
Otherworldy Arcade Shop

Born in a different universe, Trex, a former computer operating system/artificial intelligence, woke up to find himself in a world that revolves around the energy called mana.  In a late 20th century that has a European flair, Trex opens up a store similar to the early 21st century arcade that was filled with games. Remembering how his last master's wishes were before he perished, he aims to create a virtual world beyond what the reality could provide. Unfortunately for him, in a society where individuals are seen as more important than an entire city, the cultural difference made a simple wish turn into something even more.

Xreth · 奇幻
42 Chs

Plans 2

After just a short walk, he reached the other desk on the left filled with papers.

Most books currently laid down in his dad's desk are all about the path of healing using the spell-casting runes.

Judging by the titles of the book, this wasn't something that a medical practitioner would read. Instead, it was something of a desperate person trying to look for possibilities.

Justin, his dad, wasn't a doctor. That one wasn't too hard to think about. He had to visit someone else's clinic after all.

Then below the desktop was drawers. Something that Eliza's desk didn't have.

Weirdly enough, even though there were drawers, it wasn't locked.

Staring at the drawers, Trex couldn't help but feel curious.

'Am I a nosy person?' He mumbled as he reached out his hand towards the handle.

Opening the drawer, he saw a bunch of notes and folders. Organized the same way as his mother's cases. Except for this time, these were ledgers, balance sheets, and many more.

'A finance man.'

At this point, Trex still feels completely confused. The house he's currently living in looked like a 21st-century suburban house. The furnishing looked like Victorian-era Europe. Gaming consoles and vehicles exist, but there are no television nor phones. The silver card they use to communicate is, at most, those telephones from the 1990s with big antennas.

And while outside didn't have a single skyscraper. Most buildings are reasonably tall, with ten-story buildings back in the district where the clinic was. It didn't feel backward at all.

Lastly, this place is only considered a town. There's still a city. And since this kingdom is new, it could also be possible that there are countries or empires that have metropolitan cities.

The fact that the government remained as a monarchy deeply mystified him. The world had progressed, but the way a location is handled remained medieval. And yet, the law is being built using a very modern framework. It might not be as flawless as the modern-day judiciary system, but due to the massive difference in the quality of population, what they have done already works enough to maintain peace. Or so it seemed, at least.

Then there's also fashion. Most people looked like 21st-century nerds and geeks at a convention. Wearing robes equipped with swords and large books. It felt like the fantasy genre was modernized.

Depending on lifestyle, for someone like Trex who has seen various styles from different centuries. Seeing the styles getting mixed and matched in the streets is a little too incongruous.

'I really need to learn more about this place.'

He then turned his head towards the bookshelves behind his father's desk.

This time he continued to study the books.

After a while, Trex finally finished reading. Unlike what his mother had said, there were no journals in both studies.

There are not many books about his parents at all.

'Was it removed or was it never there?'

What he couldn't realize was that just like his mother, his father already prepared his study for him to peruse the books. They hid most personal stuff and only left what they wanted their son to know.

Still, this time, Trex felt happier seeing the books.

Seeing the first book about technology, Trex immediately flipped through the pages.

After a while, he could summarize what he read into a sentence. The existence of magic held back the development of science.

While science still exists as a different discipline compared to arcane, 99% of scholars and academics focused on the arcane.

Scientific technologies that run on electrical energy do exist but are incredibly rare and very backward.

On the contrary, arcanic technology that runs on mana energy is hugely prevalent. Their manufacturing is apparently much more accessible, and so does its development.

Unlike scientific technologies that rely on precision, arcanic technology, also known as archineries, depends upon the power of the runes.

Manufacturing archineries only require one to use the runic language to create various effects such as creating illusions for display or using magical gemstones as storage to save pre-made illusions. For some reason, the arcade realm's Vygdrasil was able to reproduce Spellworm's crystal and the gems used.

On his first day, he thought the Arcade Realm was something like a virtual world where everything can be made true. But his continuous experience led him to believe that it's another world similar to the magical universe and his past technological universe.

Still, whatever affects reality in all three worlds varies greatly. Besides the law of physics that has been proven to be multi-universal at this point,

But while the laws of physics exist, the values differ. Such as gravity, such as the maximum speed, even the supposed absolute zero isn't the coldest possible temperature.

This was proven under the theoretical studies about non-Euclidean dimensions in his last world.

It is also safe to assume that this rule applies to this world of magic too.

After a few more explorations, Trex's eyes landed on a very plain book. It wasn't all that new, but it didn't look like it was something that was read a lot.

But the title of the book at the side is what really caught his attention.

"Artificial Spirit in Archineries."

If before the revelations he saw the book, he would only be interested. But now, now that he knew exactly what he was, it felt like he needed to read this.

Grabbing the book carefully, Trex immediately immersed himself in the book.

Unfortunately, most of what's written could only describe what constitutes an artificial intelligence. For someone like him who's a natural-born intelligence, it didn't help him at all.

Putting the book back, he began to scour the shelves with less excitement. At this point, he realized that most of the books in the study are only in the basic or introductory level. While some intermediate or advanced books do exist, the topic is something Trex has no interest in.

After a few more minutes, Trex sighed. There was nothing else that he deems essential. Of course, that was only based on his current knowledge.

'Oh well. I guess I really just have to go out on my own.' He mumbled as he left the study to go back to his room.