
Jeremy in Azeroth High Arc: Part 5

I don't own Blizzard things

"I don't like this."

"You'll be fine."

"I REALLY don't like this!"

"Jeremy, take a breath."

"I just have this really bad feeling!"

"Dude." Daelin said, decked out in traditional orc armor. "Relax okay?" he said calmingly. His axe rested on his shoulder as he put his other hand on my shoulder and led me outside with the rest of the crowd. I was dressed in some dwarven armor, loaned to me from the armory, plus Dad's hammer and a light round wooden shield. "You'll be FINE." He encouraged. "Look. Distract yourself. There's Tay'Jin. Watch the troll booty and relax…" he said gesturing to Tay'Jin just ahead dressed in her combat leathers as her big troll booty wobbled with each step as she walked on with her cheerleader friends, also in combat gear.

"Hey Tay'Jin…" I mumbled dejectedly; I don't think she heard me. But my stomach was so twisted in knots that not even Troll Booty could soothe me… wow I feel like a jerk now.

"How's he doing?" asked Baine walking up next to us, carrying his father's halberd and wearing his war games attire.

"Panicking…" Daelin replied as we made it outside and approached one of the many Azeroth High fields… and arena in fact… the bleachers rose in a circle around a patted dirt field in the middle, a circular fighting ring as Mr. Lightbringer approached the center as at least a hundred kids began to climb the seats, sitting down and chattering excitedly.

I was selected to participate in the Arena Duels today…

"It's completely random, think of it like a pop quiz." Daelin said.

"With Axes… and full-contact combat." Baine added unhelpfully helpful.

"You probably won't even FIGHT." Daelin said as we sat down on the second row of seats from the bottom. Just one step away from the ring. Mr. Lightbringer stood with a very pretty Blood elf student, not dressed in armor, who held a small box filled with what seemed to be bone dice. "4 or 5 matches…" he said confidently, as I sat between him and Baine. "Out of literally a hundred other kids!"

Baine nodded slowly, "One-on-one, the matchups are completely random. It's to simulate the stress of-"

"Well I am stressed!" I replied nervously as Baine patted my shoulder gently.

"It will be perfectly fine… there's nothing to worry-"

"Beastess! Beastess! Beastess!!" I looked up as a good selection of orcs, even a couple of Garosh's 'Iron Legion' began chanting as I saw an orc female entered the arena, raising her arms high and roaring a battle cry.

"…Fuck." Baine and Daelin said flatly together.

She wasn't tall or built like a tank like other orc girls I've seen here before… she had smooth grass green skin, and black hair, shaved on the sides but long in the middle for a wild spiky mohawk and down her back in a warrior braid. She was dressed in Amazonian like animal leathers and metal plate. A two-handed ax raised in her hand, she looked like the Coach in her barbarian costume for comic-cons… but she didn't look like the coach.

She clearly had defined muscles, and she was very um… blessed in certain areas: she had Tay'Jin's booty, Sybil's Draenei looks, and a healthy dose of Ms. Mei's breasts… and okay she has Coach's arms but she was significantly smaller than her… more like a compact orc female. She was barely as big as Daelin.

"…Okay something to worry about…" Baine noted as I turned to him concerned, "Ahem… but not for YOU… because you will be fine."

"…Who is she?" I asked turning to Daelin as he cleared his throat.

"Well…" we watched her soak in the cheers before greeting Mr. Lightbringer who gestured to the stands with an amused smile on his bearded face. "…You could say she's the champion of the arena…" she sat down and raised her axe to the chanting orcs again, a smug but pretty smile on her face. "Basila 'Beastess' Garnadottir…"

"She's the champion?" I asked, she certainly looked it… and more than eager just to jump in the ring and take on all comers.

"There are no champions for these Arena duels…" Baine said, taking a breath through his muzzle. "…But Basila is the only student in Azeroth High who has NEVER lost in a duel. Even Daelin and I have lost once or twice. Basila, never once…"

"She's kinda a legend…" Daelin noted as my bad feeling was getting a lot worse. "But don't worry… the blunting spell IS on the arena so even if somebody comes from out of nowhere and hits you with an ax… I jumped feeling a slight poke on my arm. I turned to find Tay'Jin with her sheathed dagger tapping me playfully. She winked teasingly at me before sitting back in her seat, getting 'the point' across. "You'll just have a splitting headache instead of a split head.

Mr. Lightbringer raised his hammer for slience. "There will be FIVE matches today!" he declared as the crowd shifted in hushed whispers. "and Match one will now begin." He reached into the small box that the elf girl held, before scooping up some of the bone dice as they glowed white in his hand, and he tossed them back into the box.

The crowd was silent.

"Daelin Thrallson!" he announced as the crowd, particularly some of the girls, went wild.

"Wish me luck." He whispered before jumping to his feet and raising his ax with a mighty battle roar. "RAAAAAGH!!" he charged into the ring, pumping his ax hand in the air as the crowd roared and clapped, some of the Iron Legion booed but they were overwhelmed as Baine and I clapped.

Mr. Lightbringer raised his hammer again and the crowd petered out to a final 'Boo!' from an Iron legion orc that went ignored. He picked up the dice as they glowed and tossed them back into the box. "…Fujin Taizo!"

A large Pandaren got to his feet about five rows up across from Baine and I. He was tall and dressed in a black monk combat uniform, scratching his great gut and holding a large bamboo fighting staff, adjusting his conical straw hat as he waved to the cheering crowd as he stood in front of Daelin.

Daelin held out his unarmed hand to him, and the big Pandaren shook it with a grin, spitting out a piece of straw he had been chewing on before both struck a fighting stance… Fujin might look like a fat jolly soul, but he moved like a martial arts master, the staff wobbling dangerously towards Daelin as he gripped his ax tightly at the ready.

The blood elf girl scampered out of the way as Mr. Lightbringer stood between them, calm as the eye of a storm as the referee as the two faced off. "...…FIGHT!"

"Ha!" Suddenly Fujin lashed out and a heavy leg slammed into Daelin's chest as he went flying back but he caught himself, skidding in the dirt of the area and flushing his axe before he brought it down on Fujin, who caught his staff in the curve of the ax head only for Daelin to lunge with his knee and kick out at Fujin.

"So… how do you win?" I asked nervously as the two clashed.

"Well many ways." Baine noted thoughtfully, "A knockout is one way, of course, another is 'deadly blow' meaning that if you hit a particularly vital spot, the neck with a sword for example. Another way is to disarm and pin."

"Pin? Like a wrestling pin?"

"MMmn… more like get them on the ground into a position to receive a deadly blow. Ah! Watch." He said pointing as Fujin lost his grip on his weapon and it spun into the dirt before Daelin tackled him, and pinned him to the arena floor, raised his axe and brought it down with a roar, it planted into the dirt beside Fujin's head.

"Daelin wins!" shouted Mr. Lightbringer, pointing to Daelin. "Disarm and pin!" Daelin got to his feet, grinning as he helped Fujin to his feet. Fujin playfully punched Daelin's arm and retrieved his bamboo rod.

"So… what about giving up?" I asked hesitantly as Mr. Lightbringer seemed to be giving Daelin some advice or pointers to his form.

"Oh… yeah, don't do that…" he said firmly. "That's pretty much the ultimate shame…" he noted. "It would be like kicking a basket of direwolf puppies into traffic. Everyone will hate you." I stared at him. "…Hypothetically of course. Nobody wanted to live with the shame…"

Wow laying it on a bit thick Baine.

Still Daelin slapped my shoulder as he sat down next to me. "See? Not nearly as awful!"

"Says you…" I mumbled nervously as Mr. Lightbringer turned to the blood elf assistant, holding the box with the dice as Mr. Lightbringer reached in, took a fistful of dice as they glowed, then tossed them back in.

"Basila Garnadottir."

"Beastess! Beastess! Beastess!" chanted the orcs again as Beastess, uh, Basila got to her feet raising her axe and pumping it into the air as she twirled into the center of the arena next to Mr. Lightbringer.

"Silence!" he roared to the orcs as they died down… then he took a fistful of dice again. There was this odd tension now over the arena… some were eager, some were excited, a few were scarred… I was terrified.

"Jeremy Wildhammer." Someone in the orc crowd laughed maliciously as Baine and Daelin flinched.

"Eeeegh…" they groaned hesitantly as I sat on the seat just… starring.

"Jeremy Wildhammer." Mr. Lightbringer repeated. Then turning directly to me as if he knew exactly where I was. "Jeremy… come here son." he said calmly, like a protective father figure… a father figure sending his son to the executioner's axe.

Baslia stared scornfully at me as Baine groaned quietly, got up. And grabbed my frozen body. Carrying me to the arena, and setting me opposite the orc girl. He patted my shoulders, probably to give me some sort of confidence, but I only saw it as a farewell. "Do your best." He noted as I stared at him, he frowned apologetically and walked away.

"…Ready?" asked Mr. Lightbringer as Basila scowled at me.

"No." I replied holding dad's hammer and the shield dejectedly.

"…Hmph." Sighed Mr. Lightbringer. "…Begin." He said dismissively. With barely a flick of her wrist, Basila slapped the shield away as it wobbled into the dirt.

"Pathetic." She growled softly, but with a voice like honey. She swung her axe, again and again, barely missing me. But I knew she was messing with me. She had no stance, or put any effort into it. "Fight like an orc!"

"I'm not an orc!" I replied, but grabbed dad's hammer and swung.

"Shit!" cursed a dwarf warrior diving to the side as the phantom image of dad's hammer slammed just above him as Basila dodged it.

"Finally!" she declared, then swung her axe in both hands, I blocked it and stumbled away, she lunged forward, shoulder tackling me to the door as I landed with a grunt. "It was like fighting a struggling child! At least you showed some backbone!"

"Raaagh!" Basila raised her axe coming down at me as I raised dad's hammer to block it. She slammed the hook of her axe onto the shaft as I stared at the gleaming axe blade inches from my face. The hit to the hammer made my arms numb and they dropped as she raised her axe again for the finishing blow. She was Strong, REALLY strong… blunting or no blunting I'm pretty sure this is going to hurt.


A big fur and feathered mass SLAMMED onto Basila as she roared in shock, the entire crowd on their feet screaming in surprise and roaring at the sudden entrance of- "Sky'ree?!" I gasped

My big gryphon slammed her front talons on Basila's axe arm, knocking her weapon away and slapping her other talon to her chest, pinning her to the ground before opening her beaked mouth and screaming angrily at Basila. Flapping her massive wings and kicking up the dust as she snapped angrily at Basila's face, her arm up under her beak to stop Sky'ree from tearing her face off.

"Sky'ree! No! Sky'ree!" I scrambled to my feet, dropping dad's hammer as I grabbed Sky'ree around the neck and pulled her from a somewhat startled Basila.

"Stop." Shouted Mr. Lightbringer as Sky'ree roared feathery fury at Basila as I led her away, she seemed eager to rip into Basila… she was probably just protecting me. She must have seen me from the air and thought I was in trouble… she's such a good bird.

"STOP!" roared Mr. Lightbringer, raising his hammer as the crowd silenced, a flash of holy light bursting from it. He stared at us, Sky'ree glaring dangerously at Basila as she grabbed her axe, sneering as she got to her feet. "I need to discuss this with the graders." He said softly as the blood elf assistant approached with an odd orb, he took it as a Pandaran male with a big black beard I haven't met and Vice-Principal Bloodhoof magically appeared.

"Mr. Stormstout, Mr. Bloodhoof. Your thoughts." He said as they quietly discussed amongst themselves.

Basila kept her eyes on Sky'ree as my big gryphon stopped screeching warningly at her and began to nibble and coo against me, nipping at my hair like a preening mother hen. After about 4 minutes of chatter between the three teachers. Mr. Lightbringer raised his hammer for silence again… and stood between us.

"…The purpose of these duels is to prepare you for the surprises of combat and to adapt to it. These matches ARE one on one. However, minions may be summoned during the match, not before…" he said as I blinked at him. "Mounts and animal companions are not allowed to enter…" he said, before eyeing Sky'ree. "This gryphon is yours Mr. Wildhammer?"

"…Yes sir."

"Does she usually do something like this?"

"Sky'ree doesn't come unless called." I replied, which was true, she's never dropped out of the sky to protect me like this, ever.

"And you did not call her?" he asked calmly.

"…It's a whistle." I said, "That's her call command." I replied as he eyed Sky'ree and stroked his beard.

"And you certainly didn't have time to do that." he noted before turning to Basila "You dropped your axe Basila. You were disarmed."

The orc girl scowled, and dropped her head. "Yes." She admitted stiffly.

"The Purpose of these matches… is to prepare you for surprises and to adapt." He repeated to the crowd. "…Therefore. This Gryphon attack, while accidental, is still something you must take into account. Had I or even Mr. Wildhammer not intervened, this would clearly had counted towards Basila's loss."

Basila's hand tightened furiously on her ax as she glared at me. I hid behind Sky'ree.

"However… while a random gryphon attack could be excused. We cannot deny the fact that this Gryphon belongs to Mr. Wildhammer." He said calmly, "Due to what Mr. Stormstout calls a 'nesting instinct' to protect her 'egg' she intervened to do so," Sky'ree cooed in my hair, rubbing her feathery head on me. "while such loyalty is fine and it was unintentional on Mr. Wildhammer's part, it was still not allowed. So. This match is declared a draw. It will not count toward either participant's win-loss record, but it will also not count as a part of your grade. The match is over, Mr. Wildhammer, please dismiss your gryphon and take your seat."

I was a little reluctant to do so… as despite the fact that it was a draw and wouldn't count… Basila apparently had a second opinion… because she was PISSED. She looked so angry that I just wanted to hop onto Sky'ree, go home, and hide under my bed. I didn't really dismiss Sky'ree until Basila moved herself, heading angrily back to her seat as her neighbors tried to shuffle aside.

She GLARED at me for the remainder of the duels, and I swear I could feel her eyes on me as I ran for the locker rooms to get rid of my borrowed armor and tried as hard as possible not to think about the burning gaze I felt on my back for the rest of the day… I was needless to say a little jittery.

Thinking I should go to the Coach to feel better I quickly moved through the bustling hallways, that burning sensation on my back coming again as I glanced around. It's hard to spot a green girl in a sea of green girls, but as I passed by a moderately empty storage room a hand shot out, grabbed the back of my shirt, and dragged me abruptly inside before I was slammed against the wall.

"Don't hurt me!" I yelped nervously, eyes closed as I felt a hand on my chin, and warm lips on mine.

"MMm-mwah!" purred Tay'Jin as she pressed her cheerleader body to me, "Hey Jeremy."

"Oh… Hey Tay'Jin." I sighed in relief. "I thought you were Basila."

"Nope…" she said, kissing me again before slowly kneeling down in front of me. "Just me."

"Uh-Wha-at are you doing?" I asked as she fondled my junk through my pants, smiling up at me.

"Well… I was going to suck on your dick, so you could cum on my face." she said rather practically, "You look like you need to relax, mon." she cooed as I groaned slightly. My length hardened as she rubbed my crotch. "Plus…" she pulled my shorts down, my rock-hard dick jumping out towards her lips as she kissed my tip. "How are the other bulls going to know that I'm your bitch?" she purred as my cock wobbled.

"…This school is weird sometimes-oh…" I sighed as she sensually slipped her lips onto me, sliding slowly up and down as she hummed lovingly, her hands sliding up my chest and rubbing me..

"MMmn-mmmn…" she cooed, her tongue slithering around my length as she twisted her head left and right… she was really good at this… and oddly that made me wonder who else she's done this for… I put a hand on her sliding head and smiled.

"…Who else have you done this for?" I asked as she blinked up at me surprised, then her eyes narrowed as if thinking, then she slipped off.

"…Do you want names? Or a number? Cause I've sucked a lot of dicks…" she gazed up at me, giving it a lick. "But they haven't cum on my face…" she purred as my length throbbed eagerly. "That's why Jeremy you got to mark you mates…" she cooed, kissing my tip, humming softly as her tongue flickered out to dance around me. "Ah… you got to let all the bulls know Jeremy that my big blue ass is yours to tap… MMmn…" she suckled my tip, then popped off loudly. "So…" she smiled up at me. "Let me relax you, mon…" she rubbed my thighs, "As you claim me…"

"UUuh!!" I shuddered as she wrapped her lips around me, diving rapidly up and down as she took me into her throat, slurping and gagging loudly.

"Gluck-gluck-gluck-gluck!! GLERK!!" she buried her face into my crotch, lips tight around my base as she slurped loudly, gazing sensually up at me as I gasped. "MMMN!!" she slid up my length, grabbed my cock and held it towards her face, stroking rapidly as I trembled… and came.

"Haaaa…" she shuddered, eyes rolling as she closed them, my ropes of seed crossing across her silky blue skin as she extended her tongue. "Aah yeah… mon…" she sighed softly, shuddering excitedly again. "Ahh…" she rubbed her cheerleader top, squeezing her breasts as her hands slipped up to her face, gazing lovingly up at me as she rubbed my seed into her skin. "Haa-Ahhhh… Loa it feels so good to finally have a BULL…" she licked her lips, then her hands, "Haa-Ahhh…" gazing up at me as I went limp, taking a breath.

"…The girls in this school are weird…" I sighed, gazing as she seemed to ritualistically worship my cum.

"We're just pretty primal…" she said getting to her feet, breaking the 'cum drunk' visage as she inhaled through her nose shuddering in pleasure as she rubbed my cheek… with a cummy hand… I need to go wash that off now. "It's not every girl… but it is in our nature, our male's nature…" she cooed sensually, "…Sometimes it's just fucking amazing to feed our instincts, Jeremy… you should remember that. Some Azeroth girls just want to be a bull's property…" she kissed my forehead, pulling up my pants. "…Touch my ass, mon." she cooed as I obeyed more out of reflex than instinct, feeling her bloomers underneath her skirt, "MMmn… Squeeze it." I did so, enjoying the soft plump flesh of her ass cheeks. "MMn! Smack it"


"Smack it." SMACK! "Ahh!!" she wiggled against me, "Mon… that's your ass now, remember it." she grinned lovingly, rubbing my hair… before pulling away. "How about I come over tonight and remind you?" she added, "… Know what? You call me." She blew me a kiss, licking her lips "I'll always cum when my bull wants me to…" she winked and left me alone in the storage room.

"…I need to wash my face." I mumbled, finally leaving and getting to the closest bathroom.

It took me a few minutes to wash my face with the sink soap, before finally drying off my hair and slowly walking back out-GUCK! I was pinned to the wall by a significantly less armored Basila. She bared her teeth at me, leering at me as she held her axe in her other hand. "Wildhammer! Face me!" she snarled with a growl as I struggled against her arm.

"What?!" I asked surprised as she grabbed me and dragged me along. "W-wait! What are we-where are we going?!" I asked as she easily dragged me along.

Dress in a tank top and biker shorts hugging every one of her muscled curves she dragged me out of one of Azeroth High's exits and into the nearby forest. There was a War Game this morning and the Forest had yet to dissipate yet.

She hurled me into a clearing and gripped her axe with both hands as I scrambled to my feet. "Face me! We will settle this now!"

"What?! No! you win!" I replied nervously, "There's no way I can win! And there's no way I'm fighting you without a blunting spell!" she sneered at me, her red eyes narrowing as she hurled her ax at a tree, it slammed into the magic wood, quivering as it stayed there.

"Then you will fight me hand to hand!" she pointed angrily at me.

"You're built like a Sherman tank! No way!" I replied as she sneered.

"Compliments will not save you Wildhammer! I will have my victory even if I have to keep you here all night!"

I stared at her, "…Fine. FINE! You Azeroth High girls are crazy!" I declared, "Just get it over with!"

She grinned and charged me. Then she threw a punch…

…Would this be a bad time to mention that the coach has been teaching me rudimentary judo? My body moved on its own, ducking, turning, grabbing her arm and hurling her over my shoulder and slamming her onto the ground, she lied on her back, staring up at the sky as I suddenly twisted her arm, fell onto my back and got her into an armlock…

"Holy SHIT I can't believe that worked!" I replied, holding her arm as she suddenly roared angrily, slamming and thrashing as I held her arm.

"What is this?! Release me!!" she snarled angrily. "Damn it!" She struggled as I almost reflexively released her. But I fought that down, holding her arm as she roared again. "Let go!"

"NO! Because you need to stop!"

"I will not give UP!" she roared angrily, struggling firmly in my grip. "I will not lose!"

I groaned quietly to myself, then… I took a breath and pulled. She groaned angrily as I growled out, "Give up!"

"NO! I will not submit!" she barked.

'Some Azeroth girls want to be a bull's property.' Why the heck was that coming back to me now?! I stared up at the sky, getting weaker as she struggled, then I went slack, she pulled me up as I rolled onto her, pinning her arms under my legs as I straddled her chest. She gazed angrily up at me.

"Get off!"

"No!" I declared, then, I slapped her.

She STARED up at me aghast. "How dare-" Slap! She blinked, staring blankly at my knees as my hand cracked across her face.

"You are being really RUDE." I declared as her mouth gaped open, she glared up at me. "Now knock it off!" I said.

"How dare you pinky!" Slap! "Haa!" she gasped again. Slowly turning her head back to glare up at me. "Don't. you-" SLAP! She went quiet, her fists tightening as she struggled under me, but I had her pinned down just right.

"YOU. Need to stop. I don't want to fight! You. WIN!" I said breathlessly as she glared angrily at me.

"…You are such a coward." She declared as I stared down at her…

…You know… I KNOW that. And I don't care, I never cared. I never had to. I had a great best friend, a loving father, a loyal gyphon, a girlfriend... LOTS more girlfriends now actually… I'm happy… but hearing this orc BITCH push her stupid code of honor on me was really starting to make me mad… so you know what? If she wasn't going to give me any common courtesy… neither am I…

I leaned over her, one hand on the grass as I reached for my pants. "What are you-" she stared as I freed my cock out, it wobbled over her face. "What are you doing!?" I grabbed her hair as she flinched, "NNGh!?!" and jerked her head up as I aimed my length at her face. "What are you doing?!"

"I'm marking my bitch." I declared. I don't think I've ever been this angry. No. I know I've NEVER been this angry before… I was just moving on instinct now, gripping my cock and stroking it as she struggled but couldn't get me off.

"Stop-STOP!" she declared firmly, glaring up at me and trying to snap at me but I jerked her hair, holding her in place as I began to throb, stroking my length faster and faster. "Don't you dare! NNgh!?"

"Haa-You're my beast now!" I declared. "I'm your bull!"

She stared up in horrified awe as my cum sprayed across her face, her cheeks, her forehead her lips… I coated her skin with my ropes of cum as I jerked her hair, holding her in place as I gave her a facial.

"Haa…Haaa…" I sighed, shaking in both pleasure and a little fear… I was just so angry I wasn't thinking. I let go of her head as she flopped to the ground, staring at the sky. As I got off her still body… she wasn't moving… it was like she was dead.

"…Now LEAVE me ALONE." I declared firmly. I don't know what I was saying… but it felt good saying it… even though my dick was still hanging out of my pants. She twitched, and pushed herself slowly up, her face dripping with my cum.

She sneered at me, and suddenly I wasn't so confident. "You… cum on MY face? MARK ME?! And DARE to tell me to leave you alone!?"

I flinched as she came down on me, glaring fury through her red eyes. It took all my instincts not to run, but something about seeing her covered in my cum, made me realize that… it was MY cum. I defeatedher, and then I came on her like some sort of… ancient orc draenor tribal… I frowned, then smacked her across the face.

"Ha!" she gasped, looking shocked as I grabbed her long hair and yanked her down onto her knees as she stared almost awed up at me.

"I Beat you." I said as he shuddered, staring at me wide-eyed. "I beat you, and I marked you. You're MY property." I declared as she suddenly trembled… her hands slipping to her inner thighs, shaking as she resisted the urge to touch herself. I took my limp cock in hand and smacked her sticky cheek with it, then the other. "I'm the bull! Now lick me." She stared up at me surprised, I smacked her face quickly. "Lick it!"

She stuck out her tongue and ran it along my shaft, "Haa… that feels good. I praised as she slowly began to move her tongue along me, "Haaa…" I stared at her, rubbing my length against her face, feeling her breathing through her nose on it as I pushed it on her sticky skin. I wiped it across her face, sliding over my cum before making sure she licked it off. She flinched as I pushed my cock against her orc nose. "What's that smell like?" I asked as she sneered up at me, not answering. "What's it smell like?"

"Sweaty Pink micro-dick." she soured, I smacked her cheeks with my cock.

"No… it smells like your bull. Now sniff it." I said, pushing my cock against her face again as she scowled. "Sniff it." she trembled, anger, fear… arousal? probably anger. But she pressed her nose to the side of my shaft, and SNIFFED loudly. A deep inhaling breath.

"What's it smell like?" I asked again as she trembled, glaring at me… I only had a grip on her hair, she could clearly beat the living daylights out of me. But she didn't… I was in control… and… that felt AMAZING.

I've never been in control before… I've usually been the one being controlled. Not that I mind…

But she didn't answer me and I was brought back out of my thoughts, and I jerked her hair as she scowled. "What's it smell like?"

"…It smells like cock." she growled furiously, I jerked her hair again, pulling her head back. "Ahhg…"

"What's it smell like?" I repeated.

"….NNGH… it smells… like… my BULL." She declared bitterly as I slapped her cheek again with my dick.

"…Open your mouth." I said as she obeyed, and I spat into her. She gasped briefly, but then I stuffed her mouth with my dick.

"MMMGnh!?" I held her head on my dick, before guiding her up and down, she glared up at me, but her mouth was tight, and warm… her tongue sliding as little as possible on me as I pushed my hips against her face.

"You mouth feels good." I declared as she growled, "I'm glad you are my bitch now…" a brief wave of fear ruffled through me as I felt her teeth on me, but I smacked her cheek. "No teeth." I said quickly and, amazingly, I didn't feel her teeth anymore, just her lips and tongue as she growled up and down my length… "Haa… hhaa…" I moaned, gliding her up and down… before I yanked her off my bulging length, yanking her hair.

"Do you know what you are?" I asked firmly as she sneered. "You're my prize…" I slapped her face with my cock as she flinched, "I beat you in combat… now you're mine…" she growled angrily. "Say it…" she didn't say anything, just sneering, sitting submissively before me. "Say you are mine."

"NNNgh!" she growled, clenching her teeth.

"Say it. You're my orc bitch."

"…I'm… your orc bitch…" she sneered angrily as I let go of her hair and backed away.

"Get up." She stared at me, my length twitching, "Up…" she got slowly to her feet. She was taller than me, and built like a small tank… "Take off your shirt…"

She glared at me, but she grabbed her shirt, and lifted it up… her well-toned orc muscles glistened with sweat as her big round breasts wobbled free. "Wipe your face off with it." I said as she hesitated, but she buried her face into her shirt, wiping it off before I added. "Make sure you memorize the smell…"

She sniffed loudly, her hands clenching the shirt as I walked forward and grabbed her breasts. "These are amazing." I said as she tossed her top aside, "You proud of these?" I asked, squeezing them.


"Good… I like big breasts." I declared smugly, "I especially like them now that I know they're mine." I said, pinching her nipples as she trembled. "Take off your pants…" I pulled away, pushing mine to the ground as her tight shorts hit the grass. She was completely smooth, and her legs were like iron… her firsts were clenched at her side as I approached her, then slipped a finger into her damp womanhood as she trembled, but growled.

"Touch yourself." I ordered as she flinched, "Squeeze your breasts for me…" she sneered but her hands slid up her body, and squeezed her breasts, her pussy tightening around my fingers as she groped herself, I slipped in and out of her pussy as she finally made a sound that wasn't a threatening growl. Before I took away her right hand and wrapped my mouth around her hard dark nipple, suckling loudly as I reached around to smack her firm ass, and slipped between her cheeks to find her tight ass.

"Haah…" she gasped suddenly, shaking as I pulled away from her. "Haa-nngh…"

"You're really wet…" I praised, smacking her ass with my pussy fingering hand. Her body trembled as I squeezed it. "…Put your hands on that tree… bend over." I smacked her rear as she slowly walked towards the tree ahead of her, bent over… and displayed herself to me…

I stood behind her, my length drew towards her wet orc womanhood as I put my hands on her ass cheeks, spreading her wider. "…You must really want your bull's cock… that's good. Because I want you too." She trembled, then I pushed abruptly in.

"NNGh-UGH!!" she groaned, shaking as I immediately began to pound her, my hips smacking off those buns of orc steel as I slipped in and out of her soaked hole. "NNgh!!" her teeth clenched, determined not to cry out even as her body betrayed her.

I slammed doggedly on, smacking her ass as I grunted. "Ah-ahh! You're amazing!" I praised softly, "Big breasts, powerful body! You're an Amazonian wet dream." I cracked my hand on her other ass cheek as she tightened, shaking in pleasure, "I couldn't ask to be the bull of a better orc bitch!"

"Haa-AHHGH!!" she trembled as I smacked her ass, then grabbed her hair, yanking it back, "Haaagh!?!"

"Are you cumming? Good!" I panted, close to the end myself, "A good orc bitch like you should cum with her bull! Cum! Cum with me Basila!" her fingers clawed the tree as her knees buckled and I kept pounding…

Then we went still, roaring primally as I held her up, pumping her full of cum as I claimed my green bitch. I smacked her ass again, hard, but no matter how hard I did it I couldn't even stain her ass cheeks with my hands… I pulled my cock from her and she dropped to the ground on her knees, a dollop of my cum and her arousal oozing out of her onto the grass with undignified squelching spurts…

"haaa-Ahhhhh…" she trembled as I reached for her hair and yanked her upright. "Haa?" I slapped my cock on her face, prying open her lips as I slipped myself in and out.

"Touch yourself." I said as her hands slipped down to her inner thighs and she fingered her pussy, still dripping out mixture of fluids as I guided her head up and down, "Make yourself cum." I ordered, gasping softly as I hardened between her sloppy sucking lips. "Haa-haa… if you cum before me I'll give you a treat." I said as she moaned, sliding up and down… faster and faster as I sighed, shaking as my cock throbbed in her lip.

"MMmng-MMMN…" then… "MMMMGNH!?" she trembled, climaxing hard as I ripped my length from her mouth.

"Here cums your treat! I panted, "Haa… Ugh!" I threw my head back… and marked her as my bitch, her mouth opening as ropes of cum stained her beautiful and sweaty green face once more. "Haa…" I rested my cock against her face, my balls quivering against her sticky cheek as my last dollop of cum oozed out onto her forehead… then down over her eye…

"…What's that smell like?" I asked as she trembled, gazing at me dazedly with her remaining open eye.

"…It smells like my bull." She cooed, her eyes rolling up, closing… and she fell backward onto the grass.

I stood over her, took my length in hand… and shook it over her body, a little bit of fluid spraying on her green tits… before I almost mechanically put my pants on… whistled, then mounted Sky'ree to head home…

School wasn't even over yet.

It was lunch the next day and I was feeling… kinda sick... or existential dread. One or the other… Did I technically rape a girl in anger? I totally did. I'm a bad person… oh god. What did I do? I was just so mad!

Daelin sat next to me and began eating his lunch before he eyed me. "…You look like you swallowed a live murlock. What's up?"

"…I uh…" I began but oddly enough… suddenly Basila sat across from me and Daelin as we stared at her. She quietly and casually began to eat her lunch as Daelin blinked.

"Uh… hey." He said confusedly.

"Daelin." She greeted by growling out quietly, still eating.

"Why are you here?" he mumbled nervously, moving his arm protectively in front of me.

"Am I not allowed to eat with my 'bull?'" she asked lazily as I blinked.

"…Your what now?" Daelin asked as she sultrily gazed at me. Then smirked harshly.

"My 'bull'… am I not allowed to eat with him?" she asked playfully.

"…What did you do?" Daelin asked, sounding more awed now than confused.

"…I…may have um… 'marked' her?" I replied embarrassedly.

He stared at me, and snorted, coughing slightly as he tried not to burst out laughing. "…Uh… Jeremy, man, uh… first of all: good for you!" he said proudly, clapping me on the shoulder. "Second of all that uh… 'ritual?' I'll say that you did? It's mostly just… you know… for kinks. Doesn't really mean anything unless the girls want it too… you know?"

"Uh… okay?" I replied hesitantly. As Basila's eyes twinkled and she absently licked her fingers of bread crumbs.

"…Oh… don't worry Daelin… he knows darn well what he did." She added coldly, "…And I plan on discussing it with him at length later on… privately…" she added with a growl… her tongue slowly licking across her lips… she looked bloodthirsty…

…But her foot rubbing playfully between my legs under the table told me a different story.
