
Halloween III Part 2: The Party

I don't own Overwatch, blizzard things or anything else

We last left our heroes in the back seat of Olivia's car. With Scott Balls deep in her throat at his jealousy over her sexy ass driving him lustfully into madness! Will he be able to contain himself for the drive to Amelie's house?!

"Why are you saying it like the narrator from Super Friends? Why are you telling me this?! That was literally ten minutes ago. We got Hot Dogs." I noted holding up my hotdog and finishing it off as Olivia wormed through the streets in her car.

"Shush." She noted smugly, grinning at me. "You were jealous…" she teased licking her lips again, then her fingers, she had finished her hot dog off like a champion speed eater.

…I was. A little. A bit… My Olivia. "Fine. I was jealous." I said as she squealed delightedly, drumming on the wheel as we came to a stop. Amelie's house just in view. "But why are we going to Amelie's house?"

"She's having a big fancy Halloween party and I was invited." Olivia grinned as we began driving towards it. There did seem to be a lot of cars outside of it. "And I'm bringing my handsome, jealous, plus one."

"You're never going to let me live that down, are you?" Suddenly the car was in park, and she was straddling my lap, somehow, she had expertly flown through her car onto my lap, tilting my head back as she kissed me. I tasted ketchup.

"Mwah…" she pulled away, licking her lips as I rested my hands on her ass, squeezing her cheeks affectionately as she purred. "Never." I was kissing her again, pushing her against her dashboard as she moaned, I pressed her to it as my cock hardened between her legs. "Mmmn MMmm-ah!" she pushed me away grinning, "Oh… Sugar." She purred, "I will happily play with you all night… but we got a schedule to keep and a handful of sexy bitches to play with…"

"…Fine…" I replied, giving her another kiss before opening the door as she stepped out. "Wait." I then reached under her skirt, gripping her underwear and removing it as she shivered slightly, grinning coyly over her shoulder with her uncovered eye. I then tossed the teal underwear into the back seat. "There. You're not going to need that."

"Naughty." She mumbled as together we walked towards the front doors.

"Invite?" A huge hulking Tauren in a fancy tux glared at us as Olivia handed him a slip of paper. He tilted his head slightly, his long horns tapping on the wall. He ignored it. "Enjoy your time." He said politely, putting the invite into a pile of them nearby as Olivia entered with me.

I already felt out of place. Everyone might be in one costume or another but the way they carried themselves made me feel awkward. Fancy people… the kind that extends the pinky when sipping tea.

"Hello Olivia." Being the only purple-skinned woman in the world, well the only one classified as human and clearly the only one in the room. It wasn't hard to sport Amelie, especially when she introduced herself, but the odd rubber protrusions flowing down the back of her head were new. She was dressed in an elegant backless black dress that showed off her cleavage and hips, but the obvious Twi'lek headtails were just too noticeable. They were purple and matched perfectly with her skin, you couldn't see a hair out of place. It was like she walked off the set of a Star Wars film… and now I have a nerd boner as hard as my regular one… So I promptly tried to hide behind Olivia and attempt to calm it down.

"Scott this is a pleasant surprise." She said smiling prettily at me, she must be having a good night. "Did Olivia bring you?"

"I did." Olivia smiled, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I figured if other people are going to have a stick up their asses I might as well bring my own."

Amelie rolled her eyes, glanced briefly around the room, and took Olivia and I off to the side. "I know what you mean." She whispered. "Out of everyone I invited, INCLUDING THE TALKING Gorilla-" And sure, enough I think I spotted Mr. Winston extending his pinky as he sipped some tea with a group of stiff-looking people laughing with posh accents. "Only you, Ashe, and Satya showed up. The rest of these people are business associates of Gerard."

"Hmmn. Ashe and Satya huh?" Olivia grinned thoughtfully as I sighed, I already figured she planned this but I immediately began scanning the mingling crowd of people looking for Ashe and Satya. I wonder what they dressed up as?" Olivia and Amelie were chatting happily and I let them, it seemed like Amelie desperately needed somebody from her own social circle to talk to and I began looking more thoroughly.

I saw a guy dressed up as the Phantom of the Opera, Dracula, another Dracula, a Blacula. Generally, if it came in a cape the guys were wearing it. That told you the general idea of the people around me… the ladies were dressed far more modestly, witches, nurses, cats, but not the sexy variations of them and some of them had little effort in them, barely more than the hats… apart from Mr. Winston not many people stood out, and I imagine I'd be able to pick out Satya from a crowd no matter what she was dressed up in.

It was then however that I saw a large, LARGE man in a coat as what was CLEARLY Nemesis from resident evil. He towered over the crowd and for a brief moment, I wondered how I could've missed him. Then he was walking daintily through the crowd, apparently nodding and bowing his apologies as they parted and let him pass. He then poured himself a large cup of punch, before making his way around a corner and out of sight…

…It was so freaking surreal I had to go and look. However, the second I rounded the corner a massive hand clapped over my face and dragged me along! "MMM!!???" I released a muffled cry before he dragged me away. Like NEMESIS! Ah shit.

"Whoa! OOf!" I landed hard as he threw me into a nearby room. The door shut securely behind me before I heard.

"Well hey there bronco. Fancy meeting you here."

I glanced up to find our resident criminal Ashe, she was ironically dressed up as a video game cop. A beret on her head, shoulder pads, tight shirt, jeans and boots. Jill Valentine if I was to have a guess, classic Jill Valentine. "Hey, Ashe…" I mumbled, glancing over my shoulder at the door, jerking a thumb. "…Was that B.O.B?"

"It was." Ashe said, sitting down and crossing her very lovely legs as I got up off the floor.

"And what are you doing in here?" I asked, glancing around again at an apparently guest room of some sort. There was a bed in here after all. It looked like a room you'd find in a hotel. Not a cheap one mind you so it was kind of impressive.

Ashe shrugged, "I got tired of rubbing elbows with the upper-class." She said as I rolled my eyes. "And then I noticed that there was a completely different tier who arrived with Olivia…" she added giving me a smug grin.

I sighed reluctantly "Okay. For the last time. I am not close with my Mom's family. One of them continues to try and have sex with me. And I am not okay with that…" I paused, thinking about it for a moment before adding, "I mean. In a way. She's still really hot, but I love my mother and I support her grudges appropriately."

"How sweet…" she said sarcastically. "Anyway Bronco…" she stood up, "Hows about you and I have our own little party in here?" she ran her hands on her hips and waist and I frowned, realizing that she was a little red-faced.

"…Are you drunk?"

"Ah might have had a few." She said, her bright red lips stretching into a grin as her eyes twinkled. "Amelie has some pretty good stuff." I stared at her for a moment, went to the door and opened it to find B.O.B staring at me in his nemesis costume, knowing that B.O.B was nemesis somehow made him less threatening.

"Did you put me in here to tire her out?!" I hissed as he stared at me, nodded, then shut the door again. I rubbed my eyes. "…Okay then." I turned around and approached her. "Okay." I said again as she ran her hands on my chest, giggling slightly.

"That's a good Bronco… now you just stay right there at let me…" she slid down onto her knees, grabbing the hem of my pants and tugging them down as my cock instantly responded to a pretty platinum blonde on her knees… "Is this a concealed weapon?" she teased, her hand wrapping around it and beginning to stroke as she grinned. "I'm going to have to inspect it properly." She pressed her tongue at the base and slowly slid up the shaft, "Ahhh…" she sighed, her tongue dancing along my length before swirling at the tip, her hot breath panting on my cock as she cooed.

"Inspect it thoroughly officer…" I said, resting a hand on her beret and guiding my length between her lips.

"Mmn.. mmm…" she slowly bobbed her head, not going down very far before she pulled back with a pop. Her tongue rubbed beneath my tip as she gazed up at me.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be ignored while I inspect this weapon. MMM." She slid down my cock, my head rolled back at the feeling of her warm throat wrapping around my length as she hilted my shaft. Slid back up and repeated.

"MMm. Mwah! Gack! MMMm…" she began to move so rapidly her beret started to fall off. We can't have that. I put my hands on it again, holding it on her head as she moved her head back and forth. My hips instinctively thrust into her mouth now as she moaned, gazing up at me with bright red twinkling eyes.

"Suck it Ashe." I said softly, as she moaned, her lips tightening around my shaft as they stretched up and down it as it plunged in and out, her cheeks sucked in as she slurped loudly. "Suck it all out."

"MMm!" she moaned wrapping her arms around my waist as I pumped against her face and-

"Urgh!" I hilted my throbbing length into her throat as a spurt of my seed rushed into her stomach, not a drop escaped into her mouth as her throat gulped it down. "That's so good." I praised as I slid from her lips.

"Cough! Ahh…" she sighed as it slid down her tongue, leaving a slight trail of seed upon it before that too disappeared down her throat. She licked her lips, before getting back to her feet, "How dare you fire your weapon at an officer of the law!" She turned fiddling with her belt as she leaned forward onto the nearby table for one, pushing her pants down over her beautiful backside. "You punishment is to like me until I'm satisfied…" she wiggled her hips, her tight ass shaking erotically as she spread her cheeks to reveal her tight holes.

Ignoring the fact that cops can't pass out sentencing I knelt behind her, spreading her folds as she sighed softly, feeling my thumbs slide into her before I leaned forward and licked. "MMm!!" her legs clenched and she shuddered as I kept licking, my hands sliding around her ass to squeeze her cheeks. "Ooh Bronco… you an ass man?" she laughed, wiggling her cheeks on my face as I squeezed them.

I thought about it for a minute as my tongue slithered deeper into her quivering pussy and felt her tremble in delight. Then shrugged. "Ass. Pussy…" my hands clapped onto her cheeks as she cooed, and my tongue licked. "Legs, breasts, back, hair, face, personality… as long as I care about them and they're willing I'm okay with whatever…"

"Aw how sweet." She purred, although I think she was being sarcastic, cause she put her hand on my hair and pushed me back into her, "Lick it. Ah…" my tongue swirled between her folds as her legs quivered, shaking before my eyes as I ran my hands along them, feeling them clench as she sucked in air through her teeth. "Eat me Bronco eat me like a zombie…"

"Well that's just-" I began but she pushed her ass on my face and began to pant heavily, grinding it against my tongue. Weird by the way I was going to say weird.

"I'm cumming Bronco I'm cumming! Eat me until I-UUUUGH!!" she trembled wildly as her pussy clenched on my tongue, I slid out of her before shoving two fingers into her, thrusting rapidly as she spasmed and shook. "Ugh! OOoohh!" she leaked a flood of arousal around my fingers and down her legs as she clenched and trembled. I stood up, my cock hard and ready and without warning I pushed it into her tight spasming pussy, feeling her shuddering massage up and down my length before I gripped her hips and pushed it deeper. "MMM!! Ugh! Ugh!!" she grunted as I pumped, my hips on her waist and gripping tightly as the table shook beneath out pounding.

"I should eat you out every time we do this…" I groaned as she spasmed on my cock, her ass jiggling as my hips slapped against it, our smacks echoing around the room even over the music in the main party room. "You're so tight."

"Ugh! Ugh!" her body slid up and down the table as I pounded her from behind, her hands reaching to grip the edge as she moaned, "Bronco. Harder!" she moaned as I complied, gripping her shoulders to speed up and grind harder. Her pussy drooling arousal on my length as it slid in and out, "OOoh!!" she came again, boots scraped the floor as I hilted into her, leaning onto her body as I stroked her hair.

"Hey. Ashe. Say 'I'm a member of STARS."

"I'm a member of STAAARS…" she moaned, shuddering as I began again, faster, harder, her voice echoing around the room as she panted and yelped. "Oh! Oh shit! I'm! A! Member! Of! STARS!!!" She gasped as I hilted into her, lips quivering in a silent scream as her eyes widened and she felt my load rush up into her body.

I pulled her off the table, still inside her as I thrust my hips a few more times, groping her breasts from behind as I swiveled my hips. Making sure I was empty, her pussy still clenching as it drained me dry. "I'll behave myself from now on officer…" I said.

She merely groaned, a little sleepily with a dazed look on her face. "Like I give a shit…" I shrugged and pulled out of her shuddering body, sliding her pants easily back up and tightening her belt. Rubbing her stomach before lifting her and putting her on the bed. Where she almost immediately began to snore. But in a cute way.

I brushed her hair from her eyes, then went to the door. Once again finding B.O.B. "Done." I noted as he pushed into the room and lifted Ashe off the bed into a very gentle bridal carry, He nodded his head politely and carried her out. I sighed, stretched, and followed him back to the party.

However, I was no less than three steps into the room when I heard.

"Come now Satya surely we can come to some sort of arrangement."

"It's Ms. Vaswani to you, and No. I told you I am not interested in any SORT of arrangement with you. Business or otherwise.

I looked and saw a rather portly Indian man who barely came to the shoulders of the tall leggy Indian goddess that was Satya, although today she was obviously Zatanna, with fishnet stockings, a tuxedo/leotard, black jacket, and top hat, she even had a magic wand in one hand, the other was downing a sweet smelling drink.

"Now my dear-" the man began resting his hand on her shoulder, she immediately smacked his hand hard with her wand and flicked it off her shoulder as if it was a sword and she just did a parry. He shook his hand, his face contorting in annoyance. "Satya that is no way-Argh!" he clutched to his forehead as the wand smacked between his eyes and he growled. "You WILL regret this." He hissed.

"I regret this conversation, does that count?" she said coldly.

That was ironic because-OOoooh BURN!

Sneering furiously the man immediately turned and walked away, cursing in probably Hindi as I stood beside Satya, watching as she refilled her glass and immediately downed it without breath, like a professional frat boy. "So who was that?"

She jumped slightly, as saw her leg muscles clench and she glanced at me surprised. "Mr. Snow. What are you doing here?"

"I think Olivia wanted to throw a wrench into Amelie's party so I think I'm her monkey…" she stared at me blankly for a moment, "Monkey wrench? No? Never mind I thought it was funny… but I had to explain it so… it's not." I then jerked a thumb at the back of the retreating portly man, "Who was that?"

"…A business associate… I am a shareholder of a proficient construction company. And by that I mean I own 54% of the shares…" she refiled her glass and drank it in one gulp again, apparently the liquid was just poured down her throat… hot. "He wants me to do a few less than savory things, professionally and personally…"

I frowned for a moment and then said, softly, "He wanted to sleep with you?"

"Something along those lines yes." She said flatly, her complete and utter un-interest obvious. But screw that guy, he's not portly, he's a fat bastard.

"Dick." I said flatly.

"Richard actually." She said COMPLETELY missing my insult. "Richard Ahuja, but regardless I have no intention of 'lying in bed' with him. Professionally or personally."

"…Did you happen to mention you already have a favorite bed partner?" I whispered with a smile as she went red, her hips fidgeting slightly.

"…I did not mention it…" she said, silkily. I shrugged, reaching behind her while nobody was looking and squeezing her smooth round butt beneath her coattails.

"Well I can't say I blame that fat bastard, one look at this gorgeous caramel body, and everyone would want to spend an evening with the elegant Satya Vaswani…"

"…You are being very sweet…" she said, her face a little red. "…You aren't trying to take advantage of the fact that I have had more than a few sherries are you?"

"Well, I'd like to take advantage of the fact that you're dressed as one of the sexiest DC superheroines." I said rubbing her rear now, "But the fact that I love your belly dancer booty is a close second." Her hips swiveled reflexively, she put refilled her glass and subtly slapped my hand away. A little harder than I think she meant to.

She brought the glass to her lips, but whispered so only I could hear as suddenly Olivia was in the center of the crowd on 'the dance floor' apparently doing a quick step as the other partygoers cheered. "Wait thirty seconds and come after me. The door will be cracked." She downed the drink and abruptly stepped away out of the main hall.

"One… two…" I began counting the seconds as I watched Olivia cutting shapes across the floor as they began to chant.

"Go Olivia! Go Olivia! Go Olivia!"

The second I reached the 30th​ second I was walking down the hallway after her, quickly finding the cracked door before glancing in, then entering, shutting it behind me as I found her sitting on the edge of the bed. She had removed her jacket, showing off her smooth elegant shoulders, her magic wand resting on her breasts as she rubbed her stockinged legs together.

"…Come over here…" she purred, eyes half-lidded and her finger curling invitingly. I grinned smugly.

"Bet you can't say it back-"

"Emoc revo ereh" she said almost immediately as I obeyed without question.

"Huh… that's really fucking impressive."

"Uoy dluohs wonk tahw I nac od htiw ym eugnot." She said, just as easily and quickly. It's like she turned on a backward switch in her wonderful brain and now she was Zatanna… I had to admit it took me a lot longer to translate what the FUCK she just said, but that's still really fucking hot.

"Ssik em." She moaned, gripping my face as I got the gist of it before kissing her, groping her breasts and rubbing her shoulders as she moaned into my mouth. I took the magic wand from her chest, shoving it down between her cleavage as our tongues rolled around each other, her hands in my hair as she kissed me.

"I evol rouy etsat…" she moaned heavily, her tongue swirling around my lips before she pulled away, her fingers on the wand as she slid it up and down inside her… corset? Leotard? You get the point.

I took her hand in mine, pulling it away from her wand as I pushed my pants to the floor, her eyes locking on my erection as it pulsed excitedly. "I got a wand you can play with…" I stroked her hair gently as she opened her mouth, staring at my cock as she panted. "Make it disappear with your mouth. MMM…" I closed my eyes as her warm lips slid easily down my shaft.

"Ah mmmwah…. Ahhh…" her mouth suckled and bobbed her head up and down my shaft a few times before she pulled off with a pop and began to lick and slobber all over it. I grinned down at her as my throbbing length was serviced by the beautiful Indian goddess, her silky hand stroking the whole length as her tongue slithered up and down behind it.

"You love the taste don't you?" I purred as she engulfed my tip between her lips and began to slid down again.

"MMn hmmm…" she moaned, her throat vibrating as she slurped noisily on my shaft, her hands caressing my thighs and sack as she devotedly suckled. Then. I pulled from her mouth, "Ah!" she gasped, her lips centimeters from my pulsing tip as her tongue flickered out and danced against my urethra.

"I like how you taste too… like candy." I said as she moaned, her hot breath tickling my tip. "Stand up, show me your ass." She obeyed immediately, standing up and turning around to show me that fishnet-wrapped ass you could bounce quarters off of. My hands slid up her dancer's waist, her wide hips, and cupped her breasts before removing the wand from her chest. "Bend over." I said as she did, hands on the bed and ass out as I squeezed a round smooth cheek, rubbing it as my fingers got caught in the netting. "Crawl forward…" I said, tapping her other cheek with the wand as she did. Crawling onto the bed on hands and knees until just her booted feet were off the bed. "Good." I praised, rubbing her cheeks with my hands as I slowly slipped my thumb into her leotard and pulled it aside, revealing her tasty dripping pussy and spreading her cheeks until her tight little ass was visible.

"My favorite caramel treat…" I said sliding the wand between her cheeks as he quivered, wiggling her ass instinctively. "So tasty…" I slid my tongue between her folds as she gasped and quivered, my hands holding her ass to my face as I licked and penetrated her as she moaned.

"Oooh. Scott! Ooohh!!" my tongue swirled inside her, scrapping her walls as she drooled her honey down my chin and onto the bed. Her hips bounced her ass slightly, silently asking for more as her mouth was too busy moaning.

Then I began probing her ass with the wand, "MMm!!!" she moaned in response but didn't say no. "Ahh! AHHH!!!" she quivered as the wand sunk up her tight little hole, until only the white tip of the wand was exposed, her ass puckering around it as I began sliding it in and out as I ate her.

"Ooh! Scott! YES!!" she hissed, and her upper body fell forward as her pussy shot a small torrent on my face as it spasmed, her ass clenching around the wand as I continued to pierce her with it, her ass cheeks closing tightly as her whole body clenched. "MMM!!"

I watched her lower body 'dance' her cheeks quivering her legs trembling as the orgasm made her twerk. Before she could stop, or recover, I gripped her ass cheeks, spread them, and plunged my cock into her trembling pussy as her back arched as her fingers clawed the sheets.

"AHhhhh yes!!!" I buried my length into her, enjoying the feeling of her tight pussy as I rubbed her ass cheeks and hips. Just enjoying the sensation of her tunnels wrapping firmly around me, like we were made for each other.

"Next time you see that fat Dick, remember me inside you." I purred as she quivered, grinning slightly as she twitched. I pulled my hips back abruptly before returning inside her, watching her ass quiver as she gasped, jumping slightly at the feeling before I repeated.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" she gasped with each thrust as her ass quivered and tightened, god I loved how it looked and felt. My hands groped and molded it as it engulfed my cock and the wand still up into her ass. I grinned, spreading her ass cheek with one hand and gripping the wand with the other, pushing and pulling it as I thrust my hips, listening to the melodious howl of a women in bliss.

"Oh my-YES!!" Satya moaned, twitching and quivering as I DP'd her, "I feel… AMAZING!" she purred as she clawed the sheets again.

"You cumming Satya?" I groaned, feeling her spasm on my cock.

"Yes! Yes, I'm cumming!"

"Which hole Satya?" I asked teasingly, plunging both cock and wand into her one after the other. "Which hole do you feel the most?"

"My pussy! Please! Oooh!!" I pushed the wand all the way into her puckered hole before gripping her hips and pounding her from behind like a jackhammer as our smacking hips and cries of pleasure echoed around the room. "OOOgggh!!" she came, and so did I

My hips pressed to her ass, her flesh molding to my waist as I squeezed those luscious cheeks, filling her with my seed as I squeezed them. Her legs lost strength, dropping slightly as I flinched, "N-no…" I said pulling out slightly to take her leg and roll her quivering body onto her back before I pushed back in, released another stream of cum into her, and collapsed onto her body. Rolling my hips as I kissed her, her moans echoing into my stomach as her hands curled in the sheets, her pussy squeezing my load tenderly from my body as I licked her lips.

I caressed her breasts, gazing into her pleasurable face as her eyes were closed, panting and gasping as I ground my hips against her, feeling my cock finally spent. I smiled at her, my finger tracing the little black choker around her neck as she moaned, my tongue against her ear now as I whispered. "Want to do that again?" I slipped my hands under her ass cheeks, squeezing them as her legs slowly rubbed against my sides. "Maybe I'll take you home and eat you some more…" she moaned excitedly, shaking beneath me as I licked her cheeks.

She was mostly treat… but let's be honest she's really good at 'tricks'.

"…Normally… Mr. Snow…" she said, catching her breath. "I dluow ekat uoy pu no tatt…" she kissed me, her tongue scraping into my mouth as she held my head firmly in place, moaning and cooing into my lips. Before she pushed gently at my waist, I pulled out of her and she removed the wand casually from her ass. "But, I'm afraid I have actual business to attend to and prevent that 'fat Dick' from interfering with my holdings. She got to her feet but before she could adjust her clothes back into modesty my fingers slid into her pussy and gave her a few quick strokes. "Ah! MMn! No!!" she pushed my hand away as I smiled, holding my wet semen-covered fingers to her lips as she immediately began to slather her tongue over them licking them clean.

"Okay." I said, patiently, as she recovered herself, pushing my hand away.

She retrieved her clothes and made her way to the door, before pausing and glancing over her shoulder, placing the wand at her lips. "txen emit I ees ouy Rm. Wons, ll'I kcus os hcum muc morf ruoy sllab taht ouy t'now eb elba ot klaw thgir rof a keew…" her tongue slid erotically over the dirty wand and she left me hard in the room… harder once I realized what the FUCK she had said.

It took me a moment to tend to myself and I stepped out into the wall back into the main room to find almost instantly a beautiful purple twi'lek, aka, Amelie, watching as the party seemed to get really moving with more dancing and less poshness, even Mr. Winston was doing the cabbage patch with a rather attractive night elf woman on his shoulders. Nobody I recognized.

"Having fun?" I asked and immediately stepped away as she glanced at me curiously.

"What?" she said, then noticing my recoil, "What?!" she said a little more annoyed.

"Nothing it's just… usually when I ask how you're doing Gerard has done something stupid and you're angry. But you seem fine.

"Oh he did something stupid I'm just not nearly as angry as I normally would be." She noted a sudden smug smirk on her face. "He's running late and I told him if he did that I'd start talking about him to his friends and coworkers… they have my full permission to retell his embarrassing stories. He brought this on himself." I laughed slightly as Olivia apparently was tossed in the air by Mr. Winston, doing twirls and twists so quickly nobody noticed she wasn't wearing underwear… I think she forgot herself.

"Besides now he doesn't get his Halloween present." She said smugly, and I shrugged.

"Sucks to be him."


I glanced at her costume again, it was a real professional job, not a trace of hair other than her eyebrows could be seen out from that headtail cap she was wearing. "How did you do that anyway?"

"What this? I have a friend in Hollywood who works in makeup. As long as I pay for it she'll 'set me up'." She made a rather cute pose and tapped at her headtails, "Like it?"

"You are every young man's dream." I said with a grin as she went a little pink, smiling before I added. "Can I touch it?"

She sighed and turned her head so I could touch the tips, it felt pretty real. A little rubbery but like felt or velvet. My hands ran up and down them for a minute, absently tugging. "Are these glued to your head?"

"With a special adhesive… I imagine Winston could get them off if he pulled but that might take out most of my head. I have an adhesive remover I'm supposed to use to get them off. I'll be doing it earlier than I planned tonight, GERARD…" she mumbled absently… and I let that register in my head for a moment.

"Hang on. HANG ON." I said, slowly, patiently, with a throbbing erection in my pants that Satya had left me with that was quickly making a recovery…

…Wow I'm really backed-up tonight.

"Hang. On." I said as she glanced at me like I was crazy before I whispered, "…Were you going to have kinky Star Wars sex tonight?" I whispered as she raised an elegant eyebrow.

"That is none of your business Snow but-" she then glanced at my OBVIOUS erection at the idea of it. She bit her lower lip briefly before she finished lamely, "Yes… très coquin. I have a collar and leash and-" I took her wrist and yanked her rapidly up the hallway so quickly her legs would've been flapping in the air like a flag. "Scott!?" she gasped as I got her into a large room. Shut the door, knelt on my knees before her and BEGGED like a man who had never begged before.

"Please! Please Please PLEASE AMELIE." I moaned as she gazed at me like I was crazy. "I will never NEVER EVER ASK you for sex again if I could do kinky Star Wars sex with a twi'lek. Please? Pretty please? I'll wash your Harley with delicate care and a microfiber cloth (the bike not Angie), I'll massage your feet! I'll carry you to class on my hands and knees! Please. PRETTY Please! Kinky Star Wars sex…" I finally took a breath as she stared at me.

"…Sérieusement?" she mumbled, looking a little concerned. I nodded my head rapidly, my hands held in a begging position as my cock throbbed unashamedly. She sighed, looked away and rolled her eyes. "Fine." I squealed in childish glee, "But only because I spent four hours getting this on my head and I WILL be using it appropriately!" I hugged her again and she laughed slightly, "Get off me! I need to go change! Stay right here and don't move."

I obeyed without question, but admittedly I was quivering in excitement.

About five minutes later… she returned, and I held my breath. She was wearing a dark blank sling-kini, fishnet legs and fishnet elbow-length gloves, and around her neck was a thick leather dog collar with a long chain leash attached, she fidgeted as she stared at me, the chain leash dangling from her fingers as she ran a hand up her slender purple waist. "…Suis-je sexy?"

I was off the floor and pinning her to the wall as my iron-hard dick slid between her supple thighs, rubbing against her bottoms as I kissed her, she moaned excitedly into my mouth as my hand gripped the one holding the leash. "Ah! Scooott…" she panted as we kissed and my other hand explored her body.

"You are the sexiest most beautiful twi'lek in the galaxy…" I purred as she blushed, I pulled away, and taking the surprisingly long leash in my hand I lead her towards the large double bed… she followed me 'obediently' apparently slipping into the role faster than I kissed her.

"Merci Monsieur." She cooed as I grinned, I sat on the edge of the bed, holding her leash as she leaned forward, her tongue running around on her lips, "Je vais vous donner un service que vous n'oublierez jamais." I reached under her headtails and pulled her to my lips as her hands used my shoulders for balance. Her hands slid down my chest but I gently pushed her upright, she stood up straight running her hands along every curve of her body as she swayed…

My cock demanded the beautiful twi'lek, but I wanted to enjoy the play a little more. I jerked the leash slightly, it 'whipped' gently against her body as she slid her hands up behind her head and tossed her headtails. "Dance."

"Quoi?" she said, a little harsher than a 'slave girl' would reply, apparently that bit was Amelie not the twi'lek.

"Twi'lek's dance for their masters…" I said, although a little more hesitant than confident, she was doing this for me. I wasn't in charge. "Pretty please?" I asked, shaking the leash and removing my pants as my cock jumped to life.

She sighed reluctantly but smiled prettily. "S'il vous plaît profitez de mes talents ... monsieur"

When I think sexy dancing, I think twerking, samba, belly dancing, and the twi'lek in Return of the Jedi, whatever her name was. Ballet would normally not come to mind… Unless apparently, Amelie was doing it.

Her legs stretched and she twirled, the leash wrapping and emphasizing her body as her arms lifted and swayed, she kicked and danced on her toes, leaping and kicking some more… in point of fact, she looked like she was performing the routine from Return of the Jedi!

And with that very thought, I yanked on the leash. "Monsieur! Je n'ai pas fini ma performance!"

"Come closer girl." I said, grinning as I realized she was trying to 'resist' tugging weakly at the leash as I 'dragged' her forward. She was very convincing. I gripped my length with my other hand, stroking it imposingly as she glanced at it 'fearfully'

"Non! S'il vous plaît monsieur, pas encore! Laissez-moi juste danser pour vous."

"Come here girl." I purred excitedly as my cock pulsed in my hand, and I 'yanked' the chain.

"Ah! Non!" she 'stumbled' over nothing and skipped forward, kneeling between my legs as her headtails slapped her smooth purple back, her hands on my legs and her face against my throbbing length, she stared at it, with legitimate surprise. "Scott, tu es tellement dur…"

"I need you right now…" I groaned, resting my hand between her headtails and yanking on the chain, pulling her closer to my length as her purple lips brushed the shaft. "Right now…" I whimpered as it painfully throbbed against her lips, I was so excited.

"O-oui monsieur, s'il vous plaît ne me punissez pas…" he soft hands wrapped around the base of my cock and her tongue slid up the side before she purred silkily, "Je vais vous faire plaisir." Her tongue swirled around my tip, before she engulfed me with her lips, bobbing her head rapidly on the tip as she suckled loudly, "MMm! MM! SLURP!! MMM! MMM!!" her hands rubbed up and down my legs as she bobbed her head rapidly as I held the leash tightly in one hand and rested the other between her headtails.

"O-oh Amelie not so fast…" I flinched, I was already built up before if I wasn't careful she was going to have to explain to her guests why her normally beautiful purple face was painted white. "Don't make me cum with your mouth…" I clenched, holding it in as she stopped, gazing up curiously up at me with a mouthful of cock between her purple lips. I began guiding her slowly, "I didn't say stop, just don't make me cum yet…" I added with a soft pleading whimper as she chuckled, closed her eyes and tenderly sucked my cock. Hands slowly stroked my shaft as she kissed the top of her fists as she went further and further down. "Such a beautiful slave-oh shit!" I pushed her off my cock as it drooled pre-cum, ready to burst.

Not letting it drool on the carpet she slipped her tongue beneath my shaft and licked it into her mouth. Grinning knowingly and confidently as my cock pulsed to feel her warm tongue again. "Monsieur, vous êtes apte à éclater ... laissez-moi vous soulager."

"Amelie get on it right now…" I flinched as it bulged dangerously.

"Monsieur-" she began playfully but I yanked her chain and she flinched, getting to her feet "Non!" she said angrily, but I turned her around, yanking the sling-kini aside and pulled her down. "Scott!" she hissed, then flinched as my cock stretched inside her and I gasped for breath into her back, feeling my backed-up load rush into her womb. "Hah!" she gasped, feeling my load rush into her body as she shuddered. "You didn't even give me a turn!" she hissed annoyed… but I spread her legs on my lap, my cock spurting and hardening inside her as I rubbed her thighs, stomach and chest before leaning back, pulling her with me as I began to thrust up into her.

"Amelie! Amelie you are the best!" I praised, grunting wildly up into her as she panted, feeling my cock still draining its load into her even as I hardened inside her again. my hands kept her legs spread as her pussy drooled seed and arousal around my plunging cock.

"AH! Scott! Slow! Slow down!" but my hips had a mind of their own and a desire to breed a sexy purple twi'lek. "Scott!!!" she clenched, writhing and trembling on me but I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and held her down on top of me as I kept moving, kept plunging, her cries and pants of pleasure fueling me further on. "Oh mon Dieu! Oh mon Dieu!" her legs thrashed and her toes curled but I moved my arms from her shoulders to beneath her legs, lifting them up until she was folded in half, "Ah… ahhhh!!!"

There was something WRONG with me. I realized it the second I filled up that tight purple pussy once more. "Oh mon dieu putain, oui! Plus profond! Remplissez-moi de votre bébé, monsieur!" I was standing up, holding her in half, knees to her chest as my cock pulsed another load into her, I was still hard.

Fareeha, Olivia, Angie, Brigitte, Satya, Ashe… how many times have I cum tonight? Sure, I've unloaded a lot of cum multiple times… but some much in one night?

I began thrusting again inside a twitching Amelie as she stared down at my cock deep into her tight little pussy. "Oh mon Dieu…" I turned and dropped onto the bed, she pinned into a tight little fuck ball. I reached for her headtails, gripping both, I wasn't Mr. Winston I wouldn't be able to yank them off. The bed shook as I began to pump my hips rapidly inside her, yanking her head back by the prosthetic as she moaned at the headboard, her fingers clawing the sheets as I pinned and pounded her. Her voice undulated erotically as my cock rapidly pumped in and out of her dripping pussy.

"Uuuhuuuuuuuuuuhhh…." Suddenly, she clenched up, clawing the sheets as her pussy clamped and her mouth opened, tongue lolling as I grunted my eminent release. "Meilleur costume d'Halloween!!" she gasped as I pulled her head tails, and let go. My load rushed to join its brother's inside her as she shivered, "Oh mon Dieu…Ah!" I lifted her up off the bed by the headtails, pulling out, then ramming back into as we flung onto the bed, she lay prone beneath me as I ground my hips in and out of her before finally dropping onto her sweaty purple body, squeezing her breasts as she shuddered and moaned delightedly. Her fingers and legs feebly clawing and writhing against the sheets.

"Si Gérard était si bon sous les draps, tu n'aurais jamais l'occasion d'y regouter …" she purred turning her head to kiss me again as I absently yanked her collar. "C'est donc une bonne chose que ça soit TOI qui le sois.… mmm…" I stroked her head, sliding my hand down her fleshy headtails… and my cock hardened inside her again.

She gasped, a mixture of delight and concern. "Scott… what the hell? I know you plowed Ashe earlier but how many times do I have to?"

"I also filled up Satya…" I said, pulling my cock from her body as it twitched. "…Um… shit…" I glanced at her as she gazed at it.

"Satya too?" she said a little thoughtful. "I know you have stamina but you… well…" she smiled a little adorably. "Let's say you left an imprint of the bedposts in my floor just now." I began stroking it but she smacked my hand, "Don't touch it." she said as, almost as if she sensed it. The door opened and Olivia slid into the room.

"Hey Papi you having fun?" than seeing a naked sweetie Amelie she nodded, "I bet you are." I stared at her as she spied the hardon "Is that for me?"

"It won't go down." I noted as she shrugged.

"Well I did give you a touch of Mei's new Viagra pill so-"

"Wait you did what?! When?!" I asked as she smiled sweetly.

"Uh. HELLO. When I fed you that candy earlier tonight. Remember? Right when you opened the door for me."

Briefly flashing back to the moment, I glared at her. "What the hell am I supposed to do about this?!"

"…Well me duh…" she noted, but I glared at her, "Ugh. FINE. We'll go talk to Mei." She then took off her hat and helped me pull my pants up, covering said erection with her top hat. "But I still think you should fuck me in the backseat. I GLARED at her. "Fine we'll talk later." Before I followed her out however I turned and kissed Amelie as she cooed.

"Maybe don't take it off until he gets home." I said as she smirked.

"I'm taking a naked selfie and sending it to him." She said, already reaching for a phone, "THEN I'm taking it off."

"You are a cruel mistress." I said, "…But uh, invite your friend over to put it back on some other time…" I said, scampering out and she hurled the leash at me. But it stretched out the full way seconds before it hit me.

End of Part 2

Now for the butchering

For those who can't read backwards: In order of appearance

Come over here

You should know what I can do with my tongue

Kiss me.

I love your taste

I would take you up on that.

Next time I see you Mr. Snow, I'll suck so much cum from your balls that you won't be able to walk right for a week.

And for the French

D'accord = Agreed

très coquin= very kinky

Sérieusement = seriously

suis-je sexy? = am I sexy?

Je vais vous donner un service que vous n'oublierez jamais = I will give you service you will never forget.

S'il vous plaît profitez de mes talents ... monsieur= Please enjoy my skills… sir.

Monsieur! Je n'ai pas fini ma performance! = Sir! I am not done with my performance!

Non! S'il vous plaît monsieur, pas encore! Laissez-moi juste danser pour vous= No! Please sir not again! Just let me dance for you...

Scott, tu es tellement dur = Scott, you're so hard.

O-oui monsieur, s'il vous plaît ne me punissez pas = Y-yes sir, please do not punish me.

Je vais vous faire plaisir = I will pleasure you

Monsieur, vous êtes apte à éclater ... laissez-moi vous soulager = Sir you are fit to burst… let me relieve you.

Oh mon dieu putain, oui! Plus profond! Remplissez-moi de votre bébé, monsieur = Oh my fucking god, yes! Deeper! Fill me with your baby sir!

Meilleur costume d'Halloween!! = Best Halloween costume!

Si Gérard était si bon sous les draps, tu n'aurais jamais l'occasion d'y regouter = If Gerard fucked my like that you would never get another taste

C'est donc une bonne chose que ça soit TOI qui le sois. = So it's a good thing YOU do…