What if there was someone who wanted to play the role of the good guy in Overlord, That’s Daemon he Loves overlord but has always wondered what if there was a equally strong threat to Ains, so enjoy his story. NOTE I am not very experienced with the leveling system in Overlord so I may mess up with that.
Two chps because why not?
"Yuto, you have a really cool name, do you know what it means?" I ask.
"No?" He says.
"Well it means many things such as excellence, superiority" and to "soar, fly." Did your mother name you?" I ask hoping I can get him back to his mom.
He looks down.
"I have never met my mom or dad, I've been alone for awhile now." He says.
What kinda monster leaves their baby alone?
"Well Yuto, you are very brave." I say.
"T-Thank you." He says.
We have been here for the past 2 hours, I have never seen anyone let alone a little child eat as much as he did, but I never stopped him.
"Yuto, it's completely up to you, but I have a extra room you could live in, right now it's just me and my assistant." I say hoping he would rather move in with me than stay on the street.
He drops his chopsticks on his plate and looks up at me with tears in his eyes.
"R-Really?" He asks.
"Yes." I say, and then he shoots out of his chair and runs over and gives me a hug.
At first I didn't return the hug, but soon did. I realized after all he's been through the least I could do is give him a hug.
"HALIE! I'm home." I shout trying to get Halies attention.
She comes around a corner a second later.
Her eyes land on me first but soon dart to Yuto, he steps behind me.
"Halie this is Yuto, he will be living with us from now on, please show him to a room and start him a bath, after that go and buy him some clothes." I say.
"Yuto, Halie is super nice she will help you with anything you need okay?" I ask.
He nods then steps out from behind me.
Halie puts on a gentle smile then extends her hand.
"Hi, Yuto come with me." She says as Yuto grabs her hand.
As they're walking around a corner Yuto looks my way again, with a look of uncertainty, I smile his way hoping to ease his worry.
Later that night.
Ok, I have a couple of things I need to do, and then I can start to increase my kingdoms size. As I was about to activate my dive gear I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in." I say.
The door opens and I see Halie standing there.
"Sir, Yuto is having trouble sleeping." She says.
"O-Ok I'll be there in one second." I say walking to his room.
I open the door without knocking, and when I do I see Yuto in his bed with tears in his eyes.
"You okay buddy?" I say sitting down next to him.
"I'm scared of the dark." He says.
Right now the room has nothing in it other than a bed.
"How bout this, I'll stay with you until you fall asleep." I suggest.
"Ok." He says, then he snuggled closer to me while wrapping his arms around my arm.
"Y-You promise you won't leave?" He asks.
You know what Yggdrasil can wait, I don't know what it is about him but it's like a can't say no.
"Yea buddy, I'll stay here." I say and I feel him loosen his grip on me.
"Goodnight." He says.
"Goodnight buddy." I respond.
He soon falls asleep.
I can't help but notice a bond that is forming between us.
A month later.
I haven't played Yggdrasil in over a month, ive been hanging out with Yuto, we have been doing everything together, it's almost weird to say but our bond reminds me of my dad and I, before he passed.
Today I am logging back into Yggdrasil because, last night Yuto mentioned how he's heard stories of the stars, and I know on Midgard in my observatory you have an amazing view of the stars.
"Yuto, do you wanna see the stars?" I ask.
"Yes, I just want to see how pretty they are." He says while getting under the blankets.
"I won't be here tomorrow, but the day after I will show you the stars ok?"
Yuto Yawned then answered.
"Ok, dad. Love you." He says sleepily.
I froze this was the first time he has ever called me dad and said love you.
"I-I love you to buddy." I respond, while I am on the verge of tears, not that I am sad or anything like that it's just, I've never felt emotions like that before.
I plan on talking with the admins to see if they can help me get him in the game, because to play Yggdrasil you have to be a certain because of the mental strain it puts on younger players.
After getting logged in the first thing I did was contact the admins.
The head admin was the only one who showed up, so this should be easier.
"Hey Daemon, what can I help you with." He says.
"I have a favor to ask." I say.
"Hit me with it." He responds.
"My-" I pause.
"Son, would like to play, But he is only 5. Y'all have a restriction that makes it so that the user must be a certain age, is there a way we can change that?" I ask.
"I mean it's dangerous for a young child to play, it puts a lot of strain on their brain when they try to use abilities." He says.
"What if we get rid of his abilities, and make it so that he won't be able to use them until he reaches a certain age." I suggest.
"Actually that would work, because The game is no problem, but it's when they try to actually level and grind when problems arise. Also hypothetically any XP he was to accidentally receive would not effect him till he is old enough." He says.
"Ok, so how will we go about this?" I ask.
"First, I will need what type of race he will want."
"Yuto do you want me to call you by your real name or your player ID?" I ask.
"What do you go by?" He asks.
"I use my player ID in game." I say.
"Ok then player ID." he says.
"Alright Raziel, follow me if you want to see the stars." I say to Raziel who looks the same as in real life, other than the fact has horns, he is the same race as me but, will not get his dragon form or anything until he is old enough.
Once we get to the observatory, we look at the stars for awhile, we didn't really talk, he was just amazed.
"Raziel, would you like to pick your own weapon and gear?" I ask.
"Yes!" He responds, we make our way to the armory where I put every peace of gear I have ever collected, and I must say their is pretty much everything in the game here.
"What's this?" He asks picking up a black dagger.
"That dagger can kill anything no matter the health and protections, but can only be used one time." I say thinking about how I got this world item, but as I was thinking I started to say dream and forgot about about what he had I. His hands, before I could react the dagger was already falling out of his hands and was about to land straight in my foot, unfortunately I couldn't move in time and that's exactly what happened.
It landed in my foot.
[You have Died]
{Note half your Power has been given to user:[Raziel]}
"Oh God."