
AV CLUB: Ms. The Diva, Ms. La Dueña

I don't own Overwatch or blizzard things

Buuuuuzz. Buuuuuuzz. Buuuuuzz.

WHAP… Sleepily I slammed my hand on my bedside table, fondling my buzzing phone as I yanked it off the charger and held it to my ear. "…Hello?"

Buzz. Buzz.

Bloop. I actually answered it this time.

"Hello?" I repeated groggily.

"Hey PAAAAAPI…" cooed a sexy-voiced latina as my cock throbbed into my mattress. "What are you doing right now?"

"Sleeping." I grumbled irately.

"Hmmn-hmmn." she chuckled, "…You dreaming of me papi?"

"Sometimes." I admitted, but blearily checked my clock, "But it's 4:30 Olivia what do you want?"

"Well, I need you for something later Papi… I want to know if you're up to it."

"How later?" I grumbled, burying my face into my pillow.

"Mmn… 10-ish?" she replied as I groaned.

"That still doesn't change the fact that it's 4:30…" I groaned.

"But I wanted to hear your voice Papi, it's been SO long… I'm so thirsty for you. I want you right now…" my cock throbbed eagerly, "Your little puta needs you…" she moaned erotically, 'She needs to touch you. To FEEL you…"

"…Right now?" I mumbled, waking up a little.

"No at 10-ish." She said, significantly less sexy. As I dropped back down, "Can I count on you Papi?"

"…Ask me again in two to three hours."

"I will Papi. Love you."

"…Love you too." I mumbled, hanging up the phone putting it under my pillow, and slapping my face against it almost immediately going back to sleep and dreaming of a sexy piece of ass as she squealed at me in Spanish.

…I'm going to fuck her brains out when I get my hands on her.

Almost 10-ish o'clock later.

I yawned slightly making my way up the steps to Olivia's apartment-house. Glancing around and not seeing Brigitte's van, I knocked loudly on the front door. "Olivia?" before letting myself just walk in. "Olivia?"

"Upstairs papi!" her voice echoed down from somewhere on the second floor as I made my way up the stairs towards it. Debating just how HARD I was going to go at her when I saw her…


My eyes widened to find only in a pretty sexy purple sling bikini… and a matching Luchador mask that gave her face the ominous appearance of a purple skull, EXTRA HARD apparently. "Hey Papi." She leaned sexily against the nearby doorframe, licking her lips through the mask opening. "…Come over here." She cooed invitingly while curling a finger at me, as I smiled and approached her. "Mmmn…"

I shoved my tongue possessively into her mouth as her breasts pushed against my chest, my cock growing against her crotch as my hands gripped that tight, latina ass. "Mmn… mMN!" she moaned arousingly into my mouth as I continued to suck out her soul. "Mwah! You hard Papi?" she cooed, "You all warmed up!" she whimpered excitedly, rubbing my arms lovingly.

"Oh yeah…" I grinned.

"Good, We're going to need that cock in a couple of minutes."

"Wha-?" she slipped easily from my grip as once again I was blue-balled. "We? What? Olivia…" I growled irately as she suddenly pulled something from behind her… where was she keeping it? And handed me a luchador mask of my own… it was very nice looking, if not weirdly designed with what seemed to be a gloriously embossed with what I'm going to guess is a rooster.

"Here you go El Criador."

"What?" I mumbled irately. "…Olivia." I growled again as she smiled.

"I'm La Dueña." Smiled Olivia, placing a hand on her chest, which only made me look at her breasts. "You're El Criador. At least for the next hour, you're gonna want to put that on."

"What the fuck is going on?" I mumbled as Olivia just smiled.

"Well. The Diva just reached 100,000 subscribers on her onlyfans. So she's giving a special show, unanimously it was decided that she'd have hardcore sex."

"…What?" I stared at her aghast as she rolled her eyes.

"Hana! Scott! Keep up! She has an onlyfans account where she plays games in the nude, except her mask, masturbates, makes out with Miss Steel Maiden…"

"…How did she make out with Brigitte while she was wearing her helmet?" I asked confused as Olivia just liked her lips.

"You're gonna have to subscribe for that one. But regardless… we need a dick." she rubbed said dick with her hands, keeping me hard but not getting me off like the fucking cocktease she was being right now. "And I know how much you LOVE sticking your dick into that tight gamer girl's holes." My cock throbbing against her skilled fingers as she rubbed me through my pants. "…You don't want me to go out and find a DIFFERENT cock to fill her, do you? You're too GREEDY for that Papi… and you'll be able to show 100,000 subscribers that she's YOUR cock sleeve…"

…She wasn't fucking WRONG but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of admitting she was right.

"...…What do I have to do?"

"Mmn!" she kissed me, "Put on the mask." KISS. "Take off your clothes." KISS. "And just wait for her to call you in and just do what you do best Papi…" she then added sensually, "Love you." She patted my cheek and opened the door.

Inside was a computer set up with several monitors and a camera focusing on a neatly made double bed. Oliva… La Dueña swayed that samba booty towards a lone gamer chair and sat upon it, smiling at the camera as numerous dings and beeps echoed out from the computer.

"Yeah yeah you bunch of pervs. It's almost time… she's just making herself extra pretty." She smiled sultrily, spreading her legs towards me, off-camera, and running her fingers over her crotch, slowly, invitingly, eyeing me lustily as many beeps and boops echoed from the chat. "Yes. We got a nice big DICK for her…"

A massive cacophony of beeps and boops echoed out from her words as she laughed. "That's right! The Diva's taking real dick tonight. So you pervs better be subscribed or you get NOTHING…"

I sighed as La Dueña warmed up the 'crowd', to several dings and beeps, and the echoing sound of cha-ching as I took of my shirt. "Hey, Scott."

As I yanked my shirt over my head a new girl appeared in a blue bikini that bit into her slender body and a blue kitty mask that covered half her face. "Hey Hana."

She smiled apologetically at me. "Sorry Olivia dragged you into this." She shrugged, "But this is giving me some real internet cred. My twitch streaming jump twenty percent after my first week of shows!"

"Eh. Let's be honest I'm used to it." I replied as I dropped my pants and she stared at my erection. "…I don't mind being your stunt dick." she continued to stare at said dick as I made sure my mask was on securely. "So how's this going to work?"

"I go on. I tease them a little, then you come in and do… you." She replied with a playful smile as I shrugged.

"Yeah alright. Anything specific I should avoid?"

"Yeah. Buttsex." She said, "…Got to save that for 200,000 subscribers. So what's Olivia calling you?"

"El Criador." I replied as The Diva blinked at me.

"….What's that mean?"

"No idea. I'm sure it's insulting, fitting, or both." I replied.

"Alright, you pervs." Declared La Dueña, "I'm turning it over to Private, so see you all later." She clicked something on the computer and waved The Diva in. "Come on. Get ready…"

The Diva lightly brushed my throbbing girth, switching places with La Dueña as she stood next to me, smiling. "Were you watching me Papi? Ah! Mgnh!" I smacked my hand on her ass pulling her close and shoving my tongue possessively into her mouth. "MMgh… MMNgh!" furiously groping her ass as she gyrated against me, rubbing her crotch against my leg as The Diva crawled onto the bed and lay on her back, legs spread and facing the camera.

"Hi-hi-boys!" she said cheerily, waving her hands to it between her spread legs. "It's the DIVA…"

I ignored her as I continued to molest my puta. "Oh-oooh! Papi…" she moaned, "Save it for the show…" she encouraged happily, rubbing my chest.

"Hana says I can't do buttstuff…" I hissed in her ear, "So guess what you're getting later." Slap!

"Ay!" she giggled happily as my hand cracked on her ass cheek, "MMngh!" furiously kissing her again as my hand slipped down the front of her sling-kini feeling her wet pussy. "mmn… Go get her Papi…"

To the steady sounds of beeps and boops from the computer as walked into the room just off-camera as The Diva finished up her introduction.

"-So the 100,000 subscriber's show is about to begin… ooooh…" she wiggled as she rubbed her crotch with her fingers, keeping her legs spread as they wobbled in pleasure.

Ding! Ding!

"OOoo-kay… now where's that dick I need to-oh…" she gasped as I quickly crawled onto the mattress and rested my cock over her eyes. "…There it is…" she breathed.


"Ahh…" she gasped breathlessly, letting her tongue hang from her open mouth as she drooled down between her cleavage before I took my cock in hand, sliding it down her face as I turned her masked head towards me and slid my member between her lips. "MMGH!"


"MMngh! MMnh! MMNhg!!" sloppily and loudly slurping on my cock as her head slid back and forth easily along it, her hand sliding beneath her bottoms as she shoved her fingers obviously into her pussy, churning them eagerly as she masturbated for the crowd. "MMngh! SLURP! MMNgh!!" gazing up at me as her eyes quivered in excitement, I held the back of her head, gripping her hair and jerked her head back and forth. Her saliva dripped down my length onto the mattress.

I kept my mouth shut. They weren't here for me, they were here for The Diva. To watch HER get fucked… holding her down on my cock as the screen continued to ding with approval. "MMGnh-mmgn!!" she squirmed to increasing dings as she lost air. "BWAH!" gasping as I yanked from her wet drooling lips as she grinned. "Haa-haa… he's so TASTY…" she purred loudly, gazing up at me. "Oooh I just want to suck dick ALL the time!"

Ring-a-ding-ding, like someone, constantly pushed the doorbell.

"We haven't even gotten to the good stuff-mMGHH!!" I stuffed her mouth full of cock, and pinned her head to the mattress as she thrashed wildly at the sudden balls deep mouth fuck. "mMGNh!?" her eyes rolled as I lay across her face, rolling my hips to the constant dings of approval.

She thrashed beneath me, her legs flopping about until they planted down on the bed and she began to buck her hips up in the air… quickly matching my own as I did push-ups on her face. up and down, rolling my hips to push into her throat as she continued to furiously masturbate for their approval.

"mMMGH!! mMGNh! mMNGH!!" drooling and spluttering as I literally fucked her face, gazing down as she tried to get herself off. My hand slid down her stomach and under her bottoms. "MMNGH!? MMNNGH!!" squealing as my fingers joined her in furiously rubbing her pussy. "MNGh! MGGUUCK!! MMGH!"

Squealing as I rapidly slapped my hips against her face until her body went tense and her lower body flopped back to the mattress spasming in erotic gyrations that naturally got her more dings. "MMGh! NNGH!!" I buried my cock into her mouth, feeling cum ooze from her lips as she seemingly refused to swallow, spluttering around my girth as I pulled free of her lips.

"Bwaaaagh! COUGH! COUGH!!" flecks of seed erupted from her gaping mouth as she gargled my cum and immediately shot upright on the mattress to dinging approval. Her face an appealing mess as she rolled onto her hands for a close-up shot of my cum pooling in her mouth. "Haaaah!!" she opened her mouth wide as her tongue swirled it lovingly around her mouth. "Aahh-aaah…"


"MMNg! MMwaaah!" she gasped, sticking out her tongue as she swallowed my load and the dings went off the charts! "Haha… he always has so MUCH! And he's so mean…" she pouted cutely. "He just FUCKS me as hard as he wants… you like that huh?" she teased, swaying her ass towards me as she rested her finger on her tongue and rubbed it, slurping her lips around it. "Mmngh-mmn! You like how EL Criador fucked my face? I always let him do it as much as he-ah!"

I grabbed her waist and yanked her back, "AH? Ooh!" I yanked down her bottoms to the dings of the crowd. "NNGh! AAAGH!!" she cried out erotically, the dings so loud as I pierced into her that La Dueña had to turn down the speakers. "Haa-aah! AH! AH! YES! HE'S! SO! FUCKING! GOOD! AAAH! AAH! AAAH!!" her upper body falling down so they could see her ass get clapped by my hips from behind.

The Diva was being louder than usual…. I liked it. I grabbed her hair and yanked, forcing her orgasm contorting face into the camera. "AAAH! AAH! AAHh!! OOOH!!" pounding hard into that tight wet pussy as I rode her body like a cowboy. "Ooooh! AAGH!!"

I yanked her hair back hard, letting go and hooking my hand around her neck as I braced myself, and rapidly clapped away at her ass.


"I'm Cumming! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm CUUUUMMMMIIING!!" she squealed delightedly as the computer briefly froze from the heavy traffic. "AHAAA-AAAGH!!" her tongue lolling out as her breasts popped free from her top, her body shaking and tightening around me as I continued my relentless fucking.

"AH-AH-AH-aaahhhh-nooot inside…" she hissed through her teeth as I grunted. "Cum on my faaaaace!" she begged as La Dueña moaned, rubbing herself.

"Yes cum on her face… they came to see that load." She growled eagerly as she watched, unable to look away as I railed into The Diva.

"NNGH! UGH!!" I grit my teeth and yanked her back, thrusting my hips forward and filling MY Diva with MY load. Because that's my hole…

"Haaa-haaaah!..." she gasped breathlessly before whimpering, "You were supposed to cum on my faaaace." She whined as my spurting cock vibrated inside her. I pulled out of her gooey hole, and- "Ah!"

I got off the bed, and flipped her ass over tits, so her body hung mostly off the bed on my arms, legs spread to show the thick gooey load I pumped into her pussy as the computer, crashed…

"Oh Fuck…" grumbled Olivia… "Fuck fuck okay… I got it."

In record time everything was back to normal and The Diva's approval was off the charts. "Okay you pervs I hope you enjoyed the show!" she said, leaning into the camera as I flipped a limp The Diva back onto the bed where she moaned contentedly into the mattress. "I hope your happy my star got fucked into the-MMGH!" I grabbed her head and jerked her towards my cock, stuffing my member between her lips.


"MMGN! MMN!" she moaned lovingly as I gyrated my hips against her face. "MMgnh! MNgh!?" she suddenly pushed off, panting, "NO! BAD EL CRIADOR! WE got to go! See you! MMN!" she moaned as I rubbed my cock against her face, "N-Next week!" she turned off everything with a slap of her hand before glaring up at me. "That's not funny! I have an image to main-MMNGH!!"

"Why does your mouth always feel better after I pump a load into another woman?" I asked lazily, "Oooh yeah Olivia…"

"MMgh! MMnhg! MMNGH!!" she hummed lovingly into my crotch over and over as her hands rubbed my legs.

"Look at me."

"Mmmngh?" she pulled her mouth to my tip as he gazed into those pretty eyes. I caressed her masked head as she cooed, giggling sweetly as I gripped the back of her head.

"Suck it." I jerked her head down.


"Keep sucking." Jerking her head easily back and forth on my girth.

"MMgh! HMMn!!" she moaned lovingly, not looking away as my cock pulsated excitedly.

"Suck me till I cum. Haaaaaaa." And it wouldn't be much longer.

"MMGh! MMngh! MMNgh!! MMNnnnn!!" stretching her dick-sucking lips along my shaft slowly as she made her way back up my cock, a thick torrent of seed burst from my balls and onto her spiraling tongue. "Mmmn…"

I slipped from her lips as she smiled tight-lipped up at me. Cum leaked from her pressed lips, but she slurped it back into her mouth. "Go share with your costar." I gently slapped her lightly puffed cheeks as she crawled over to a cooing The Diva. She gripped her head, lifting her up and slamming her lips against hers.

My cock throbbed as I gazed at La Dueña's shapely ass cheeks, depositing my load from her mouth into The Diva's, slowly so she'd swallow it in gulps stead of choking and spilling. Moaning and salivating into each other's mouths as I knelt behind my slutty puta and smacked her ass loudly for her attention.

"Ay! Aah…" she gasped excitedly as I gripped her sling-kini and yanked it aside, exposing that tight puckered ass hole just gasping in expectation. "Dios Mi-OOOOOOOOO!!!" she squealed as I wasted no time and did not hesitate railing unapologetically into her tight little ass hole as I pulled her from the bed, pinning her down, jamming away at her body as she squealed delightedly in her sorceress speak.

"Te quiero! Te quiero! Me encanta cómo me follas! No te detengas! Seré tu puta para siempre!" her tongue lolled from her mouth as her fingers clawed the carpet, her body tightening in pleasure as I railed relentlessly into her tight but quickly gaping ass. "Solo quiero ser tu manga de pollaaaaaaaa!" her mouth opening as she gazed blankly at the ceiling, screaming the last word in orgasmic pleasure as her pussy drooled arousal and her ass tightened around my cock. "Dame tu semen!" she whined, glancing over her shoulder at me as her head flopped about with my thrusts, "Ah! AH! Vacío! Tus huevos! En mi culo!!" thrusting into her, slowly, as she panted for breath… and my load rushed into her guts.

"Haa-aaaah!" I yanked her upright as she jiggled and twitched jerkily, shaking in a mind-blowing orgasm as he panted for breath, holding her tight as she cooed, going limp against me. "me encanta ser tu puta." Giggling softly as I licked her neck, "It hurts so good…" she squeaked as my cock pumped the rest of my wad up her ass. "Ay…" she gasped as I smacked her ass cheek and slowly pulled my limp cock from her grasping hole.

I slipped free with a satisfying pop as cum leaked from her gape between her cheeks. I stood up, leaving her on her knees as I slapped my cock against her masked face, mainly her soft fuckable lips as she stuck out her tongue, "Aha-ah… mmngh." Slurping and kissing me gently as I grabbed The Diva's arm and yanked her easily off the bed. She was a light lighter than I expected.

I mean she's pretty tiny to begin with but she's REALLY… never mind.

She dazedly planted one foot to keep her balance but I yanked her again as she dropped to her knees, side by side I slipped my rising cock between their faces, feeling their lips and tongue along my girth as I rested my hands on their heads and enjoyed the ride.

The Diva's mouth wrapped around my sack, slurping at my balls as My Puta ran her tongue up and down along my length, soon they switched, saliva dripping from my cock and their tongues, before it throbbed expectantly… guiding them both against my cock as they slid along it, slurping and moaning in a cock-drunk daze as they licked me clean…

My dick trembled against their lips, vibrating warningly on their tongues as I grit my teeth and jerked their cheeks together, holding them at my trembling tip as my cock bulged and-



They moaned together as my load burst across their masked faces, giving them a thick plentiful covering as they gazed erotically up at me. My cock now limp as I slapped it against My Puta's face.

"Haa… now THAT would've gotten you 200,000 subscribers." I sighed as Hana yanked off her masked and let her spinning eyes refocus before reaching to a phone on the computer, and turning it on as Olivia went right back to tending to my dick. "Maybe 300,000" I added smearing my cum on Olivia's face as she half-moaned half laughed.

"Papi I'll have to clean this later…" she whined as Hana groaned.

"…I'm at 180,000 subscribers."

"What?!" Olivia asked surprised, shoving me away with a crash as I groaned. "HOW?!" she added, clearly no longer 'cock drunk'.

"…Word of mouth?" Hana replied adorably with a nervous shrug.

"That fucking video was online for 30 minutes!"

"Ow." I grumbled in my little corner.

"…Internet?" replied Hana sheepishly as I got to my feet, yanking off the mask.

"What the fuck are you going to do for 200,000 subscribers?" Olivia grumbled sternly.

"…Tell them it's going to be for 300,000?" Hana added as I grabbed Olivia's arm.

"Well we got to-AH. Papi? EP!" I hefted Olivia onto my shoulder and smacked her ass HARD, "AY!"

"This calls for Colossus." I declared as Hana flinched at the mention of Olivia's dreaded Gigantic Chrome Dildo. "Later Hana."

"P-Papi why does this call for Colossus?!" Olivia squeaked nervously as I smacked her ass cheeks again, "AY! Papi!"

"Because clearly, I didn't fuck you hard enough for waking me up at 4:30 in the morning… got to try again."

"Ah-Wait. No. Papi? WAIT! AY! HANA! HELP MEEEEEE!" she squealed dramatically, but I heard her restrained, probably excited laughter.

"No can do Olivia!" Hana replied cheerily from the recording room, "I've already 'paid' you my rent today! Have fun you two!"

"Ayyyyyyyyyy!" La Dueña's cries of imminent, pained, pleasure echoing in her apartment house.


You guys almost didn't get a chapter this month. But I figured since next month is Valentines day I might as well try to be creative. Besides I kinda felt like some Dva and some Sombra so here we go. More alter ego sexy times.


El Criador = The Breeder

La Dueña = The Owner

Te quiero! Te quiero! Me encanta cómo me follas! No te detengas! Seré tu puta para siempre! = I love you! I love you! I love how you fuck me! Don't stop! I'll be your whore forever!

Solo quiero ser tu manga de polla = I just want to be your cock sleeve

Dame tu semen! = Give me your cum

Vacío! Tus huevos! En mi culo!! = Empty! Your balls! In my ass!!"

me encanta ser tu puta = I love being your whore