
Our Greatest Adventure

A 7 tale of adventures. Theire are 7 season in this novel every season have a new mc if you want to read also feel the adventure your welcome here~ all kind of world exist in here Virtual reality, Cultivation, Reincarnated all kind of thing like that or maybe modern age or the lost era demon,angel,elf,dwarf,human,mythival creature all of them exist in here we welcome you to our grearest adventure all the 7 of us.

type · 游戏
5 Chs

Season 1: First adventure - Bored old men

I.A.M.B.O.R.E.D sersiously im so bored!!!! by the way my name is Shan from philipine well tecnically i dunno where i was born.

In here to philipine everyone smile and the sun is smiling too a every big smile im saying this vecaise its so hot!!!!! i feel like i'm living to hell..*rumble*...im hungry my current life is sitting in this street no food no money and no clothe but its fine vecause i will be alright like now i will show you why its alright right now im sure i will get a heatstroke and i die caude i die my eye is close if i just waut a little second and i open my eye i'm alright now you probobly wondering right now how that happen well i explain it to the beggining i was born in somewhere cause i don't knoe where that is but im pretty sure right now 2021 i can't find that place..when i was born im pretthy sure when i get out to to my mama im still a baby but a little bit of minute i become a young guy now lets fast forward an unknow reason kill all the people in where i live but right now in 2021 im now sure that's not unknow i have a theory that its a virus kind of pandemic something like that but its only my theory..*continueing the story*... after a second i die theire of coures i don't know why i die but i don't even know if i die or anything happen to me its just that when i oprn my eye i'm still alive.

After sometime i decide to leave where i live hoping i encounter like my spicies ( i still don't know im a human) i met a lot of creature well in that era i think of them as an animal not just me all my spicies think that too..i'm just ealking and ealking after i encounter something but i encounter such a thing let's say that i never see something like that im kinda scared also excited caouse i discover something it have a red and yellow skin it have a very long tail that tail is coving hes body and hes drinkng water it have a very short ears and hes eye is green i want to touch him but i don't want to waste a time so time went by i still can't encounter my spicies...let's fast forward a massive meteor happen to fall its suprisingly scared and i think that what is that thing? and i fell like sleeping time went by i dont't know why my eye is close and so i open my eye cause i feel cold and when i open my eye all things is ice places,ocean even the ground that im stitting...its now iced but there a white thing in where i stiing i run where i sitting beacuse i'm aware that i only have one life so i need to be causion in many thing that i don't know that that time iet a lot of strange animal all of animal i saw before is different right now this ice place i see alot of strange animal they are so loud fighter and also walking i'm just watching them...( thought i just realixe right now 2021 that time is ice age )...*fast forward to 2021*....and yep i'm alive myage is 22 to be exacly i guess and then time has pass virtual reality created they became addicted that games also i too and then time went by the word is in chaos because of the game also it became war the changes happen a new name of country,nation,president also a rift,gate,dungeon,moster appear and of coures the player in other country they call the player as hunter,unique,special,chose,star many other name but in here to philipine we call them The protector.