

My life has been very troubled lately, course, college and work, so I don't have much time to update these fanfics and such, besides it's a lot of work since I write and edit everything without errors in my language, for the translator to make everything horrible

I have a few options for anyone who wants me to continue,

1° I continue this fic but with very irregular updates

2nd I start a new fic, I have an idea of ​​" what would happen if a hydra gained a pair of ocular powers per head? " the world I haven't decided yet, I'm leaning towards DXD, but it's not decided at all (like, a 9-headed hydra, one of them with Rinnegan, another head with anti-magic eyes, etc.....)

3° I'm thinking of creating a fanfic where a person gains the ability to make the events of a book they read happen, for example: "It was a cold and dark night, which froze the strongest creature" then the environment becomes a deep night that would freeze mc enemies

4° I would do nothing and simply drop this fanfic

I'll let a week pass to decide