
Outerworldly Wagabonds

Outerworldy Wagabonds is an Anthology series were i wrote lore to all kind of vtuber, friends. The trick in the book is, there is an overarching story while the guest has their own stories too. You, Dear reader i want you to have a experience of storytelling that i love and want to learn some day. This book has different type of chapters: - OG, the writer's own story, with plot and characters focused on that chapter - Legacy, chapters that existed before the idea of this book - OVA, this chapter will be a Ao3 for certain reason. (don't worry it won't be a lot of this) - Guest, the usual chapter, the main character will be indicated by the name of the chapter. (The chapters aren't in chronological order, that a puzzle journey too.) This is all a fan project, for Vtubers (and my friends) to partake in an adventure. And for me to practice and get more visibility.

Niel_Darkad · 奇幻
6 Chs

Sakura Fubuki - Guest Chapter

"Grab my hand!"

"Where am i? The light blinded me. All I can see is a person, very vaguely." - Sakura Fubuki

"Come on, I won't let you fall!"

"Fall, from what? From where? Should I look around?" - Sakura Fubuki

Sakura looked around, seeing (as much she could) that she was clinging to the edge of a metal.

That person was shouting. Not at me, but for me. It gives the feeling.

"Someone quickly. Sephi--"

"Huh, why is his sound cut off? I still see him speaking but I can't hear it. Is that a halo? on that person?" - Sakura Fubuki


"Warning! code Gabriel!

position District 77.

Warning! code Gabriel!"

"Sirens?! I don't understand what is happening." - Sakura Fubuki

One more person showed up. It looked kind, smiling. He had a halo too.

"Why does he have a gun?" - Sakura Fubuki


"Nooooo....!!!" - Sakura Fubuki

Sakura's hand released from his grip, letting her fall.

"Is this the end?" - Sakura Fubuki

"Aghhhhhh!!!" - Sakura Fubuki

Sakura woke up in her bed, confused.

"Again with this weird dreams." - Sakura Fubuki

I shall introduce myself. I am Sakura Fubuki, a fighter in the world of elysium. I once found myself in the most populated part of Gierha, capital of Elysium. Not knowing anything about what happened around me. The race I am unknown to me. The citizens called me a fallen angel. They told me that I literally fell from the sky. Despite what the citizens say, I'm not an angel, atleast not specifically an angel. I look different from the person from that dream. They had a halo and wings. I don't have those. I watched the mirrors day-to-day when I eventually gave up on it.


"Sakura, are you awake?"

Sylia, the owner of the Complexum. Cyan blue, tall Elysian innkeeper and veteran fighter. After she retired, she bought a building, this one, and renovated it into a hotel like complexum for us.

"Yeah, just had that weird dream again." - Sakura Fubuki

"Maybe this is a call from them." - Sylia

She said it jokingly. Those dreams are a common occurrence for me. Every time I lend my head to sleep the elyseumian dream, I see that place. Strange, it feels real, things not repeating themselves, it doesn't have that glitchy feeling that would give a sensation of unreality.

"Breakfast is ready. The rest we will talk out down there." -Sylia

I should go now.

After I prepared for the day, I went out of my room. It is on the second floor, there is one wide corridor which connects to all the champions of Gallean Elf, our group. Vex Chordstone, an ice mage who has been here since she fell from the skies. Seren'nit is an Augmented person who has been partially replaced by metal components and with high-tech circuitry. He says that he is from Pandemonium, but there isn't a place there where you can find this modern technology down there. Among the others, he is the second who got a room here. Kira is a Mage from Centerra, he has a focus on arcane and runic magic. I need to say that his magic is amazing, it is a whole performance. And lastly, the Elysian twins, Hachi and Roku, a sister pair. They have an unbreakeable bond with eachother. Before Hachi and Roku came, they thought Sylia was running a safe heaven for those who had to leave their home. Of course, there is me too, the fallen [haloless angel]. I was the last one who got a room in Sylia's complexum. When I first got here, Vex already counted as a senior to the others. Vex didn't accept the title of Senior from the others. He was and still on to protect and help the Complexum, Gallean Elfs Group.

On the first floor are the gyms, offices, meeting room and hangout rooms, the kitchen and dinner.

At the ground floor there are the staffs rooms.

I went to the kitchen first to greet Sacras. Our chef.

"Good morning, Sacras." - Sakura Fubuki

"Good mornin you too. How was the night?" - Sacras

"The usual dream. But it was a bit strange." - Sakura Fubuki

"How was it strange?" - Sacras

"Most of the time, I only saw them doing their daily life." - Sakura Fubuki

"Those Angels?" - Askeed Sacras

"Yes, this night was different. I was at the edge of something, then one of the angels grabbed my hand and he tried to pull me back. While a siren spoke continuously. Saying something about a [Code Gabriel]. Suddenly, another angel came up and shot down the one who was pulling me up. I woke up like I had fallen from the highest mountain." - Sakura Fubuki

"Hmmm.. it is unusual. The times we spoke about that land, I figured that it was a peaceful place. It has more peace than Elyseum. For this to happen, it needed to be something big in volume. As I know that land by your stories is that a citizen of that land just happen without any reason to start shooting is unthinkable. There is the thing with sirens." - Sacras

"What about them?" - Sakura Fubuki

I asked her. it got me and my curiosity why that thing got her attention.

"You never once mention that the place has sirens or that it is [supposed to be a flying city]." - Sacras

"Now you say it, true. This just adds more to the mystery."

While we talked about today, it was night but it counts as today's dream. Sacras finished making breakfast. Pancakes with butter, starfruits, and sonny-sides up eggs with bread from applewheat.

I offered to help Sacras to bring it to dinner.

At the dinner, the full group was there. Vex is talking with the Hachi and Roku, Seren'nit watches what Kira is drawing.

"Everyone, Breakfast is ready." - Sakura Fubuki

Vex turned his look at Sakura.

"Just a minute Hachi, Roku."

Vex stood up and hurried to Sakura and Sacras to help out too.

"Wow, yummy" - Hachi

"Sacras it's look incredible and tasty." - Roku

"Thank you Sacrcas." - Seren'nit

Sacras received it with a warm smile. She sat next to Kira, who was still drawing.

"It's nice. What will these be?" - Sacras

"New runic code. A runic system where you can get a small, portable and durable weapon. But this is just the concept." - Kira

"Sounds good. What do you think of this" - Sacras gently showing him the breakfast she made - "As a fellow artist?" - Sacras

Sacras is an artist and she likes it, her artistic form, how she prepares each course, what material she uses.

"Looks fantastic, bright red bread goes well with the white and yellow of the egg."

Kira packs away his arcane set for the time for breakfast.

Sacras gave him his plate, Kira took a bite. The joy radiates from that expression.

"It seems you like it, I'm glad." - Sacras

Everyone is at the table now, atleast almost every one. Vex sat next to Hachi and Roku. They were on both sides of Vex. Seren'nit is next to Roku and Kira. Sacras is next to Kira and I'm next to Hachi, in front of Seren'nit. We continued our daily morning talk. [How was your night?], [What do you plan today?], [how was "x" and "y" 's match?] strategies and things around the city. Our morning is filled with enjoyable food and chatting about our life. There is one reoccurring topic though. My dreams, it is always asked. It's not a problem, it just seemed odd in the first weeks. It was and still so interesting for them, that Kira even wrote manga about it. He still updates it. I have to say it is gorgeous how he imagined it.

"That is odd. It suddenly changed. The peaceful atmosphere is gone." - Roku

"That is what is said too." - Sacras

"Kira, what do you think happened?" - Vex

"You documented each time when Sakura told us her dream. You solved some mysteries of that land too." - Seren'nit

"A minute..." - Kira

Then he took out his notebook, flipping the pages for info. In that notebook there was a rough sketched out map, with buildings, parks and road map. Not everything was there, but those which were consistent through multiple dreams. Thus, the map covered around 60% of the thought land of the city. A list of characters who appeared, little marking on those who appeared more frequently. One for the events too.

Kira turned pages, searching for clues.

"It is as Sacras mentioned, there were never been mentioned siren or the code Gabriel." - Kira

"I assume that they had a siren all along, considering that the [angels] were pretty high up on the technology tree." - Seren'nit

"Same, I visioned them as divine beings who were at the top." - Kira

"Seren'nit, it isn't 100% sure they hadn't one, until these pre-release chapters changed it. Till this morning, we thought they lived in a peaceful community, it was and sounded comfortable. It could have happened if they didn't think they needed such safety. What would threaten their peace?" - Vex

"If there is no threat, the idea of losing safety and freedom is low, very low." - Seren'nit

Something came to my mind, to make me remember one of those repressed memories.

"Kira, is there something that could threaten them?" - Hachi

"There is nothing, from what we heard. If there is one, we haven't heard it yet." - Kira

Once a blue moon, I... just said I didn't have a dream that night. It was true. Those rare days I wasn't with the angels. But a completely different place, a place of nothingness. Darkness is all that you can see. In the far i saw someone dimly. It was hard to separate the black fog and her, but she was there with soft-spoken whispers calling me.

"The danger probably came from inside. Considering the one with a gun was also an angel." - Sylia came to the dinner.

"Could be." - Seren'nit

"What about that code, Kira?" - Roku

"No mention of the code, but there is some mention of Gabriel. From what we heard, he is supposed to be one of the [Four Heroes of the City]. While there is mention of him and the other four, there is no info about any citizen who saw them. They called them differently too, by the name of Sephiroth."

"Kira, did you write all the details and ideas that we have spoken now." - Sylia

"Yes!" - Kira

"Then I suggest that we should focus on this latter. Now we have to speak about the tournament today." - Sylia

"Vex are kind of free, you don't have any matches today. Thus, I scheduled training and a few hours with the coach. Seren'nit two matches at Cerlyion. Hachi and Roku two matches, at Theocrat and Crowlian, then one with the High Priest. Kira, you have two contests at AlfaRunic and one at Cerrlyion. Sakura Today is your day. I moved some stones so your first match is at Agessyius, then follow up Cerrlyion, Carmelynn and Theocrat with one macthes." - Sylia

Sylia looked at Sakura

"Group say your congrats to Sakura! She is in the Semifinals for the Agessyius tournament. Two more wins and she has the chance to reach a higher plane." - Sylia

The 1st prize in the Agessyius tournament is that you get access to the tower, a building rumored to connect all planes.

When I got here, it was strange, unfamiliar. Even in the first weeks (or a couple months) at the Complexum, I felt that my place was up on one of the higher planes. The lower and upper planes are a myth in the Elyseum. I was so focused on getting back to that place which I only saw in my dreams. Now I've been living here almost 3 years now. My view changed, the complexum, the group became my family. I don't want to leave them behind, but that nagging feeling didn't leave me. The upper planes.

At the Agessyius tournament.

"Ladies and Gentlemans~

Today we can see a match between Elyseum Fighters. A haloless angel who falls on our land to brighten up our city and bring the light she radiates. Sakura Fubuki. In the other corner, Keeper of Sparrow, the one who saw the backworld of mirrors. Zareyph From 2-Ri. Alright, champions shake hands and, with the sign of a jury, start!"

"Have a good match, Zarepyh." - Sakura Fubuki

"Let's meet at the top, alright?" - Zareyph

This chapter is for Sakura Fubuki. She was in the First patch of MondayLORE.


Check her out :)

Niel_Darkadcreators' thoughts