
Chapter 15: Underworld Portal [3]

Guys did you read the new JJK chapter?! its so fucking sad, I might just kill maself bro. Im not enjoying my life at all after what that Gege Akutami did to us. Before killing myself I'll just drag him with me.

RIP Gojo Satoru, you will be remembered as the goat and as the strongest!




The moment I stepped into the protal, instead of finding a footing I started falling into a place that looked like a a volcano cave but no heat was emitted.

The place was dark and had a dim light purple light. I flipped in the air to rebalance myslef and took out my flying neckled and wore it, at that instant I stopped falling and now I was controling myself midair.

I flew all the way to the ground and lightly landed. Looking around the place I notced that it was extremely huge, this place was at least 30 km in surface.

The whole place was full of dirt and a few rocks with little to no vegetation. Looking around I saw that I was the only person there.

"What is this place? Where should I go its completely empty..."

I walked in a random direction for a few seconds trying to see if there is anything around me but it was in vain.

A few moment later hands were coming out of the dirt ground, to be more precise skeleton hands. At first only one was out then three then eight and it kept multiplying.

I grabbed Anterion that transformed into a sword and easily cuted the skelletons next to me with my left hand on my waist. The numbers slowly started becoming less and less.

(Picture of the sword here)

Then I lifted my head, there I saw a great army of more than five million skelletons marching towards me.


"Fighting them with the sword would be so tiring and time consuming so let's just wrap things up with this." I reach to brush my long red hair away from my face, my fingers gently pull the strands of hair away, letting it fallback into place, settling gently over my ears and shoulders as well as behind my back.

I let go from Alterion letting it once again float around me. I saw that the only way to defeat this massive army of skeletons was to use my supreme power.

Without hesitation, I made with my right hand the form of a gun that I pointed up with my elbow in a 90 degrees position. Then I waived down my two finger that were the tip of the 'gun' unleashing my ultimate fire powers.


Purple dark flames appeared suddently above me and went crawling at fast speed in the direction of the army eating away everything on its way. The sight was directly out of hell itself the rocks melted, the few grass that was there desintegrated even dirt became red then orange to finaly become yellow due to heat. The place turned to be like the interior of a volcano.

My evil flames quickly turned the skeletons to ashes before they realised it, with nothing left behind. In a matter of moments, the entire army was defeated and obliterated by my strength and power. My reputation of being the strongest warrior in the game was further reinforced due to me leveling up a few more times after killing all those things, and I knew that no force could even dream to stand at my level at this point onward.

If you didn't reconize these powers, they actualy are Meliodas's flames that inspired me to create this technique.

"Its weird all those skelettons came from the same direction, maybe there is something there?" I rubbed my chin with my left hand on my waist. I was enjoying this small adventure, in the beggining of the game I was feeling excitement, curiosity, anxiety and fear when going into adventures like these.

Don't get the wrong idea, this dosen't mean that I dont get excited now or that im not curious! i enjoy adventures as much as I did at that time maybe even more, the only thing that changed is that I can no longer fear or get scared. Before this emotion used to push me to my limits more but now I just dont feel that there is challenge anymore.

This can be explained by many things, but none of them is the main reason. Maybe its because the fact that I was the strongest for too long and this fact turned that flame into me that there would be a challenger to make me have a real fight.

Also remembering that after all what happens, this is just a game in the end of the day. I can't feel the cool breeze on my skin or smell the beautiful scents around this beautiful virtual world or taste the different top and new dishes.

Another reason can be attributed to my king life style in the real world, how im getting whatever I want and everything, but this is most likely not the reason because althought I have whatever I want and buy anything I my heart desire I still feel an empty hole in my chest yet to be filled.

Something that I longed to have many years from now that I intentionally refused to get. Its power.

Im not talking about strengh or magical powers, im talking about political power, military power. Smelling the fear in your opponents just on the mention of your name because you have what it take to take over the world even though you are an average human.

Of course this power that I have been invited to get many times from unknown secret organisations that can be called by many names. Most people know them as 'The Illuminaty' or 'The matrix'.

I refused these offers because having these things in the real world would make aquiring them in the new world boring and meaningless.

Its like someone who is born in one of the reachest families. From early childhood he gets anything he wants, when he will have everything, his life will get boring and he might even suicide to end his unexciting life.

On the other hand if someone is born poor and lived in that way for like 20 years, when he will manage to break from the 'Matrix' and become rich he's going to enjoy every moment of it.

This is why I will wait until the new world to enjoy every moment of my eternal unending new life there.



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