
400 Rating Special: Snow Day

I don't own Overwatch or Blizzard things

Do you know what day it is? NOT my birthday. But it almost is. To be fair… a little over a week away. Which I guess it's why I was so surprised. I woke up none the wiser, and did some gaming with Jeremy, his bird Valkyrie lady, and his Azeroth High buddies. Cooked lunch, ate lunch, and was just about to go back upstairs for MORE gaming, sitting down at my PC, when I was interrupted by my phone.

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?, Voulez-vous coucher avec moi.

"God DAMN it Olivia." I mumbled, recognizing the sure sign of my puta fucking with my ringtones again, before answering my phone. "Hello Amelie."

"Bonjour Scott." Replied Amelie, sounding rather irate. "…Might I bother you to come over to my home? I require a bit of masculine assistance and my husband is once again nowhere to be seen." I don't know how to feel about that but usually that's how porn gets started, so hey I'm down for it… I guess I'm due for some slut purple French girl…

Besides, in or outside of school I am the designated pack mule.

"I suppose I can come over." I replied tiredly, getting back up, and chancing a glance outside at the slight snowfall outside… It's been snowing on and off all day. I hope the roads aren't shit. "What do you need?"

"Oh. This and that…" she said… avoiding my question. "I just need a man to help me with something…"

I sighed, audibly, before rolling my eyes. "…Is Olivia holding you hostage? Speak in French if she's planning Shenanigans."

"No, I am not being held hostage. Just come Scott…" she replied before angrily hanging up. On the one hand, it was OBVIOUSLY some sort of trap. On the other I'd feel bad if she was all alone in her Gargoyles house by herself and being angry at Gerard again… so I locked up the house, tossed on a warm coat and pants… and 'Cold! Cold! Cold!'ed to the car… warming myself up with my good friend the heater, before backing out of the driveway, and carefully driving to the ever ominous looking Château Guillard. I pulled into Amelie's garage, which was already open and in danger of being flooded with snow… not me. So I shut it for her before heading into the house.

"Amelie? Hello?... Bonjour?" I announced my presence and entered the manor. "…This place needs some maids, or butlers… preferably maids." I mumbled, "Hello?"

"Oh! Scott! I didn't hear you come in! Come to the Living room would you?" replied Amelie as I began walking that way, only to notice an open curtain and realize there was suddenly a LOT more snow outside… I'm sure that won't be concerning. Still, I followed the sound of a sexy French woman, before turning and walking into the living room.


"AAAH?!" I recoiled as the lights turned on and I was greeted with a collection of my attractive teachers… and my aunt Nova for some reason. Looking around I saw a 'Happy Birthday Scott' Banner stretched across the ceiling over the very large and fancy couch. Fareeha, Olivia, Mei, Satya, Amelie, My Aunt Nova, AND Young Ana… I stared at them all as they clapped and cheered, before Fareeha and Olivia both surrounded me, pressing big wet kisses onto my stunned face as I instinctively wrapped my hands around them and squeezed their sexy jean-covered butts as they giggled.

"Happy Birthday!" they cheered as I blinked at them.

"…It's not my birthday." I replied as Fareeha chuckled.

"We know, dummy…" added Olivia before she poked my nose. "Boop. You're such a dummy!" she added cutely before she and Fareeha dragged me over to Gerard's big armchair, shoving me down on it as the girls smiled at me. "But that's the surprise part! We're going to celebrate your birthday properly today… and then celebrate it officially next week."

"…Okay." I held up my hand, before suddenly dragging Fareeha onto my lap. And promptly cuddled my sexy Egyptian girlfriend as I struggled to control my heart rate after being terrified of sexy shenanigans. "Hang on… Not that I don't appreciate the surprise party… but let me try and get my head together… I understand you two…" I said, rubbing Fareeha's legs and burying my face into her tits as I squeezed her for comfort, and eyeing Olivia. "…But can you explain to me the guest list?"

"Oh! Si! Yes… you see I invited Satya just in case at some point you wanted your dick sucked." Said Olivia smiling as I eyed Satya, standing tall and elegant in her sexy Ao Dai, showing off plenty of thick caramel thigh, but what really sold it was the collar and Leahs she had around her neck… somehow managing to be tastefully fashionable and enticingly submissive all at once. "Plus, you know she really brightens up any party just look at her! She makes such a pretty PET…" she purred… and it was even hotter that my sexy fuck-pet didn't argue the fact.

"That is true." I noted

"And I invited Mei because you think she's cute, great at cuddling, and you like big tits."

"That's why you invited me?!" Mei replied blushing, and considering she was wearing a very tight sweaty to show OFF just how big her breasts were it was hard to argue.

"…This is also very true." I noted as she squeaked adorably in indignation.


"But why are we having it at Amelie's place?"

"The venue is fantastic." Declared my Aunt Nova in her white suit… and fidgeting because Fareeha's Sister/Mother was openly fondling my hot ass Aunt's hot ass."

"…I wasn't doing anything and a party seemed like a good diversion." Replied Amelie who was holding a glass of fine wine… and judging by the open bottle beside her it was consistently half full. "I could use the company." She said, pouring MORE wine into the glass so it was completely full.

"Okay, then WHY is Nova here?"

"Your mother didn't invite me to the one next week, so I'm footing the bill for this one." Nova replied, still fidgeting as Ana continued to molest her.

"And Ana is here because?..." I asked as she smirked and spanked Nova's ass HARD.

"Eep!" making her jump.

"I'm here 'cause this hot piece of ass is here." She replied, "So when this inevitably descends into an orgy I can make her squeal like a piggy." Oh good her eyes were pinkish, that's always a good sign.

"…I feel unsafe." Declared Nova with a smile as Ana pulled her closer and licked her cheek affectionately… my erection poking against my girlfriend's tight ass as I watched. I wondered briefly if I needed to call somebody, but Sex Hulk Ana was significantly more dangerous than anyone I could call…

I just remembered something as I turned my attention back to Ana. "Hang on. Footing the bill?" I replied, "Not for nothing but a banner does not a party make." I said as my hot ass aunt took this opportunity to finally slap away my girlfriend's Sister/Mother's hands form her ass and then pointed her out of the living room. Ana rolled her eyes and walked out of the living room as my sexy girlfriend and all the other girls in the room except a sexy drunk Amelie began moving everything out of the way until there was a large clear area between me and the far double doors that Ana walked through.

"Obvious Scottie. Who do you think I am? Some basic bitch?" she replied as I raised an eyebrow at that statement as she approached me and, pulled a STACK of hundreds from her pocket. She took my right arm by the wrists and twisted it so my hand was palm up, and slapped the stack into it. There must be… 6000 dollars in my hand?!

"Is this my birthday present? Because I'm okay with this…" I said excitedly but Nova smirked at me, then walked around me, resting her hands on my shoulders and whispering into my ear.

"No… that's not your birthday present. That's so unfeeling!"

"6000 bucks cash is a pretty good one!" I declared but Nova pinched my cheeks as the other girls took seats on the couch or chairs.

"It's not for you Scott. As the doors opened and a VERY large elaborate cake was rolled in, pushed by Ana on a trolly into the center of the room, about a yard away from me. "It's for this." She said as Amelie pushed a remote and an ass shaking beat echoed around the room from speakers mounted in the four corners of the room… then Ana knocked loudly on the top of the cake because it was obviously made of wood.

…They got me a stripper? I don't know whether to be embarrassed for them or-Wait a second… Stripper? Olivia? Nova fronting the cash?... I think I know where this is leading.

The 'cake' suddenly popped like a cork and opened from the inside out, unfolding like origami art in reverse flopping loudly onto the floor as Brigitte, and Sojourn stood up suddenly together, cheek to cheek.

I say 'Brigitte and Sojourn'. Because one was clearly Brigitte right now and not her 'Ms Steel Maiden' moniker and Sojourn was clearly stripper Sojourn judging by all the body glitter. They were both wearing identical 'outfits'. Only in 'reverse' colors… Brigitte in Black and Sojourn in white, so that it popped out on their stripper glitter-covered bodies.

High-riding thongs that hugged her hips, Short sleeveless crop tops that barely covered their busty chests, and baseball caps on top of their heads as if they were trying to hide their identities… Oh and their shirts had words on them, Brigitte's were in white and said 'Fuckmeat'. Sojourn's were in black and said 'Cumdump'

…I mean… I'm totally going to make those two shirt statements VERY true but I might as well enjoy my present.

Everyone, but Mei (who was blushing adorably and shyly covering her face), started cheering and hooting as Brigitte and Sojourn put on their prettiest stripper smiles and began strutting out of the cake and towards me. Brigitte gyrated her hips sensually as Sojourn when STRAIGHT to what I liked most about her, she turned around, bent her knees, and immediately started clapping that big black ass like she was giving me a round of applause.

Brigitte slowly sat on my lap, grinding her cheeks on my clothed meat as she leaned back and began to gyrate and worm on top of me, allowing me to continue watching Sojourn twerking, "Happy birthday handsome." She cooed seductively in a voice I assume she used for 'Ms Steel Maiden' as a 'stripper voice'.

"Handsome?" I grinned as Sojourn squatted down and made that fantastic black ass pop before dropping to her knees and falling forward, raising her ass in the air and really working dat ass. Clap Clap Clap echoing around the room. Her huge black ass devoured the white thong like she was trying to chew through it with her meat.

"Shut up Scott." Brigitte replied bluntly before slipping off the chair, dropping to her knees and joining Sojourn in twerking on the floor. Well, I'm pretty sure Brigitte and Sojourn are here for the paycheck, I can respect AND enjoy that. Oh well…

Grinning I leaned forward, and rested my hands on the bills that my hot ass Aunt Nova gave me before promptly making it rain all over their hot asses… "Whoooo!" the crowd hooted, some drunkenly as Brigitte and Sojourn smacked the bills out of the air with their clapping cheeks, or catching them in their asses, in Sojourn's case snatching them out of the air with that monster booty as they pressed their upper bodies flat to the floor and kept twerking and jerking…

"OH!" Nova suddenly squeaked as my attention was briefly drawn away from the thickness and the fitness as my Hot ass Aunt was hauled onto Ana's shoulders, Ana smacked her ass hard through the white skirt before turning around and walking out of the room, probably to do sexy things to her. I guess the strippers turned Ana on too much, so off they went and I returned my focus back to the two strippers on the floor as I quickly ran out of bills to make it rain, but that was more than enough to get the strippers' attention. They stopped clapping cheeks, Getting back up from the floor and jiggling back over to me, pushing me into the chair before taking a leg each and grinding on me.

"You can touch these strippers if you want…" Sojourn said, about an octave just above 'disinterested'. "MMn!" and I took her up on that offer, getting a fist full of her big black ass and cupping Brigitte's big tits, squeezing their sumptuous flesh as my viewing audience watched the shower. Olivia was obviously enjoying herself, Amelie was several glasses of wine in, Satya looked only remotely interested and Mei was still trying not to watch… but couldn't look away.

Fareeha was honestly the one I was worried about, but judging by the look on her face and the subtle nod she gave me. I did have permission to destroy the strippers. But you know what? I'm not going to… Oh yeah, I WANT to. Obviously, but what I'm going to do is let these two rent-a-holes build up my um, and then I'm going to unleash all of it on Fareeha, and Olivia… and Let Satya suck out the leftovers. She's like that…

I mean it's cute that they wanted to celebrate my birthday with strippers but while this IS fun and Sojourn and Brigitte were great strippers. I have no intention of getting into shenanigans today-

"Uh… Guys?" Ana suddenly returned, and she was missing her tight jeans but still wearing her shirt. "…We can't get out. We're snowed in." She said as everyone stopped and stared at her. My hands still tightly gripping onto Sojourn's ass and Brigitte's tits.

"…Quoi?" Amelie snapped, putting down her empty glass as everyone but us left… my hands gripping tightly to Brigitte and Sojourn, who had stopped giving me a lap dance… so I smacked Sojourn's ass.

"AH! Hey…" she snapped, but I spanked her again, "Ah…"

"Keep going. No one said stop." I said, sighing as they began grinding on me again. "If we are trapped then we're going to need to keep warm."

"What? Don't be stupid." She snapped but my hand cracked on her black ass, "Stop that!" she snapped but I squeezed her flesh before giving my attention to Brigitte, who seemed to be getting more into it, realizing what was going on.

"Look. If we ARE trapped?" I replied, "Then one way or another… I'm probably fucking everyone here. I'm cutting out the middle man." I declared bluntly… normally I wouldn't be so gung ho about it but you know what? I'm hard, I'm horny, I got two of the best strippers I've ever seen grinding on me, and it's my BIRTHDAY next week…

…You know what? This is my gift from me, TO me. I let go of Sojourn's ass, and focused both my hands onto Brigitte who gasped as my fingers slipped under her short 'fuckmeat' crop top and squeezed her tits as she groaned feeling my hands rubbing her nipples as Sojourn promptly stood up. Her ass meat rippled as her 'cumdump' top wobbled into my view… she glared at me for a second, then promptly darted off after the other girls as I shrugged.

"Oh well. More for Brigitte then." I said as Brigitte gasped, and I hooked one hand around her to move her thong aside, exposing her glittery stripper pussy as with my other hand I extracted my growing hard on, hooking my arms under her legs, and lifting her up.

"Aah!" spreading her legs apart before sliding up into her pussy as I lifted her onto it. "Haah! H-have you been… working out?" she gasped as I began lifting her up and down. Her high-heeled feet bounced up and down. "Ahh!!"

"Oh yeah, I've been doing a few lift…" I grunted, thrusting up into her.

"Ha-haa-haa-ahow… much?!" she gasped as I began moving her faster and faster, furiously fucking up into her, hooking my hands behind her head and full-nelson fucking her proper.

"Ooh… I'd say whatever Fareeha, Olivia, Satya, Mei, Kiriko-…" I laughed as I made Brigitte squeal, feeling her trembling on my shaft as I pumped away into her. "How much do you weigh?"

"AH! AH! AH!" she gasped, shaking erotically as I grinned.

"Well, that much… pretty sure Mei weighs more than you… that butterball of love that she is."

"Ah! AH! aHh!!" after about 30 more reps, she shuddered on top of me as I then stood up, and continued. "Ah! AH! AH!!" bouncing her up and down on my thrusts as her tits bounced free of her 'fuckmeat' shirt. "Ooh! Oooh! Ooh! Hoo! OOH!!" shaking in my arms I hauled her off my cock before letting her legs drop down. She wobbled on her heels as I walked around her then pushed her unsteady body back onto the couch before grabbing her ankles, folding them over, and fucking her into the chair. "F-FU-UUCK!!" she gasped as I climbed onto the chair and pounded down. "Oh! OH! OOH!!" grunting beneath me as I grabbed the back of the couch, pinning my hips against hers, adjusting slightly as I rolled my hips before promptly jackhammering her again. "UGH! UGH! GUH!!"

Making that body shake and quiver, fucking her so hard that the body glitter began to leap off her from the shaking. "OH! SHIT!!" Brigitte squealed as I trapped her in the couch, fucking her heels off as the chair rocked back and forth, wobbling without intense thrusting as soon someone returned… Sojourn.

"We're really-OH my god!" Sojourn turned away from me jackhammering into Brigitte "I left you alone for 10 minutes!" she began coming towards us as Brigitte started LOUDLY cumming.

"EEHAAAH!! FUCK!" she clenched up under my rapidly jackhammering hips as Sojourn stood behind me, just as I rammed deep into Brigitte's tight pussy, rolling my hips as I soaked her insides with my first load. "Oh GOD! OH! GOD!!" shaking beneath me as I savored the mating press, feeling Brigitte shaking beneath me as I jammed onto her. "Ugh! GUH!!" thrusting just a few more times to finish her off before ripping out of her body. My cock hung beneath me like a guillotine ready to drop… but I guess it already did that and fucked Brigitte GOOD.

"…Did you say something?" I asked as smacked Brigitte's ass cheek, watching it wobble as she kept those legs up and spread for me… her pussy oozing my cum as I turned with my erection to look at Sojourn, "Could you speak up? I was fucking Brigitte pretty hard-" spurt. Brigitte twitched and more of my cum oozed out of her pussy. "Hey now what are you doing?" I teased, sliding back into her and slowly pushing in my cum as she moaned. "It's my birthday, KEEP! MY! CUM! IN! THERE!" I ordered, watching Brigitte trembling and shaking as I ripped my erection out of her. "Now what's up?" I asked Sojourn who was staring at the 'mess' I made of Brigitte and also my rock hard cock…

"We're trapped in… the mansion." She said hesitantly, "All the windows are pilled up with snow, the doors are stuck, we can't get out…"

"Oh… well that sucks." I replied, before gripping my girth, sticky with Brigitte's pussy juice and my own cum. "…Speaking of sucking, get on your knees."

"Excuse me? AH!" he smacked her ass and pulled her close, rubbing her thick thigh with my length as she sneered.

"I said, Get on your knees." I repeated myself, squeezing her big beautiful ass before smacking it again.

"Hey! You little shit!" she snapped grabbing my shirt, "What did you say to me?!"

"I said get on your knees. You're not hard of hearing." I replied, "The implication being that I want your lips at cock level… because I want my dick sucked." I replied, "Look we're not going anywhere… and I assure you we're going to end up having sex one way or another, that's just how this shit ends up. You can either do it with me. Or you can get sex hulked by Ana… because guess whose big beautiful ass turned her on enough to drag away my rich hot ass aunt… who by the way, gave me 6000 dollars to throw at you and Brigitte like it was pocket change…" I said, standing in said pile of pocket change. "So again. Get on your knees-actually, wait, squat on your heels it'll make your ass look so much better…"

Sojourn scowled at me as I slapped her muscular thigh again, and she slowly squatted on her heels, pressing her hands onto the floor for balance and letting me look down the curve of her back to flex dat ass. "Fuck I love how that thing looks." I sighed, turning her ball cap around and hooking my hand on the back of her head under the rim of it as I lightly smacked the cheeks of her angry face with my cock. "If you do a good job sucking my dick I'm make you cum your brains out…" I said casually, "Oh and ask Nova to toss you a bonus."

"…You're pretty fucking cocky you know that?" Sojourn grumbled by I could only shrug, and grin proudly down at her… before prying her lips open with the tip of my cock and sliding slowly into her mouth, feeling her lips around the base of my shaft as I hissed happily.

"Ah yeah…" her eyes gazing defiantly up at me as I savored the inside of her mouth and throat. "…I think my track record speaks for itself." And I've heard no complaints… when I was done with all my other bed partners.

"Mmgn. Mmngh. Mmn. Mmn!" her thick lips and tongue slid skillfully up and down my shaft as I guided her head back and forth on in, groaning as saliva and spittle dribbled from her mouth with my backswing, only to dive into her throat and scrap out some more. Hold her head firmly I began speeding up, her lips twisting wildly on my shaft as if trying to get me to cum as fast as possible. But I was holding on, her tongue working magically on my shaft as I buried my girth into her throat "GUCK!"

"Ah yeah, that's so hot…" I groaned, bucking against her face but holding her firmly at the base of my cock as her ass cheeks flexed and clenched. "You have such a got damn amazing body, did you know that? You must, you have an onlyfans account…" I began sliding her head up and down again, "Fuck how many guys get to do this with you huh? Bet you get all kinds of questions on the streams, do you tell them you got a regular fuck now? Do you tell them you suck my cock for money?"

"MMGH!!" she growled up at me as I buried my cock into her throat and groaned.

"Yeah I guess that's not fair…" I mused, "…Since you just like sucking it." She glared at me before I pulled out of her mouth with a wet slurp, slapping it onto her face as she gasped, her lips brushing my balls as my cock throbbed.

"I do not…" she growled as I pulled away, walked behind her and shoved her forward onto the pile of money on the floor back to her original money-making position, face down and thick black ass up, wobbling tantalizingly as she gasped. "Ah!?"

"I'm going to make you cum your fucking brains out." I declared, roughly yanking her bottoms aside and ramming up into her sweet chocolate body before she could complain too loudly.

"Don't you-OH FUCK!!" she shrieked as I clapped my hands onto dat ass and abruptly pounded her pussy downtown, her fleshing black cheeks bouncing back and forth on my hips as her eyes soon rolled up into her head and I turned her into a sexy pile of flesh. "Uggha-aaah!!"

"UGH! UGH! UGH!!" rapidly jackhammering into her, pushing her down and FUCKING her into the pile of cash that, statistically, some of which has been between her ass cheeks at some point. "I told you!" I hissed, "I told you I was going to fuck your brains out!" I hissed, grabbing her waist tightly and throwing her back on my heavy thrusts, making her entire body shake… but her ass was the most fun to watch. "I'm going to do it because there's nothing hotter than making a slut cum!" I growled, ramming her harder, deeper, practically sliding her across the floor with my thrusts. "And because we're trapped in here there's no escape from it! You're just going to have to enjoy yourself!"

And boy did she, "HAAAAGH!!!" howling in orgasm as she tried to crawl away from my relentless rough fucking hips as he practically lifted her from the floor to lessen her ability to gain traction. "OH Fuck I'm cumming! CUMMING!!" she shrieked as I finished up myself… throwing her forward off my cock and looming over that thick black ass I unloaded sticky globs and ropes of my cum across the crack of her ass like tiny rope bridges, smacking her ass HARD once I was done to watch it wobble.

"Fuck that was good." Clap. "You're welcome. Thanks for the happy birthday…" I added before standing up, and realizing we were alone for a long time I went looking for the others… obviously not wearing pants, why put them back on when I would, inevitably, end up taking them off again?... I mean I'm bound to find another sexy hole to fill soon- oh hello Satya!

"Mr. Snow…" she said, descending the steps that lead up to the second floor of the Chateau. Stopping in front of me and completely ignoring the fact that I was naked from the waist down… she was used to it. "It would seem we are well and truly trapped in Chatueu Gulliard…." She said as her leash dangled tantalizingly from her collar. "I assume Sojourn has informed you of this?"

"She might have mentioned it." I replied before sliding my hand around her collar. "Well, might as well distract ourselves." I replied, pulling her from the bottom step and onto her knees. I know I just had a blowjob, but given the opportunity, one must stick their dick into Satya's mouth… because she'll suck it. And suck it good…

I smacked her face with my sock, she flinched slightly, but then immediately opened her mouth and inhaled my cock, going straight to the base and filling her nostrils with my pubic hairs as she sighed contentedly. Her hands reached around to grab my ass cheeks, and began throwing her face up and down my length as I held her leash. "I just fucked two slutty strippers but neither of them compare to this fuck pet of mine." I teased as Satya happily moaned her agreement. "I'm going to fuck your face, Satya." I said coldly, and abruptly, grabbing the back of her head and brutally ramming into her throat. Jerking her head roughly up and down my cock as she squealed in delight. "Suck it. Suck my dick… this is your purpose in life, being my fucking pet."

"MMGh! MMgh! MGH! MGh!!" Satya's face became a blur on my cock, gazing devotedly up at me as her ass cheeks wobbled on her heels, her body quivering in pleasure as I fucked her throat. Long turned into an erogenous zone… once my cock was in there she would have just as much fun as me. She loves it… she loves being my fuck pet. "MMGH!!?" I buried my cock into her throat and held her their as her eyes dazedly rolled, I watched her cum from her rough skull fucking, my cock throbbing in her throat like it was designed to be my dick sleeve.

"You fucking whore." I grinned down at her as she squirted on Amelie's nice clean floor, her entire body shaking in orgasm as I sighed. "You're the best pet a guy could ask for…" I ripped from her throat as she gasped, moaning longingly for my shaft's return, licking and kissing my moist cock as I slapped it onto her face. Jerking her leash with my other hand, pulling it taught as I stepped away and tugged her onto all fours. "…I want to fucking use you." I declared as she gasped happily, her thick ass wagging side to side, begging for me to fuck it. "Do you want that?"

"YES!" she hissed happily, shaking and moaning as she whorishly whined like a good girl. "PLEASE use me…" she gasped as I rubbed my cock on her face, feeling her lips and tongue on my balls as I stained her with my scent. "Use me as much as you want. Use me for the rest of my life… my body is yours…" she moaned and I almost pushed her down and fucking unloaded into her right there… but I had lecherous plans for her.

"…You're such a wonderful present Satya…" I declared as she whined, shuddering eagerly for dick, but I denied her that treat for now. Standing up and yanking her leash for her to follow, crawling submissively on all fours like the good little fuck bitch she was. "Let's go find some more people to play with." Yanking her along and leading her away as she obediently crawled after me.

I want to reward my fuck pet, she is just so god damn fuckable… but this was MY birthday (sort of) and I was going to fucking enjoy it. I can fuck Satya whenever I want, so might as well have some others join in the fun. My slutty little pet crawled obediently beside me as we wandered the house for other holes to fill… but the Chateau was massive, and while I've been here a few times it always felt like an ever-expanding eldritch abomination or the Winchester house… But I did quickly learn, that yes. We were snowed in.

The towering windows we passed were at least half covered by snowfall and it kept growing like it was encroaching on the house… well at least I have warm bodies to help me keep warm.

"Oh FUCK… you nasty cunt!" snarled a familiar voice from a room me and my pretty pet passed… so naturally we turned around and opened the door, finding a naked Nova tongue deep in Ana's pussy. Fareeha's sister mother sitting on the end of a bed, Nova loudly slurping as she buried her tongue into the bronzed, built beauty. "Ah Fuck yeah… MMN… I needed this…" her pink eyes then focused on me as I entered and approached a couch against the wall, facing the bed…

For some reason.

I sat down on one side of it, yanking Satya onto the couch as I watched my Hot ass Aunt's ass bouncing up and down as she tongue fucked Ana. Ana wrapped her legs around Nova's head, pulling her into her pussy as she moaned. "…Hey Scott… want in on this?"

"Maybe in a minute… don't let me stop you." I grinned, pulling Satya's face across my lap, and stuffing her mouth as she moaned, pushing her face down on my cock, before lifting it and doing it again, making her head bob up and down as I watched the show. "It's my birthday." I declared as Ana laughed, rolling her hips against Nova's face.

"Keep eating cunt, do your nephew proud." Ana ordered, squeezing her tits as she flopped back onto the bed. "Ah Yeah…" she moaned as Nova LOUDLY slurped, "FUCK, are you trying to suck out my womb?" smearing pussy juice onto Nova's face as my platinum blonde aunt moaned. "Renting those cock teasing sluts for Scott got me extra hot so you better get me off quick!" she hissed, "Ooooh…"

I gripped Satya's head tightly with both hands, steadily but firmly thrusting into her slippery lips as she loudly and lovingly slurped. My attention as on the two hotties lezzing out on the bed, but Satya seemed to be trying to earn it… like a good girl.

"Haah! Ah! FUCK! Don't stop bitch! Don't stop!" Ana's hand clutched to Nova's ponytail as her body began to tremble in pleasure, my hand gripping tightly to Satya's silky hair.

"Don't stop Satya, I'm going to cum in your mouth." I declared, she moaned delightedly, "I'm going to cum in your mouth, don't swallow it, don't spill it!" I snarled, fucking her face more and more as her lips tightened wetly around me as Ana shrieked her orgasm… squeezing tightly to Nova's head, pulling her onto the bed as she twisted, shaking and squeezing as she rode Nova's face. Nova thrashed and kicked as she was buried into Ana's crotch.

"FUCK!" she howled, shaking and grinding on Nova's face.

"NNGH!!" I pulled Satya's sucking lips to the tip of my cock and finally gave my beautiful pet her favorite treat.

"MMgh…" she moaned happily, her eyes rolling as my seed splattered her tongue, my cock throbbing and pulsating as I kept pumping my jizz into her slutty pet mouth.

"Ah… that's a good girl." I praised her, stroking her head as she trembled, I then pulled her off my tip with a wet pop. "…Show me."

"Ahhhh…" gazing up at me she opened her mouth, my thick cream burning my taste onto her tongue as she displayed the results of her hard, loving work. Her tongue curled to hold my goo in a flesh cup, to make sure not a drop spill.

"Good girl… don't swallow that…" I ordered, spanking her shapely ass and getting up. "Sit." I ordered, pulling her up onto the couch, facing the two 'Incestuous' bitches on the bed as he stroked Satya's hair, "Memorize my taste, but don't swallow it. I'll be right back." I said leaving her on the couch and trembling as Ana opened her legs, freeing my hot Ass aunt as both of them flopped onto their backs.

"Oh god…" gasped Nova dazedly, not realizing I was grabbing her legs and yanking her off the bed. "AH!!?" she thumped onto the floor, her shoulders on the carpet as I folded her legs up and over, resting the tops of her feet on the bed as I loomed over her, guiding her favorite cock to her tight little pussy. "Scott!"

"You might like eating my girlfriend's sister/mother out." I teased, rubbing her wet lower lips. "But we both know COCK is your favorite."

"W-well I can't say I don't-OH! FUCK! YES!!" I rammed down into her, pile-driving that pussy like I owned it, Holding onto her ankles and bouncing off her ass as I almost broke her spine trying to blow her back out. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! OH! SHIiiit! Fuck! Me! FUCK! ME!!" she squealed as Ana groaned, sitting up on the bed and fingering herself, watching me plow my aunt.

"You know I was using that…" she sneered playfully as I kept pounding down at my hot ass Aunt's hot little hole.

"OH! OH! FUCK! Oh!!"

"It's my birthday." I declared frankly, before fucking her harder.

"AAH! AH! OH! SCOTT!!" she gasped as I suddenly buried my cock into her. "OOOOH!!" before gazing at Ana and curling my finger at her.

"I like listening to her squeal but if you want to eat her out I don't mind you sitting on her face…" I said as Ana grinned and crawled between Nova's legs, squatting on Nova's face.

"Wha-mmngh!?" shoving her pussy back into Nova's mouth as I pulled out of her quivering pussy, my cock soon replaced with Ana's lips, before I spread my hot ass aunt's ass cheeks and rammed into her ass. "MMGH! MMGH! MMGH!!" Ana holding Nova up as I fucked down into her ass now. "MMGH! MMGH!!" her ass clenching down on my cock as Ana ate her out. "MMngh! MMgh-hmn mmGH!!" Nova's body wobbled and wiggled as we made her cum… I buried my cock up her ass… then ripped out of her… leaving her twitching as Ana hungrily ate her snack…

My cock throbbing, ready to fire I rushed back to Satya and shoved my cock into her mouth and sighed, unloading my second wad into her mouth as she gazed up at me. My cock twitched and spurted between her lips to give her another dose. "haaah…" I sighed happily, popping out of her lips as they quickly sealed behind me. "…Open." I ordered as Satya opened her mouth, the thick pool of cum as she gargled it like mouth wash. "NOW you can swallow." Without even closing her mouth Satya swallowed down my cream, my cock rising up again as I watched my load go down the back of her throat centimeter by centimeter.

"Ahhh…" she moaned with an empty mouth, gazing up at me unblinkingly as I grabbed her leash and yanked her off the couch, "Ah…" Dropping to the floor I dragged her roughly to my Hot Ass Aunt before lifting Satya and shoving her face into Nova's ass. "MMnm!" without words my pretty pet began tongue fucking Nova, eating out her gaping ass hole as I lifted her up from the floor, gazing at Ana with fuck me eyes as I moved aside her Ao Dai, exposing her thick fucking ass cheeks, clapping my hands on them, before grabbing her waist and furiously thrusting into her pussy. "MMGH! MMGH! MGH!!" I let go of her leash and grabbed her hair, riding her, harder and faster… rewarding her properly for being such a good little fuck pet. Her grunts and sloppy slurps mingled together as she ate Nova's ass, watching it wobbling around her face as I felt my slutty fuck pet climaxing on my cock. Her snug, wet vaginal walls clung on me as her who body suddenly gave out, losing strength in her legs. I rammed into her, unloading relentlessly into her pussy…

Now there was just as much of snow inside her as there was outside the house…

I let go of her, and she flopped onto the floor gasping as her face pulled her tongue out of Nova's quivering ass, then I slammed her face back into it, making two whores moan happily as Ana slurped Nova's pussy… pulling away as my hot ass Aunt squirted all over Ana's face. She smirked up at me.

"You're so mean to her." She teased as I stroked my pretty pet's silky black hair, watching her sexy ass twitching as she kept shaking in orgasm.

"She loves every second of it." I said, pulling a gasping, drooling Satya out of Nova's ass. "Do you want me to stop Satya."

"Nooooo." She moaned whorishly as I shoved her face back into Nova's ass and lovingly patted her head.

"See? She's the best fuck pet ever. Now if you excuse me I need to go tear up some more pussy… you can play with my pet. She's all yours."

"MMn…" Ana grabbed Satya and yanked her face from Nova's ass, "Don't mind if I do… come here whore." Before furiously shoving her tongue into Satya's whore mouth, slurping loudly as I walked out of the room, my cock erect again thanks to hot slutty bitch on sex hulk action… Now… WHERE is my big titty toy? I'm in need of a titfuck something FIERCE.

"Scott!! Espèce de petit salaud!" snapped Amelie, coming at me out of nowhere and poking me in the chest with an empty glass of wine and a red (but still purple) face. "Did you fuck Brigitte and Vivian into my floor?!"

"No I fucked Vivian into the floor, Brigitte I fucked into a chair." I replied, smelling the wine on her breath… that's weird. Usually, it smells like my COCK. I better fix that.

…My titty fuck toy can wait, I have a French whore to breed.

"Merde!?" she gasped as I grabbed her and dragged her away, stumbling into a very tight bathroom… okay it was a toilet closest. "Espèce de petite merde! MHG?!" knocking her glass from her hand I forcefully shoved my tongue into her mouth and pinned her against the wall, swinging the door shut as I reached down and grabbed her tight French whore ass as she moaned into my mouth. "Mm!! Mmn…" our tongues twisting around each other as she moaned longingly into my mouth, before gasping, pulling away, and smacking me across my face. "Connard!"

She didn't even hit me that hard… "MERDE!" she hissed as I grabbed her head and possessively kissed her again, "Mmgh! MMnn…" sloppily and wetly kissing her slutty French whore face again as my cock rubbed against her skirt, reaching up, grabbing her very modest blouse and tearing it open exposing her purple tits, giving them a fond squeeze before sliding them down to her skirt, lifting it up, and yanking her lacy panties aside and immediately and forcefully ramming into her. "MMgh!! Mmn! Mmn!!" making my French whore whine as I relentlessly began thrusting into her. Banging her tight body against the wall, lifting her legs, and forcing her to take my cock over and over…

…Okay 'forcing' is a strong word since she was now sucking my tongue from my mouth and wrapping her limbs around me as I kept pounding away. Her wet French hole clung tightly to my constantly pumping cock, her drool tasting like fine wine as I slurped it from her lips and let her suck on my tongue, her arms and legs tensing as I fucked her to an orgasm once again. "MERDE!" she gasped as I buried my cock into her, watching her eyes roll up into her head. "Putain de mère!"

"Shut up Amelie." I ordered, thrusting harder and making her squeal as she tried to argue.

"Don't you Ta-aalk! TO! MEE! Oh mon Dieu!!" she howled in pleasure as I fucked her up the wall. "Oh mon Dieu! Oh mon Dieu!!!!" she howled as I rammed into her and watched her DANCE. "NNnngh!!" squirming, writhing and twitching on the wall as her eyes rolled.

"There's my French whore!" I snarled in her ear, "That's my BITCH!"

"Va te faire foutre, toi et ta BITE, petite merde…" she moaned, breathing heavily as I forcefully kissed her again, "Mmn… Mmn…" her hand clawing the back of my head and holding me to her lips. But I haven't cum yet… well I haven't cum with HER yet. I pulled my length from her slutty French pussy letting her legs drop to the ground before pulling from her soft plump lips, "Ah…" she gasped, following my lips because she was a hungry French whore… "Ah!?" I then threw her against the counter of the bathroom sink, making her look at herself as I grabbed her shapely ballerina hips, lifting her ass up and fucking her against the mirror

"Oh! MON! DIEU!!" she whined as I kept pounding into her, feeling her tight little hole clinging desperately to my cock, I groaned happily, bouncing off that tight French ass as I yanked her roughly back against me. "Oh! Oh! OH!!"

"Look at that SLUT…" I grinned, forcing her to look at herself as I fucked her. "Such a pretty fucking whore."

"Va te faire foutre! AH! AH! AH! MERDE…" she moaned, shaking in pleasure as her slutty body came again, I yanked her up, and forcefully kissed her from behind… pushing another 'fuck me' button as she came again, tightening up around my cock as I slammed balls deep into her. "MMGh!!!" I pumped her full of my cum, feeling her milk me as our tongues entwined. Watching her body tremble in the mirror as I rammed against her from behind, watching those shapely purple legs trembling in pleasure. Reaching up to her breasts, squeezing them firmly as she moaned into my mouth. "Haah…" gasping as I finally stop sucking the air from her lungs. I gave her lips another quick kiss, she moaned adorably as I growled.

"It's my birthday." I declared as she moaned.

"I… isn't that next week?" she gasped as I chuckled, hearing her unsure of that made it seem like I fucked the information out of her. Still, I turned her around, to face me, before letting her go, she dropped onto her knees, now realizing there were no strength in them as I slapped her face with my cock.

"…Give me a present." I ordered, she glared with dazed eyes up at me, then sighed…

"Connard…" she spat, but then opened her mouth and began sucking on me.

"AH… fuck yeah Amelie…" I cooed, grabbing her ponytail and jerking her beautiful face up and down, her angry look only making me harder as she sucked her pussy juice off my cock. Thrusting into her face as she went nice and deep on my shaft. "…You really know how to give a guy a birthday party…" I teased as she noisily sucked, and prodded my urethra with her tongue as I began grinding on her face. "…You pretty French slut… we both know this is why you let them host it here." I whispered as she glared at me, her face slightly redder than I think she'd like to admit…

…I couldn't help but think that if my cock wasn't in her mouth, she might not have said anything about that. But whatever she MIGHT have said about it was interrupted by the door to the bathroom opening. "MMgh!?" Amelie's eyes widened as she turned and saw the cuddly Mei standing there.

"Eep!" she realized she just interrupted something, but she seemed to be to stunned to react properly… so.

"MMGH! MMGH!! mMngh!!" Amelie tried to stop me as I began fucking her mouth faster and faster, staring at Mei as she watched in adorable horror. "Mmgh! Mmmn!!... BWAH! aH!!?" gasping as I pulled out of Amelie's mouth and coated her pretty purple face with my cum. "Haah…" gasping as I coated her lips, nose and right eye. Getting my scent all over her before splatting her face with my shaft. "Haa… Connard…" she sighed exhaustedly.

"Eep!" squeaked Mei, trying to escape once I finished with Amelie, leaving her in the bathroom to clean up as I caught my titty toy from behind. "S-Scott please no?" she squeaked nervously, as I kissed and suckled her neck as she moaned in pleasure, my fingers sinking into her big tits and feeling her big ass on my cock as she squirmed.

"…It's my birthday…" I replied as she moaned. "…Tell you what, you use these big fat tits to get me off quick, then I won't roughly fuck you into the floor… even though I really. REALLY want to." Mei blushed as I squeezed her breasts through the shirt.

"…Okay." She sighed cutely before I pulled my hands away, then helped myself to take her shirt off. "Oh!!"

"MMn…" I turned her around and buried my face in her big tits, squeezed tightly together by her sky blue bra. "MMn." She wiggled as I sniffed and licked my big titty toy's tits

…I LOVE Mei's tits… They're MY Tits… My Mei.

"Ah… Ammn." She moaned, shaking as I continued to lick away at them, fondling them, feeling her wiggle and moan as I turned her on with my teasing. Drool flicked between her cleavage as I raised my face from her tits and shoved my tongue into her mouth. "Mmgh!?" sloppily and messily kissing her, getting her to drool into her own tits as I smeared our mixed saliva between her big breasts.

"Where do you want to do it?" I asked as she gasped.


"Where do you want to use these big fun titties to get me off? Hmmn?" I teased, "Right here? Right in the hallway? Because you can't wait?" I chuckled as she moaned, my hands working magic on those heavy funbags as I began to easily take her down, laying her onto her back as she gazed up at me. "You must want it right here… Don't worry Mei, I'll do all the work." I teased, straddling her chest and slipping my cock between her breasts, she gasped, blushing adorably as I cupped her bra covered tits and squeezed them around me shaft.

"MMn!" she moaned, but gazed up at me as I began sliding in and out, our spit lubricating her well as I began to press my hips against her. "Mmn… Ah… ah…" gasping cutely up at me as I leaned over and grinned down at her, spitting accurately into her mouth, my spit sliding down her lips as she flicked her tongue around and moaned.

"You're such a pretty, pretty girl Mei." I grinned down at her, steadily thrusting into her big breasts as she grunted, moaned, and blushed at the praise. "I'm such a lucky guy to have you as My Mei."

"Mmn-ah… why do you… always say things like that when you're in my boobs?" she gasped cutely as I pumped away.

"Because it's true?" I grinned, "Fuck me…" I groaned, my cock throbbing between her heavy tits, eager to unload on that cute face. "I tell you that all the time." I said, speeding up, her tits clapping on my hips as she moaned. "The fact that I'm also always fucking you all the time is coincidental. I buried my cock between her tits, pre-cum oozing out of her cleavage as I loomed over her blushing face. "…Now. I COULD, keep tit-fucking you until I blow my load all over your face and tits…" I said, "…Or I can make the both of us cum…" I began thrusting again, "Better tell me quick Mei… what do you want? Facial or creampie?"

Mei blushed furiously, her lower lip trembling as she suddenly squeaked. "Inside…" I buried my cock between her tits, my cock throbbing and reading to burst.

"Huh? What's that?"

"P-please… do it inside. Don't make a mess-AH?!" she gasped as I leaped off her, grabbed her pants, and with one comically easy yank ripped them off her body. "Ha?! How did you do TH-AAAH! AAH! AAAT!!?"

I wasted no time getting balls deep in that sexy big titty meat, lifting up her legs and fucking her like I was trying to breed her. Mating pressing the SHIT out of My Mei making her howl delightedly as I jackhammered into her.

"AH! Ah! AH! AAAH!!!" her tits bouncing wildly under me as I pressed my chest to her, grabbing at her face as she screamed in pleasure back into mine.

"I'm going to fuck the SHIT out of you Mei!" I growled possessively, feeling her tensing up around me, "Like that idea?! Huh?! Making you cum your pretty brains out?! You're always so fucking tight!" I growled, before claiming her lips, her hips, pretty much all of her. Our bodies tight and tense, squeezing around my meat while I clung to her fleshy body, fondling her tits as her feet hooked on my shoulders and I rapidly jackhammered her.

"AAH! Ahh! AHHhhh!!" shrieking as if in pain into my mouth but tensing and howling in pleasure beneath me as I pounded away, her beautiful ass clapping and whapping on the floor as my balls rapidly clapped away at her so hard they started to hurt… but all I could think about was fucking her harder, making her cum.

"Cum! Cum for me!"

"AAAHH! AAAAH!!!" her face contorted in pleasure as she obeyed my commands as I kept thrusting into her tightening pussy.

"Beg for my load! BEG! FOR! ME! TO! CUM! IN! YOU!!!"

"CUM IN ME!!!" she squealed almost instantly as the clapping of her fat ass didn't stop. "CUM IN ME PLEASEEEE!!!" Slamming my hips to her, pinning her down, our bodies tightening into a ball of tense muscles, watching her squirm helplessly as her brain melted from our fucking as I possessively kissed her again. "MMMGH…" moaning into my lips as she fainted, going limp under me as I licked out the inside of her mouth.

"Ah…" I sighed, slowly pulling out of her and standing up, watching her body flip limply on the floor as she twitched. "You're so comfy Mei." I sighed, "I want to just use you as a body pillow…" I gave my cock a courtesy shake, flicking cum and Mei juice onto her crotch as I stood over her. "You stay right there Mei, I'm going to go find and fuck Fareeha and Olivia. I'll be back for cuddling-WHOA!" suddenly I was caught in a headlock. "GUCK!" dragged away from Mei, and suddenly my legs were grabbed.

"Hey Papi!" smiled Olivia, facing me with my legs under and arm each as she, and Fareeha, carried me away.

"Don't mind us." Fareeha whispered in my ear like the hot beautiful woman that she is as they dragged me away and together they carried me up the stairs and into one of the upper guest rooms… or maybe it was actually Amelie and Gerard's room, I think I've seen it before in one of our many liaison vides.

Before I had time to ponder where we were, "WHOA!" I was tossed onto the large double bed as Olivia and Fareeha grinned and smirked respectively. Before promptly stripping down and crawling over the bed, each of them taking a side as I smiled at them

"You've been a busy boy." Declared Fareeha sultrily, my cock twitching toward her before Olivia cooed.

"Geeze Papi, I know we surprised you but you surprised me! I didn't think you'd plow your way through everyone…"

"I my defense after you summoned the blizzard I figured I might as well get it over with." Olivia stared at me, before declaring.

"Scott, seriously. I can't control the weather."

"Lies and slander." I said as Fareeha grabbed my cock and started stroking it, pulling Olivia's mouth to my junk as I lied back and groaned, feeling them wrapping their lips on my shaft and sliding them up and down together. "Oh shit…" I groaned as I suddenly felt sore… funny that.

I plow my way through a dozen ladies and NOW my junk starts to hurt. Maybe it's because an oral massage filled with love is more intimate than face-fucking a couple of sluts?... Yeah, it's probably that. I rested my hands on my puta and my Girlfriend's head, feeling them sliding up and down as I bucked slowly up toward their mouths. Soon feeling Olivia salivating loudly on my nuts, as Fareeha slid up and wrapped her lips around my tip.

"MMN! Mmn… Mmmngh." Easily taking my cock into her mouth, brushing against Olivia's cheek as she sucked both nuts into her mouth, stuffing her cheek like a squirrel as her tongue swished and swirled around them.

"SLURP! MMn…SLUUURP!" I tiredly laid back, suddenly exhausted but on they sucked, Fareeha deepthroating away at me as Olivia soon popped loudly off my sack, flicking her tongue on my cock as Fareeha slid up my length, only to greedily take all of my dick again as Olivia moaned. "Papi tell her to share."

"BWAH…" Fareeha gasped, then grabbed my length and began stroking it. Brushing away Olivia's face. "This. Is mine… I rent it out." She grinned as I coughed, trying not to laugh. "If I don't' want to share that's my choice."

"BOooo…" Olivia moaned, "Greed slut." She added before smacking Fareeha's fantastic ass. But she only chuckled and replied one word.

"Hierarchy." She declared as Olivia scowled

"Son of a bitch. She's got me there…" Olivia mumbled as Fareeha throated me again… but I reached out and grabbed at Fareeha's head, and pried her off my cock.

"AHhh…" Fareeha gasped, but then I threw her over onto her back. "Oh!" and then dove onto her as she laughed, burying my face into her bust, I furiously began thrusting into her. "Ooh! oOh NGH! AH! Ahh! Ah…!" Olivia crawled slowly beside me, watching Fareeha's face before leaning over and extending her tongue into her mouth, swirling around each other as I kept thrusting away, getting my face out of her breasts sitting on my knees and grabbing her waist lifting her up and making her dance. "Ooh! Oooh FUUUCK…" she moaned into Olivia's mouth as I buried myself into her, and pumped her insides full of my cum. "Ooooh!" writhing on the bed I pulled out of her, then grabbed Olivia by the hair.

"Ooh!" yanking her down and onto my cock, still fresh and warm from Fareeha pussy, "GUCK! GUCK! GUCK!" Slobbering onto Fareeha's stomach as scrapped out the saliva in her throat. "MMgh-GUCK GUCK!! Gah!" gasping as I ripped out of her throat and buried her face into Fareeha's gooey slit, making my girlfriend moan as I crawled around Olivia and- "AY!" she squealed as I buried my cock into her wet slit. "OHooo…"

"I like your hair by the way Olivia." I groaned, grabbing onto it and yanking it hard, she had gone the whole hog for her le sserafim outfit.

"The! Dye! Won't! Wash! OUT! oOh! OOH!!" she howled as I pounded away at her, pushing her back into Fareeha's slit and making that culo bounce. "MHgh! Mgh! Mn! Mmn!" Fareeha thrusting instinctively up onto her tongue as I grabbed her hair and drove my hips on, pounding hard against her thick Latina backside before making her squeal in delight, I lifted her up by the hair and thrust her forward across Fareeha, landing in a pile of flesh sweat and sticky fluids as I pumped her full of my load and then-

…No I think my body gave out then…

"…I think I pulled something." I moaned cuddling Olivia as she moaned, twitching beneath me. Fareeha crawled tentatively out from beneath us before throwing herself on top of me. Kissing my neck and suddenly very sore back.. but I was soothed by sexy Fareeha boobs, groaning as Olivia's ass wiggled beneath me.

"Where does it hurt?" cooed Fareeha, rubbing my back as I sighed.

"I think it's just my old war wound." I joked as Olivia giggled, rolling over beneath me and kissing my cheek as I became the meat in a happy sandwich.

"…You mean when you hurt yourself fucking Mei all weekend?"

"…It was only a day…" I bemoaned as the girls rubbed my sore body, and suddenly I felt very soothed and sleepy.

"I guess even your stamina has limits…" cooed Fareeha.

"I my defense I didn't expect to bang an entire party of ladies… I'm pretty sure I'm shooting blanks right now. So…" I got comfy with them. "I'm just going to close my eyes for a second…"

And I was out.


"I swear Princess I didn't plow your sister!..." I blinked and stared at Amelie, looking fresh and clean standing at the edge of… her bed.

"…What?" she asked sourly as I rubbed my eyes and sighed, looking around curiously.

"…It's a pony thing, don't worry about it." I yawned, "…What did I miss?"

"We're still snowed in." she said, tossing me my clothes as I began dressing myself… then she tossed me warmer clothes. "We're going to need help getting out." She said, before promptly handing me a warm coat, gloves, and boots. "Luckily we've all collectively voted on a volunteer. All you got to do is walk a mile into town."

"Can't I use a cell phone?" I asked as she stared at me. "…Oh the house phone?" she glared, "…This is punishment for-

"Nous foutons la merde, oui." Amelie replied as I sighed, getting the general idea.

…A walk through snow was a small price to pay for emptying my balls in spectacular fashion. So alright then. "…Wait, how am I going to get out of the Chateau if we're snowed in?" I asked as she nodded.

"Ah, Oui, this is actually pretty clever it was Fareeha's idea." She curled her finger invitingly at me towards the large French windows, opening them up and seemingly taking the chill head on as she pointed outside. "Have a look." She said as I looked outside, and noticed the MASSIVE hill against the house. It was almost like the second floor was the first-oh no.

"WHA!? A collection of hands shoved me out the window and I tumbled down the high snow mountain that had formed, rolling barely and landing face first… at least the snow was soft.

"Be quick about it!" shouted the girls before Olivia and Fareeha blew me a kiss.

"Love you Scott/Papi!" before shutting the window with a-

"FUCK ITS COLD!" I sighed and sat up in the snow. Getting to my feet, and grumbling as I trudged through the roaed.

"Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold… the things I do for pussy. Cold. Cold…"

...What a day.


Thank you, everyone, for supporting my madness, and for voting. I'm still going to do robots, but the snow day will be the official 400-rating chapter.

...That being said Robots is going to have to wait. I don't know if you noticed but spring is in the air... we all know what that means.

To the butchering!

Espèce de petit salaud! = You little bastard!

Espèce de petite merde = You little shit!

Connard! = Asshole

Putain de mère = Motherfucker!

Va te faire foutre, toi et ta BITE, petite merde = Fuck you and your COCK you little shit...

Va te faire foutre = fuck you.

Nous foutons la merde, oui = Fucking the shit out of us, yes