
An Angel?

I half expected to fall into the icy depths of Niflheim. But, to my surprise, I wasn't drowning; instead, I was falling fast.

The wind whistled past my ears at breakneck speed. I was falling too fast. I tried to stabilize myself in mid-air, but I couldn't fully extend my wings because every time I did, I recoiled and took damage.

I aimed my wings toward the nearest wall, sacrificing more hp in a desperate attempt to halt my dangerous descent.

I collided with the wall. I tried to get a good grip on it to stop myself from falling, but the dampness of the wall prevented me from doing so. No longer willing to take any risks In an attempt to halt my momentum, I took my spear from my inventory and stabbed it into the wall.

After about three minutes of sliding. My momentum came to a halt.


I almost choked looking around for a better understanding of my surroundings. There were angels. Yes, angels were strung up along the walls of this seemingly endless abyss, as if crucified. There were a lot of them, but they weren't alive. They couldn't be with almost all of them not having a head attached to their bodies. Even though their bodies appeared to be wrung dry, they were still bleeding.

Their blood seemed limitless. The blood they were spewing seeped into the walls, changing their color. To a deep blood red. They appeared to be placed here as trophies from some epic battle.

Just thinking about what could have happened here made my spine tingle with anticipation.

They appeared to have fought previously. They were wearing exquisite armor from what I could tell, and after inspecting it, they all appeared to be wearing divine class armor.

If not for the lack of mechanics, my mouth would have watered. Of course, I already had a large collection of Divine class armors and items already, but it couldn't hurt to have some more.

After ripping some poor angels' armor off, leaving them in exquisite robes. I returned my spear to my inventory and hugged the ledge of the wall I was standing on before opening my wings and gliding down the abyss in search of a floor.

After what seemed like hours of gliding, I could finally make out what appeared to be a floor.

I made a mistake. As I approached the "floor," I realized it was actually a sea of dead angels.

With their wings ripped off, as if to protest God's creation of them.

I gracefully floated above them, being careful not to step on them.

I'm not particularly religious, but I couldn't just walk on angels. That has to be some kind of taboo.

I was stunned after scanning the massive cavern I was in. The ceiling appeared to be made of stars, much like the sky blue planet on the 6th floor of Nazarik.


When I turned my head towards the source of the sound, I saw a figure trapped in a glacier with dozens of weapons piercing it.

And it had wings?

Before I could fully comprehend what the figure was, a blinding red light began to form in the vicinity of the figure's head.

It didn't take me long to figure out that wasn't a good sign.

A long black tentacle stopped me in my tracks before I could fly away.

It threw me into the nearest wall after ensuring it had a firm grip on me.


'What the fuck'

I drank 5 health potions from my inventory. Before I could lose any more health.

Jumping out of the wall the tentacle had embedded me in, I noticed it was still wrapped around my ankle.

I took off towards the figure after severing the tentacle-like appendage with my spear. Dumb move, I know the figure was obviously stronger than me, but it was still trapped in ice, so I might as well get some damage in before it could move freely.

My recklessness was probably fueled by the fire in my soul, but who could blame me? This jerk nearly killed me. Something that most bosses would never be able to do.

I was far more excited than I had been in months. If the flashing alerts of a dangerous rise in heart rate hadn't already made it clear.

I realized the angels closer to the figure were turning to ash after haphazardly running on the backs of angels, contradicting my earlier statement. The blinding light was becoming more intense.

I kept going despite the heat the figure was emitting.

My race had a high level of heat tolerance. So the heat emitted by the figure wasn't too much of an issue.

I was now standing in front of the figure, no longer unaware of how it appeared; the figure appeared to be made of shadows. It had six wings and two horns on opposite sides of its forehead, separated by a black hole. Its hands were clasped together, as if it were casting a spell. The blinding light was coming from its two eyes on it adjacent wings.

The reason I could make out the figure was due to an item I had brought from the store as a gimmick.

A pair of sun glasses.

[Able to withstand the brightness of a supernova]

Taking a javelin throwing-like stance, I reared my arm back, my spear tightly gripped in my hand, and launched it at the devil with wings.

It didn't work.