
300 Faves Special: Family Reunion

I don't own Blizzard products.


My eyes slowly opened to the smell of cake… my lips twisted into a smile as I stretched on this fine Saturday morning… wait… it's 11 o'clock. Fine, afternoon? Regardless. I walked down the stairs to my smiling, beautiful mother as she placed a freshly baked birthday cake on the table.

"Happy birthday Scott." She smiled, letting the cake cool so she could add the chocolate frosting.

"Thanks mom." I replied smiling as she went back to prepping everything. "So. What did you do?"

Acting coy she grinned at me. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She said carelessly, pouring an entire bottle of beer into the cake mix as she prepped another cake.

"Come on mom you do this every year." I said rolling my eyes, "You plan some big surprise for me, or do something really awesome. Every year… neighborhood-wide laser tag, drag racing with police permission, Neighborhood LARP battle with real warrior Orcs from Orgrimmar. I STILL have no idea how you convinced Mayor Thrall on that one. " I nodded however conceding a point, "… okay, except when I was twelve but that escalated quickly."

"We agreed never to talk about your twelfth birthday." Mom replied bluntly with a seriously look, but she quickly smiled again. "Still. I think I've outdone myself. Your present should be arriving anytime now."

I rolled my eyes and handed her the milk, "Need any help?" I asked calmly but she shooed me out of the kitchen.

"No! Birthday! Go watch TV and wait for the front door!" she replied happily. As I leaped over the back of the couch and turned on the TV. I was hardly into it before the doorbell rang, and with a sing-song lazy air Mom's voice echoed from the kitchen. "I wonder who that could be?"

Rolling my eyes and expecting a collection of classmates, teachers and most likely Jeremy I opened the door. Tall. Leggy. Platinum blonde and curvy. She was just standing there like a young man's cowgirl wet dream. Dressed in black cowboy boots, short jean shorts that went to her mid-thighs, and a tight buttoned-up shirt that did nothing for the imagination. She pushed up her cowboy hat, pulled down her mirror sunglasses reflecting my shock, and smirked at me, winking at me with her playful green eyes. "Hey, there handsome."


I was panicking…

Mom skidded out of the kitchen, "Surpri-iiiiii….." she glared at me, "Was it not your present? Bloody religions…" she grumbled. "Okay I guess-"

"MOOOMMM…" I said slowly, "Don't freak out." I said firmly, even though I wasn't practicing what I was preaching. Her eyebrow rose and she walked towards me, pulling me away from the door and opening it to my smiling 'aunt' Nova…

Then she slammed the door in her face.

"WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE?!" she hissed at me in surprise, "She needs to go! Now!"

The door knocked loudly, "Come on Sarah I thought we got through this." Nova replied softly as Mom began to pace and fidget.

"Go away!" my mom shouted reflexively, while rubbing her forehead nervously. "Sorry. I'm sorry. She's going to ruin everything."

"Mom it's fine, relax." I said softly, resting a hand comfortingly on her shoulder.

"NO. it's not fine! She needs to leave right now before-"

The door suddenly shook on its hinges, and a voice I hadn't heard in person in a long time spoke. "Hey!" came a gravelly southern drawl, "Sarah the beers are getting cold! Open this damn door before I kick it down!"

"…Uncle Tychus?" I blinked at the door surprised, completely forgetting that a sexy devil woman was outside I opened the door and froze.

"Hey, kid." Came a less gravelly voice, but similar drawl as a man about my height spread his muscular, fingerless gloved hands.

"Dad?" I blinked back at him. Laughing we charged and hugged, I hardly ever got to see my dad in person.

Jim Raynor, Quarterback of the Star Raiders is often on the road, kicking ass and taking names. And even then he never 'officially' married my mom so he doesn't live with us. But he supports my mother in multiple ways and shows up as often as he can, always close to my birthday never actually on the day. Wiry, hardened, and raised in the outlaw town of Mar Sara Texas with his best friend: my 'uncle' Tychus Findley. He was also a member of the Star Raiders. Uncle Tychus: huge, imposing, and dangerous; all you need to know is that he was kicked out of the marines for being too violent. But he's… well… calm enough with a few beers in him.

And apparently, there was the third member of the trio, Uncle Matt.

"Uncle Matt!" I laughed, hugging my gangly uncle as he returned the hug. Also a member of the Raiders, and the guy that usually keeps a tight leash on my dad and Uncle Tychus.

"Hey Scott!" he laughed, slapping me on the back before I held him at arm's length.

"…You didn't bring Aunt Mira did you?" I asked concerned and he cleared his throat.

"We didn't want a repeat of your 12th birthday." he stared blankly into the house. "Never again." before recovering quickly. "So… I gave her a lot of money, booze and mercenaries…" he said sagely. "And pointed her to a few third-world dictatorships." Uncle Matt was already loaded and technically owned the Raiders as well as played receiver. Aunt Mira, his wife, on the other hand is one of the most dangerous, but misguidedly loving, women on the planet.

"Alright that's enough hugs and kisses…" grunted uncle Tychus annoyed, "I'm coming in." he shoved a large cooler into the house and stomped in as uncle matt followed.

Mom and Dad stared at each other for a moment before chuckling/giggling and wrapping their arms around each other and kissing. "Hey, Darlin." He grinned stupidly as she stepped away and slapped his shoulder… then however she frowned, remembering our previous 'guest'.

"Where did she go?" she asked suddenly.

"Nowhere." Came Nova's voice, leaning on the porch fence and watching us. Then I realized she had a small blue rollaway bag next to her. "He-ey…" she said smiling.

"The hell are you doing here?" hissed my mother as dad stood next to me, eyeing Nova up and down for a moment before turning to me and raising an eyebrow curiously, jerking a thumb towards them.

'Mom's sister' I mouthed. He made an 'O' with his mouth, then followed up with a sheepish 'shit'…

"Go AWAY." Mom said immediately as Sarah held up her hands defensively. And I meant that two ways, Mom might lash out after all.

"Now Sarah I just want to talk." Nova said calmly, as mom grabbed her arm and dragged her to the far end of the porch to chatter animatedly in low whispers just as my phone began to light up with texts

'Happy Birthday Scott.' Jeremy

'Happy Birthday love!' Lena and Emily

'Left for Dead later! ' Hana

Dad looked over my shoulder, raising an eyebrow as the entirety of the female staff of Overwatch High (barring Ms. O'Deorain apparently) wished me a happy birthday. I was lucky he looked away before Olivia sent me another of her 'gifts' which I quickly saved and deleted, I didn't need questions from dad as to why my Spanish teacher was sending me masturbation videos while mom was arguing with my aunt.

"…You got a lot of well-wishers?" my dad asked, reaching into the house with an open hand as a beer bottle flew from somewhere inside the house and slapped into his gloved grip. Dad also played receiver in his younger days, he twisted off the cap and began to drink, giving me a grin under his grizzled bearded face as he sipped.

"Something like that." I smiled as Mom and Nova's violent whispers became scathing whispers.

"Hmm. Got a girl?" he asked curiously with a knowing smile.

"I… got a few in mind." I noted, he chuckled and nudged my arm, carefully watching my mom.

"Just like yer daddy." He smirked, "Not that I've cheated on yer mom once we had ya." He noted firmly, making sure I understood that fact.

"Yeah, I know dad." I said, silencing my phone as Fareeha's text came with a picture of her blowing kisses… in her bunny suit… saving that as a screen saver.

"NO!" my mother suddenly shouted and we jerked up looking at her as she pointed angrily at Nova, who was still surprisingly calm.

"Just." Began Nova, holding her hands up, "Let's. Just. Talk. Okay?" she said calmly, and they began the conversation anew.

"Shit Jimmy come on and let's get the game on!" Uncle Tychus said suddenly, clapping a hand on my shoulder and giving me a smug grin as he tossed a football in one hand, "Let's show the boy how we do it down in Mar Sara!"

"Doesn't that involve knives Uncle Tychus?" I asked jokingly as Uncle Matt and Dad joined us in the yard.

"Don't you sass me, boy." He scolded, before smiling smugly again "…We'll play the 'watered down' version." Dad laughed, and we began playing.

We got through three 'touchdowns' before Mom and Nova finally stopped arguing and, miraculously, Mom invited Aunt Nova inside… this distracted me so much I didn't see Uncle Tychus' clothsline coming at me.

"Tychus!" Roared Dad angrily as I hit the ground, Tychus shrugged indignantly.

"What?! With everything I taught him he should've seen that comin!"

I dulled the ringing in my head as Uncle matt got me to my feet as Dad shoved my bigger Uncle, "It's fine dad. I've had worse." That was a fucking LIE. Nobody hit harder than uncle Tychus. But nobody else taught me to hit AS HARD… he taught me my hatred of bullies after all. "He's right." Tychus nodded sagely… then I punched him in the balls.

Uncle Matt and Dad laughed so hard. My massive Uncle hit the ground with the force of all of his dead weight… but slowly raised a thumbs up, "…Damn… Right boy…" he groaned.

"I'm going to…" I rubbed my head, "…Get… something. Ice." I replied as Dad and Uncle Matt reveled in my Uncle Tychus' suffering.

I found Aunt Nova sitting comfortably on the couch as I entered, her green eyes flashed knowingly at me as she smiled kindly… It might have been a possible concussion, but it looked like she licked her red lipstick lips as I passed her.

Mom was chugging down beer, and by that, I mean she was double-fisting queen of blades. That can't be good. But I can't think with a ringing headache, so I dealt with it accordingly with some painkillers and went to help her deal with the pain.

"…She's thinking of opening a Nexus branch here in the city…" she grumbled tilting one of the beer bottles over and scowling as it didn't produce any more beer. "…And her hotel mixed up her reservation, so she needs a place to stay… she wants to TALK." She scowled, her hand scrambling for another beer but I knew where this was going so I gently pushed it away.

"…Well… she doesn't seem as bad as… those other two." I added, not saying their names. "What could it hurt?"

"You. Me. Your dad. It could hurt a lot…" she noted, but strangely she sighed. "…But we were nice to each other once before that rat bastard got in the way… she says he's mostly out of her life now. Especially after the heart attack…" Aka the greatest Christmas present to her ever.

"It's only for a day or two, right? It's fine…" I added, "We'll lock her in the guest room." She chuckled, and kissed my forehead, taking all the pain away. And went to… talk as civilly as possible to Nova.

Everything went surprisingly okay… that is until the drinking started. Although let me be clear, no matter how big and experienced my Uncles and father might be… none of them could drink my mother under the table.

"That's right boys!" she cheered as Uncle Matt hit the floor snoring. "Mama's house!" she shouted with pride, pointing to her chest.

"I-ll get you next time…" slurred uncle Tychus as he made his way to the door. "Jimmy! Let's go hit the hotel bar… there was a lounge singer with my name on her…" he chuckled, then fell against the door.

"…I'll park him in the garage." Dad replied, stumbling slightly. "…Kiddo help me get him in the truck." Being the only one sober, I helped dad toss Uncle Tychus into the bed of his truck and backed it up into the garage.

"Night Uncle Tychus." I noted as he began snoring audibly, it wouldn't be the first time he slept in the truck bed, in the garage. Nor the last." Dad leaned heavily on me, smiling proudly as he poked my cheek.

"…Happiest day of my life was when yer mama told me she was pregnant… right after prom on graduation day…" he smiled cheerfully as I dropped him onto the couch, helping snoring uncle Matt into the recliner. "My advice to you kid?" he slurred happily, wrapping his arms around the pillow. "…Knock up yer girl…"

Yet another fine piece of drunken advice from dad that I will thoroughly ignore. Along with puking on the cop to make him feel sorry for you, lighting a trail of gasoline is a good idea for a bonfire, and when headbutting someone hit forehead against forehead. All properly ignored advice. "Night dad." I said, patting him on the shoulder as I looked around for Mom. Briefly wondering where she went… or for that matter Nova. She seemed to disappear after the heavy drinking started.

"Night kid…" he mumbled, "I'm proud of you…" he said with a slurred yawn. He might not be around often, but he was still a pretty great dad. Well… with some perspective…

Still… where was Mom? And…

Oh no.

I made my way to Mom's room and creaked opened the door and. Yep…

Her face buried in her crotch was Aunt Nova, her tongue lazily lapping away at Mom's pussy like a hungry drunken dog. But I don't remember her drinking at the party, she just seemed hazed at the sheer smell of mom's pussy. An Audible smack pierced the air as Nova shrieked with a soft moan, mom had slapped her ass, and I heard the sound enough to know.

"You call that eating?!" snarled a dozy mom. Grabbing a thick fistful of Nova's hair and thrusting her hips up as she smeared my aunt's face with her pussy. "What the Fuck did Val teach you?! Eat that fucking pussy! Use that tongue!" Nova's hands went to my mom's ass, pulling her closer as her mouth engulfed her wet folds, moaning as if it was the most delicious thing ever as mom began to 'fuck her face' using Nova's tongue as a tiny dick as it went in and out of her, bobbing her head hard as she thrust.

Nova's eyes rolled happily in her head, but they quickly focused on me, peaking at them through the door. She didn't even hesitate, in fact, she stepped up her efforts. Mom moaned delightedly as Nova, looking at me, noisily slurped up any and all juices that mom excreted, lapping away like a dog as mom screamed delightedly in orgasm. Shoving Nova's face tightly against her pussy as she squirted into Nova's mouth.

"Fuck. Just like old times… this is exactly why he adopted you…" she smacked Nova's ass hard, again and again as Nova licked lovingly at mom's pussy, still watching me in silence as her ass nosily jiggled. "Nothing to say to that? Huh?!" Nova grunted as Mom smacked her as harder, making her grunt. Mom tossed her aside grabbing her hair and glaring down at her, "…Maybe I'll give you to Tychus… tell him you're a hooker looking for a trick."

Nova opened her mouth, and grind as Mom spat into it. Nova swallowed mom's spit as Mom tossed her away again. "…Stupid fucking Nova… coming around and making me feel like shit…" Mom grunted dreamily, as Nova carefully licked her fingers. Still watching me as slowly, her wet fingers spread her pussy. She played with herself for a moment before carefully lifting my mother's ass and unashamedly sticking her tongue deep into her asshole…

"Jim not tonight…" she grunted annoyed, "…Scott will hear us…" But Nova, shaking her ass like a horny dog continued to debase herself. It was a hard contrast to the professional woman who hosted my school not too long ago, working her tongue on my mother, from pussy to ass as Mom's ass shivered and she squirted again, Cumming all over Nova who immediately licked up the juices.

Nova licked her lips and crawled over my mother, kissing her possessively as she groped mom's breasts, rubbing her wet pussy on mom's leg eagerly, moaning like a pet looking for attention… and she still had it as she turned to smile darkly at me… knowing exactly what I wanted for my birthday…

Naked and unashamed she strutted from my mom's bed and approached me, licking her lips hungrily as I stared at her perfect body. She slipped her hand into my shorts and ignoring my relatives downstairs began to stroke my hard cock still in my pants.

"I suck cock as good as I eat pussy…" she cooed, panting in heat as she stroked. "…And I think I still need to give you a birthday present." She carefully guided me into my room and dropped to her knees.

She was right… I hardly remember the night at the Nexus, mostly because I was trying to block out the trauma. But as she easily took my cock down her throat I instinctively grabbed her hair and held her firm, she didn't even resist, humming lovingly as I essentially started to use her throat to get off. At first, I took full control, but the second I heard her gag I stopped, letting her suddenly take command as she reached around to my butt, pulling me deeper and deeper as she slammed her face into my hips. Drooling around my length as her nose began to run, but she continued unabated until.

I roared my release. Grabbing her head ad slamming it against the door as I thrust down deep. Gripping her platinum blonde ponytail, perfect for gripping as I shot my first load down into her stomach. She caressed my balls as they throbbed in her hands, gently coaxing the last drops out as I pulled away and she gasped for breath, her hot panting heating my cock back to life as she gave me a messy grin.

"…I like your taste Scott." She said simply, kissing my cock gently like a loving aunt normally would kiss cheeks. "… You're so much bigger than your uncle."

"…Open your mouth." I ordered, suddenly annoyed as she stretched her mouth wide and I helped myself to her throat again… something dark took over for a moment, I didn't like the idea of somebody else using her throat no matter how favorable the comparison was. But that was overwritten by the idea that this was my birthday present…

Hit with a bit of odd inspiration I pinched her nose half-way to my release. Her eyes widened but she didn't resist as I sped up, her throat tightening as her face began to turn blue. A second after she went a little limp I pulled out and let go as she gasped for air and I fired a rope of seed on her face. Her tongue did rings around her mouth as she took in my shots humming delightedly as my warmth stained her face. She grinned up at me, "Did I make you feel good baby?"

"…Yeah." I said simply, unable to say anything else really.

"…Do you want some more?" she asked kindly as if I didn't just face fuck her and painted her face and chest in cum.

"…Yep." I said, and tossed her to my floor, she lifted her ass high in the air, shaking it tantalizingly for me as I approached, spreading her ass cheeks wide as I shoved my thumbs up her ass.

"Oh, baby…" she cooed, but squealed once I pierced her pussy with my cock, rhythmically thrusting and moving my thumbs in and out of her ass as I made shake. "Oh God!" she screamed as I pounded away, abusing her ass as I went until. "S-SHIT…" she hissed and orgasmed, shaking on the floor as her pussy leaked around my length. I stopped thrusting as she finished, but then I gripped her hair and tugged, placing my other hand on her back as I forced her chest to my floor, she tried to look at me but I jerked her hair and started again as she grunted and squeaked tiny bursts of pleasure. Her pussy squeezed me in just the right way as I rammed it balls deep into her.

"I'm cumming! Oh god yes! I'm cumming!" she squealed again as I jerked her hard and came with her. Sighing in relief as I filled her tight grasping pussy with thick seed, my cock pulsing rapidly as it shot load after load from my balls. I tugged her hair with each pulse, hearing a delighted gasp with each yank. Finally I stopped, feeling my balls finally empty as I went flaccid in her occasional twitching pussy.

I pulled out and admired my work, her body still trembling as she leaked her well earn loads. She grinned at me dazed. "…You're my favorite nephew…" she cooed, "…And I'm pretty sure Val has a few illegitimate kids…" she weakly crawled to me, kissing my cock again as she rubbed it against her sticky face. "…I got one more present for you…" she said lovingly, carefully taking my cock, and leading me back to my mom's room…

"I'm not fucking my mom again." I glared at her, "I have enough issues to deal wi-"

She however silenced me with a finger and dragged me to the head of the bed as my mom dreamily snored. She carefully lifted my cock, and placed it next to my mom's mouth and began to stroke. Mom's nose twitched like a bunny, and her mouth slowly opened as she got a whiff of my scent… I went rigid as her lips wrapped around my length and she began to carefully suck, not even a blowjob, more like sucking a bottle.

Nova grinned as she stroked my cock, "…Val and I learned that she did this if she smelled a freshly well-fucked cock…" she smiled at me, "…Cum for me." She said firmly, stroking expertly as my cock throbbed and my mother's lips tightened around the head. Expecting it.

God fucking damn it.

I released, and mom went still. Breathing heavily, I watched as mom instinctively gulped down my seed before pulling away with a pop, a smile, and rolling over. Nova grinned at me and released me, walking soundlessly, like a ghost, to the door again and to the guest room… not even another word.

I was now thoroughly exhausted, tired, and once again contemplating therapy but at least I haven't gone into a drunken fucking session again… the next morning, hangovers aside, everyone seemed fine. Nova acted as if nothing had happened at all and was now dressed in her suit. I watched TV with dad, hung out with my uncles, and mom made us all sandwiches… everything was normal again. Sort off.

"Well." Nova said suddenly, finishing her sandwich and collecting her things, "I need to head out. Thanks, Sarah for letting me stay." Mom snorted, but that was fairly civil of her at this point, "I hope that we can do this again." Mom turned away as Nova sighed but grinned evilly at me, licking her lips, "All of it." She added picking up her things and heading off. We watched her drive away in her very fancy car as Uncle Tychus held a block of ice to his head.

"…That right there was a crazy bitch." He said flatly, everyone else looked at him like he was crazy… not me. I needed to maintain my composure and stuff this away for therapy. "Well, Jimmy we better head out two. Training stats soon and… heh-heh-heh." He smirked, "…Hazing."

"Shit Tychus we're not supposed to do that anymore. Owner's orders. He gestured to Uncle Matt who merely shrugged.

"Don't kill them Tychus. Strictly humiliation." He noted as Dad gave me and mom a group hug.

"…You take the fun out of everything." He growled childishly, punching me affectionately in the shoulder as he walked to the garage with dad and Mom.

I however grabbed Uncle Matt and cleared my throat, "Hey uh… Uncle Matt?"

"Yeah Scott?" he asked, a little confused and concerned, "What's up?"

"…Can you recommend me a good therapist?"

He stared at me concerned for a moment but sighed with a nod. "I'm married to Mira Han. I have a list of good ones.…"

End of Chapter.

And from this point forward Dad's side of the family finally shows up. Most of them, they is still Mira Han-Horner. It's also at this point where I go into a full Blizzard world, we're getting to the World of Warcraft chapters.