
Hawaiian Vacation Part 2: Checking in

I don't own overwatch

So. I know for a fact that I got my mom's sense of humor, her non-bullshit attitude, her talent for cooking, and a few fighting techniques. And if you looked at me and my dad side by side you might see the resemblance: similar face and body structure. 'Wiry but rugged' as he put it once. But there have been moments when I've questioned my relationship with him. And then he goes and says something out of nowhere that honestly might be something I'd say if it wasn't for my mom's brains.

"…I'm honestly disappointed that they don't wear coconut bras and grass skirts everywhere-OOF!" mom elbowed him in the side as we retrieved our luggage from our missed plane. Our necks were adorned with flowery leis as we were greeted by a few girls with big smiles and a healthy 'Aloha!'

Olivia rolled her eyes and glanced at me, "I'm pretty sure that's racist Jimmy."

"…Well a guy can dream-OOF!! Darlin I need those ribs!" he whimpered, rubbing his bruised side as we walked through the open-air airport.

"So… how are we getting to the hotel? Did we rent a car?" I asked as we reached the curb, several other cars, and buses loading and unloading tourists and locals alike. Mom checked her phone for a minute and frowned.

"Well… Nova said something about a driver, but I don't know…" Mom noted thoughtfully.

Oliva however quickly pointed. "Uh isn't that someone you guys know?" she asked hesitantly.

Naturally, Rexxar, still wearing his fancy suit in what felt like 90-degree weather, Humid 90-degree weather, stood casually on the curb holding up a comically small sign in comparison to him that said, Snow/Raynor. Mom slapped my dad's arm with the back of her hand as we grabbed the bags and approached him.

"Jim Raynor, Sarah Snow." He said as we approached, I blinked at him in surprise. Thinking about it I had NEVER heard him speak before. "Welcome to Hawaii." He put the small sign into his jacket before walking around to the back of a large van with the words NEXUS TRANSPORT on the side. It was a tacky thing, black and silver, and clearly, it was meant for VIPs. He opened the back and easily lifted all of our luggage and placed it neatly into the back of the van.

"…Are you catching a ride with us?" I asked, suddenly turning to Olivia who looked moderately interested in her phone. Before smiling at me.

"Well we're going to the same place, so I assume it's fine." She noted as Rexxar promptly lifted her purple bag into the back.

"It is a 40-minute drive. I suggest you use the bathroom and get comfortable. Enjoy the sights." He added as we got in the car. We already did our business anyway.

…I expected Hawaii to be more… green. Personally. But a vast majority of it is thick black lava rock, long cooled over the years with small patches of pointed grass piercing through the black rock, most of the area was in the shadow of a mountain, or more likely a former/active volcano (I'm not familiar with the locale yet, sue me,) populated with wild goats and donkeys. But soon the view of the ocean overshadowed the somewhat brown of the island… I've seen a beach before, obviously, but never in such clear vastness, stretching out beside me. A long, seeminglyendless stretch of constant beach as far as the eye could see, and soon even that gave way to green. And buildings, and soon we were in my image of Hawaii…

Too bad the large NEXUS hotel overshadowed pretty much everything. Next to a golf course, and near the beach, Rexxar turned the van towards the hotel. To be fair I suppose everyone seemed to be having a good time and enjoying themselves. People of all races wandered about cheerfully as the hotel staff, clearly mostly local-born, smiled waved and helped. It was charmingly friendly.

Rexxar pulled the van up and promptly exited as a floral-shirted man with a natural sun tan and long black hair approached, "Sir? May I help?" Rexxar handed him the keys but said nothing as we got out stretching and removed our bags from the back of the van.

"Thank you, Kai, but we've got it covered." Nova, dressed in her usual suit but in a floral pattern appeared. 'Kai' smiled and promptly relieved Rexxar of the van, driving it off to park on some lot I imagine. Speaking of Rexxar, he promptly took his place next to Nova in his usual, 'orchish hitman' sort of stance. His hands were held in front of him as he stared ominously at us. "Aloha! Welcome to the big island!" she smiled as she immediately approached Mom and Dad, "We have many options here. As well as brochures for other island activities, such as seeing the big island cookie factory which are ADDICTING. Or touring up one of the very lovely volcanos. We have ziplining, fishing, horseback riding, helicopter tours, or just hanging around and taking a nap. All lovely options. You'd actually be surprised how many people pick the napping option."

"Right now Nova we just want to check into our room." Mom said surprisingly civil.

"Well… about that." she wiggled her hand slightly, "It's really, ROOMS, as they are right next to each other. But it still applies."

"We have multiple rooms?" Dad asked curiously as Olivia, apparently not getting the personal treatment of the owner of the company, winked sultrily at me as she went to check herself in.

"Bit of a computer error, but don't worry you're not being charged for the extra room. Think of it as a bonus." She led us on through the lobby, filled with all manner of local plants and carved artwork. "You guys get one room Scott gets another; they're connected by a door so you could open it if you like."

Upon hearing the words 'computer error' I could not help but glance at Olivia who gave me a sultry wink, wiggling her room key card between her fingers before strutting away into the hotel and naturally drawing the eyes of every male (and a couple of females) as much as delightfully sculpted short-short ass could.

"Ms. Terra." Rexxar's gruff voice began as she turned to him looking confused. "We have 10 minutes until the cruise ship arrives."

Nova stared at him, concerned. "…Did you just talk? You never talk on the job."

"I'm on vacation." He noted, completely straight-faced. He certainly didn't seem to be, but Nova shrugged and waved us towards the check-in counter.

"Anyway please enjoy your stay, do whatever you like, and maybe we can all eat dinner together later in the week." She took the key cards from the front desk and handed them to dad and me.

8 floors later and we were walking down the halls to the pair of rooms we were apparently given. Opening them at the same time we entered, opening up the inner door before I rushed to and jumped onto the double bed. There was a large bathroom, modest sink, and kitchen appliances, a tv opposite the bed, and my room even got a balcony with a view of the ocean, which currently had a massive ship pulling into the recently made dock on the beach.

"Hell, we don't get a balcony." Dad said entering my room.

"Wanna trade?" I asked as Mom entered.

"No, it's fine." She said, examining a few of the brochures that Nova had given her. "Horseback riding? The beach, pool, or we can do what all tourists…" she then caught my look and dad's frowned, "Do... What? You don't want to see the sights?"

"Pretty sure darlin we can see the mountain from here." He noted gesturing towards my door, but he sighed, "If you really want to we can…"

"No. We'll leave it for later in the week." She said, frowning, "Let's just settle. Maybe relax at the pool or-"

Dad checked his watch, "…Got a game coming on in a few minutes what to see if the TV's got the channel?"

"That sounds perfect." Mom said, tossing the brochures onto my floor as they went back into their room.

"I'm going to have a look around if that's cool." I said as mom and dad checked out the channel selection.

"Take your phone and have fun." Mom replied as I did so, seconds before they cheered at finding the correct channel, and a touchdown as I shut the door.

Looking through the hotel I had made my way to the beach as dozens of cruise ship attendees began to exit by the ship ramp… and if I'm not mistaken I see a sexy purple woman in the multi-colored crowd… she's easy to spot, the guy walking next to her was obviously Gerard, and on his phone.

"Scott?" I blinked as my girlfriend and her mom passed by me. Fareeha approached me with a smile as Ana, also sporting one, walked on adding,

"I'll meet you at the front desk."

"Alright, mom." Fareeha said as she grinned at me, walking along after her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as she shrugged.

"Well we all got this 'free weekend' at the nexus, most of the teachers are on it. Amelie, Angie, Ashe…"

"Yeah I spotted Amelie she's hard to miss." I noted, scratching my chin thoughtfully. "Did everyone come?"

"No some stayed behind but most of us are here. How about you?"

"Mom's sister gave us a free week while she… I guess, fixes up the hotel? She wasn't clear I'm sure it's a scheme to have sex or something."

"Isn't it always?" she replied with a roll of her pretty eyes and a sigh.

"So maybe I'll see you later?"

Taking a quick glance around she leaned forward giving me a kiss and a wink, "Don't you always?" She walked away, as I watched her hips wave goodbye… my girlfriend is the best.

After getting a good look around the hotel, including the gift shop, restaurants, and pool. I returned to my room armed with a fresh bucket of ice.

"Hey there bronco." I paused at my door, turning to find a sexy platinum-haired woman who looked suspiciously and coincidently like Ashe. Leaning against her open doorframe to her room as she watched me, with her bright ruby red lips, cowgirl boots, jean shorts, and a white tank top. "Fancy meetin you here." She said as I opened my room and said, holding up a patient finger.

"Hold that thought." I said, dropping off my ice bucket as mom and dad cheered at their football game. Shutting the door again to talk with the sexy cowgirl that looked suspiciously like Ashe.

Returning I sighed, smiling at her as I saw a brief glance of purple hair out of the corner of my eye and into room number 821. Amelie was on my floor too. Fun. "Hey, Ashe."

"Hey there bronco." She repeated, swirling my shirt with her finger before letting it curl in the cloth, dragging me forward, "I didn't expect you to be here."

I doubt that. "So what do you want?" I asked as she pulled me subtly towards her room.

"I think the question here bronco is 'what do you want?'… cause I think I can help you get it."

Hmmm… spend some time with a platinum blonde, ironically gold digging, cowgirl? Or watch football with my parents… is this really a question? Because I'm not doing a cheap cutaway to watching football with my parents, I'm going to bang a beautiful cowgirl…

"Hola perra, qué haces?" Olivia, apparently with ninja training, was leaning on the wall next to us watching coyly.

"Oh. You." Ashe sighed reluctantly, losing all seduction and letting go.

"Oh, don't stop on my account." She smiled, but there was a somewhat dangerous look in her purple eyes. "Please. Continue defiling the hierarchy." We both looked at her funny as she walked behind me, and began shoving me forward into Ashe and into her room, shutting the door behind her. "Hands on that ass Papi." Cooed Olivia as she gripped my wrists and smacked my hands onto Ashe's ass cheeks, "We're going to do this right…" she moaned, her tongue swirling in my ear.

"…I can work with this." Ashe said confidently, wiggling her ass in my hands as she pressed up against me, hands on my chest as Olivia nibbled my ear.

"Hey. Hierarchy." Olivia said firmly, resting her hands on Ashe's shoulders and pushing her down onto her knees as Ashe's face rubbed against the bulge quickly appearing in my pants.

"Are you going to keep saying that?" Ashe said with a scowl, "Come on already."

"Listen here puta I-"

"Hey!" I interrupted, grabbing Olivia's wrist and dragging her in front of me before pushing down on her shoulders so they were side by side on the floor, Olivia went down quickly. She always did. "Who's at the top of this hierarchy?!" I said, it was something of a rhetorical question but-

"Fareeha." They said together, and I walked into that. because it was kinda true.

"Let me try that again." I mumbled quietly to myself as my pants hit the floor and my cock jumped to life, Olivia's eyes happily watching it throb and bob before her. "Who is that hierarchy for?"

Olivia's answer was to run her talented tongue up and down the side of my shaft, cooing softly as she gazed up at me devotedly, "You Papi." Ashe apparently annoyed that she was dropping the ball, immediately took the other side of my length, her bright red lips leaving imprints with her lipstick up and down my shaft.

I rested my hands on their head/hat as their tongues danced and their lips tingled, my length throbbing excitedly at the attention. "Then act like it."

"Yes Papi." Olivia cooed, embracing my tip between her lips as she suckled, gazing up at me as I felt her tongue swirl and prod inside her mouth.

"No hands." I said as Olivia's slapped onto her knees, her fingers sinking in as if to lock them in place, Ashe just rested them on her lap as she slid down the side of my length to my balls, her tongue flickering between her lips to touch as they both tended to me. "Share Olivia." I said, pulling slightly at her hair off my tip as she whimpered gloomily, before guiding Ashe up my length and onto my tip, Ashe took me in her mouth now as Olivia slid her tongue underneath my length, letting it rest on her face, absorbing my scent.

I sighed contentedly, enjoying their oral skills in the hallway as they soon began to alternate and switch, finding new places for their tongues to explore. I was back in Olivia's mouth as my cock pulsed warningly, my balls tightening in Ashe's mouth as they readied to fire. Roughly Olivia reading the signs slid all the way down, knocking Ashe out of the way as I gripped her head in both hands.

"Oh… Puta…" I hissed as her throat vibrated lovingly around my length as she giggled, Ashe watched fascinatedly as Olivia wrapped her arms around me and sucked every drop down her throat as I massaged her head. "What a good girl you are."

"MMn hmmm…" she moaned, her throat humming and clenching as she slowly slid back up my length, her tongue dancing beneath my shaft as she encouraged out the last drops. Pop. I slipped from her mouth as her lips puckered and she kissed the tip. "That's what Papi likes…" she said confidently, giving Ashe a coy glance as she rubbed her cheeks against my briefly softening cock, before it hardened again at the feel of her smooth skin.

"That's what Olivia likes…" I said with a smirk, smacking her cheek. "Up up, time for more."

Olivia kissed my length again and got to her feet, I pulled Ashe up and pushed them both gently towards the bed. Wrapping my arms around both of them I rubbed their crotches through their respective shorts, Olivia moaning excitedly as Ashe cooed softly. "You girls don't need these now do you?"

Olivia stripped immediately, yanking off her shirt before tossing it aside and shimmying out of her shorts. Ashe however… did it right? Slowly she slid her fingers into her shorts, glancing over her shoulder at me as she wiggled, tantalizingly pushing them down as she bent forward, giving me a great view. Kicking her shorts away and standing there in rather fancy, black underwear, she took off her hat, it was then Olivia realized she missed a prime strip tease opportunity even though she was completely naked.

Ashe spun her hat on one finger before tossing it, accurately, onto my head where it wobbled and rested a little awkwardly, so I quickly adjusted it before she began to carefully take off her top, standing topless now as she swirled the shirt and tossed it carelessly away where it crumpled in the corner of the room. She practically posed with pride, smirking knowingly at Olivia who looked furious with herself.

This wasn't a contest but Ashe pretty much won round 2.

I pushed Ashe forward onto the double bed, she sat on her knees before spreading them, her ass on the bed and legs splayed out to the side, she smirked resting her hands on the back of her head as she 'popped' her rear, chuckling darkly.

"Are you… are you twerking?! Who do you think you are Satya?" Olivia said disdainfully as Ashe worked her rear like a rap video girl.

"Who do you think taught me?" Ashe said confidently as her cheeks bounced rhythmically up and down. "Turns out all that riding did wonders…" she cooed as I rolled my eyes, watching intently before crawling behind her, pushing her in her mid-back, she fell forward slightly, palms on the bed as I adjusted myself against her silky pussy lips. "Mmn. That's right bronco…" she cooed confidently before I slid easily inside her, she gasped erotically, her bright (somewhat smeared) red lips parting in an enticing moan. I gripped her curvy waist and thrust in and she slammed herself back, getting me deep inside her as I took her from behind.

Olivia watched patiently, rubbing herself with one hand and pinching her nipple in the other looking annoyed as I pounded deep into the platinum cowgirl. I slowly slid my hands up Ashe's waist, giving her breasts a slight squeeze as I slid them up to her shoulders.

"Uh ugh… Uuuhhmmm!" she shivered as I gripped her shoulders slightly and sped up, pulling her back as she bounced back against my thrusts, "Ah! Ah! Ride me bronco!" she moaned, trembling as the bed rocked beneath us, "Fuck!" she hissed as I pulled her back against me, burying myself into her as she clenched around me. I squeezed her shapely ass, feeling her shake before me as I pushed her down fully onto the bed, raising her ass up as I pounded down into her. "Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Ride me bronco! Come on!"

"MMn ah…" Olivia shoved her fingers wildly into her pussy, watching me intently as I brought myself closer to release, her hands switching as she licked her taste off her fingers, sliding her other hand into her pussy.

I pushed deep into Ashe, lying on top of her as her toes curled in the sheets before stretching out fully. She fell to the bed, shrieking her orgasm as her red eyes rolled erotically from the orgasm, her legs pressed firmly together in the 'prone bone' position. "Oh fuck cum! Cum! Cum! CUMMING!!" she tore at the sheets as I pushed deep into her, feeling her muscles spasm around me as my balls trembled and I collapsed giving her what she wanted as Olivia fell forward on the bed, shaking wildly as she came on her fingers.

"Mmmn Hm hm hm…" Ashe cooed beneath me as she wiggled beneath me, "You like that stud?"

I turned her head and kissed her, her eyes wide as my tongue slammed deep into her mouth. "No fair…" Olivia whined as I slipped my hands beneath her ass, squeezing her own modest-sized chest. "No fair, my turn."

"So needy." I said pulling away from the erotically panting Ashe. I rolled off of her, lying beside her as I faced Olivia, stroking myself and rubbing in Ashe's slick pussy juice for lube. "Come here Olivia."

Olivia desperately crawled onto the bed, falling on top of me with my hard-on between her legs as she kissed me, my hands on her ass and roughly playing with it as she straddled me. She rubbed my length between her ass cheeks, slowly lifting herself up and down before standing on her knees, letting her wetness drool impatiently on my tip, then immediately dropping down on me. My hand lashed to her waist as she ground her hips back and forth, moaning softly as I groaned at her amazing tightness.

My hands guided her faster and faster as my cock explored her familiar insides, feeling her tunnel clench and shudder as I explored her. she grabbed my wrists, guiding them up her bronze-colored body to clutch at her chest, moaning as her hardened nipple rubbed against my palms. "Papi…" she whined as I gave them a playful pinch. She hissed softly, "Ay!"

"I'm tired puta." I said playfully, pulling away from her body to rest my hands behind my head, watching her. "Come on… give me a show."

"…Yes Papi…" she smiled, lifting herself briefly up and down, barely letting my cock breathe as she rapidly bounced on my waist, "Ah-aH yes!!" she rode me hard leaning forward as her hips rocked her pussy up and down my cock, gasping and panting erotically above me.

Fucking. Beautiful.

I smirked as she bit her bottom lip, moaning as a sharp orgasm surged through her body. She briefly slowly, let me feel her pussy clench and shudder excitedly for more. I put Ashe's hat on her head, she stared at me through half-lidded eyes.

"…What?" I asked as she lifted herself up, rubbing her tits with her hands as she rolled on my lap. "…There are Mexican cowgirls right?" I smacked her ass sharply as she hissed and sped up, watching me erotically as she leaned her head slowly back… and shrieked in orgasm.

"Ahh-ahhhhhh!!!" she clenched tightly around me, I wrapped my arms around her waist, thrusting up into her as my load rushed up into her perfectly sculpted body. She moaned incoherently as she went limp. "…Wooo…" she breathed with a laugh before I promptly rolled her over and lay her onto Ashe.


"Hey!" she mumbled together as they went ass to ass, I spread Olivia's leg wide as she drooled my load onto Ashe's smooth white skin. I rubbed my returning erection up and down between them, eagerly prodding their holes with indecision. Ashe jumped slightly as she felt me prod her tight little ass.

"Hey! HEY!! Don't you get any ideas bronco!" she hissed as Olivia moaned, rubbing her pussy with her hand, impatiently waiting for me to pick who I finished up with.

"I'll take it Papi. Put it right up my culo…" she moaned, shimmying on top of Ashe their asses made a wonderful side-by-side (top to bottom?) comparison.

"I don't know…" I teased, lying on top of Olivia and pinning her ass hard to the bed as she briefly struggled, feeling my cock rub between their ass cheeks, together they were tight and warm, silky smooth, and utterly inviting. "…She's not going anywhere…" I teased sucking Olivia's neck and leaving a very prominent hickey.

"Don't you dare!" Ashe hissed as Olivia seemed to just go limp, pinning her in place. "Get off!"

"You're no fun." I replied before pulling my cock from between them and thrusting up Olivia's tight puckered hole. She shrieked in pleasure as her hand rubbed wildly on her leaking pussy as I thrust in again and again, her back arching as her head rested beside Ashe but pinned her using her weight and shoulders. "Tight! Little! Culo!" I hissed, pulling my length out to the tip before thrusting in deep again and again as Olivia shudder, her pussy leaking cum and arousal as her hand continued to work. I kept her legs spread wide, running my hands up and down her thighs as she trembled and shudder.

"Ay! Ay! Papi! Deeper! Más adentro! Ve más profundo! Me lo llevo todo!" suddenly she clenched, thrashing on the bed as her back arched and she obviously came. "Oh, mierda todavía no!" she screamed as she clamped down, but I promptly ripped out of her spasming body, and gaping hole as I pushed up into Ashe.

"Oh shit! Bastard!" she shrieked in surprise as I went balls deep into Ashe's pussy, "Ugh! UGH!!!" she grunted as I pounded deep into her, lying on to a shivering Olivia as I wrapped my arms around both of them. "W-wait! WAI-MMM!!" she twitched and shuddered beneath Olivia screaming her orgasm into the bed as she clutched to the pillow.

My cock throbbed eagerly for release, then, in some spur of the moment, I pulled out of her and aiming my cock over Olivia. I gave it a few firm strokes.

"Ah!" Olivia gasped, opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue as a stream of seed splayed over her body and onto the back of Ashe's platinum hair… could barely tell it was there. I collapsed onto the bed with a satisfied sigh as Olivia rolled off Ashe's back, her stomach, chest, and left shoulder covered in my cum. Her hand rested on my cock, giving it a few strokes. "Hmm… Papi." She cooed, obviously eager for more when-

BZZZ! I blinked spotting my vibrating pants on the floor, crawling off the bed I pulled out my phone from my pocket, and spotting 'Mom' on the caller ID I stood up and answered. "Y-Yeah mom?" I asked as Olivia frowned.

"So we're thinking of driving around before dinner, getting a good feel for everything around the area. Do you want to come? Where are you?"

"Oh… around…" I said as Olivia crawled before me, opening her mouth with a wink as she slid her tongue around my softening length. "Just… enjoying the sights." I said as she cooed softly, sliding down my cock. "…I can come back in 10?" I said thoughtfully as I was promptly reminded of a certain platinum blonde in the room, wrapping her arm around me from behind and stroking me as Olivia continued to suck. "…15 minutes?"

"Sure. Might as well wait. Your dad met some fans anyway we'll meet you at the room."

"Alright." I added, resting my free hand on Olivia as Ashe crawled around to sit beside her, looking smug.

"And take a quick shower if you smell. It's hot as hell out here." She said as I hung up and pulled Olivia to the hilt. "We got ten minutes." I said as Olivia giggled… They did it in five.

A few hours later.

"What the hell is a loco moco?" Dad asked as he read the room service options.

"Its rice, with a burger patty, a fried egg or two topped with brown gravy." Mom noted expertly as she kept reading in bed. "…Kind of like a Hawaiian donburi bowl."

Dad looked at her aghast for a minute before saying reverently, "… That sounds awesome."

Mom merely smiled, "That's what I'm getting. What about you Scott?"

"I don't know." I said, reading the menu over dad's shoulder, before laughing, "Can't I just have pineapples on pizza?"

We all had a good laughed… who in the right mind has pineapples on pizza?

Mom smiled, "You can… but then the locals will look at you funny. Turns out Hawaiians didn't come up with the Hawaiian pizza. That would be the Canadians… it's like French fries from France."

"Bastards." Dad said rather distractedly. "…Apparently Loco Moco's come in hotdog form… along with BACON wrapped hotdogs?!"

"Calm down cowboy." Mom mumbled.

"Well… you guys take your time I'll think about it. I'm going to get some ice. Order me some pizza or something?"

"Alright." Mom said too deep in thought as I got the ice bucket for their room and walked out. I was barely down the hall when I heard angry and very rapid French.

"Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire que tu vas être en retard?! Ta foutue réunion s'est terminée il y a une heure!!" I paused and glanced down the hall, yep. I thought I recognized that anger. Dressed in a bathrobe and strangely fishnet stockings Amelie, her hair tied back into a tight purple ponytail. Glared angrily at the wall as she paced in front of a room. "Je me fiche qu'ils t'invitent à boire! c'est notre troisième lune de miel! ... eh bien, tu ferais mieux d'espérer qu'ils aient un canapé..." she pulled the phone away from her ear to stare directly at it and added-

"Parce que c'est là que tu vas dormir!" she hung up took a deep breath and sighed through her nose. Before turning her head sharply towards me. "…Why am I not surprised you are here?" she said, breathlessly.

"…Because the universe likes me?" I noted, approaching her cautiously as she crossed her arms across her chest, the robe did nothing to hide her figure. So… thanks bathrobe. "…You okay?"

"Unsurprisingly Gerard's business is taking a priority… he wouldn't even BE here if I wasn't given those free tickets." She sighed, "Honnêtement. Je ne suis pas surprise."

"Well… you want to talk about it?" I asked, patiently.

Honestly. I'm REALLY just trying to help her feel better. I SWEAR.

She scoffed angrily, before eyeing me up and down. Looking smug, and indignant. "What?! You think just because Gerard is being a Putain de bâtard that you're going to get lucky?" she said dominantly.

"I'm really just asking if you want to talk about it." I said as she turned and opened the room.

"…Get in here." She said with a firm, silky command. Before reaching out, gripping my shirt, and dragging me inside. She tossed the empty bucket away as she pulled me towards the bed. She had a room similar to mine with a balcony with a view of the mountain, the door was open, and the evening air and high altitude gave us a pleasant breeze.

"Talking doesn't make me FEEL better." She hissed, pulling the belt of the bathrobe as it fell away to the floor, opening her robe up to reveal black panties and garters, and a lacey black bra. "Fucking another man because my husband doesn't satisfy me?" she dropped the bathrobe and began rubbing her thighs. "That will make me FEEL better."

…Thank's Gerard… if you weren't such a Putain de bâtard, your wife wouldn't be every young man's wet dream.

She shoved me roughly onto the bed, I sat on the edge as she dropped to the floor, then onto her hands, her hair hanging down before she tossed it back like a stripper, licking her lips and crawling towards me. My cock hardened immediately and violently banged against my pants for release. Her wonderous, firm purple ass held tight by her underwear and riding up erotically between her cheeks wagged erotically.

"Look at that…" she hissed, crawling up my leg and yanking away at the hem of my pants as I lifted up slightly, letting her pull them free. "Nice. Hard. Queue…" she hissed, her breath flowing onto my throbbing cock, begging silently for her warm mouth. "Do you want me to suck it?" she said softly her hand, and I realized they were wrapped in elbow-length silk gloves, wrapped around my length and stroked it teasingly slow.

"Tous les vilains garçons veulent qu'on leur suce la bite…" she moaned, gazing at it reverently, stroking me gently, then firmly, in a pattern. "Tu veux que je passe ma langue autour de ça?" she stuck her tongue out, not touching my length as she laughed darkly, her yellow eyes gazing playfully up at me as she let it wag, stroking harder. "Demande-le moi comme un bon garçon…"

She kept stroking me as I gazed at her, then rolled her eyes softly as she realized something she said. Sultrily. And blowing on my tip, her bright red lips mere centimeters away. "Beg me. To suck. Your COCK." She said with a sort of dark hunger you hear a villainous say in old cartoons.

"Please suck my cock." I said immediately as she stroked me slowly, laughing lightly to herself.

"Good boy…" she hissed before sliding me into her mouth. "Mmn. MMM." She moaned as she slid devotedly up and down my length, her lips stretching firmly as she made an airtight seal around me. She made me feel every second of it, despite moving quickly down she went back up agonizingly slowly. She slurped loudly as she went up, her bright golden eyes twinkling mischievously. My hands instinctively went towards her head, but she grabbed my wrists with her hands, still bobbing her head, and rested them beside me.

She might be giving me a blowjob but she was the one in control.

"Mnm. MMm…URP!!" she hilted my cock in her throat, I felt her gag around it as she held firm. My cock pulsing desperately for release. Her tongue slid between her lips, tickling my balls and rubbing the bottom of my shaft as she slowly, slowly, went back up, keeping the motion as my cock trembled ready to fire.

She pulled away, watching it twitch. "Oh… pauvre bébé…" she cooed teasingly as my cock thrust forward on its own to return to her wonderful lips. "Do you want to cum?" she moaned resting her head adorably on my lap as she watched my cock twitch impatiently.

I rapidly nodded my head, desperate to hold it in so I didn't get my load all over the carpet.

"MMmn… I don't FEEL like swallowing your seed like a harlot today…" she said sounding bored… she stood up abruptly, turning in place as she sunk her thumbs into the hem of her underwear and began shimmying it down. "And I can't have you making a mess…" she added, strutting across the carpet away from me. "…Whatever shall I do?" she said, stepping out to the balcony, seemingly deep in thought as she rested her hands on the railing. Looked left. Looked right, then glanced coyly over her shoulder stepping back, and bending forward before swaying her beautiful purple ass before me…

Turns out there's a rare purple full moon tonight.

Knowing a clear invitation when I saw it I rushed towards her like an animal, gripping her slender hips as she laughed. "Ooh… so eager. Why can't Gerard be like you?" she said smugly, as she felt my cock rub between her wonderful ass cheeks, I pressed them firmly together, grinding against her as I hotdogged her.

Ignoring that. I spread her ass cheeks and pushed.

She shuddered and gasped, pushing herself upright. "MERDE!" she yelped loudly, clapping a hand over her mouth as it echoed off into the dark Hawaiian night. She glared at me as I hilted in her ass, gripping her ponytail and yanking her upright as she squealed into her hand, I cupped her bra-covered breasts in both hands as she growled.

"Petit bâtard!" she hissed, pulling her hand away to smack my cheek, it stung but not by much. I groped her one-of-a-kind, majestic body as she moaned.

"I'm going to do to you. EXACTLY. What Gerard should be doing with you…" I said as she shuddered excitedly, twitching around my cock as I turned her head and kissed her, pulling out and back in as our tongues wrestled roughly together.

"Ah-ah!MMn…" she moaned open-mouthed as our tongues danced, my cock ramming roughly into her ass as she moved back and forth.

"I'm going to cum in you." I declared, already too close from her blowjob and just too wound up from her seduction. "Don't run from it." I said softly, pushing her forwards as her hand gripped the railing of the balcony. "Here it cums…" I declared, thrusting wildly up her ass as her legs shivered as she bit her bottom lip. "I'm cumming!" she sucked in air as I pushed dip, resting my hands and interlocking with hers as I filled her ass with cum. She moaned softly, shivering in the breeze and the of hot seed rushing into her body.

I caught my breath as she caught her, our fingers rubbing together before I pulled one hand away, gripping her long hair, and yanked her head back.

"Ah!" she gasped as I kissed her, groping her breasts with my other hand as her fingers curled on the rail.

"…Did you like that?" I asked as she pulled away, giving me a beautiful smile and wiggling her hips.

"I liked that…" she cooed erotically. I pulled her away from the rail and back into the room, removing myself from her ass as I turned her around, kissing her again as I walked her back to the bed. Moaning in my mouth as I rolled my tongue around hers.

"…I got to make this quick…" I said, realizing that getting ice doesn't take this long. I pushed her roughly onto the bed as she laughed, I grabbed her ankles, lifting them up and behind her head as she wiggled her ass on the bed, her pussy clearly on display. I gave her pussy a firm lick as she cooed, wiggling for more, but I climbed over her. Rubbing my hands on her fishnet legs, I aimed my cock down against her pussy as she watched me excitedly.

I let her legs go, gently caressing her cheeks as my legs kept her spread, then I was inside her. Her back arched as my cock went to her womb, I pulled out and pumped down, the bed rocked and shook as I pounded the beautiful purple woman.

"Plus profond! Plus profond! Fais-moi prendre toute ta semence!" she grabbed her ankles with her hands, desperate to grab onto something before her head flew back and she screamed orgasms at the headboard. I gripped her hair as my cock ravaged her insides, forcing her to look at me as she came, her mouth opening erotically, panting sexily as I gazed into her orgasm face.

The squelching of her pussy, the tightness of her tunnel, and feeling her womb entrance slam against my cock. Drove me ever closer to release, I slid my hands beneath her, sinking my fingers into her ass as I pulled her up to meet me. Getting as deep as I was ever going to get without killing her as our bodies smashed loudly together.

"Je vais perdre la tête!!!" she shrieked, and writhing violently beneath me, she orgasmed. I kissed him as her voice echoed into my body like I was sucking out her soul. I felt her ass tremble and clench in my hands as she tightened like a vice around my rampaging cock. Mere moments before I pinned her to the bed like a nail to a board. Growling as I collapsed onto her, feeling my balls drain their plentiful load into her womb.

"…That better have been French for come inside…" I said kissing her neck as she laughed, catching her breath as her arms dropped onto the bed.

"…It might as well have been…" she laughed, resting an arm on her forehead. "Merde… petit bâtard." She feebly slapped my shoulders as if to 'punish' me but clearly wasn't into it. I merely ground my hips against her sensitive body, making sure I emptied out everything inside her. I gave her a playful kiss before yanking abruptly out of her, she took her hand and covered her pussy to prevent drippage as her legs flopped over the side of the bed. Free of my weight.

"Okay. I got to get back to my room. With ice." I added, glancing at the bucket on the floor.

"Just take mine…" she said breathlessly, dropping back onto the bed dramatically. "It's fine."

I pulled my pants back on and glanced at her exhausted form before smiling. "…Let me know if he pisses you off again."

"Get going…" she said with an exasperated sigh, but a smile.

"What took you?" Dad asked as he and mom sat around the table eating 'loco mocos' from the look of it.

"I met one of my teachers. She was having a bad day, so I was giving her a shoulder to cry on."

Dad nodded approvingly. "Good man. Keep that up and you might get a girlfriend…" he then grinned, "Hey! If you get one who lives here we can come all the time!"

Mom smacked him; he rubbed his arm. "Shut up Jim. Eat up Scott we got you pizza." I opened my dish and promptly frowned as she grinned at me.

"That's not funny." I noted, slowly plucking off the pineapple as mom and dad chuckled.

End of Chapter


Second part is up now, I'll try to get three up as soon as possible. With the lovely Fareeha and Mercy, and probably another Sombra threesome with either or. Now then TO THE BUTCHERING!!!

In Spanish-

Hey there bitch, what are you doing? = Hola perra, qué haces?

Más adentro! Ve más profundo! Me lo llevo todo! = Deeper! Go Deeper! I'll take everything!

Oh, mierda todavía no! = Oh shit not yet!

And now in French! (to be corrected possibly.) They are long and probably wrong.

Note: Corrected by Pharmercy and masudo

Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire que tu vas être en retard?! Ta foutue réunion s'est terminée il y a une heure! = What do you mean you're going to be late?! Your damn meeting ended an hour ago!

Je me fiche qu'ils t'invitent à boire! c'est notre troisième lune de miel! ... eh bien, vous feriez mieux d'espérer qu'ils aient un canapé = I don't care if they invited you for drinks! this is our third honeymoon!... Well you better hope they have a couch

Parce que c'est là que tu vas dormir! = because THAT'S WHERE YOU'RE SLEEPING!

Honnêtement. Je ne suis pas surprise = Honestly. I'm not surprised.

Tous les vilains garçons veulent qu'on leur suce la bite = All the naughty boys want their dicks suck

Tu veux que je passe ma langue autour de ça? = You want me to wrap my tongue around it?

Demande-le moi comme un bon garçon = Beg me to like a good boy.

pauvre bébé = poor baby

Plus profond! Plus profond! Fais-moi prendre toute ta semence! = Deeper! Deeper! Make me take all of your seed!

Je vais perdre la tête! = I'm going to lose my mind!