliva dripping off my cock as it vanished and reappeared in Satya's mouth. "Mmbhg! Mngnh! MMngh!" dribbling spittle onto her chest as Olivia hung her tongue beneath my girth, catching some of Satya's drool on her tongue. Scooping it eagerly into her mouth before redirect her attention to my sack.

"Aaha… mmn!" she licked my left nut up, letting it bounce back down before wrapping her lips around it, longingly licking it around with her tongue like a jawbreaker as Satya's cheek rubbed against hers as she moved her head up and down.

I let the two work their magic on me, with or without my junk in their mouths they were walking cock hardeners and they were both mine… I gazed into Satya's masked face as her lips stretched on my cock, feeling Olivia slurp noisily on my balls for loving attention as I gave it to her with loving caresses of her head as she wiggled her tailless rear.

I wanted to cum on Satya's face. I wanted her to drink my cum. I wanted to enjoy their mouths for just a little longer. I was a greedy boy today. I didn't know what I wanted, I just knew I could have my pick and I loved them for it.

My Pet and My Puta. I'm going to make them cum their brains out.

"Bwah!" I yanked on Satya's leash abruptly as she inhaled my cock again to the base, she jerked off my cock as I quickly shoved my dick between Olivia's lips, making her taste just a little of what Satya worked on as my beautiful pet whimpered dejectedly only for me to wordlessly pull her to my balls, my left nut needed attention too and Satya's aroused, horny brain was more than happy to comply, like a proper doggy she was playing with balls.

Bunny Olivia unlike Doggy Satya was using her hands to get herself off. She had pulled her suit aside to greedily thrust her fingers in her snug little pussy, dripping onto Mei's floor as I watched her head dive up and down, gazing up at me devoted with that mischievous twinkle in her eyes that I love to see when I wanted to get off.

"Haah… haah…" I twitched, gazing into those beautiful eyes as my cock throbbed warningly between her lips before roughly jerking her off my cock with a wet pop.

"Oooh…" she moaned arousingly as I switched to Satya again, shoving my cock between her lips, down her throat-

"Mmgn-uugghmmngh!!" she moaned happily as I fed her cock and cum, pulling her head to the base and holding it there as I pumped thick ropes into her.

"Haaah… aah Satya you beautiful GIRL…" I groaned happily as I pumped a veritable bucket into my bitch as she shuddered happily. "Good Girl… GOooood Girl…" She felt fucking amazing… "Such a good girl!" Olivia cooed excitedly, watching Satya's throat pulse as she gulped down my load before I steadily pulled out of her mouth.

"Aaaahaaaaaah…" whined Satya as I freed my cock from her contracting gullet, her mouth hung open as if ready for another deep dive as her tongue lolled from her lips, writhing left and right as if searching for my cock. I grabbed the blinders and tugged them off her head… her eyes were rolled up into her skull as I gently pet her again. My cock rising up to drop back down against her face with a wet smack as she shuddered, sniffing it devotedly.

"I want to fuck you so damn hard…" I breathed excitedly. "You want it?"

"Mmnn! MMmnnn…" she whined piteously, wagging her ass.

"God you are so good at begging!" I praised as she moaned, "Good girl."

"Mmn… Papi me too…" whined Bunny Olivia as I caressed her cheek lovingly before tugging on Satya's leash. She fell onto her hands and knees again, crawling forward.

"Side by side…" I said, "Come on…" I declared as Olivia crawled next to Satya, raising her ass in the air and wiggling it just like my sexy pet. "Staaay…" I cooed, running my fingers down Satya's spine as I felt it shiver in response. "MMn… good girl!" I grabbed the tail dildo and yanked it wriggling from Satya's hole.

"AHaaaaaah!!" she shrieked happily as the dildo, which was really a string of vibrating balls, leaped from my hand to the floor where it writhed like a headless serpent. I grabbed Satya's ass cheeks, spreading them apart and gazing into the tight, dark hole that was her ass… it breathed excitedly for my cock…

I was the same, my hot breath brushing against her moistened tight hole as I sat on my knees behind her. I swatted both ass cheeks with my hands, they rippled majestically as I reached over to finger a warm bunny Olivia. "Oooh… oOOOH! MMN! Papi!"

My fingers deep in Olivia's moist pussy and the tip of my cock kissing Satya's ass, I began in full. Satya yowled happily as I yanked her back on my thrusts with the leash, loudly slapping my palm against Olivia's ass cheeks as I plunged my fingers into her. Olivia rolled her ass back against my fingers, it wiggled and wobbled majestically as she reached across the floor with her hands, clawing at the carpet as I watched her 'dance' while ass fucking Satya.

"aaah! Aaah! Aaaah!" she continued to howl as her caramel-colored rear smacked against my waist again and again, the collar tight on her neck, "Aaaaawwwooo!!" she squealed, obviously and dramatically climaxing on my cock as her whole body wobbled in pleasure.

"Nngh! Nnggh!! Oh Papi-Papi-Papi!!!" squealed Olivia, tightening around my fingers. "Nngh! Aaaah-aaha-aaaaaahhhh…" she sighed happily, her body thrust forward onto the floor, lying prone as she wiggled her hips expertly. "Oooh! Ooooh Papi. Dios Mio!" she cooed.

"NNgh!" I gnashed my teeth together, twitching in Satya's ass before I pushed down on her shoulders, she easily fell to the floor as I rapidly bucked my hips.

"Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!" she barked adorably to match my balls deep ass fucking thrusts.

"Here it cums Satya!" I declared, yanking on the leash as she gargled happily, feeling her ass tighten around me as the collar almost choked her.

"Ack! Aarfk!" she moaned as I pushed into her and we both hit the floor, slamming into her ass as I drained my balls once again inside her.

"Ooh! Ooooh FUCK!" I declared happily, pounding that ass as I fell onto her body and kissed her cheek… "Good GIRL." I hissed in her ear…

She gave me such a beautiful smile… her body shuddering uncontrollably as she climaxed.

"Papi!" Whined Olivia, crawling on all fours now as I cuddled my beautiful pet. Tempted to just take her home, make her a cute little nest in my closet and hide her from my parents… I never brought home a puppy but maybe they'll let me keep my sexy math teacher? "Papi…" she moaned, rubbing her cheek on my back as I gave Satya another kiss. "I'm the bunny!" she cooed, "You're supposed to want me the most!" she whined.

I pushed up from the floor, off of Satya and stood over her trembling body as her ass cheeks jiggled from my exit, I caressed Olivia's beautiful body before strutting around the couch, sitting right in the middle as I gazed at her over my shoulder.

"well?" I declared teasingly, my cock rigidly standing up, "Hop on it." I said, patting my lap. Olivia shot up onto her knees, wiggling her rear before standing up the rest of the way. Keeping her ears on she stripped out of her purple swimsuit before literally hopping around the couch, I gazed at her breasts jiggling up and down as she giggled, hopping right in front of me before turning around…

Hands on her knees she bent over, wobbling that samba booty left and right for my enjoyment as I reached out to bounce them together, then lie back as she began to gyrate her body upright. I grabbed her slender hips, pulling her onto my lap as she began grinding on top of me, feeling her ass cheeks twitching around my hard cock before sliding up my body. She planted on foot on the couch, then the other. Squatting over me as she slipped my cock into her tightened pussy as she hissed through her teeth.

"Bunnies are for breeding!" she winked before slamming down on top of me.

"NNgh!" she gyrated on my lap, practically dancing as she leaned back, hands on the back of the couch for balance before pushing herself up and down, "Haah! Aaah! Aaah! SI! PAPI!" I grabbed at her waist and just held on. Letting my conejita mascota ride as hard as she wanted. Hopping up and down on my lap. "Soy tu pequeño conejita de semen!" she laughed happily, my cock jumping up to meet her on instinct now with her damn language sorcery. "Mmn! mMn! Aaaah!"

"Ooh you slutty bunny!" I pulled her down, grinding her ass on my lap as she cooed happily.

"Oooh Amo a mi guapo dueño!" she whined happily, "Oooh! Oooh!" her head rolling back on her neck, "Oh Oh! Oooh! SI!" my cock vibrating as Satya began to crawl slowly around the couch, gazing longingly up at me as she rubbed her cheek against my leg. Quiero sus conejitas! Los quiero!" Her body trembled as she kept hopping on me, getting tighter and tighter as Satya gazed up at me, her chin on the couch as I slipped my fingers into her mouth.

"mmmn…" she moaned as Olivia began shrieking.

"Me estoy corriendo! Me estoy corriendo! Me voy a correr!" my fingers rubbed and gently pinched Satya's tongue as I held Olivia down on my lap. "Ooooh Tan bueno! se siente tan bien!" she shuddered and flopped onto me, her legs sliding off the couch as I reached up to squeeze and cup her tits, she nuzzled her cheek against me. Turning to lick me as Satya rested her face between Olivia's legs and began to lick my saft and her gooey pussy.

"Mmmn…" I kissed her cheek as Olivia quivered on top of me, Satya's tongue sliding across my shaft and Olivia's clit as she slid off of me to lie on her side on the couch, legs draped across my lap as I gently rubbed her leg.

Satya nuzzled Olivia's legs aside, licking at my messy cock as I sighed contentedly. Olivia raised one leg over the back of my head, rubbing herself exhaustedly, churning my cum and her arousal together on her fingers before slurping the result off her lips. "…Are we going to the beach today?" I asked tiredly as Olivia chuckled.

"…We can Papi…" she rubbed the back of my neck with her leg, "Eventually… we have the house all to ourselves…"

Satya, who was slurping my cock longingly suddenly yanked her face off my tip and glared at Olivia sternly. "I am not cleaning up after you Olivia. I agreed to watch Mei's cultures but I draw the line at whatever you've planned."

"Like you didn't love every fucking second puta!" declared Olivia with an evil grin. "As soon as I mentioned Scott and Love nest you were practically drooling."

"Not to ruin the mood." I said, caressing Satya's silky hair affectionately as she yanked her face disappointingly from my crotch. "But WHY was it so important that we have sex here? We could've done this at your apartment, Satya's apartment, my house."

"Beach front Property Papi!" Olivia replied sarcastically, "Our own little beach bungalow!"

I just sighed as Satya got up and started walking around the couch, the leash wagging between her breasts as my cock twitched watching her beautiful body move. My cock rubbing against Olivia's leg as I stood up from the couch. "You're crazy."

"You love me." She declared confidently, splayed out erotically on the couch as I kissed her forehead but followed Satya.

"I do. I'm going to clean up…" I followed Satya, watching her with a rigid hard on as she walked into Mei's bedroom towards her bathroom and environmentally friendly shower head. Less water used. Silently standing behind her she removed the collar from her neck. Carefully… almost reverently, rolling it up neatly and putting it on the sink. She then reached into the shower, turning on the hot water before stepping in…

I briefly watched her body glisten under the water as she gargled some of it, spitting it lazily out and down her body before I decided to 'save' water. Opening the shower door and stepping right in as she turned her head to me, "Mr. Snow." She scolded sternly only for me to grab her waist, pushing her easily against the wall, spreading her legs as she gasped and I shoved my tongue into her mouth. "MMng?! Mngh!"

Our hands already eagerly roaming over each other, my fingers sinking into her ass, lifting her slightly from the floor as I pushed my cock into her body. "MMNgh!?" she squirmed arousingly but I didn't stop, "MMgnh! MNgu! Ugh!!" she grunted into my mouth as I started slamming into her, pounding her against the wall as her toes curled on the tiles of the floor. "Mn! Mng-hmn! MNgh!" she moaned into my mouth as she tightened around my cock, ramming in and out of her as she trembled in orgasm… the water spraying onto my back as I warmed her front with my body. Her eyes rolling up into her head as I reached up behind it, pulling her forward as she tried to eat my face. "MMngh-aaah-aaah!" mouth wide open as her tongue salivated onto mine.

"Ay Papi… dios Mio…" Olivia outside the shower watched eagerly as I rammed an increasingly squeaking Satya against the wall, "Harder papi. Harder…" on hand on the glass the other fingering herself. "fuck her. Use her. She's a good BITCH…" she moaned, shaking as she came. "Mmn!"

"Haah! Aah! Aaah! Aaah!!" I pulled my lips away from Satya as she chanted my thrusts. "Haaaaa-aaaah! GODS!"

"Aagh!" I roared my release, emptying my cock inside her. Pumping my hips steadily with each rope before planting my hips against her body and releasing a final spurt before ripping away. Satya froze like a statue only to shiver, then slide down to the floor. A contented, manic grin on her face as Olivia entered the shower. I Gazed down at Satya, grabbing my cock and stroking it slowly as I tilted her head up.

That beautiful face was just begging for a facial… planting that hand on the wall I kept stroking… until another pair of hands reached around my waist and doing it for me. Olivia cooed happily as she rubbed my cock, pressing her cheek to my ass before her hand reached between my legs and fondled my sack. "haa-haaa…" I sighed happily, my body aching as Olivia's tongue licked my ass cheeks almost invasively. "Haah...! FUCK!" I hissed.

That beautiful face was crisscrossed with ropes of seed, shaking as Olivia jerked out my last load as I took a breath and leaned against the wall, shoving my cock onto Satya's nose and oozing out just a little more as I shuddered. "God damn it…" I breathed happily.

"…Mei doesn't come back for a few days Papi…" purred Olivia as Satya's tongue longingly licked at my cock again. "Our own little love nest…" her words, like her tongue, wormed in my ear. "And when she does you can fuck her too… but Satya and I would be more than happy too. Won't we Satya?"

Satya bit her bottom lip, she trembled and gazed up at me with my cum all over her face. "…Yes…" she whimpered pleadingly as I sighed.

"…I suppose I could come to the beach tomorrow…" I grinned… "Just to help take care of Mei's house."

"Oh Satya will appreciate it won't you Satya!" cooed Olivia happily, but Satya couldn't answer she had a mouth full of my cock.

"Mmn! Mmmn!" She is just the cutest fucking pet. I pulled my cock from her mouth, "Ah…" she whined as I hooked my hand around Olivia's head and pushed her against the wall, pushing her pussy in Satya's face.

"Ay… mMMNGh-MMN!!" she squirmed as I stuffed my cock up her ass. Smacking her ass cheek possessively as she wiggled it back against me. I moaned as my cock was engulfed in tight warm Olivia ass. Nibbling and licking her ear from behind as Satya occupied her mouth with Olivia's pussy.

"Let's not waste the days then." I pulled my hips back and pushed.

"AY! Papi!" she squeaked happily… and for a good long while after that.

End of Part 1

I was going to make this just obedience school 3, but I couldn't decide who I wanted to 'obedience', so my indecision now will make me do a Part 2 sometime in June.

Update: forgot the butchering. Sorry. 

Soy tu pequeño conejita de semen! = I'm your little cum bunny!"

Amo a mi guapo dueño! = I love my handsome owner!

Quiero sus conejitas! Los quiero! = I want his little bunnies! I want them!"

Me estoy corriendo! Me estoy corriendo! Me voy a corer = I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm gonna cum!"

Tan bueno! se siente tan bien! = So good! it feels so good!