
An Overwatch High New Years Special: Ms. Pharah

I don't own Blizzard things.

Fareeha drove her truck through the freshly fallen snow, it wasn't NEARLY as cold as it was near Christmas but there was still a brisk chill in the air as she parked the car, and frowned at me. "You know Scott… proverbial love of my life…"

"Proverbial?" I asked, grabbing her duffle and mine from the back seat and getting out of the cab with her. She glared at me across her truck's hood but there was a playful smile on her face.

"When you said 'cabin' and 'snow camping'. I expected something along the lines of fireplaces and bearskin rugs… why are we at the beach?" We had driven northward and arrived at the Nexus beach cottages… which was basically a communal rental location.

"Because this is all my Aunt was willing to give me…" I replied, "…They look nice!" I replied to that as we gazed at the identical beachfront cabins. They did at least look warm and welcoming if not a little out of place with the sand and the snow.

"Uh-huh…" she said skeptically as I carried our bags towards the cabin we were given.

"She assures me they're fine." I said, "And sketchy as she is, I trust her word when it comes to Nexus locations and their quality." I replied as she sighed in agreement, and followed me.

"…Still I'm unsure about those Azeroth High kids camping in the snow." She said hesitantly as I shrugged. It was more out of concern for their health than questions as to why I was sharing a cabin with my hot home Ec teacher.

"Thrallson told me it was a thing. So…" I let it linger. "Yeah… Nova said if they really couldn't take it a few broken windows in other cabins would be an easy fix."

We reached the front door, and she casually unlocked it with her Christmas gift key as we entered together. "…Oh this is actually very lovely." She said as we walked into the wood-furnished home with a small fireplace, bearskin rug, comfy couch, and TV… I mean other than the fact that there was a beach a dozen or so yards away did not diminish the fact that it was a NICE ass cabin. "So…" she said, glancing around the pristine kitchen, the large bathroom and bedrooms. "…What are YOU… going to tell Jeremy." She smiled at me almost knowingly as I nervously chuckled and tossed our bags into a bedroom.

"Well… I'll tell him this cabin was your Christmas gift…" I wrapped my arms around her as she raised an eyebrow. "It just wasn't from me… did you know your sister-mother and my Aunt are dating?" I asked with mock surprise as she laughed.

"They're not dating…" she said casually. Technically true. Her sister-mother Ana just fucks her occasionally. I still haven't figured out how the logistics of her relationship to me would be yet from such a coupling... My Aunt-Grandmother-Sister-in-law? that's my closest. Back on topic, Scott.

"Jeremy doesn't know that…" I replied giving her a playful kiss on the lips.

"MMn… okay?"

"If they ask I'll just say that your sister-mother gave you this present from Nova, or something along those lines… she's trying to butter you up."

"That does sound like something she'd do. But then why are YOU here exactly?"

"I'm teaching you how to Barbeque." I replied simply as I quickly pulled away.

"Wait, what?"

"For Home Ec." I replied. "…You're my home Ec teacher." I added with a knowing smile as a playful reminder of that fact.

"…uGh…" she grunted as we heard the arrival of a big screechy bird outside.

Sky'ree, Jeremy's dad's gryphon landed with a satisfying thump in the snow as she shrieked with pride at her arrival. Jeremy slipped out of her saddled, dressed warmly as he unlatched a rather bulky wooden crate from her flank as I jumped down the cabin steps towards him.

"Hey Scott-!" I helped him with the box as we walked it toward the house. Hearing the rattling clatter of the insides.

"What's in this?" I asked as we set it down inside.

"Fireworks for tonight." He said, "Ms. Zhou gave them to me."

"Ah…" I then shoved the box back OUTSIDE for safety. "And your camping gear?"

"It's uh…" he sighed, "Daelin's bringing it." I nodded as he waved to Fareeha as an afterthought. "Hello Ms. Amari."

"Jeremy." She smiled kindly, watching him.

"Who else is coming?" I asked. "…Please tell me not-"

"Basila." He said quickly as I groaned, "She PROMISED me she wouldn't hit you."

"Greeeeat." I replied awkwardly as Fareeha snorted with laughter.

"Vartara, and Baine." He listed, "Everyone else has plans or other traditions. OH! And Dis."

"Who?" I asked as the sound of thunder seemed to echo at a distance as a massive furry ram began to galump towards the house. Its saddle was clattering loudly as if banging pots and pans together.

"Baaaaaa!" it bleated, shaking its head next to a ferreting Sky'ree as a diminutive girl, a dwarf, dressed in warm furs dropped into the snow. She had long braided red hair and… even in the furs I could tell she was STACKED… a big blue bubble of gum formed between her lips and- POP!

"Sup." She greeted approaching us, then eyeing me up and down slowly and raising an eyebrow. "…Sup." She repeated but a bit more… flirtatiously… I'm flattered but I can feel the aura of anger rising behind me as Fareeha SNIFFED indignantly.

"Scott this is Dis." Jeremy introduced. "Dis this is Scott my best friend."

"Cool." She said coolly, "So I brought the grill, you want me to set it up?" she asked as Jeremy nodded and turned to me.

"Sure. Scott?"

"What? Right uh…" I am cooking after all. I glanced around before spying a nice spot outside the front of the cabin. "Right over there."

"Cool." She repeated, "TWEET! Mutton!" the big furry ram stopped sniffing around Sky'ree and trotted towards the dwarf girl as she yanked a cord and half a dozen metal bits hit the ground with a clatter.

"…You named your ram, mutton?" I asked

"He was going to be mutton before we bought him..." she shrugged, "Name just stuck." She easily hefted some of the metal from the snow. "Wildhammer help me with those." She said as Jeremy scrambled to help her and they began putting together the grill.

"Well, she seems…" Fareeha hesitated, "…I got nothing."

"Forward?" she supplied

"Hmph. Forward…" she said scowling as I just grinned, and gave her rear a playful and subtle squeeze. "…Hmph." SHe repeated

"She's just being friendly…" I said, as Fareeha laughed. "…Besides I think Jeremy already sort of called dibs." I added as Dis gave my best buddy a look that I often caught Olivia giving me. "Now come on. Let's get the cooler in the house so we can prep the meat." I said as I went back to her truck for exactly that. "I AM teaching you how to BBQ…"

"Don't see why." She replied playfully.

"Well… it might impress my dad. And who knows maybe you might need to challenge Mom for my hand in marriage…" I hauled the cooler from the truck bed grinning, "Spatula's at twenty paces."

"Ha. Ha…" she said, sarcastically.

"...I'm being totally serious." I said totally joking... sort of.

We went back inside and gave out grilling meats (and veggies) a proper rub down and marinating and somewhere between that the other guests had arrived and set up their very impressive snow tents a good few yards away.

They looked to be made out of furs… that was actually kind of cool. There were three tents with one being much larger than the others and since Baine, the Tauren was coming out of it, I can only imagine it was naturally Tauren sized…

Dis however had apparently gone above and beyond when it came to a 'grill'. She built an entire damn kitchen AND a smoker! I didn't even know how to USE a smoker! "Whoo, look at that." I replied as Basila popped her head from the pile of coals she was trying to light up. "…Basila." I said, approaching with the bucket of meat and fake meat.

"SNOW." She growled savagely, eyes narrowing as my nemesis would. Everyone was generally wearing warm modern designed suit coats, but SHE looked like she was wearing the skin of a bear she recently hunted. Including the head like a mythical Norse berserker.

"Basila." Warned Jeremy sternly nearby as Baine helped Thrallson with his tent. "You promised me."

"I didn't bring my axe!" she replied indignantly, and almost adorably, before she went back to trying to light the coals.

"I don't recall you needing one the last time you hit me." I mumbled hesitantly as Fareeha eyed the orcess with some stern disdain. "It's fine. We can be civil." I then watched her continue to try and light it. "…Need some help?"

"I need sticks and kindling…" she replied stubbornly as Fareeha put down the fake meat. "Like a proper FIRE. These stupid human matches won't-" Fareeha snatched them from her hand. "Hey!" And with one firm swish, they were alight and the coals were quickly heating up. She smirked at a stunned Basila as I smiled proudly…

That's my girlfriend. She's so hot.

"Hmph." Grunted Basila as Jeremy approached with Dis, patting her green-muscled arm.

"Don't be so stiff, you can help me and Dis set up the fireworks on the beach." He said.

"Yep." Replied Dis abruptly, seemingly appearing from nowhere. "You can carry the box. Ancestors know Jeremy can't lift it." she replied stonefaced, blowing a large bubble of gum, POP, and heading towards the house as Jeremy blushed.

"I totally can lift it!" he replied sheepishly as I watched them go, then watched the coals heat up to a hot white.

"Alright…" I said after a few minutes, "Now. Come REALLY close-" I said to Ms. Amari grinning knowingly, "And watch what I do. You'll be quizzed later." I added as she pushed her body subtly against mine, watching as I began to grill. "…I'm serious about that quiz you're going to have to know how to do this when we get back to class."

"Ha-ha…' replied Fareeha with a sarcastic laugh. "…shut up and show me how to cook a medium-rare steak my-… Ana." She grumbled, catching herself from saying 'sister-mother'. "As been snarking at me because of it."

"Ah… well, it's a time thing, a heat thing even a touch thing…" I said unable to resist giving her rear a feel even though her warm clothes as I showed her how to grill.

Soon burgers and steaks were hot off the grill and resting in some sort of… built-in warmer? I have no idea how Dis built that but by the time Baine's and Vartara's meals were done, everything was still hot. I eventually turned around to find a pair of picnic tables freshly built and stuffed with barbeque fixings. Buns, fries, a few fresh veggies...

"Where the hell did those come from?" I asked, "And why didn't I hear it happening?" i put the plates down on the table.

"I built them." replied Dis helping herself to a burger, "Baine and Daelin got me the wood." I frowned at that before eyeing a few chopped trees in the distance. "I'm good with my hands." She added flirtatiously as Daelin, Jeremy AND Baine all coughed into their plates.

I however ignored the sexy dwarf girl before making a mental note that we probably weren't allowed to chop down the trees here without some sort of permit… they were REALLY nice tables though I can appreciate the craftsmanship. Plus with the furs and the Azeroth high students, it made me feel like I was at a Viking feast…

One should have that feeling at least once.

We ate, we talked, and they spoke about half a dozen 'war stories'… literal war stories apparently. The 'War Games' thing again. We were on the last one as it was getting darker and it was soon to be the prime time to shoot off the fireworks. Meaning it was almost the new year…

"So Wildhammer…" Daelin punched Jeremy in the shoulder as he sighed, while the big orc finished his story, "Is running for his life from a bunch of an... uh…" he hesitated trying to find the words.

"Enthusiastic." Baine helpfully supplied, with a big grin."

"... an enthusiastic squad of dryads." Daelin continued. as Jeremy groaned.

"I told you not to run." Baine reminded Jeremy, still grinning.

"They were throwing spears at me!" he replied indignantly as I laughed.

"And you should've let them hit you." Basila replied frankly... jealously. "Better than having an entire herd following you around!"

Jeremy sighed letting his head hit the table, "I thought Millie was going to take care of it…" he moaned, his words muffled by the wood.

"Nope different herd." Baine supplied, completely ignoring my best friend's plight... probably on purpose for maximum hilarity "…I mean she might, but that'll be a whole thing… It will also involve spears and you running around." Hilarious.

"I hate you both." Jeremy replied as Dis, sitting next to him, hopped off the bench.

"Hate em later it's time for fireworks." Dis declared blowing another gum bubble… actually I don't recall her taking it out of her mouth to eat and I don't recall her putting a new one in… "Let's GO."

"What's with her?" I asked as we all followed her to the beach. Where- "WHEN did she set THAT up?" I asked amazed at the massive firework display ready to fire. "I don't… how did-"

"She's very good with her hands." Jeremy replied sheepishly as I tried to figure out of she got the proportions of a box no bigger than a box of printer paper into the professional-looking fireworks stand I see before me.

"Also she's a dwarf so gunpowder is something she has some skill with." Baine added as Dis approached a set of controls, checking her watch. Raising a finger as she blew a bubble bigger, and bigger… aaaaaaand.


"Ooooh AAAAAAh…" we gave the traditional fireworks display words as it erupted in a choreographic bang, boom and pop into the air with a litany of colors and noise… and it just kept going. And going… over 10 minutes of fire, smoke, color and noise.

"…How did she do this?" I asked Fareeha as she just shrugged, watching the amazing display… as with a final hurrah, the sky erupted so brightly with flashes one might have thought that the dawn had come early… then everything went quiet.

We cheered at the display as Dis yawned, and pressed something on the console walking away… mystical dwarven runes glowed on the fireworks station before suddenly-FWOOP! It… contracted on itself. Leaving nothing behind."

"Wormholes! I knew it!" I declared as she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Nope. Dwarven runes transported it to my favorite scrapyard… waste not, want not." She replied before yawning, I spotted her blue gum stuck between her teeth as she scratched. "Well everyone happy new year."

"Happy new year!" we all repeated before heading back. Me taking the moment to give my super hot girlfriend a kiss as she licked her lips, walking ahead of me.

"Hwaaaah!" I yawned as we returned to the makeshift campsite, "Well… I'm tired." I declared yawning again as I headed towards the cabin. "And it is FAR too cold for me to stay up any later."

"Sure you don't want to bunk with us Snow?" grinned Thrallson. "I think me and Jeremy can fit you in our tent."

"Nah." I grinned, "I'll spend the night with my hot home ec teacher thanks-OW!" Fareeha punched me with a knowing grin. "What? It's WARM in the cabin!" I replied as the others laughed… apparently they thought I was joking… "Night Jeremy."

"Night Scott."

Fareeha and I entered our cabin, locked the front door, and stripped down to our regular clothes as she approached the fireplace, and knelt down, tossing in some fresh dried logs and starting a warm fire. "So… do you want to shower first?" I smiled coming from behind her and wrapping my arms around her. "…Or do you want a REASON to shower first?"

She laughed turning around and falling against me as we hit the bearskin rug a little harder than I might have wanted, but hot girlfriend kisses made it all better. "MMGh…mmmn!" slipping my hands under her tight t-shirt to squeeze at her breasts as her hands reached into my pants. Tugging them away as slowly but surely we expertly removed our clothes while still keeping our lips locked together.

Now naked on a bear rug and surrounded by clothes I made my move rolling Fareeha over onto her back as she laughed into my mouth, then moaned as I pierced into her. "MMGh! MMN-MMN…" thrusting eagerly into her body as I folded her legs up to hook on my shoulders. "MGh! MNhg-mmn!" my arms wrapping around her body, sliding under her to squeeze that magnificent ass and pulling her up to my thrusts. "MMGH! MMGNH!"

Oh yeah… she liked that.

"Mwah!" I pulled away, burying myself into her as I rested my forehead on hers, staring into her eyes as she moaned erotically up into my open mouth. "Haa-haa… you don't mind if I fuck you until I pass out do you?" I asked grinning as she chuckled, her hands rubbing my back. "I wanna-mwah." I kissed her, "Start the new year-mwah." Again, but I started moving again as she gasped erotically. "-right with you full of my-! Cum!"

"YES!" she hissed arousingly, clenching around my cock as she pulled me to her lips. "MGH!" I buried myself in her over and over as our smacking hips echoed over the crackling fire. "MMGH! MGh! MGh! MMN!!"

She squeezed me tightly all over, above and below, my load rushing to fill her womb to capacity as I bucked my hips against her warm body. "MMnnh… mwah…" I rested on top of her as she wiggled beneath me. "…Year doesn't feel right unless I'm filling you up first thing…" she laughed and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me off her body as I flopped beside her. She trembled beautifully naked next to me… grinning as she rubbed my leg and then sat up.

"Come on." She said enticingly, grabbing my hand and yanking me easily to my feet as we practically frolicked to her bedroom. Our bedroom, but it was technically her bedroom. She hurled me onto the bed before going over to her duffle. "Stay right there." She said as I lay on my back watching her bend over and display her ass to me, my cum dripping down her inner thigh as it wagged slightly from side to side… my cock rising up in anticipation as she pulled something from her bag.

I heard a slight clink before she leaped onto the bed. "Oof!" she landed skillfully but not painlessly on my stomach before grabbing my right wrist and raising it up. CRATCH I stared up at the bedpost as she cuffed me to it. "…Uh. You DO have the keys to this ri-oh…" she winked at me, holding a key in her fingers before tossing it off the bed onto the carpet as I sighed. "…My track record with handcuffs is dodgy but okay-whoa." I stared as she cuffed my left arm to the other post. "Two of them?…" her hands rubbed my chest as she wiggled her sticky pussy on top of me… smiling.

"I needed to be thorough." She stated simply. "Now then…" she reached around, grabbing my cock and watching my face as her hand went up and down, "…You all ready for round two?" My cock answered her with several pulsating throbs against her fingers as she licked her lips. "…Do you want to get back inside me or would you like me to suck on it for a while?" she gasped slightly, "Ah…" she slid off me, lying on her side as she pushed her feet into my face. "I think you'd rather me SUCK-" THROB "on it first…hmmn?"

"I-mgh!" her toes were stuffed into my lips before she licked her lips, then my cock… base to tip and- "Moe-od…" I moaned incoherently as her head went up and down, up and down… my mouth was occupied by her feet as she rubbed my head with one foot and stuffed her toes in and out with the other.

"MMgh… mmn-mmh! Mn… ah…" she swirled her tongue around my twitching tip, desperate to get back into her mouth and mercifully she complied, "MMmgh!" taking all of me, her lips pulsating around my base. "MMGh! MMGh! MMGH! MGH!!" up and down the full shaft as she slurped, practically smashing her face into my crotch over and over.

"Mmw-aah-mwaah!" I mumbled, trying to speak only to get more foot.

"MMGh! MMN! MWaaaa-aah!" she pulled of my cock giving in a final firm lick as pre-cum spurting warningly from the tip like a volcano about to erupt. "Ah-ah…" she teased, plucking her feet from my face before swinging her legs over my lap, standing on her knees with my cock ready to dive back into her warm holes. Any warm hole.

Facing away she spread her ass cheeks, glancing over her powerful shoulders at me. She's been working out that muscle tone is fantastic… "Cum goes in here…" she said, spreading her silky warm pussy before devouring my cock again with one quick thrust. "Ahh-hard Scott, use those hips. Ah-Ah-AH-AH!" she jumped up and down as I bucked up against her. "Fuck me." She whispered erotically, "Ooh fuck meee…" she moaned the words breathlessly. "AH-aha-ah."

She fell forward, resting on her elbows as she looked over her shoulders knowingly at me, raising her ass and dropping it hard onto my lap. "Ha-aah-Ugh! UGH! Fuck I'm going to cum on this COCK…" she cooed like a pornstar, clenching her teeth tightly as her eyes rolled. "Ugh-UGH! UGH! Give me! That fucking cock!"


Her ass jumped up and down on my lap, my length plunging in and out of her dripping pussy as her legs tightened around me, her toes curling as her ass cheeks clapped together. "Ugh! I love how it feels when it fills me UP…" groaned Fareeha, "You like it like this?" she slammed her ass down on me, wiggling her rear as my length rubbed up against her warm insides. "You're so hard right now." She smiled.

I wanted to smack de ass… my hands moving forward only to be bluntly reminded that I was bound to the posts. "Ha-ha! Ah! Ugh!" she began moving again, "Ah-Ah… I'm FUCKING this cock! Uhg. UGH!" she slid forward onto the bed, like a lounging cat before raising her ass up, then slamming it down. "UGH! UGH! UGH! You want!? To cum?!" she growled as I clenched me teeth, feeling her own body tighten around my shaft as she experienced her own orgasm using me as a warm dildo.

"YES!" I hissed through my teeth.

"Yeah? Where do you want to CUM…" she cooed, hissing the word between her teeth, "All over my faaaaace?" she teased, rolling her hips, "All over my Aaaaaaass?" she laughed as I bucked up against her.

"I want to cum inside!"

"Oh yes you do…" she cooed at me like she was talking to a baby. "You want to put all that thick, warm cum inside me…" she shut upright, bouncing on my lap, up and down, faster and faster. "Blow you hot load into me!" she ordered, and I broke.

One. Two. Three more strokes and that was enough for me to push deep into her body as she went still.

"MMGh!" she shuddered, feeling my hot load rush into my favorite pussy as she fell back onto me.

"OOF!..." I grunted as my cock flopped out of her pussy and sent a quick rope up into the air and onto her crotch, "…Darlin I need those ribs…" I grunted cheekily as she caressed my cheek with one hand and rubbed my cum onto her body with the other before turning her head and kissing my other cheek…

She abruptly got off me. And began walking to the bathroom. "…Uh… Fareeha?" I jerked the handcuffs obviously. "…Fareeha?" She winked at me and sashayed into the bathroom as hot steam began to float out of it with the hiss of water. I sighed reluctantly… at least I can SEE the keys on the floor from my bed. "…I would like to shower too please?"

She eventually came out brisk and clean, practically glowing as she tossed her towel aside and crawled over the mattress towards me, my cock rising slowly with her approach as she lied on top of me. "MMmgh…" she shoved her tongue into my mouth before grabbing the blanket and pulling it over the both of us.

"H-Hey you can't expect me to stay here all night like this…" I replied as she licked her lips, then mine… I groaned as I felt a familiar warmth engulf my twitching member.

"…You can. And you WILL…" she kissed me again. "…Happy new year Scott…" she smiled.

"Seriously…" she cuddled on my chest as my arms started to cramp a little so I gave them a shake. "…Seriously?!" she didn't answer as I sighed, staring at the ceiling before SOMETHING floated abruptly overhead.

"Excuse me." it said with a polite melodious voice. However, it was still surprising, so....

"DAAAh!" Fareeha and I, shrieked together as a red woman with horns and glowing eyes, also naked, floated into the room through the bedroom door covered in soot from the still-burning fireplace: She didn't seem to care. We stared at her together as Fareeha squeaked.

"I can SMELL Jeremy Wildhammer nearby, could you point me in his general direction?" asked the beautiful demon woman sweetly.

"…and who is asking?" I asked cautiously... in all the fairy tales with demons and monsters, one would normally NOT help them find who they are looking for.

"Oh. I'm Malisis…" smiled the demon, bowing. "I'm His current Succubus and I want to give him a new his years kiss…" she grinned, "In a VERY specific spot. Sybil sent me."

I stared at her, Sybil I knew, and I sort of knew she could summon a succubus... "…One of the smaller tents." I said, pointing with my left hand toward the tents. "You can't miss him."

"Okay thank you…" she winked but didn't move. "…Soooooooo should I just hop right in there, first? Or?" she pointed at us grinning but Fareeha grabbed a lamp and hurled it at her. Malisis easily dodged it as it bounced off the wall behind her and hit the ground intact. That's a tough lamp. "Okay! Okay!... a 'No' would've been just fine…"

We watched her leave flying out the chimney as Fareeha leaped off the bed, and grabbed the handcuff keys from the floor, practically shaking as she uncuffed me. "Bed?"

"Bed." I replied kissing her before heading to my own room. "Good night." She smiled at me. "Happy new year…" I started walking out then paused. "…You wouldn't really have gone to sleep and left me handcuffed to the bed right?"

Fareeha licked her lips like a succubus, "…Well you wouldn't have been doing a lot of sleeping when I stopped faking it, that's for sure."

"…FUCK I love you." I grinned as she playfully threw the cuffs at me.

End of Chapter.

This is the other (first?) half of a chapter in Azeroth High called 'Warmth' it chronologically came first.