
Field Trip Part 1: Ms Pharah, Ms Sombra

I don't own overwatch

The Nexus; Once upon a time it was called the Confederate, now under new ownership. The Nexus had literally everything from everywhere. A huge arcade of games, a gigantic swimming pool, a water slide that other water slides would stab to get, a white sandy beach with a scattering of islands just offshore, and a mall built into the five-star hotel that had a collection of shops and stores from all over the world and Overwatch High has the connections to get some access to it. Every year: 20 students 6 teachers and an almost four-day weekend of awesome. We left late Friday and went home mid-afternoon Monday.

Granted it was not easy to get to go on the field trip, it was a literal bloodbath sometimes to go. And I Made the cut along with 19 other students who honestly, I didn't really know… unfortunately Jeremy decided not to come considering the Coach wouldn't be joining us, but I imagine his sadness on the matter was soothed when his father had to take late night flights for a while leaving him alone in the house.

Well sort of, the Coach of course would be there…

It was rumored that the teachers themselves draw straws to see who goes. I never got the courage to ask but this year the lucky selection was Angela, Fareeha, Olivia, Ms. Ana, Amelie, and to almost everyone's surprise. Mr. McCree. Who was snoring audibly in his wide-brim cowboy hat in the bus seat across from me as Fareeha snoozed quietly on my shoulder. Ms. Ana was at the front of the bus talking animatedly with Amelie, apparently comforting her for something Gerard obviously did. And Olivia was gaming on what looked like a PlayStation Vita next to Angela.

Honestly, I just decided to take advantage of the situation and pretended to be asleep as Fareeha made herself comfortable, drooling a little as she mumbled next to me. Soon however I fell asleep for real as Olivia shook me awake.

"Scott? Hey wake up we're here." I stretched my arm as Olivia shook Fareeha, "Come on Bonita off the bus." Drearily we got off the bus to the smell of the sea nearby as the cawing of seagulls flew overhead. Fareeha went to join her mother at the front of the group as a very tall, attractive platinum blonde woman began chatting with Ms. Ana. Who was essentially in charge of all of us. She seemed nice enough, she looked like a secretary with a winter white pantsuit and blouse. Her platinum blonde hair was tied back in a ponytail showed much of her green eyes and moon pale complexion. She was pretty.

"Okay then." She said, suddenly her voice rising clearly over us as she smiled politely. "It's nice to meet all of you. Welcome to the Nexus." She paused as many of the students said hello back to her, she nodded and continued. "Now. Your teachers are responsible for you, but you have free reign of the Nexus, you can go to the arcade, the beach, or the pool. I insist that you enjoy yourselves you've earned it. A complimentary breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided for you however if you want a snack between meals you'll have to pay." She smiled prettily at us and many of the students chuckled.

I scratched my head as I looked at her face, ignoring the… adorably angry looks Fareeha was giving me. But I'm sure she just had one of those faces, she just looked familiar.

"Now." She said clapping her hands together, I believe your teachers have assigned you rooms. But if there is any trouble, please let me know and I'll take care of it, after all, I own the place. Just ask the front desk for November Terra." If I had any liquid in my mouth it would've sprayed all over the head cheerleader standing in front of me.

…That was the name of my Aunt who I was never supposed to talk about… oh no.

November turned to Ms. Ana and spoke animatedly to her quietly, then smiled at us again. "Okay. I hope you enjoy your stay." She looked over us for a moment… and her eyes lingered on me. Her green eyes narrowed in thought for a moment before widening briefly in surprise.

Oh, shit she recognized me… I don't know how but she did. She knew! Mom is going to kick my ass.

She quickly collected herself and made a brisk turn towards the massive hotel as Ms. Ana began assigning room numbers. Two people were supposed to be assigned to a room but we had an uneven number of boys to girls and we could have that. So, I drew the lucky straw and got bunked with Mr. McCree. And again, why was the janitor here? Still, though we got settled on the 7th-floor room 6. Angela and Amelia got room 8, and by some horrible twist of fate Olivia and Fareeha got room 5. Ms. Ana. Being Ms. Ana. Got room 7 all to herself. Because she's awesome like that and no one was going to argue with her.

As Mr. McCree made himself comfortable on the bed, apparently beginning to snore almost immediately I pulled out my phone and debated calling mom. I know how she felt about her adopted family… but maybe it would be okay. I had to check in with her anyway, I promised to call after I arrived. Listening to the phone dial, it rang twice before she picked up.

"Hey Honey. Are you safe?" she asked almost immediately, it wasn't that she worried. She just took her mom duties seriously when she wasn't filled with Queen of Blades.

"Well…" I began thinking about how I was between four women I slept with and decided to take the high road. "I am bunking with Mr. McCree so make of that what you will…" I mumbled, looking at McCree as he adjusted his hat over his eyes and kicked off his boots, revealing old black socks. Snoring contentedly on the bed.

"Well if he gives you trouble just remind him who your mother is, and you'll be fine." She said with a laugh.

Well. Time to rip off the band-aid. "So… mom… did you know that uh. 'Aunt' November owns and runs the Nexus?" …The implication was that apparently my mom's side of the family was loaded.

Mom was very quiet for a very long time. I didn't know whether or not to say anything. Finally, after several minutes, I couldn't take the silence anymore. "…Mom?"

"…Sweetie do not let her catch you alone. If she tries anything, if she wants to introduce you to anyone, DO NOT LET HER. Have someone with you when you speak to her at all times, even if it has to be McCree. If she tries anything CALL. I'll be down there within the day. You should be okay, she's the most… tolerable. But regardless…"

"Okay…" I said a little nervously, "Mom is there something I should know?"

"What? No! Don't be silly everything's fine!" she said, obviously lying but I decided to just let it slide. It was getting late and dinner would assumedly be served soon.

Dinner was buffet style, and I ate my fill with Fareeha and Olivia, who were making plans for tomorrow. Fareeha decided on the beach. Olivia kinda wanted to hit the arcade. I decided to hit both respectively, but I had two days to do whatever I wanted. After dinner and wishes of goodnight, I headed back to my room to find Mr. McCree exactly where I left him. So, after showering I too went to bed… when I woke up in the morning I thought he was dead, he hadn't moved at all… but that was quickly tossed aside as Angela banged on the door.

"McCree! Come on I need you on the beach!" he shot up like a bullet, grabbing his duffle bag and heading into the bathroom as he changed. I myself walked out to find Angela already in her swimsuit. A bright red lifeguard one piece with a white cross over her heart and matching red shorts over the suit. She smiled at me politely, "Good morning Scott…" she then banged angrily on the door. "McCree!"

"I'm coming damn it hold yer horses!" he replied gruffly before he too left the room. Dressed in lifeguard red trunks.

A group of us made our way to the beach, led by lifeguard McCree and Lifeguard Angela.

"Okay!" she shouted as the waves of the beach crashed against the sand. "You are free to swim, build sand castles whatever you like." She pointed to the closest island maybe a football field a ways offshore. "That is the ONLY island you can swim to. Any farther out than that and we are going to have a problem. The beach does have active lifeguards, but Mr. McCree and I will be assisting them and I'll tell you all right now…" her blue eyes lingered on me briefly but she addressed herself to the class. "If anyone is caught 'drowning' expecting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Boys will receive it from Mr. McCree."

"Aw…" the boys present groaned as McCree glared at them all warningly.

"And ladies it's the opposite for you." She noted flatly.

"Aw…" the girls groaned as McCree couldn't help but smile at that. But then he was promptly kicked in the shin by Angela and he quickly dropped said look. Cringing in pain as he rubbed his now bruised shin

However, the boys hooted at the idea of our sexy teacher making out with the girls… if only they knew.

"Alright!" she smiled, "Go have fun." With shrieks of laughter and delight, the other students charged for the waters, kicking up sand as they went.

McCree yawned, "Welp you got this covered…" before promptly making himself comfortable under an umbrella on a beach chair, adjusting his cap and almost instantly snoozing.

"How does he do that?" I mumbled quietly as I began rubbing sunblock on my arms and Angela wandered off up the beach to scold a couple of our guy students from bothering other residents… in bikinis, who were way too old for them.

"Here let me…" said Fareeha suddenly, she had wandered off earlier to change and had returned with a snorkeled-up Olivia in a green and black wetsuit. Fareeha, wearing a rather impressive-looking pair of aviator sunglasses, was dressed in sort of a modest navy=blue bikini, it didn't scream 'sexy'… yet at the same time, it certainly was. She snatched the bottle of sunblock from me and squirted a bit onto her hands. "Sit." She demanded as Olivia rolled her eyes and spat the snorkel from her mouth.

"That desperate to touch bonita?" she teased softly as I felt Fareeha's talented hands massage and rubbed sunblock on my back.

"Shut up Olivia I don't want him to burn." She replied briskly, but I couldn't help but feel her hands linger a little more with each rub.

Olivia shrugged and rubbed her mid-drift which was on display and made her way to the water. "Don't take too long Papi…" she cooed as she dove right into the water, her green snorkel just above the waterline as she floated off.

Finally, Fareeha finished applying my sunblock… I decided to return the favor. However, when I offered my services she looked a little nervous. "What if somebody sees?" she said, fidgeting slightly. I however rolled my eyes and dragged her off to the changing rooms. Both of us laughed lightly as we went.

Expertly dodging other guests of the Nexus I carefully led her into a booth and closed the door, smiling as I applied sunblock to my hands, and without waiting I began rubbing it carefully on her muscled abs. She slowly took off her sunglasses, her eyes narrowed 'suspiciously' at me

"You know I can do that myself…" she teased, knowing full well where we were going at this pace.

"Uh huh…" I replied simply, squeezing the white liquid onto her chest and giving me a few… ideas.

"Scott…" she said a little lightheartedly as my hands began rubbing the cream into her chest and squeezing her breasts as my hands moved over them. As I did… she sighed exotically, and leaned forward into my hands, kissing my lips as I pushed her up against the wall and everything escalated.

My hands slipped down her back and into her bottoms, groping her ass as my hands continued to rub lotion onto her. My erection already begging to be released as it pressed through my pants against her crotch.

She moaned as she felt it, one hand already moving her bottoms aside to give me access to her pussy as we continued our lip lock and she adjusted my pants to give me my release from their bindings. I was inside her before I even realized it, she gasped erotically, pulling away from my lips as she laughed, "Shhh…" I hissed pulling her back to my lips and moaning into her mouth, "Got to keep it down in here…" I added teasingly as I began my thrusts, lifting her from the floor as her legs wrapped around me and I pinned her repeatedly against the wall. Our slightly lubricated bodies rubbed against each other as the lotion provided a certain sheen to us.

I felt her clenching as she bit her lip, trying to last as long as possible as I plowed away into her, pulling her bikini apart to let her breasts bounce free as she went up and down on my length. I pinned her hard to the wall and listened to her gasp her orgasm into my ear as I released deep inside her. Her whole body tightened around me as she tried to resist her scream. Her eyes rolled up erotically as she twitched. I suckled her breasts as she came down, and she gently slapped my shoulders.

"W-wait let me rest…" she begged, but it had the opposite effect. I throbbed to attention inside her again and she whimpered with a laugh, "Oh god you're like a machine…" she hissed in my ear as I started again, her body already reacting to my thrusting. As she came, however… I had a bit of a naughty idea…

"I want to cum…" I declared, my idea over wiring my instinctive desire to cum inside.

"G-go ahead!" she moaned, cumming and bouncing on my cock, "Just cum deep inside me! I want it fucking inside me!"

"I want it on your face." I told her, whispering firmly in her ear as her eyes widened in surprise. And I slipped out, practically dropping her to the floor as I began rubbing my erection on her face. She let it brush against her cheek for a moment then engulfed my length with her mouth. "I'm going to shoot it all over you…" I declared impatiently as she noisily sucked my cock, eyes looking up lovingly at me as she accepted what was going to happen. I loved that about her.

"I'm cumming!" I declared as he wonderful tongue scraped my length, then she pulled away with a pop, planting her hands on the floor as her eyes closed, her mouth opened wide, and her tongue stuck out ready to receive…

She hardly flinched as my cum roped across her beautiful face, four shots later she sat there patiently as her hands slowly rose up to her face and began rubbing my seed into her caramel skin… moaning as if it was the best feeling in the world. Her eyes were still shut as my cock responded to her moaning, and instinctively she took my head back into her mouth and carefully sucked, licking my remaining seed from my urethra.

"We…" I began trembling as my legs started to give out, "…We are never going to get into the water at this rate…" I grumbled as she giggled with a mouthful, and I wrapped my hands into her silky hair and steadily, and carefully, thrusting…

Of course, eventually, she pulled another load from my balls with her lips, but she swallowed that intently and decided we needed to leave. So she washed her face as best she could in the bathroom and applied proper sunblock, doing the same to my face as we quickly went to enjoy ourselves.

With Ms. Ziegler on watch and Mr. McCree playing volleyball with the girl students, apparently, he was exceptionally popular with the ladies even though he was just a janitor… I think I guess he did do line dancing in dance class. I spent the majority of my time in the water with Fareeha for a while, but she too was pulled into a volleyball match with McCree, both of them picking teams from all participants.

So I kept swimming, I couldn't monopolize my teachers all the time no matter how much I wanted to, so I swam and swam… and finally I got out to one of the little islands off the shore. Taking a breath in the sand underneath the shade of a cluster of trees I shut my eyes as I let the sun warm my wet body.

I was almost dozing when… "HEY PAPI…" came a familiar coo. I shot up and looked around, naturally there she was, her hair slicked back and her skin still wet as my trunks got tighter.

Still, in her wet suit Olivia grinned and gestured to me to come further into the island foliage and to encourage me, she lifted her top revealing her breasts.

Well, it certainly worked. We were out of sight from the shore and she dropped to her knees, stroking my legs. As my erection made itself known to her. "Hola my darling…" she cooed to my dick, pulling down my trunks and giving it a kiss, she giggled up at me. "Still tastes like Fareeha coño…" she teased, knowing full well what we did in private and giving it a long loving lick with her talented tongue. "Don't worry Papi…" she mumbled, lathing my cock with her spit, "I'll suck it clean for you…"

She devoured my cock as if she had been dying of thirst, sucking my length as her head bobbed rapidly onto it, slamming her lips to my root as she buried her nose in my pubes, inhaling deeply each time. She was being pretty damn wild today.

"What's gotten into you?" I groaned as she slurped noisily, pulling away with an audible pop as she stroked me to keep me hard.

"I want it." She stated firmly, watching my face as her tongue lapped at my throbbing cock like a dog drinking water. "I want you Papi. I want you to pin me to the tree and fuck me like we are stranded…" she sucked my cock hard, easily slipping me down her throat before standing up and shoving her tight wetsuit shorts down, showing me her ass and dripping pussy. Although I wasn't sure if it was water…

She placed her hands on the closet tree and leaned her ass out, shaking it slightly as my cock throbbed, demanding to be inside her. "Whatever will we do Papi?" she moaned worriedly, "We are the only ones on this island! And you have horrible, manly needs…"

Well, she was laying it on pretty thick, but hey it was still hot.

"Damn right I do!" I declared, approaching her and slapping her ass lightly.

She squeaked, "Aye Papi! Don't hurt my little culo…" she moaned, tempting me to give her another slap by shaking her ass, "I'll give you what you need…" I smacked her other cheek for a delighted moan and sexy jiggle, and quickly slipped into her pussy, pressing her firmly against the tree as I squeezed her soft ass...

"Ah Si Papi!" she moaned, as I began thrusting, grabbing her tightly held breasts and ramming her against the tree. "Get wild with me Scott…" she cooed, "Pull my hair. Go on." I did, grabbing a fist full and yanking as she gasped, and tightened. "Mierda!" she growled as I pulled hard, "Fuck me papi! Fuck me! I want you leche deep inside!"

Slamming rapidly into her, feeling her ass slap against me I roared my imminent release as she tightened and took every drop deep into her. I jerked her head around and kissed her, sucking her tongue from her mouth as I made sure my balls were completely empty. I slapped her ass, again and again, if nothing more than to hear her moan into my mouth and feel her pussy tightening lovingly around me. My dick throbbed for more of her heat and warmth as it tried to fire as much of my sperm as my balls could produce into her.

Eventually, I slipped out of her as she laughed, feeling my seed drip from her pussy and onto the sand. I spread her ass cheeks apart, watching her drip. "Again Papi?" she cooed, her holes practically begging for my return and I certainly wanted to but… I looked up at the sky, it was getting pretty dark. If we wanted to see the firework show, we needed to head back. I gave her ass a kiss, and when she laughed I smacked the spot hard, leaving a prominent red mark.

"Ow!" she yelped indignantly, glaring at me as I stood up with her and slid my erection between her legs, feeling her mix of wetness and cum drip onto my cock. "Okay during sex is foreplay, after sex is mean." She scolded firmly, almost like an actual teacher.

I kissed her from behind and slipped out, sliding up her pants and giving her ass a squeeze. "We need to head back or we'll miss the fireworks."

She waved her hand dismissively, but we headed back together, watching a speedboat drive by with the fireworks crew as they headed to a nearby island. We just made it back to shore and sat down with Fareeha as the night erupted with light.

Dinner came and went, and I lugged myself to my room, Mr. McCree was entertaining some vacationing ladies at the bar so he should be fine. I however wanted to get some sleep. I was going to 'catch' Angela in her lifeguard suit but I had time for that tomorrow.

However seconds before I entered my room, I heard a "Hello there…" from a rather friendly but sultry voice, I turned and froze as my Aunt November was standing behind me. I had no idea she was even there! She wasn't there before she just appeared there! Like she was a ghost! Or a specter! She watched my face for a moment with her rather hypnotic eyes, then she asked with a pleasant and kind voice."Are you Scott?"

She seemed nice… shame all I could think of and say was… "…Ah shit…"

End of Chapter… to be continued.