
Evolution and Artifact Of Slavery Nearly Complete

Sorry for taking so long to post, this week was very problematic for me, so I only found time to write today. I'm sorry and I hope you like the chapter


-------MC PoV-------

After I finish reading system messages I choose to evolve everything I can, and so I get a bunch of system notifications and start reading

(attention, there will be an information dump hehe)

[Attention, all your current races and classes will rise to their maximum evolution, but their levels will be maintained, the process cannot be reversed!]

[Your race <ancient mummy> successfully evolved into <mummy god>]

[Your <Apostle of SERQET> Racial Class Evolved to <SERQET's avatar> Successfully]

[Your Racial Class <Supreme Pharaoh> Successfully Evolved to <god of pharaohs>]

[Your Racial Class <master of all desert beings]> Evolved to <God of all desert beings> successfully]

[Your Racial Class <Mummy Goddess of Seals> Successfully Evolved to <Mummy god of hieroglyphs>]

(I wanted to make the seals something similar to those of Naruto, who needs to write and such, imagine that his bandages are full of hieroglyphs with different seal abilities)

[You have successfully unlocked the secret racial class <The God of Mummies>]

[Your Job Class <desert armage> Evolved to <god of sands> Successfully]

[Your Job Class <divine artifact maker> Evolved to <god of artifacts> Successfully]

[Your Job Class <Insect Monarch> Evolved to <god of bugs> Successfully]

[You have successfully unlocked the secret job class <God>]

[Attention! The job class <God> will stay at level 0 forever and cannot be evolved, this class transforms your mana into divine mana, in addition to some advantages that the player will have to discover by himself.]

[WORLD NOTICE: The player <???> has successfully unlocked the <God> class and gained access to an exclusive realm, the God Realm]

"hehehe, with this I can farm in this god realm and become even stronger hehehe" I say excitedly to myself as I open my statuses


NAME: Raiden Knight

RACE: Mummy God


Divine Artifacts:[Necklace of Anubis], [Glasses Of Thoth], [Crown of Osiris], [Set's Bandages], [Staff of Ra]

legendary artifacts: 10

rare artifacts:30

Common Artifacts: 100

RACIAL CLASS: [SERQET's Avatar Lv:42], [God of Pharaohs lv:45] [God of All Desert Beings lv:43] [Mummy God of Hieroglyphs lv:20], [The God of Mummies Lv:25]



RACIAL SKILLS: [Authority of SERQET], [Blessing of Khepri], [Kodoku], [blessing of Amun], [Pharaoh's Domain], [Desert Ruler]...×999

JOB CLASS: [God of Sands Lv:42], [God of Artifacts lv:43] [God of Bugs lv:40], [God lv:0]



SKILLS: [Sand Crater] , [Sand camouflage] , [Slide], [Pyramid Creation], [Divine Egyptian Artifact Creation], [Divine Artifacts], [Repair Artifacts]...×999

BONUS SKILLS: [poison creation], [poison control], [Devourer of souls], [Father of Chaos],[Unlimited],[limit breaker]...×100


DMP: 1000

Phy atk: 170

Phy Def:290

Agility: 130

mag atk:400

mag def:450


(DMP=divine mana points)

"hahahahahahaha, with these statuses when I go to the new world I will become the god of gods" I say excitedly as I use the <Fly> spell and fly out of the tower I start to fly in a random direction while I start thinking about mine future plans

"hmm, now that I have good classes, I just need to gather some world items and max out my classes" soon I arrive at a beach and I manipulate the sand to make a beach chair for me to sit on while I think

"Next I need to make my artifact of slavery, with it I will enslave some of the members of Ainz Ool Gown to assume some functions in the new world" I say while thinking what each one will do 'Ulbert Alain Odle (magic caster causing damage and will be the court magician)

Momonga (Lead Scientist and Researcher)

Punitto Moe (Chief Strategist)

Nishikienrai (Spy/Ninja)

Warrior Takemikazuchi (General)'

with this team, dominating the new world will be very easy hahahahaha

"Now I just go back to my floor and continue to develop my slavery artifacts, and when the game is close to closing I'm going to pay them to enter the game one last time and I'm going to give them the slavery artifact and when we go for the new world they will be 100% loyal" I open a portal inside my floor and go to my lab to continue the development of my artifact

{After 6 months....}

"divine judgment!" said a being eight feet tall, wrapped in silvery white bandages with golden Hieroglyphs, white skin with dark green tattoos, vibrant golden eyes, with a tattoo in his right eye, and light green hair with dark green tips

this person is of course our protagonist who cast a spell that causes the sun to release several concentrated beams of pure energy that disintegrate anything it touches

he was in a place full of white clouds and palaces made of pure gold, his targets were people in white clothes with white wings, they were angels and valkyries

-------MC PoV-------

'I'm almost able to make the artifact of slavery, now I just need to level up as much as possible and my plan will be complete' I think while using the <fly> spell to get away from my enemies

I apply poison to the clouds that are close to me and control them to make poisonous clouds on my enemies, I cast a spell of wind blades to cut those close to me and the poison kills them

"hahaha, this, turn into experience for me!" I speak excitedly as I make my bandages activate the gravity seal to paralyze my enemies and finish them off by saying "<Cruel Sun>" causing a gigantic red sun to rise and fall directly on my enemies decimating them all


Thanks for reading, I feel like this chapter didn't turn out very well, I'm sorry I tried my best