
Halloween IV: The (Not Really) Final Halloween Special: Part 2

I don't own Overwatch or Blizzard things or other stuff.

…To recap…

"…I… might need a place to lie low for a while… because I think I'm wanted for a robbery…" we stared at her. "…I didn't do it!" she added indignantly seeing the skeptical looks on our faces.

Hana immediately smacked Ashe's face. "Ow!" and again, "Oh-Ngh! Stop hitting me!" as rapid 'girly slaps' cascaded on Ashe's face then her arms as she tried to defend herself.

"Don't hide in the back of somebody's car!" Hana shouted angrily. "You're lucky I don't have a gun or… something!"

"This isn't even your car." I noted, although my heart WAS pumping pretty fast… and not just because Ashe looks dead sexy as Black Cat… that black catsuit hugged every curve and pushed her breasts together making them look bigger than usual.

"It's Halloween ASHE! There are some crazy nutbars out there!" Hana continued, ignoring me.

"Okay! Okay! Stop!" grunted Ashe indignantly, protecting her face. "Will you guys just drive me somewhere?!"

Without thinking I put the car into the drive, and started to roll down the streets as a few more cop cars than usual began to patrol the streets, kids in costumes and a few parents as well were walking around without a care. "What did you do?"

"I didn't DO anything!" Ashe mumbled, lying on the floor in the back and out of sight. "I was going to go hang out with a few of my gang who AREN'T in jail then all of a sudden there's an APB on a woman who looks like me when I don't look like this. Apparently, she went and robbed a jewelry store across town while calling herself Ashe of the Deadlock gang!" We drove in suspicious silence as she added. "I DID NOT DO IT!"

"How do you even know there's an APB out on you?" asked Hana suspiciously.

"Duh… my gang don't go anywhere without a police scanner." Ashe replied as if it was obvious. "Look. I'm not saying I've gone straight, but I HAVE been 'good', alright?" she noted, spitting the word as if it brought a sour taste to her mouth. "Look… whoever is pretending to be me is gonna get caught eventually I just need a place to lie low for a while…"

I sighed. Thinking about it logically there was no way she could get across town and back on Thunder, not after changing, and robbing the store… plus where did she stash anything?... I kinda believe her but she would make it hard…

"…Fine… luckily I know just the place." I said…

…Getting to 'the place'.

"…I can't say it's not an obvious choice." Hana noted as we walked into Olivia's apartment. Right past the candy bowl outside with a note that said, 'Take one, I'm watching YOU.' "But it is." We strutted right in as Hana skipped up the steps to her own room as I shrugged.

"Laying low right?" I added as Ashe dropped onto a couch and turned on the TV as she flickered through the channels until.

"Be on the lookout for an armed robber, Ashe of the Deadlock gang was last seen-" Ashe muted the TV as it showed a woman similarly dressed to Ashe's usual outfit run out of a jewelry store with a bag over her shoulder like one of those old cartoon villains.

"See!? NOT ME!" she declared as she paused the grainy picture. "She doesn't have my slender, curvy frame!" she said, emphasizing said shapely body by running her hands all over her catsuit for me. I pulled my gaze away from the TV to eye the 'Ashe' on-screen… she did look a little 'bigger' than Ashe… but they say the camera adds ten pounds or something like that. "You don't believe me." She said sourly as I shrugged.

"You ARE a criminal."

"But I haven't done anything lately!" she replied indignantly. "This is just some wannabe pretending to be me!"

"Well if you're going to rob somebody Halloween is the time to do it." I noted as Hana skipped down the stairs dressed in a blue unitard, holding a pair of fans in one hand and a blue mask on her face. Kitana from MK2. Nice.

"Well good luck not getting arrested I'm going to hang out with my cop friends."

"Don't you tell them I'm here!" shrieked Ashe as Hana shrugged.

"Uh… you REALLY think I want them coming over to Olivia's?... I live here…" she said as I rolled my eyes, saying nothing… Perverted gods know what they'd find here. "Relax. If you didn't really do it I don't see the point in telling on you… at least not now." She waved, "Later!" before out the door she went…

"…Well… I can't say this wasn't fun." I noted, "Buuuuut I need to get the car back and I had a long night planned of doing nothing professionally-Woohp!" I was tossed over the couch, my shoulders hitting the cushion as I watched the TV upside down, my feet dangling over the couch. "OOFF!" she sat on me…

…She SAT on ME!

"Whhhhhhhy?" I asked, her soft, currently rubbery, thighs wrapping around my head as I inhaled her scent. I had no other choice.

"I am not spending Halloween alone in Olivia's house." she declared.

"Brigitte's here!" I replied indignantly, "Brigitte! Help!" But no muscular beauty came. "…Okay Brigitte's not here." I sighed… I mean she might also just not respond to my cries for help but… come on that's rude.

The news kept playing showing off an old mugshot of Ashe, which must have been a few years old because she looked completely different… Also I had a platinum blonde using me as a couch cushion…

"Get off me!-mmghp!" she wiggled on me, her legs slapping faintly on the side of my head. Ashe sat on me like a queen on a throne, her ass occasionally wiggling on my chest before sliding forward and shoving my face into her crotch…

…I think she was trying to tell me something…

I buried my nose into her as she panted softly, still glaring at the TV as the skin around her mask became a little red, "Ahh… nnnghm…" she grabbed my hair, tugging me up against her crotch as my hands slipped around to her body, groping her as I reached for her chest, then finally getting a good grip, firmly groping them as she writhed. "MMn…ahhhh…" her red eyes remained focused on the screen as he frowned… pushing her breasts together again and again before my hand slid to the at the base of her exposed cleavage and slowly pulling it down until it touched my nose.

Her breasts slipped free of the loosened suit as she swiveled her hips, her platinum blonde pubic hairs now free before her pussy slipped from her suit, my tongue quickly finding it's way inside her as she shuddered. "Haa-ahhhhh… that's it." she said dismissively, flicking her fingers on her clit as my tongue spread her pussy. "Eat up…" her body worming against mine. She smirked confidently, her eyes closing as she lied back, "MMmnn!" she shuddered on me, the view from below was enticing, watching her erotic body shaking as she oozed arousal into my mouth… "Nnngh!!"

Seeing my opening as her body relaxed, I grabbed her breasts and rolled her onto the couch. "Woo!" her shoulders pressed to the cushion I rolled her legs over her, hooking her feet on the arm as I continued to eat her out, "Ahh…haaaa…" her sensual lips parting in a low moan. My hands, originally cupping her breasts, slid slowly over her sides, rubbing over her ass cheeks and holding the back of her knees as my tongue coiled inside her. "NNgh… mMMN!!" she shivered. "…Been practicing?" she cooed playfully as I pulled away, rubbing the back of her legs as her pussy quivered for more.

"I had to eat Fareeha out for a whole night after her 'mother-sister' incident…" I flinched… that was a rough night. Fun for her… but rough… "I've had a lot of practice…"

"Lucky girl-haaaa…" she sighed, shaking as my tongue dove back inside, "NNnngh!! Ooooh… Ooommn!!" her legs shivered in my hands, pushing back on my hands as I held them firm, "NNngh! MMMN!!!"

I pulled away, watching her orgasm as her mouth opened, silently screaming as her red eyes closed, "Haaaaaa-haaa…" she laughed, "Oooh… I needed that…" my fingers rubbed her trembling pussy as she stared at the tall ceiling of Olivia's apartment… house thing… "Mmmn…" she sighed, "…You can stop now…"

…But I didn't… you know how this goes.

My hands slid over her calves to her ankles, holding them in place as she gasped, feeling my body loom over her as I pressed my raging erection to her crotch. I pinned her legs with an arm, before fiddling with my pants with the other.

"Somebody's eager." She grinned smugly like she was totally in control. "Ahhhh…" the tip of my cock split her open, sliding easily into her as I pinned my hips to her upraised pussy, "Ugh!" she grunted as I pushed fully into her, "Ugh! NNgh!!" already pounding away as I held her ankles, her feet slapping the arm of the couch as I pulled in and out. "Ahh… nngh!!"

"You're… NNGH!" really clinging to me tonight…" I growled, pumping faster as she panted, her inner walls clenching around me as she moaned.

"Ahh-hAaaa…" I pinned my hips to her, feeling her body orgasm again as I rolled my hips, thrashing inside her before pounding again, "Ah! Ugh! Ugh!" her breasts wobbling under her legs as I sped up, my hips smacking loudly into her as he pushed deep. "AHHh!! FUCK BRONCO!" she shuddered, feeling my load spurt inside her as it rushed deep into her body. Thanks, gravity.

"Fooo…" I sighed as my cock pulsated in her, "…Man a threesome with Mei and Hana and I'm still going…" I mumbled, "…I should really talk to a doctor I'm not sleeping with about this…"

"Yeah fine get off me…" Ashe mumbled, her body glistening slightly with sweat. "…Ugh this suits going to be murder to get off…" I released her legs adjusting myself so she could sit up, only to grab her waist and roll her onto my lap. She stared at me, her eyes rolling as my hand clapped loudly on her leather-clad ass. "AH!"

"Ride cowgirl." I grinned as she glared at me, my other hand clapped onto her other cheek as she yelped, my hands gripping her waist and bouncing her wildly on my lap.

"Ah! AH! Little! Shit!!" she fell forward, still riding my lap as her sweaty breasts against my face as she grabbed the back of the couch, "Ahh-Ah-AH-AH-AH!!" she undulated, tongue lolling from her mouth as she bounced rapidly on my lap.

My hips bucked up into her dropping body, slapping against her as her suit clung to me as much as her tight pussy, her breasts bouncing against my face as she through her head back, "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!" she panted, mouth wide as I groaned, my fingers sinking into her hips as I pulled her down. Holding her in place as I slapped her clenching ass cheek again, her body rocking and rolling on its own, gyrating on my cock before she was bouncing rapidly again. "Ugh! nNGH!! FUCK!!!" she slammed her hips down and shuddered uncontrollably, falling forward and clawing the couch as the orgasm claimed her, my cock twitched inside her tightened body before I released another thick load deep inside her.

"….Ahhhhhh…" I sighed between her breasts, her body still twitching as she groaned. Rolling off the couch and lying on her side.

"…FUUUCK…" she moaned… "…Not bad Bronco." She grumbled.

"You're welcome." I replied…

She sighed, rolling on her back and putting her feet on my lap, and eyeing the TV. "…Almost forgot that I'm a wanted woman again…"

"…Yeah we probably should've turned that off…" I replied watching it as her feet rubbed against my sticky shaft.

"…Think Olivia would mind if I used her shower?"

"She has like four on every floor so pick one." I replied, slipping myself back into my pants and immediately regretting it as Ashe rolled off the couch and made her way deeper into the first floor rooms for a shower as I watched the report…

…Man they really have it out for jewel thieves in this town.

Knock. Knock. Knock. "TRICK OR TREAT!" came a voice from the door… I blinked at it for a minute, frowning. There WAS a candy bowl out there right? I suppose it's possible it was empty… or some dickhead took all of it…

Knock Knock Knock. "Trick or Treat!" repeated the voice as I got up, and approaching the door. Knock Knock knock…

I opened it to tell them theirs no candy… then screamed as a horrific octopus-faced creature stuck its bulbous head at me, writhing tendrils coiling close to my face with large bat wings expanding behind it like a horrific angel of DEATH!"


"…Oh! Hello Scott!" said a cheerful feminine voice. I stared at the floating horror as it… wait floating? The face flicked from its horror green to holographic blue, then shrunk as a somewhat familiar smiling feminine face replaced it. She put down a pillowcase full of candy as her odd feet tapped onto the floor. Her bat-like wings flickering into her usual ones…

"Echo?! What the fuck!?" I shouted.

"Language Scott." She said friendly enough, shutting the door. "What are you doing in miss Colomar's house?"

"What… you… what was that?!"

"It was my costume! I was Cthulhu…" she smiled chipperly, her 'feet' strutting on the ground as she grabbed my arms and lifted me to my feet. Dusting off my shoulders politely.

"Why were you Cthulhu?!" I replied, my heart begging to burst from my chest as she just glanced around.

"I was told that I should dress 'scary'. My…" she frowned thoughtfully for a moment trying to find the right word, "My 'Mother' told me that's what people do on Halloween."

Well she's not exactly WRONG.

"Holy shit…" I breathed.

"Language Scott." She noted, "Where is Olivia?"

"Doing things."

"Then why are you here?" she asked, glancing at the news on the TV.


"Doing… things?" I replied as she tilted her head curiously at me.

"…You are being suspicious…" she said plainly. Before moving closer to me… her white body pressing to me… it was firm at first, but then soften as her 'breasts' grew exponentially, a solid Double D. Her holoface smiled at me. "I think I must interrogate you."

"…Wait wha-AHHHHHHHH!!" I yelped as she grabbed me and FLEW to the second floor, spinning wildly and bursting through a door into an empty room, hurling me onto my back on one of the many beds in this building.

She was on top of me, her recently added breasts wobbled as her hand pressed onto them, lifted them up, and let them drop, jiggling obviously as she grabbed my hands and pinned them to the bed.

"WHY?" I asked, more confused than anything… but those tits ARE nice.

Her body seemed to solidify until it was more 'connected'. Her crotch soon formed a slick, lubricated pussy as she gyrated her body back and forth. Back and forth… she rolled her head on her neck, her holo-grapic face contorting slightly in pleasure as her 'mouth' opened.

"Ahh… this is a nice feeling!" she declared as my boner made itself apparent… look if a sexy robot is going to give me a lap dance I'm STILL going to get aroused!


Her labia trembled wildly around me length as her hand pulled down my pants, exposing my throbbing cock as she pressed her crotch to it. "Uuuugh!!" I groaned as she smiled, rolling her hips

VRRRrrrrVRRRRrrrVRRRR!! Against my cock. Her upper body remained stationary except for her heaving breasts, but her lower body seemed to have a mind of its own, rolling and worming against my lower body as she cooed.

"Ready to talk?"

"What?" I asked, totally at a loss with only my arousal on my brain as she slid up my shaft and caught my tip with her lower lips. I mean literally caught it, they opened up and clung to me before she slid down my body… her breasts wobbled as she sat upright.


"Wha-aaaaaaaaaahhhhh…" I trembled as her entire pussy seemed to vibrate around me like a high-class massager. "uuuughhhh!!! SHIIIIIIT!!" I hissed through my teeth.

"Llllllllaaaaanguage SCOOOOOT!!" she giggled, vibrating herself as her breasts wobbled wildly, "Ha-ha-ha!" she giggled sweetly before she was bouncing on my lap, her vibrating insides stroking, squeezing and-


"MMN!!" a hot load rushed into her ass she cooed, her stomach once again become see-through as my cock spurted in her shaking insides, "…A bit much…" she said, more to herself than anything as her… teasing?... Sex-bot protocol? Whatever… the vibration's stopped… or at least lessened… I could see her walls slowly rubbing my cock inside her, getting it hard again as my seed sloshed in her artificial womb… her stomach become solid again as my hard cock throbbed inside her. "Ready to talk now Scott?"

"I am SO confused right now… horny and confused…" I sighed, groaning slightly as she slowly slipped off my hard shaft, she crawled like a spider down my body, lying between my numb legs as she cupped her breasts and wrapped them firmly around my length, her holo-eyes gazing at my tip poke between them as her amazingly soft breasts formed perfectly around me…

Up… down. Up… down…

"Oh my Gosh…" I sighed, pulling a phrase from my favorite tit-fucker, Mei had some competition if Echo kept this up… hell, kept me up!

"Ha-ha-ha…" she smile playfully, her breasts vibrating around me as she rubbed them up and down, they seemed to get slicking, lubricant? What else can her body do?... why would her 'mother' make her this way?!

"Uugh… E-echo… I'm gonna… nngh!!!" I grabbed her breasts, pumping my hips as she watched my face. "Ahh-ahhh…uughh!!!" she just stared as my ropes of cum burst from her tits onto her holo-face… it flickered as my load shot right through, I sat up, holding her breasts in place as my diminishing load pooled between them.

"MMMmn… plenty as always Scott…" I took an exhausted breath and dropped onto the bed. "Ready to talk now?"

My dreary brain didn't quite register what the hell was going on… so again. I just gave her a- "What?"

She was over me again… then


"HOLY FUCK!!" the horrific Cthulhu face appeared, its tentacles coiling against my fa-oooh my god its so gross! They feel so REAL!!!"

"LANGUAGE MR. SNOW!!!!!!" her voice undulated in a madding, horrific roar like an elephant mixed in with nails on a chalkboard. "LANGUAGE!!"


"What the hell is going on!?!" Shrieked Ashe dressed only in a towel as Echo's Cthulhu face turned. "HOLY SHIT!" she shrieked, darting away as Echo's face returned to normal.

"Oh… Hello ASHE!" she shouted sweetly as I stared traumatized up at the ceiling…

One hot coco later…

I sat on the couch, shaking slightly and staring at my marshmallows as Ashe wore one of Olivia's old shirts and tight shorts. Echo watched the TV curiously, floating as she tilted her head.

"…It is not possible for Ashe to have robbed the jewelry store. I have her on several traffic light cameras riding her horse several miles away."

"Oh… we'll that's… good…" I noted, sipping my coco.

Echo began to glow oddly, her fingers twitching as she continued to float in place. "…Found her." she said, dropping to the floor. "I shall inform the police!" she said happily.

"How did you find her?"

"I hacked into every camera in the city." She said sweetly, "She is hiding out in a derelict warehouse!"

...Well I'm pretty sure Echo is all kinds of illegal but honestly, I would just like to forget the sexy big-titted Cthulhu-face robot lady-that's all kinds of fetishes and I don't really… want… them?... Halloween is weird… but at least Ashe could go home.

"Now then. Scott. Shall I call your mother?"

"No." I noted plainly as Ashe relaxed.

"Ashe shall I call your mother?"

"What? Hell No!" she declared firmly.

"Hmmn… Should I call my Mother?"

"No…" we said together.

She seemed to float there, looking defeated. "…Well the time of trick or treating is over… what should we do now?"

Ashe and I looked at each other… and seemingly came to the same conclusion.

…An hour or so later.

"Kill her mommy. Kill her!" hissed Betsy Palmer chasing the teen girl.

"Why run away after knocking her down?" Echo blinked confused, "She could have restrained her." Ashe and I just sat on the couch.

"Welcome to Horror Movies Echo." Ashe said as Echo continued to watch in fascination. "Just nine more of these to go…" Echo's eyes flickered.

"…But the fourth one is the final one…" she said, still glued to the big screen.

"…Horror movies." I replied, and relaxed between them... Echo soon lying her head on my shoulder, looking fascinated... but very confused... like my boner when she was Big Titty Cthulhu

...Seriously I'm never going to get over that... and I HATE Cthulhu!

End of Chapter