
Otherworldly Conqueror

There was a time when the world was filled with magic and spiritual energy but due to the chaos that erupted because of the war between the gods, there were ripples throughout the entire universe, these ripples were filled with dark matter and anti-magic that had affected many galaxies that were unfortunate to be in the middle of the ongoing war, the spark of spiritual energy and mana was nearly snuffed out to the point of non-existence, that was when the gods finally decided to make a truce to protect the life that inhabited the universe. This truce lasted for Millennia and the balance was slowly starting to restore, but what the gods didn't know was that some of their essence still lingered in the mortal realm and found its way toward a certain planet that was brimming with life.

nether550dev · 奇幻
7 Chs

Monster Outbreak (Part 3)

It was early morning, and there was a group of 8 monsters surrounding what looked like a young boy, yet he seemed unafraid, this boy was naturally no one else but William.

Three weeks have already passed since the monster outbreak.

"Haha, this is a minor problem, system, show me my mana levels."


<System >

Mana: 350/1900


"Damn, this will be a little harder than I thought. Three goblins, two ogres, and three shadow wolves. Alright then."

William's thought took less than a few seconds to process what was going on, this was already a tremendous feat to achieve at his age.

In a mere moment, William decided to take action.


Within a mere moment, William's spell took effect and it was evident that the monsters struggled to move, this mostly affected the goblins and the ogres, unfortunately, the shadow wolves weren't affected that much, they were just too fast, but even so, they were a tad bit slower.

"Now it's time for the main event."

"Space Blade! Space Blade! Space Blade!"

William continuously cast his spell, shooting out three black discs that were razor sharp, his targets were none other than the shadow wolves, due to the effects of condense, two of the shadow wolves were unable to dodge as their throats were slit, this was an extreme injury to them, but they also had some kind of regeneration abilities like the ogres, the only difference between them was that the shadow wolves size decreased as they were regenerating, this, in turn, made them slower and also reduced their strength.

"Damn, I missed one, crap!"

William was on high alert as the shadow wolf that dodged his attack previously was sprinting towards him. It was in a mere moment as its teeth touched the side of William's neck that he vanished.



"Thank goodness it worked."

William sighed in relief, just before the shadow wolf jumped, William used 'Foresight', thus he knew what was about to happen in the next second, which prompted him to use 'blink' just before the shadow wolf's teeth touched his neck, appearing right beside the other two shadow wolves.

He swiftly took his dagger and struck their wounded necks thrice, completely removing their heads from their bodies. 

Of course, the other monsters didn't stand still to watch how the boy before them killed off their group. They charged uncoordinatedly at William, giving him an opening without realizing it.

William's biggest threat was still the shadow wolf, he constantly used 'foresight' to predict its next move, it just so happened that an ogre was swinging its club just a few inches away from William's head, it also happened to be at the time that the shadow wolf launched itself at William.

"Hehe." William had an evil grin.

Right as the shadow wolf closed in on William's neck, William disappeared.


The shadow wolf had more intelligence than any of the other monsters around, and it knew what was about to happen, unfortunately, it was in midair and had no time to physically react. 


It sounded like a baseball hitting a bat, the only difference was that the 'ball' howled once it got hit.


The shadow wolf was struck by the ogre, the ogre wanted to reorganize its thoughts as to what just happened, but it also missed the feeling of something sitting on its neck. This was William, when he used blink, he appeared on the ogre's neck, just sitting there waiting for the moment of impact.

The other monsters saw this and attacked William, but of course, they were attacking the ogre instead, it didn't take much time at all before the ogre was regenerating, but William didn't want to give it an opportunity, he swiftly used his dagger to permanently dispatch of the ogre as its head dropped to the ground.


William appeared next to the shadow wolf that was still shrinking as it was trying to regenerate its fractured skull.




William's dagger had already severed its head.

"I need to take care of this, I'm starting to run out of steam."

William said seriously as he moved toward the ogre, he quickly ran behind it, and with a slash, he cut its Achilles tendons. Once it dropped to the ground, William was already near its neck and a slight stinging pain was felt as he stabbed his dagger into the ogre's throat and ripped it through its neck, killing the ogre in one swift motion.

"Now for the last of them."

William was already near his limit, he didn't have time to waste. With a quick thought, William decided to throw his dagger because he was too sluggish to fight in close combat at the moment. 



William's dagger went right through the first goblin's head, and then the second's. The third goblin was unharmed as the dagger stopped, William sprinted with a rock in his hand and leaped towards the last goblin, it didn't have time to react at all as its head was caved in by William as the rock made contact.


"Huff. Huff. Huff." William breathed out deeply.

He grabbed his dagger and sat down to rest. Suddenly he heard a dinging sound.



<System >

Congratulations to the host for completing a hidden quest.

Kill 200 monsters within the span of 3 hours while under level 10.

<Rewards >

1. 1x Full restore - This will restore the host's aura and mana completely.

2. 1x E-Rank Skill chest

3. 1x E Rank magical equipment chest

4. 20 000 EXP

5. 500 BP


William was happily surprised by this.

"Sweet! This is a pleasant surprise, I could use the full restore now and continue hunting more monsters! But, maybe I should save it for a rainy day. Yeah, I'd rather save it."

"System open the chests."


<System >

Opening 1x E-Rank Skill chest.

<Received >

1. E-Rank (Overload) - Overload allows the user to go beyond their maximum limits, it can only be used 3 times a day, any more usage would cause damage to the user. This skill multiplies the user's stats by 150%




<System >

Opening 1x E Rank magical equipment chest.

<Received >

1. none-Rank (Ring of Yggdrasil) - uses unknown


"Awesome! Overload will help out a lot, I will be able to evenly match against an ogre with overload! But, what is this ring of Yggdrasil? It says uses unknown. System, can you elaborate on this?"


<System >

Unable to elaborate, this information is unknown. You will have to figure out its uses by upgrading the Analyze skill or by stumbling upon them.


"Damn, okay then. Though, what material is this? It looks like wood if I'm not mistaken, oh well, no time to ponder about this, I should rest up a bit and head home, I can always fight again tomorrow."

An hour passed and William was on his way home, he had recovered enough mana to teleport inside the city walls unnoticed.

The days passed uneventfully as William went out to kill monsters every day, he had gotten much stronger, and thanks to his new skill Overload, he managed to clear his special quest on day 29.


<System >

Special quest completed.

Special Quest: Help clear the monster tide.

Kill 3000 monsters: 3000/3000

Time limit: 60 Days

Completed in 29 Days.

Quest finished 31 Days early.

EXP and BP gained by killing monsters:

1. 1567 Goblins killed: 

31 340 EXP 

1567 BP

2. 823 Ogres Killed: 

41 150 EXP 

2469 BP

3. 346 Shadow Wolves

34 600EXP

1730 BP

4. 109 Imps

27 250 EXP

872 BP

5. 23 Earth Golems

11 500 EXP

345 BP

6. 132 Others

99 000 EXP

2640 BP


EXP: 244 840

BP: 9443

<Reward >

1. 40 000 EXP

2. 10 000 BP

3. 1x D-Rank Passive Skill

4. 1x First-Tier Ability

5. 1x D-Rank Chest

<Bonus Reward>

1. 31 x 2000 EXP = 62 000 EXP

1. 31 x 20 BP = 620 BP

Total EXP and BP

EXP: 284 840

BP: 20 063




<System >

Congratulations, you are now level 8.

All attributes increased by 2 points.

Gained 5 attribute points.


"Finally! Let's open the chest and check out that skill and ability while we're at it."


<System >

Opening 1x D-Rank Chest

<Reward >

1. 1x (Sacred Lotus Seed) - This is a sacred seed that can be planted, it has no rank as it can grow stronger until it is harvested, it is nurtured by the elements, and the element that it is mostly exposed to will become its nature. Can be nurtured by mana.




<System >

Gained skill:

1. D-Rank (Gluttony) - This skill absorbs aura from the surrounding area, in order to replenish used aura, this skill also creates a small aura reservoir for emergencies, higher ranks gather more aura and have a bigger Aura reservoir.

Gained ability:

1. First-Tier (Silent casting) - Allows the wielder to cast magic without chanting, a mere thought is enough to cast a spell. Only works on simple spells at First-Tier.


"This was worth my while, I do hope that there will be another special quest soon."

"Open panel."


<System >


User: William Drake

Age: 10

Level 8

EXP 144 340/300 000


Vitality: 25 

Endurance: 24

Strength: 24

Agility: 24

Intelligence: 40


Mana: 2000/2000


Mage Tier: 1


Special ability

1. First-Tier (Curse Resistance)

2. First-Tier (Silent casting)



1. Space



Attribute Points:



Battle Points

20 063




F : (Blink),(Foresight)

E : (Regeneration),(Vigor)

D : (Sixth Sense),(Analyze),(Mental Fortitude),(Gluttony)

C :

B :

A :


Items: (D-Rank Veltite Dagger),(Ring of Yggdrasil)

Special Items: (Sacred Lotus Seed)





William went home, after, he ate dinner with his parents and went straight to bed. But of course, he didn't forget about the Sacred Lotus Seed, he planted it in a small flower pot which he put on his bedside table.

The night passed and William woke up, only to see that the ring of Yggdrasil, which was on his finger, seemed to glow in a hazy green, it was very faint but it could be seen if one focused on it.

William looked toward the flower pot next to his bed and saw that it had sprouted, he expected it to take longer, but this was also okay with him.


<System >

You should try injecting your mana into the lotus sprout.


William was a bit confused as to what the system tried to say, but he tried it anyway, much to his surprise, his mana seemed to be slowly flowing into the sprout and it started to change to a blackish color with white spots on it.


<System >

You are now cultivating a void lotus, if you do this every day, it will slowly mature, and reach a higher rank, if you consume it, you will gain special abilities as well as gain more proficiency in spacial magic.



"Proficiency? There never was anything about proficiency in the panel."


<System >

It was never shown, but that is how you become more used to space magic, it is another means of showing your mastery of a certain magic element. 




Mana: 2000/2000


Mage Tier: 1


Special ability

1. First-Tier (Curse Resistance)

2. First-Tier (Silent casting)



1. Space:

Proficiency: level 4/40

EXP 345/2000




<System >

Once it has reached the maximum level, it can be evolved into its stronger version. This cycle can be completed several times. EXP can be gained by using the element/magic for everyday use and killing monsters, everyday use gives only 1 to 2 EXP a day, where killing monsters can differ as a weak or stronger monster is killed.


"Then I still need to go out and kill those damned things, I'm fine with it. As long as I can become stronger!" 

William was excited when he found out about this piece of news and continued his hunt until the monster outbreak was taken care of, he didn't neglect to tell his parents about his daily adventures and they kept encouraging him on his goals.

A few years passed and William was now 12 years old, this was a very important year as he would soon go to the Royal Academy of Estiad, where he would study until the age of 15 when he became an adult, he was sure to meet a few beauties on the way.

During the years that passed, William was hunting and completing quests, as well as taking care of his Sacred Lotus Flower, he also gained a few skills as well as an ability, and he got some more.


<System >


User: William Drake

Age: 12

Level 10

EXP 143 890/800 000


Vitality: 33 

Endurance: 32

Strength: 32

Agility: 32

Intelligence: 48


Mana: 2000/2000


Mage Tier: 1


Special ability

1. First-Tier (Curse Resistance)

2. First-Tier (Silent casting)



1. Space:

Proficiency: level 23/40

EXP 197 800/300 000



Attribute Points:



Battle Points

163 853




F : (Rest)

E : (Foresight),(Stealth)

D : (Regeneration),(Vigor),(Slash),(Blade-Storm),(Dash)

C : (Sixth Sense),(Analyze),(Mental Fortitude),(Gluttony),(Blink),(Chop)

B :

A :


Items: 2x(D-Rank Veltite Dagger), (D-Rank Orig Chestplate),(D-Rank Orig Boots),(D-Rank Orig Leggins),(D-Rank Orig Gauntlets),(Ring of Yggdrasil), (C-Rank Amulet of Jurisdiction)

Special Items: 



