

"sir please get ready for impact"

"welcome to Earth sir Ryan "

Ryan picked bag he packed in case of anything but in his life never thought he will be a fugitive of his own empire. he thought before he opened his digo kicking the door like a jail break.

"I should call Tom he needs to know I am on Earth"

he picked his phone just as he dialed in Tom's number a gun shot rung in his ear . he was shot in the side the late thing he saw was three girls running to him.


"Hey lucy, Kate why don't we go camping I know just the place" a girl said trying to get her friends to come with her.

"Cecelia you know I have work" Lucy said knowing she had things to do.

"But your dad owns the company" Kate siding with Cecelia said

" And we hardly go out and Kate just had a break up it's will be fun think about it" cecelia said trying to convince her stubborn friend.

" Ok I go but just for a week "

there two girls jumped in joy they just convinced the workaholic to go camping.

"Let's go shopping for tomorrow camping"

Lucy returned home tired to the bone she just agreed to camping with her friends. she just wants to sleep so she jumped on the bed without eating, showering or changing if her dad was here she would not dare.

the next day her friends were the first people she saw was Cecelia and Kate.

"What are you guys doing here "she said in her morning voice.

"Packing what else "cecelia said

"We are done you need to get clean " kate said trying not to hold her breath.

there two friends talked about the forest they were going to.

" I heard a lot of celebrities aren't happy with the new guy"

"Kate you hear everything, aren't you supposed to be sad about Ken leaving you "

Kate face turned bitter form the mention of Ken's name.

"I am sorry " cecelia said when she saw the change of kate face.

" It's okay Ken is in the past " she said wanting not to cry about it. she did no want to be the reason her friends don't have fun. Just then lucy came out of her room looking ready for everything the world throws at her as always.

"Let's go camping " she said