
Chapter 12

Destroying Nigun and Sunlight Scripture had been fun for Utgard. Role playing had always been fun while he was in YGGDRASIL but for some reason it was even more satisfying in the new world. Maybe it was because as far as anyone knew this WAS the true him, unlike the game where everyone knew the one behind the avatar would likely to be very different.

He might have gone a tiny bit overboard with his intimidation since the blonde moron didn't even realize the surveillance magic around them being destroyed as Utgard walked towards him.

But in the end, Nigun Grid Luin had served his purpose. He had been an acceptable adversary for Gazef and Luna, making Utgard look even more impressive in their eyes by coming back unharmed after defeating him and all of the Sunlight Scripture.

"I-I guess you are not so bad after all." Had been the small saint's words while Gazef had congratulated Utgard. And Utgard had to stop himself from laughing at the small tsundere who was looking away with a pout and red cheeks.

Later on, Utgard would wish that he had paid attention to Albedo, who was looking at the small girl with an intense gaze from under her helmet.

But that was later on. Now Utgard was drinking mead with Gazef and the villagers as they celebrated.

"I really can not thank you enough, sir Utgard." The head warrior of the kingdom said as he raised his mug to his mouth, taking a large gulp of the alcoholic beverage from it.

"Meh, it wasn't anything important." Utgard shrugged as he downed another mug and let the village elder fill it again. This was an expected but still sad side effect, his resistance to poisoning was ridiculously high so it was all but impossible for him to get a proper buzz from his drink.

At least the mead was delicious.

"The man destroys the whole Sunlight Scripture, the strongest group of magic casters in Slane Theocracy, and says 'it wasn't anything important'." Gazef laughed as he drank more mead with a small amount of red on his cheeks.

"I guess the phrase that 'there is always someone above' is true huh, though I am not sure if it is for you." Gazef said as he watched the villagers celebrate. He was happy, as a former commoner himself he always felt better to see those who were like him safe and happy.

"Who knows." Utgard said with a smirk, also watching the celebrations though his gaze was more drawn to a certain girl and her backside.

"Though, I am curious. Where did you come from? There is no way the world wouldn't know someone as strong as you." Gazef asked, curious about the savior of the Carne village and also wanting to know what exactly he should tell his king in his report.

"I am from a land VERY far from here. A harsh land where summers are hot enough to cook a meal and winters are cold enough to freeze one solid." Utgard answered, using the bio of Jotunheim that the shitty-devs had written in YGGDRASIL.

"Is that how you got so strong?"

"No, there have been those who were weak in my land too." Utgard shook his head with a smile, enjoying the role playing as he talked with Gazef.

"Then how?" Gazef asked once more, wanting to know what could drive a man to be so powerful.

"It isn't anything interesting. The simple fact is that if one is born a male, then they must have dreamed of being the strongest man at least once. I am just a fool who never gave up on that dream." Utgard laughed as he remembered his days of grinding in the game. A rather different way to get powerful compared to what Gazef must be thinking.

"Hah, you truly are an interesting man, sir Utgard." Gazed laughed Ashe got up and signaled his soldiers that fun was over. "If you ever come to the capital of Re-Estize kingdom, I would like to meet you again." Gazef said as he offered his hand for a shake and Utgard accepted it, making sure to put enough strength to make it firm but not enough to break warrior captain's hand.

"I believe I would like that."

"Lady Luna, we must depart now!" Gazef yelled towards the small saint who was dancing with the villagers.

"Yeah yeah, whatever!" She yelled back as she ran towards them.

"Where will you go now, sir Utgard?" Gazef asked as he mounted on his horse, right after helping Luna to mount on it.

"I am not sure, maybe I will go south." Utgard shrugged but Luna on the other hand snorted at him.

"You are better off NOT doing that. In south there is the Slane Theocracy where you definitely won't be welcomed and right near it is the Elf country, where things are going NOT well." The small pinkette said as she turned her head with a frown.

"I apologize for the way she said it but I must concur with lady Luna, sir Utgard. Going near Elf country isn't exactly a smart thing to do right now." Gazef said with a grimace, looking like he had just bitten on something sour.

"Hmm, and what exactly is happening there?" Utgard asked, his interest piqued.

"I am not completely sure about the details, but I heard that a civil war started the last year." Gazef answered.

"I see, then I guess I am better off going somewhere less troublesome." Utgard said as he rubbed his chin.

"Yeah, it would be pathetic if you ended up dying in such a place." Luna huffed and Utgard had to smile awkwardly as he signaled Gudrun and Albedo to NOT to kill her.

"Then I shall do that." Utgard said as he rubbed the small pinkeye's hair, not even being atop of a horse saving her from his long arms as she sputtered with a bright red face.

"Y-y-YoU, iNsOlEnT..." she started to scream out but couldn't finish as Gazef had the horse run towards their next location while laughing.

Utgard knew there was a reason he liked the guy.

Just for him he would take over their kingdom with far less deaths and without him going six feet under.

Now it was time to return to Nazarick.