
Overpowered Lucifuge's Travels

having died a young man was gifted with three wishes, after making these wishes he was sent off to a new universe, however something went wrong and all of his memories were locked until his 25th birthday. (Op mc, harem, almost emotionless, neglected mc, Au, multiverse)

FanficFanatic12345 · 漫画同人
6 Chs

Fractured memories, the unlocking, Heaven

3rd POV

It was the day of Angelus's 25th birthday, it was just a normal day for him, as he hasn't celebrated his birthday or any holiday since he left, he used to always celebrate with Rias, but now that she isn't here he doesn't anymore.

Getting up Angelus walked out of his small cabin and into a small waterfall nearby, he walked under the waterfall and cleaned himself off while also using magic to clean himself thoroughly, making sure to clean every crack and crevice, so as to not smell bad, after cleaning completely he ran off to his normal training spot, this being a large wide open area with rocks all over, a large number of the rocks were destroyed in one way or another, but there was on that was still standing completely still and doesn't have one crack on it, this was a large boulder 15 times the size of the 6'2 Angelus.

Walking up to the rock Angelus began doing his usual warmups, this being some normal punches at the rock, then some basic stretches and pushups, after this he began lifting different rocks until eventually getting to the massive boulder and had attempted to lift it, he managed to lift it for a little over 10 minutes until eventually dropping it, he continued to do this for an entire hour.

The next training he did was based in magic, it was just a simple exercise by using magic to do different things and at different sizes, this all mattered on his control, imagination, and concentration, the first thing he did was make a small circle that fired out a large blast of fire, then he started to change it's size, and shape, the farthest he had gotten was changing it's shape to someone's head, but today he was determined to change that, so he started thinking of what to make it look like 'The size has to be small enough to control but be different enough to strain myself...' after thinking for a while he decided on a shape, and activated the small circle again, and instead of a stream of fire coming out, a replica of a large snake had come out, he immediately felt the difference in difficulty and kept practicing for the rest of the day, changing between training his physical attributes and magic.

It was towards the end of the day when Angelus started feeling weird, he felt incredibly light headed and started getting pale, his vision began to falter, and he began struggling to walk, eventually it got to the point where he just fell down onto the wooden ground of his cabin, and passed out, while something was changing fundamentally happening to him, his powers were officially awakening...


Looking around Angelus was confused, he didn't know where he was at but it seemed to be a pitch black space, with only one light source that was a large orb constantly changing colors, feeling a weird attraction by the orb Angelus walked towards it, and put his hand on then through it, the second he did he couldn't help but scream, he felt pain that no one person should ever go through, if you were to compare it to something like child birth or passing a kidney stone, this would be dozens of times more painful, Angelus feeling all this pain couldn't control himself and passed back out.

When he had passed out again his memories of his past life began to flow back into him, however it seemed that a lot of his memories were "Missing" so the only things he managed to get back were knowledge on different fictional universes, knowledge from schooling and other small basics, he had absolutely none of his memories of himself or his family, this was done by the dying ROB so that Angelus wouldn't die from the foreign memories threatening to harm him mentally, and his soul.

Waking back up after passing out again Angelus looked around and noticed it was early morning, meaning he was passed out for at least 10 hours, looking at himself he noticed a large difference in his own body and thought 'It seems that everything about me has change, my height, weight, new memories, even my Penis has grown much larger, I look the same for the most part but fundamentally I'm completely different' he said all of this while looking at his own body, and looking through the memories he was gifted, after seeing what his past self had wished for he said "System, do the two rolls please"


System activating!

System activated

Activating Rolls




Congratulations you have gotten



No more rolls, System powering down...

After seeing that he had gotten a mining system he had immediately looked through it, and it was fairly simple, he for every five years of living gained 1 new mine, and for each of these mines he has one miner, who he can upgrade by using the materials he gains from the mines, he had already automatically been given 5 mines these being, Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Vibranium, he had also been given enough materials to completely max out the first three miners, which he did, this allows him to constantly gain millions of pounds worth of coal, iron, and gold.

After finishing Maxing and doing everything with the Mining system he then looked at the Essence system and pressed on it (All of his systems are in a sort of app screen that appears in front of him), after pressing on it he said "Essence System do the three rolls"


Essence System activated

Essence System rolling




Congratulations you have gotten the following Essences!




System rolls done, System powering down...

After seeing that he immediately pulled out the three different Essences and downed them all at the same time, and immediately he felt the changes, he could feel the evil, sins and malice of everyone, he could feel his Stamina become infinite, he could feel his sexual organ increase in size again, now standing at a monstrous 11 inches.

After letting them all take effect he decided to choose the different things he wanted with his DxD essence, he chose the God bloodline, Lucifer Bloodline, made his own that being Abaddon, next he chose to make his own sacred gear this being the TRUE VOID DRAGON GOD, next he chose Caliburn, and after that he didn't need to change anything else, as he had already chosen Angel, Devil, And dragon before.

After that he let all of the power flow through his veins, he could feel himself getting much stronger, his power kept increasing and got to the point that even without Essence of the dominator, Demon emperor, and Akashic Grimoire, he would be by far the strongest person in DxD.

After letting all the power finish he stood up and immediately noticed his increase in height 'Looks like my height has increased, If I had to guess I'm around 6'8 which would make me taller than most of the people in japan'

After standing he walked out and decided to mess with one of his Essences, this being the Essence of the Demon Emperor, disappearing from his spot he reappeared in his personal hell, this being a large black void, with lava filled rocky grounds, there are individual area's for different demons that he will be summoning, as well as different torture area's, he then summoned his first group of demons, this being a massive army of billions of Demons from DOOM, there were everything from Imps to baron's of hell, he then said "I want you to go and take care of anyone with a large amount of evil and sin's, after taking care of them have them taken to this hell and tortured" after saying that he waved his hand and conjured a massive black, red, and purple throne and sat down, while all of the demons roared then set off to do the task there lord commanded them to do.

Seeing that he needed to do something else he summoned a Marauder and said "I want you to find this boy and bring him to me, he has something I want" he said this while pointing at a picture of Issei Hyoudou, seeing the boy he pointed at the Marauder just nodded and set off, going after the boy his master wanted captured.

After saying this, Angelus decided to head off to the only faction that wouldn't attempt to kill him on sight, Heaven.

He needed to go to heaven to gain the allegiance of the angels, because even if he didn't need it, it would be good to have them on his side.

Reappearing in Heaven, Heaven resembles a place sitting above the clouds with a bright white ceiling high overhead. It is guarded by a large gate and has a white stone path and stone buildings, which appear to be floating.

Walking forward he walked through the large gate and farther in and eventually got to the middle of the road, where he looked around and saw hundreds of angels surrounding him saying "Surrender Trespasser!"

Seeing this he just ignored them and waited for the higher ups to get here, it didn't take long before Gabriel, and Michael had gotten there, Michael seeing him just asked "Why are you here?"

Angelus just simply looked at him and said "Wanted to take over" he said bluntly not caring in the slightest that there were people getting ready to attack him.

"And you believe you can take over Heaven by yourself?" asked Gabriel, confused on how someone would believe that would work, as there was very few who could even think of doing that.

"Shouldn't be that hard, especially considering I have control over the sacred gear system, but you already knew that someone had taken control over it right?" asked Angelus, already knowing the answer.

Michael and Gabriel who heard this immediately became tense, because if he had actually managed to take control over the Sacred gear system then they would have a fight of there life on there hands, as it means he is at the same level as there father or even beyond.

"Okay, if you did do it, how? Only father was able to do that, and none of us angels were able to take control of it no matter how hard we tried" asked Gabriel

Angelus didn't say anything and just simply took his shirt off, which caused Gabriel and the other Female angel's to blush slightly, while all the rest just looked confused, but that confusion turned to shock when they saw two massive white wings flow out of his back and along with that a massive burst of holy magic spread across the whole globe.

Everyone immediately dropped to on knee and all yelled "ALL HAIL THE REINCARNATION OF GOD!!!!!!!!"

Throughout the planet everyone supernatural could feel the holy energy, many Devils and dark creatures had died instantly from the overpowering Holy energy flowing everywhere, but everyone that knew what this was had one thought 'He's back'


and done, Hope everyone likes it, next chapter will be made randomly, also for anyone wanting to know Rias will be in the harem as well as Akeno, Koneko, Asia, and some others, Kiba won't be alive for very along, the mc also won't be in this world for very long, probably around 10 ish chapters

(Word count is 1939)

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