
our past,my present,your future

Qi Xiao came back five years before she died,looking at the girl in front of her she take a sharp breath and stand up to bow "miss Shen i am sorry for the previous blander i made,i just love him too much that i become selfish,but now i realized that he never belongs to me so as a woman who loved him deeply,i hope that you will make him complete and happy that i didnt managed to do" breathing deeply to stop herself from crying she continue "please take good care of him and please be happy" she straighten up after saying that and left with her determination.

Idlelayn · 现代言情
53 Chs

Chapter 31

After old madam Han reminds Shen Chuchu she really behave well, that makes the old lady feel at ease.

But she still didn't forget her real aim

"Tan Mo start reeling the net"

Tan Mo laugh evilly when he received the call and message Su Ran

:the old lady asks to start reeling the net

Su Ran smiled and did what the old woman said

After a week a lot of problems came in Qi Fan's project, a lot of money was lost but he keeps going on!

The Tan and Su are not anxious at all,

While waiting for the result of Qi, doctor Tim finally arrives,

She already made an arrangement earlier so she didn't need to worry anymore, her only problem is to how she will bring Han Min again without anyone's knowledge.

But she didn't know that after Doctor Tim came Han Min is already waiting for him in his new lodging

"Doctor Tim, i am glad that you are doing well!"

Doctor Tim shook visibly but still play dumb

"This gentleman i don't seem to know you?"

Han Min chuckle

"Yeah? but i know your wife, and your only son"

Doctor Tim fell this time he started begging

"Please! it was my fault! i beg you let them off! don't include them and just punish me!"

Han Min laugh coldly and ask

"Do you think your life is enough? don't be too full of yourself"

Doctor Tim still insists on begging, he really regret it! he just accepts the old lady's request because he badly needs the money because of his wife and son's accident! and she helped him find a specialist to stabilize their condition!

Now he just put his family into a more dangerous situation

"Tell me what can you do for me to let you off?"

Doctor Tim's face is now full of tears and snot but he didn't care and hurriedly explain

"I can undo your hypnosis! and tell you all about the old lady!"

Han Min didn't react and keeps on waiting

"And even i can help you find the answer you want! i can hypnotize the old lady, she will surely answer all your questions under my hypnosis!"

Han Min didn't trust his hypnosis at all!

"How sure you are that this time it will work?"

Doctor Tim laughs bitterly

"You are the exemption! your mind is really strong that it was almost impossible to hypnotize you! your attachment to the girl is really strong that i can only confuse you! the hypnosis only falters when the girl left!"

Han Min raises his eyebrow and listens with full of interest

"What i did to you is erase your memory, and put in your mind that the girl you love is Shen Chuchu! but you have a violent reaction and it's not accepting the information so i changed it, your love was still there but if you see her your heart will ache and only Shen Chuchu can soothe the pain!

Doctor Tim wipe his face and continue

"The confusing hypnosis will work if both of the subjects were present, but it will fail if the other one is not present at all! you have to see both parties so the hypnosis will work!"

Han Min laugh mockingly

"So they are chasing after her! now i know! so those useless captured men can be killed now! It's been a while since we catch them but we didn't get any information!"

He clicks his tongue and suddenly remembers something

"Oh no, they still have use right Doctor Tim?"

Doctor Tim felt cold all over and he has a bad feeling about it.