
French: Mrs. Widowmaker

I don't own overwatch

There was only one married teacher at the school and that was the most exotic looking one of all, the French teacher Mrs. Amélie Lacroix. Now I know I essentially said that the most fantasized about one was Ms. Ziegler or that Ms. Colomar had the curviest rear but that was essentially embellishing… Universally agreed upon in school (mostly confirmed in silence because next to God-help-us-all vice-principal Reyes she was also the fiercest.) was that Mrs. Lacroix was one in a million.

She had this skin condition that if anywhere else she would've been considered a 'freak' but with her as our teacher, she was more like the rarest and most beautiful creature in the world. I mean. She had purple skin and hair, the legs and body of a ballet dancer, and a butt that looked so pillow-soft that it seemed to be made of memory foam… she was like a sexy alien woman from the movies.

And you know what? It was definitely ironic that someone with such a soft-looking butt was such a hardass…

She was utterly merciless in class, she would alternate weekly between speaking in fluent English to get us to understand, at least those of us who could focus on the words rather than her seductive French accent. My ability varied on that one depending on how horny I was and how easily accessible Ms. Ziegler, or more recently Ms. Colomar, was… And speaking her native French tongue so rapidly some of the class just began to record her talking and try to translate later… which was probably smarter in the long haul but she would call on us and expect us to answer a question she had asked…

And then look like she was going to shoot us when we got it wrong…

But like I said Mrs. Lacroix was married so that added just as much fuel to the fetish fires as her purple, velvety looking, skin. We only met Mr. Lacroix once and it was briefly, he spent a lot of his time traveling as a CEO of some security company or another so he was rarely if ever home. She seemed happy enough in her marriage to him until one day in class she got a phone call…

We were having a quiz, it wasn't so unusual for a teacher to answer a phone in class but it was for Mrs. Lacroix. I looked up at the buzzing on her desk and she snatched it with a certain amount of haste and grace as she reclined in her chair, legs crossed, and loose skit temptingly flowing just high enough to get a small glimpse at her wonderful backside…

"Bonjour?" she said simply, then smiling mysteriously she added, "Oui, c'est moi, comment vas-tu?

It was fascinating watching her face slowly going from the stern teacher and slipping into an unbridled rage. "Tu es sûr?

Then she saw me watching her and frowned, "Je te parlerai plus tard" she hung up her phone bluntly and said in English, "Continue your quiz Monsieur Snow." She said so coldly the entire class shivered.

The bell rang, and thanks to Ms. Zhou once again accidentally blowing up the science lab, school was dismissed earlier today. I went to the bathroom as excited students charged to the grounds for that hour of freedom before they went about the rest of the day, whether it was clubs or just hanging out some more, or going home…

The halls were remarkably clear and quiet as the cleanup crews in Ms. Zhou's lab went about their usual Wednesday, it was nothing toxic but it still stained something fierce. As I passed the French class my 'senses' began to tingle…

"How dare you try to push this on me!" came Mrs. Lacroix's voice with a furious hiss and I paused listening in through the cracked door, "No! You were the one who went to Paris and met with your whore ex-girlfriend!" I watched as she paced angrily in the room on the phone, "I will call her whatever I like!... No I'm not having you followed! Her sister told me Gerard!" she screamed angrily, "She saw you, you stupid shit! And she's my friend don't you remember she introduced us!?"

Her beautiful face twisted with rage and sadness as she listened to the phone, "No… I am not 'blowing this up' fuck YOU, Gerard, you fucked up!" she hung up her phone and slammed it against the table, for a brief moment she looked like she was about to rage at the world… but then she sniffed and began to cry as she rubbed back tears.

I couldn't really leave her alone like that…

"Mrs. Lacroix…" I said suddenly, hesitantly as I entered the classroom.

She flinched surprised, and quickly wiped away her tears, "O-oh Monsieur Snow…" she said trying to recover quickly "W-what is it?" she had managed to stop the tears and retain her usual stoic and stern façade.

"…Mrs. Lacroix, school's out you can just call me Scott… are you okay?"

She glared at me, and suddenly I regretted asking, she was sad, but her rage at her husband was suddenly bubbling up and she lashed out at me.

"None of your business, Scott." She hissed turning away and bending over the desk staring at the phone as if expecting it to ring again with her husband on the line so she could yell at him some more.

I was weak I'll admit it, her bent over the desk like that with her loose skirt lifting just high enough for a small glimpse at her toned ballerina thighs made me think of Ms. Ziegler bent over her desk with me inside her… I wanted to touch Mrs. Lacroix's perfect, soft purple butt it was screaming to me to do it.

"Touch me Scott…" it seemed to say, gently shifting in place as if trembling, "Touch me…"

"You filthy boy!" Mrs. Lacroix suddenly shouted and once again reality crashed back at me. Shit, she had caught me staring, and she was furious… "What is with you men?!" she screamed at me.

Oh fuck, anger transfer! It was a trap! My 'senses' betrayed me!

"You filthy, horny boy!" she stomped towards me and slammed me roughly against the wall of the classroom, "I am not in the mood to deal with your hormones! You think you can just ogle me!? Use me while you whack off with your whore girlfriend because I'm 'too far away' to talk?!"

"Mrs. Lacroix!" I shouted nervously, and she flinched, suddenly realizing that I wasn't the one she wanted to be mad at.

She frowned at me, unsure what to say, "Scott I am not in the mood, could you just… go home and forget this?" she didn't wait for my answer and turned back to her desk and leaned over the phone again, staring hard at it willing it to ring…

I was about to leave, my hand on the doorknob. Then my 'senses' acted up again, I sighed internally, the force was too damn strong within me… I locked the door and turned back towards her. "Mrs. Lacroix…" I began, determined to help her feel better. She flinched again, either restraining herself from attacking me or because she thought I was going to shout at her I don't know. Slowly I sat down at the front desk just in front of her own and said as kindly as I could muster.

"…Mrs. Lacroix… if you want someone to listen to you, I'll sit here and do it… it might help."

"Help?" she said bitterly, scoffing as she looked down at me, "You filthy men are all the same, you only see women as fuck toys you could possess and use as you see fit… you don't think I don't notice your eyes Scott? The eyes of all the other boys in class?" she shimmed slightly like an exotic dancer, false smiling and pretending that it felt good to do it before quickly turning back into her angry self and glaring daggers at me. "Did you like that? Something to imagine me doing when you 'whack off' tonight…" she spat.

Well, tonight I was going to meet up with Olivia so that was probably not true.

"My husband cheated on me." she hissed glaring at the phone, "Is it my fault that he goes abroad every week and is barely home? Is it my fault that he's always too jet-lagged to get it up? Is it my fault that his schedule, that he can easily adjust, clashes so heavily with my own?! And when he can get his tiny flaccid dick hard he fucks me like a blowup doll and passes out thinking he does a good job… is it my fault that we… we don't have children?"

Still glaring at the phone she gnashed her teeth together and hissed out, "Fucker…"

I just sat there and listened, she needed the catharsis. My mother was like that about her ex too…

Suddenly she took a deep breath, held it, and released it slowly through her nose… still staring at the phone frowning. "…Maybe he could've just… talked to me… instead of going out and sleeping with another woman? If he was that… pent up I could've made time, I get antsē to…"

Ding Ding Ding… my brain seemed to go. This was my moment apparently.

"Okay, Mrs. Lacroix. Him cheating on you is not your fault." I said firmly, determinedly and for the first time since her rant she looked up from her phone with tears in her eyes, "If he doesn't make time for you and cheats on you? He needs to be punched because you, Mrs. Lacroix, are literally one in millions… I mean look at you…" I gestured to her purple skin, "You said it yourself, all the guys in class look at you, they'd cut off their jerking hands forever for a fleeting moment to be with you!" I said crassly and she blushed a little sheepish. "What you need is good old-fashioned revenge." I said firmly, "Go home and wreck his shit…" I added.

She frowned, "Revenge… I do like the sound of that…" she glared at the phone as if demanding it correct her. Before continuing as if I wasn't there. "If he wants to go out and fuck his loose whores then I'll go out and find someone who likes tight, warm, pussy…"

My dick shot up so hard that I was surprised by it, cringing in my chair and banging my knee painfully on the desk, "S-hit…" I hissed trying to contain my pain and my erection.

"Scott? Are you alright?" she asked suddenly realizing that I hadn't left quite yet. "That sounded like it…"

She was staring at me now as her sentence faded away, her face blank as she noticed the large bulge in my pants. "Uh…" I stared back at her but she continued to stare at my bugle, "Uh Mrs Lacroix it's not… what you think?" I said lamely. But her face furrowed thoughtfully, her brilliant mind seemed to be whirling in thought. "I'll uh… I think I need to leave before I embarrassed myself…" I tried to make for the door but she moved in between.

"You're a filthy, horny, boy, Scott…" she said ominously, staring down at me as she towered over me with her long high heeled legs. "Did you get hard listening to me talk about my cheating, fucker of a husband?"

I cleared my throat, my brain overriding my dick just a little, "Y-yes… Mrs. Lacroix, I'm sorry, it's inappropriate… I'll leave you alone now."

With surprising strength she hurled the student desk I sat in away and it crashed lightly against the next one. She leaned imposingly against the front of her desk facing me with her arms crossed, I, unfortunately, imagined her wonderful ass providing a magnificent cushion against its hard edges that only made me throb more. "Sit in the fucking chair you filthy boy…" she said cruelly and immediately I obeyed, sitting with my hands on my lap and upright, in more ways than one.

She glared down at me, her eyes glancing at my erection throbbing for release against my pants, "What made you hard you fucker…" she said coldly.

Sensing my moment, I told her honestly, "…I liked how you said 'Pussy', Mrs. Lacroix… it made me think of dirty thoughts…"

"Filthy boy…" she spat, "…Do you want release?" she hissed coldly, "Do you want me to bend over and spread my tight, warm…" she hissed the word slowly, her tight pouty lips forming the word, "…pussy?"

"Well too fucking bad you naughty, filthy boy…" she said briskly, leaning over with surprising flexibility as she slowly unzipped my pants, "You don't deserve tight pussy at all, especially my tight married pussy…" she cruelly reached in and removed my hardness to display, and quickly flicked her hand away, touching me as little as possible as if it disgusted her.

For a brief second, she was caught off guard by my size, and while I wasn't faint-inducing with it I was above average. Then she quickly recovered and spat on my face, "Look at that cock? You think it deserves pussy?" she said viciously and to my utter delight, she lifted her skirt and let it rest higher on her lips revealing her black lace crotch. "You think it deserves this pussy?"

"Yes…" I groaned desperately, my hands reaching for my dick, anxious to touch it.

With the grace and control of a ballerina she slipped her foot out of her heels, raised her leg high in the air with natural flexibility, and slapped her foot down on the head of my dick, I cringed, half-expecting her to stomp on me but her toes were surprisingly soft and they didn't even smell.

"Keep those hands off your cock…" she commanded, "I didn't say you could touch anything and that includes yourself…" her toes began massaging and stoking my dick as she slipped her other foot out of her shoe and gently pressed her soft soles of her feet on my length and began moving up and down…

Holy fuck, I have never been interested in foot jobs, but Mrs. Lacroix; with her ballerina-like flexibility and control was making me a believer… "You don't deserve pussy…" she cooed with cruel playfulness. "You deserve to be stepped on. You like me stepping on you filthy boy?"

"YES…" I hissed as the curves of her feet closed around my dick and moved up and down as if I was thrusting into a rough pussy. "Yes, Mrs. Lacroix I do…"

"How much?" she said, like a queen, "how much do you like it?"

"I… can't hold it back so! It feels so good… I love it!" I groaned, resisting grabbing her feet and forcing them to move faster, but she had such unbelievable control over her own body it was as if each leg was a separate being.

"Show me…" she hissed through her teeth, increasing her pace as I began to pant, "Show how much you fucking love it."

"Mrs. Lacroix!" I groaned warningly and hissed out quietly, "SHIT!" I shot my load and thrust against her feet, aiming for some non-existent womb as I imagined shooting it inside her. she pressed down hard, unintentionally enhancing my illusion and giving me the feeling, of pressing myself against her hips. My load landed on her feet, her legs, and my pants. Miraculously none of it managed to hit the floor.

"Filthy boy…" she cooed, "…Look at the mess you made you dirtyfilthy boy…" my dick throbbed between her feet with each of her words accented erotically by her accent. And she seemed briefly surprised as I hardened quickly, too aroused to let myself rest.

"I should make you clean it up with your tongue…" she said dominatingly, "…But I will pity you and do it myself…"

Mrs. Lacroix was apparently so flexible that for half a moment I believed she was a living doll… her leg pulled away and she held her foot close to her face, one long tongue slipped from her lips, and slowly, deliberately looked at me as she licked up a rope of my semen… pulling it quickly into her mouth, swallowing, licking her lips and repeating as she cleaned herself like a cat…

At the end of it, I was going to explode again… but I didn't want to play her S&M game anymore… I had gone with it not just because it felt fucking amazing, but because she needed the small semblance of control… Now it was my turn…

"Mrs. Lacroix…" I began seriously.

"Did I say you could-"

MRS. LACROIX" I repeated firmly interrupting, standing up and letting my erection point deliberately at her. She stared at it as if debating with it silently. But she looked at me, even sitting on the desk she was still unashamedly taller than me, and seemed to give me her undivided attention.

"Mrs. Lacroix I want more…" I said vehemently, my desire and use of the word 'more' causing my dick to twitch, she noticed.

She bit her lower lip in hesitation, knowing full well what I was implying, but she tried to write it off "Then sit back down Sc-"

"Mrs. Lacroix…" I repeated, "More…" I said, and deliberately I looked down at her exposed panties.

We stayed in silence as we watched each other, me through sheer willpower telling her I would accept no less, and her silently debating if she really, really wanted to get revenge on her husband with one of the most ancient of all sayings.

An Eye for an Eye…

"Scott…" she began, "…Are you sure?" she said softly staring straight at me at me. "There is no turning back."

"…Fuck yes…" I said, my dick nodding its own agreement. She made a short sigh as if to say 'alright then' and stood up, she slipped her panties to the floor and was about to take off her skirt. "No wait…" she looked at me, one prominent eyebrow raised as if wondering if I had changed my mind.

"Leave it on…" I said, and gently turning her around I pushed her gently against the desk, "… It's hotter with it on like that…" I knelt down behind her and slipped my head under the skirt and sniffing her arousal. Slowly my tongue reached out and lapped against the folds of her pussy, she quivered.

"Oh Scott…" she moaned slightly at the unexpected feeling, as I buried myself deep into her pussy. She was right, it was tight and warm, so tight I could barely slip my tongue into her tunnel…

She cringed on my face as if trying to get away, but my hands slipped up her legs and clapped onto her soft pillow ass, and pulled her against my face. Holding her there as I kept devouring her essence… she had obviously never been eaten out before, her body instinctively trying to get away as the foreign sexual act continued to pleasure her. I was thoroughly enjoying myself as well, not just because of cunnilingus of which I actually did enjoy, (feeling them squirm on my face gave me a sick sort of fetish-fueled pleasure) but because finally, I could touch her ass, squeezing it, molding it to the shape of my hands, it was everything I dreamed…

Finally, her legs dipped, and she caught herself before she fell fully, and she quivered on my face as she came, "Oh Scott!" she hissed her fingers scrapping against her desk as she tried to shift the orgasmic pleasure anywhere else. "You… oh Scott…" she breathed as I stood up behind her, "…Where did you learn to do that?"

"Ms. Song…" I replied, completely accidentally… my face showing just how fucking stupid my brain had been.

Still panting she turned to look over her shoulder at me, if she disapproved of the answer, even if she didn't believe me she obviously didn't care… she rotated her ass slowly, tempting me to touch and take it… "Scott…" she said breathlessly, her accent making it sound like my name was the most beautiful thing in the word, "More…" she moaned, slowly gyrating her ass at me, impatiently waiting for me to penetrate.

…She was just so soft to the touch… as I slipped inside her my mind went blank as I thrust deep into her forbidden married pussy. It was as if the moment would last forever, the world seemed to slow as I slammed unheeded into her, her soft ass bouncing and rippling with each hilt long thrust into her, her audibly exclaiming how good it felt… "Harder!" she shouted, her accent driving me forward unintentionally, "Faster!" she looked at me, lost in her own desire, "Slap my soft ass!" she shouted, and my hand was about to achieve the dream of the locker room and slap her ass cheek hard as I rode her. "Punish me!"


"Harder!" she shouted.


"Faster!!" she squealed delightedly.


Then her phone suddenly began to buzz… we jumped slightly and stared at it, not stopping. But suddenly my own desire overcame my logic, and I slapped her ass even harder causing her to yelp.

"Answer it…" it buzzed again as she hesitated to look at me confused, I slapped her other cheek to the same effect, "Answer."

She picked up the phone and with surprising self-control, she answered it. If you didn't know better you would never have thought she was getting fucked by her student.

You know what I mean.

"Bonjour… Gerard." She looked at me and for a second I slowed down, I might at first had thought it would've been hot, but suddenly it felt very wrong.

"…Yes…" she said slowly, and then began thrusting herself back at me as she began to continue and sending me the signal to do so as well, "Yes, Gerard, I am still mad… but I've calmed down…" she said, silently listening to her husband and staring at me over her shoulder as I buried myself inside her. "…A student helped me through it, He was surprisingly…" she looked at where we were connected and add with a knowing smile, "In-side-full…" I leaned down on her, adoring her accent as she told me I made her feel full. Pressing her tighter to the desk as I penetrated her and held my head closer to her phone so I could hear Gerard speak.

"Mon amour…" he said, I could barely hear him, "…I'm sorry you are right what I did was very very wrong I just…" I slammed particularly rough against Mrs. Lacroix causing her to gasp suddenly and glare at me angrily. "…Yes I know it's a 'shock'…" he laughed over the phone, clearly and arousingly missing the point of her gasp. "But… Amélie… he said, practically begging, "…Amélie you don't have to forgive me for my mistake just yet… but before we do anything rash…"

I thrust rapidly against her, smiling as if it was to replace my laughing, her mouth gaped slightly as she desperately tried to restrain herself from the sudden rapid fire burst of pleasure, she began twitching, she was going to cum… I sensed another moment coming up…

"Maybe we could talk face to face and… and work it out?"

I slammed hard against her and struck the finishing blow.

"Yes!" she screamed unable to contain her orgasm as her eyes quivered up into her head from the unheeded stimulation and taboo of the situation.

"Amélie I love you!" came his voice, unbelievably happy at her reply, that made two of us. "Screw the meeting, they'll understand, I'll be on the next flight home. "Amélie… I'll do anything. I'll do anything you want as long as you forgive me and… and we stay together."

Breathing softly as she came down from her high, I slowed my pace again, utterly pleased that I was 'helping' with their issues. She looked at me, blissfully and replied with absolute finality, "…I want a baby."

I still kept thrusting but I gaped at her silently… did she mean what I thought she meant? Apparently, Gerard was thinking the same thing. "Amélie I would love to…" he said honestly, filled with utter love.

"Then you better hurry home Gerard. Or I'm starting without you…" she said playfully, smiling at me as I increased my thrust again.

"I'm arranging a private jet as we speak… see you soon Mon Amour…"

"Yes…" she replied huskily, "I love you…" she said to me, and him, and hung up the phone…

"…You filthy boy." she breathed softly tossing the phone aside. Silently I grabbed the desk edge ahead of her, adjusted my dick slightly inside her, and thrust. We were in the home stretch, my body eager to release in her.

"I'm coming Mrs. Lacroix." I said feeling my release.

"Pull out." She said firmly as if our game had already ended. That hurt me… just a little, but with great effort, I pulled out. And was about to wank on her to finish when, "In my ass…" she said, pulling her cheeks apart to show me, "Hurry before you finish…"

I was barely inside her, her tight hole barely stretching then I simply released… jerking my still mostly exposed dick inside her ass. It drained myself and pulled away with a pop, a small amount of my essence leaked out of her but otherwise, she remained tightly closed.

It didn't have the same effect as the thought of impregnating a married woman… but I guess I was technically too young to have a kid. We got up, and she stood facing the blackboard as I placed my dick back into my pants. She looked over her shoulder at me, and smiled faintly. "…Scott?" she said softly, with a look on her face that said she needed to say something to me.

"Yes? Yes Ma'am…" I added, suddenly we were teacher and student again. But I couldn't help but stare at her bare beautiful ass with her skirt hiked up over it. she glanced at it and as if she was too lazy to push her skirt down, she smacked her own ass cheek hard, causing the skirt to drop down over her butt like the end curtain of a theater production

She sighed, and gently gestured to the door, "…Thank you, for helping me work through my problems…"

"…You're welcome Mrs Lacroix…"

And I left, leaving her alone in the classroom staring at the phone.

The next day the classes went by slowly, not even Ms. Colomar dancing the samba in class with the girls managed to lighten the day, much. Soon French class arrived and as we entered Mrs. Lacroix, wearing similar clothes as yesterday but this time in white, was looking angrily at her phone before she looked up at the classroom with her usual stern expression, "Class, free study for a moment. Monsieur Snow!" She suddenly shouted angrily, and me not quite knowing what I had done shot to attention, "I need to have a strong word with you." She grabbed my arm firmly, "Come with me!"

She shoved me into an empty classroom, and suddenly my brain went back to last night, I know my track record so far has been one lucky arrangement after another but what were the odds that-?"

She turned and pressed her hands on the blackboard, lifting her skirt to me to reveal that she was not wearing underwear and was wet and ready. "…Hurry Mon Amour…Gerard already has a head start on you…" she begged desperately. She shook her ass temptingly at me, "It is only fair that my husband got the first shot…" she whispered softly, "Now my lover can have his turn…"

"Wait… what are you…"

"For my baby Mon Amour…" she said huskily, tempting me with golden bedroom eyes, "Surely you don't want Gerard to claim my fertile eggs first?" she pouted over her shoulder at me and thrust her rear up slightly as if I had already started and she was trying to thrust back at me… "Hurry Scott we have to get back to class soon…" she moaned worriedly, eyeing the unlocked closed door.

"Mon Amour, don't keep me waiting…" her body shimmied like an exotic dancer, ready and waiting to take her favorite client...

I couldn't resist her anymore…

…She was just so soft to the touch…


Again, a relative translation.

Oui, c'est moi, comment vas-tu= yes it is, how are you?

Tu es sûr=are you sure

Je te parlerai plus tard=i'll talk to you later