
Overlooked by Raymacha

TeddiBearBabe · 灵异恐怖
1 Chs


She shook not just because she was freezing but because she was absolutely traumatized. She gasped the boiling anger inside her hitting its evaporation point. "WHY MICH! Why would you do that!?" Toni demanded her voice harsh and raspy as she spoke. She Looked over at his blurry silhouette through the building wall of tears. No answer-not a single sound. The truth was she knew the answer she just needed him to say it. she needed the closure of him coming clean right here-right now. Because nothing was worse- absolutely nothing was worse than what was going through her head.

"Did it make you feel better?" Her voice cracked from the pain she was going through her soft southern accent being torn to ribbons. He nibbled on the inside of his cheek. Hearing that ever so soft click but not a single word drove her mad. The moment flashed through her scrambled mind, playing on repeat. Two sets of lips connecting like puzzle pieces, they didn't belong in that order but strangely enough, they were the perfect match. Something in her mind snapped, she lost it.

"Stop the car..." During the whole ride for once her voice didn't rise, it didn't crack or falter, the pot of anger no longer spiked in temperature, and that- that got a reaction. And though it didn't mean much now She needed a reaction, something to show he wasn't dead to the world.

A single no that was it. That one single, two-letter word and she was livid. The burner on that pot had risen in temperate again. How dare he!? He had some nerve thinking he had some control he lost all of that. When he made decisions, everything went downhill now, she was having a one-sided argument with herself. He really had some nerve!

"Stop the bloody car!!"

"No" he didn't even look at her. How could he after what he did? He had nothing to say. No emotions playing out but she saw through that. His mouth pressed into a tight thin line only changing when he went back to Bitting at the skin on his lip. She knew what that meant and she knew him far too well at least she thought she did. He was planning something, she didn't know what but she knew that much. He needed to say something that wouldn't escalate the situation nor downplay it. Leaving them in utter silence-unsettling silence.

"D-did it mean anything..." she looked out ahead of her into the dark street every second, she could see a few more feet, the road being visible to them. He stays quiet for a moment perhaps not wanting to say anything, knowledge anything, or maybe because he wasn't sure she actually wanted an answer. But finally, that same one-note answer.

"No..." she thought she'd be relieved but she wasn't. It only fueled the fire inside her because if it meant nothing. If he didn't love her. If he didn't need her- if there wasn't any real reason!?- "Then why do it!?" She screamed her eyes glued to him burning a hole through his cheek. She no longer saw him, the man she loved was longer there.

"Stop. The. Car. "

"Look we're in the middle of nowhere-"

"I don't care! Stop the car." he looked at her. Finally, he looked at her. But she no longer needed that, having a proper talk meant nothing to her.

"Let me get you home first-please"

He turned away not much else to say. She couldn't stand the sight of him anymore. The last words she spoke had volumes of meanings. She didn't scream it, her voice didn't waver, she even starred at him, she laced it with venom and the poison could kill an army.

"We're over..." With that she peered out of the window watching the trees pass by in a foggy mix of black and dark green, wondering where it all went wrong. When he stopped caring about her. When something like this became so easy for him to do.

"T-Toni...please...just sleep on it-" he looked away from the road, that split second determine the women of his dreams fate.

She opened her mouth to start shouting again but the words never came out as all that was heard was the sound of tires scraping the street.  this would be the last time he'd ever hear her voice. The last time he'd ever see her face. And it was a look of horror as he turned to see her head hit the glove compartment. Those pale blue eyes that showed the world as a fairytale glossed over reflecting nothing. He saw her through pieces of the windshield her hair was a golden blur before it all went black. He opened his eyes just barely, attempting to move but it all hurt. Blinking a few times, he tried to see through the smoke coming from the car. His head cloudily trying to process what he saw between blinks, a movie played out in slow motion. Everything was so slow-so quiet. He couldn't feel anything, move anything. She laid there in front of him. her head turned at what looked like a painful angle as it laid in a mixture of glass and blood hanging over the dashboard. She didn't move a single muscle- and black again. A slight twitching of her finger showed she was still hanging on she gasped.

"T-Toni..." He breathed out- black again.

"Sir...sir are you alright!?"

He blinked rapidly at the blinding yellow light.

"Sir...was there someone else in the car with you?" His body went cold. That warm blinding white flash of pain that was in his body disappeared. Just like she did.