
Otherworldly Conqueror

There was a time when the world was filled with magic and spiritual energy but due to the chaos that erupted because of the war between the gods, there were ripples throughout the entire universe, these ripples were filled with dark matter and anti-magic that had affected many galaxies that were unfortunate to be in the middle of the ongoing war, the spark of spiritual energy and mana was nearly snuffed out to the point of non-existence, that was when the gods finally decided to make a truce to protect the life that inhabited the universe. This truce lasted for Millennia and the balance was slowly starting to restore, but what the gods didn't know was that some of their essence still lingered in the mortal realm and found its way toward a certain planet that was brimming with life.

nether550dev · 奇幻
7 Chs

Monster outbreak (Part 1)

Morning came and William was already up as he looked at his daily quest.


<System >

Daily quest:

1. Kill 5 slimes.

<Reward >

1. 100 Exp

2. 3 BP

<Failure >

50 Exp


"I've been getting this same quest for the last week, isn't there anything else?"


<System >

Currently, not, all quests are random, quests are given according to the fluctuations of the world's spiritual core.

Right now, mostly slimes are appearing more frequently, thus it is important to keep their population in check before a slime king appears, or worse, a slime emperor.


"So monsters can evolve then?"


<System >

Monsters can evolve, and they are also able to create or choose a leader which they will follow, for example, goblins are capable of becoming hobgoblins or goblin champions, they may also find a leader which is called a goblin lord, who will have intelligence to lead an army. The same applies to slimes, hence why dungeons and the lands are cleared frequently to prevent such things from happening.


"I see, then we should get a move on." 

William went to the nearby fields where several slimes would appear out of nowhere, he had been killing them for the past week and gaining battle points (BP) so that he could access the system shop, his goal was soon to be reached.





Four slimes jumped closer to William as soon as he got close to the area, this was not a big deal to William as he had gained experience going against slimes. Normally they are the lowest ranking monsters that existed, but this only applied to adults, many children who fall victim to a slime attack would fail in defending themselves, not to mention, that William was only 4 years old.

With one quick movement of William's hand, he pulled out his Veltite dagger and charged toward the slimes, the slimes had no time to react as William drew closer, his dagger sliced through two of them.

The other 2 slimes did not retreat, instead, they looked as if they became restless when their brethren were slain, William found this to be odd as he hadn't seen them react this way before.

It looked as if the two slimes were vibrating, they got closer to each other and suddenly they started to fuse, this was a shocking scene to William, but he did not lose focus, this was his chance to slay the two monsters in front of him, he could not let them fuse as there was no telling how strong the fused monster would be.

"It is best to have a little experiment another time, right now I am not strong enough if things get out of hand, there is no need to take a gamble."

With that said William lunged toward the fusing slimes and slashed horizontally with his dagger. He cut them cleanly in half.


"Alright, now that, that is done, I just need to find one more slime."

A few minutes passed as William kept searching for slimes and finally found one.


William had a faint smile as he lunged toward it and split it in half with one strike.



<System >

Daily quest complete.

Rewarding 100 Exp

Rewarding 3 BP




<System >

You now have enough Battle Points to buy the System Shop function, would you like to purchase it?




<System >

Purchase successful, now activating System Shop.











<System >

System Shop is now available.


"Awesome, show me that spacial magic book that I was looking for."


<System >

Spacial Magic


1. Dissonance 

2. Warp 

3. Blackhole

4. Void Domain

5. Space Blade

6. Condense

7. Spacial Stretch

8. Fracturing


This is just a small list, there are plenty more spells to be learned or created. 

Any spells from books bought from the shop will automatically be learned by the host.


"That's awesome, this is way too OP, anyhow, let me check out the shop for a bit before I forget."

After a while, William was intrigued by something.

"There is a system add-on area?"


<System >

Correct, that is where more system functions can be bought.


"Any recommendations?" 


<System >

There is a map function that I would recommend, as well as a few other functions but they are simply too expensive for the current you.


"Alright then how much is it?"


<System Add-on Shop>

<World Map>

1. Price: 300 BP

2. Price: 50 000 BP

3. Price: 10 000 000 BP

4. Price: 10 000 000 000 BP

1. Allows the user to see enemy locations within a 10-mile radius.

2. Can be upgraded to see plant life and friendly targets.

3. Can further be upgraded to enable tracking mode within a 500-mile radius.

4. Can be further upgraded to enable an unlimited range of use.



William was in a daze.

"10 Billion! How the hell will I even get that many BP are you insane!?"


<System >

The system has calculated that it is possible to achieve within your life span, including the best optimal condition if you buy the thousand-year life essence from the system Mystical shop.

<Thousand-Year Life Essence> 

Price: 1 000 000 000



"I'm going home..."


The days passed swiftly as William was constantly honing his skills and killing monsters, it had been 1 month since he unlocked the System shop. Without any time to waste, he bought the System Map function, this helped him a lot in completing his quests as swiftly as possible as well as finding more monsters to grind for even more Battle points.


William's life was simple as he grew older, he was constantly on the hunt but never forgot to spend time with his family, he celebrated his 10th birthday with his parents, and the day went without any problems, until later that night.


"Huh?" William woke up confused around midnight.


<System >

Emergency Detected.

There is a ripple inside the world's spiritual core.

A dungeon outbreak was detected.

Time before outbreak estimated.

Initiating timer countdown. 

<6d 23h 59m>


"This, is it like what you told me years ago? Will there be evolved monsters?"


<System >

I am afraid so, you must prepare, no matter how strong you are, anything could happen during this monster outbreak, this continent is about to be overrun and many will surely lose their lives.


"Then I guess, it's time to spend those points."


<System >


User: William Drake

Age: 10

Level 7

EXP 59 500/200 000


Vitality: 12

Endurance: 14

Strength: 19

Agility: 14

Intelligence: 38


Mana: 1900/1900


Mage Tier: 1


Special ability

1. First-Tier (Curse Resistance),



1. Space



Attribute Points:



Battle Points

18 000




F : 

E : (Regeneration),(Vigor)

D : (Sixth Sense),(Analyze),(Mental Fortitude)

C :

B :

A :


Items: (D-Rank Veltite Dagger)





"Open the System Skill and Ability shop."


<System Skill and Ability Shop>


1. 10 000 BP

2. 3000 BP

3. 40 000 BP

4. 8000 BP

5. 12 000 BP


1. Foresight:

Allows the Wielder to see 1 second into the future. It consumes a lot of aura but it can be used as much as the user wants until their aura runs out.

2. Phantom Strike:

Releases 1 attack upon a target, this attack is hard to block as it happens nearly instantaneously.

3. Poison Resistance:

This ability can be gained by being poisoned for years, it can be transferred to the wielder's offspring.

4. Blink:

This skill takes years to learn, it is commonly used by swordsmen and assassins. This skill allows the user to teleport in a certain area within a split second, unfortunately, it consumes a lot of aura.

5. Stealth:

This is a common skill among assassins as it can camouflage the user, it also allows the user to hide their aura from others without any skills greater than it. 


Skills and abilities become stronger as they are upgraded, and their time limits will also increase.


"There are so many, but these are the top 5 that I would be able to check out in the shortest amount of time, it's a difficult decision, if it really comes to choosing, it should be between Blink and Foresight as they can both save me if I'm in a bind."

"Alright, I've made up my mind. System, I'll buy Blink and Foresight."


<System >

Transferring skill:

Blink F-Rank

Foresight F-Rank

Blink Teleport radius: 5-meters

Foresight Time limit: 1-Second




<System >

Skill Transfer complete.


"Great, now I just need to warn my parents. I will use my attribute points if it is needed at a later time."

William went back to bed and woke up early the next morning to warn them of the incoming danger.

"Morning sweetie, you're up early, is something wrong?" Lauren asked.

"Yes, something bad is going to happen in 6 days, I want us to stay in the capital until it blows over."

"Now, William. You know we can't do that, I don't make nearly enough to be able to sustain a residence in the capital, at best I would only be able to rent a residence in the inner city, but that is if we eat minimally, and don't use up our family savings." Morgan said.

"I understand but it is really important, even if we can get a residence in the inner city, at least we will be behind the city walls when something occurs."

"It's a difficult decision William, and what if nothing happens, then we wasted money for nothing." Morgan said.

"Now now dear, what if William is right in the matter and something does happen while we are in the outer city." Lauren stated.

William was nervous as he didn't know how else to convince his parents.

"Damnit. Alright then, William let me ask you one thing." Morgan said.

"Are you absolutely certain that something bad will happen? Tell me honestly."

Without any hesitation, William replied in an instant.

"I promise to you Dad, I am absolutely certain that something bad is going to happen, I don't want our family to get dragged into it." He said confidently.

"Alright Sweetie, we believe you, we will move to the inner city tomorrow." Lauren smiled.

"Alright then, You're coming with me William, let's go find a house. Your mother will start packing things and we will leave tomorrow."

William nodded as he and his father went to the inner city, there they looked around for a residence and found a two-story house, it had 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom as well as an attic, there was also a small kitchen area and a dining room.

It looked a little run down, but it was nothing that Morgan couldn't fix himself.

The day passed and it was already time for William and his parents to move into their new house, there William and his Dad fixed up the wooden boards as well as the roof, some of the windows were slightly damaged and had to be replaced, they installed new locks and fixed the cracks on the chimney when they finally finished, it was the day of the monster outbreak.



<System >

Monster Outbreak

Timer countdown. 

<10 s>



"It's happening." 

Those were the only words that William muttered, this caused a little bit of tension in the house as William's parents stood next to him.



<System >

The Monster Outbreak has begun, and ripples have been detected outside the city.



William was looking at his map as red dots started to appear everywhere around the city, 5, 47, 179, 364. The number of red dots kept growing, and soon the number surpassed a thousand. 

A sudden ring hit everyone's ears as people from the outer city started rushing in through the city gates, there were a few unfortunate souls but most of the people made it through.




The city bells rang nonstop, this was an emergency, the guards manned the walls as the monster tide got closer.

All the people were called to the town square, it was there where the representative of the king was going to read his decree.

"Everyone, it seems that there was a monster outbreak, according to our knowledge this is happening all over the continent, many mercenaries, as well as the kingdom's military, have been called to clear out the monsters that are outside the city, it is estimated that there are over 30 000 out there. We estimate that it would take up to a month for this monster tide to be cleared out, the king has also ordered for those who come from the outer city to be given rations during this time, you may also take refuge inside the town hall if you have no friends or family to stay with inside the inner city."

"We also ask that any adventurers help in clearing out the monster wave, we have asked the mages guild to help out as well, you will be rewarded for any monsters that you kill, you can hand over the left ear of any monster as proof."

William was astonished at how fast the king's response was, he also cleared the issue of food and shelter for the people from the outer city, not only that, there will surely be adventurers who will partake in the hunt just for the reward alone.

"You may all return now." The king's representative said.

William and his parents went home. His parents were confused and shocked.

"William, I do not know how you knew about the outbreak but don't tell anyone else about this. They might overthink it." Morgan spoke sternly.

William nodded.

The day passed as fighting could be heard outside the city walls, it continued even at night.

William was lying down on his bed as he gradually fell asleep, the last thing he heard was a *ding* sound.



<System >

Special Quest Accepted: Help clear the monster tide.

<Reward >

1. 40 000 EXP

2. 1000 BP

3. D-Rank Passive Skill

4. First-Tier Ability

5. D-Rank Chest

<Failure >





<System >


User: William Drake

Age: 10

Level 7

EXP 59 500/200 000


Vitality: 12

Endurance: 14

Strength: 19

Agility: 14

Intelligence: 38


Mana: 1900/1900


Mage Tier: 1


Special ability

1. First-Tier (Curse Resistance),



1. Space



Attribute Points:



Battle Points





F : (Blink),(Foresight)

E : (Regeneration),(Vigor)

D : (Sixth Sense),(Analyze),(Mental Fortitude)

C :

B :

A :


Items: (D-Rank Veltite Dagger)





Author Note

I will be explaining mana usage in the next chapter, for instance, Space-blade will use 50 MP every time it is cast. I will also explain what each spell does.