
Chapter 1: Earth and Otherworld

On the 21st of March 2120 AD, Aels Rock in the heart of Australia mysteriously disappeared. Standing in its place was an enormous stone gate leading to the unknown, towering at 400 meters high and spanning 3000 meters wide. As scientists attempted to investigate it, on April 10, an alien army of a million soldiers from the Otherworld launched an attack on Australia, transforming every area they occupied into scorched earth. On the 16th, the Australian government asked the U.S. troops stationed in Australia to retaliate against the Otherworld army. At the same time, the U.S. Pacific Fleet rushed to Australia's aid. Under the crushing firepower of the combined U.S. and Australian forces, by April 25, the million-strong Otherworld army was completely routed, with over a million killed or captured...

On May 3, the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution calling for multinational forces to address the invasion of Australia by the Otherworld army, and an international team was set up to conduct a year-long investigation of the invading Otherworld forces...

On May 1, 2121, after one year of investigation, the Security Council adopted a resolution by a vote of 4 in favor and 1 abstaining, authorizing a multinational force to cross the Otherworld Gate and retaliate against the Otherworld...

"Luo'er, Luo'er!!"

The teacher, who was passionately lecturing on the history of Earth and the Otherworld, noticed Luo'er dozing off and angrily hit the screen hard, shouting loudly.

Luo'er snapped out of his reverie, his eyes heavy with sleep, revealing his uniquely deep green irises. Seeing his angry teacher, Luo'er stood up and apologetically bowed slightly, asking, "Teacher, did you call for me?"

"Where did I leave off? Continue from there." The teacher, still fuming, said sternly.

"Yes!" Luo'er picked up his textbook, located the teacher's last point, and continued to read.

On May 5th, five days into the invasion of the Otherworld, the multinational forces crushed the Otherworld army guarding the Otherworld Gate, secured a stable position in the Otherworld, and ventured 20 kilometers into the Otherworld, seeking out the enemy's main force for a decisive engagement. On May 6th...

Luo'er, reading up to this point, paused momentarily then turned the page to continue.

Due to the overreach of the multinational forces, the main force of the Otherworld army outflanked them from behind, struck their artillery positions, and cut off their supply lines. The frontline troops fought a desperate battle for five days while encircled, but ultimately were annihilated due to lack of ammunition and supplies. This conflict is known as the Second Otherworld War, the deadliest military action since the dawn of the 21st century, with approximately 300,000 casualties among the multinational forces...

Luo'er wanted to continue, but the teacher gestured for him to sit. Looking at the diverse student body in the classroom, he spoke in grave tones, "This war, which took place thirty years ago, taught us many lessons. It showed us that in the Otherworld the electromagnetic waves we take for granted do not exist. Instead, a gaseous matter known as magic power prevails. Moreover, the technological products of humanity's second industrial revolution are not functional in the Otherworld. What's more alarming is that the Otherworld's magic power inflicts irreversible harm on the human body. Many captive Earth soldiers suffered painful deaths due to the erosion of Otherworld magic."

"However, it is fortunate that, in the end, we chose to join hands with the Otherworlders, realizing peace between us. Please turn your textbooks to page 37. On June 16, 2121, the U.N. Secretary-General signed an armistice agreement on behalf of Earth with the Otherworld. This peace agreement has maintained harmony between both sides for thirty years and has fostered exchanges in areas such as our economies, cultures, and military. And so it continues till today..."

At the end of class, Luo'er specifically washed his face in the restroom, as the torrid summer afternoons easily induced fatigue. Despite the air conditioning, he still found himself succumbing to drowsiness from time to time.

Luo'er lifted his head, taking a look at his reflection in the mirror. His skin was fairer than anyone else's, his features were striking, his eyes were a unique shade of dark green and his ears were sharp and drooping. If not for his sleek black hair, he could easily pass as an elf from the Otherworld in every aspect.

Luo'er attended Haiya Academy, a school not for ordinary students but specifically designed to nurture hybrids, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense. The term "hybrid" here refers to a new breed of individuals, born out of the genetic fusion of Otherworlders and Earth people. During the Second Otherworld War, many Earth soldiers suffered death due to the erosion of Otherworld magic, while the invading Otherworld forces experienced mass casualties due to their inability to adapt to Earth's magicless state. Hence, there arose the suggestion to merge the genes of Earth people and Otherworlders, breeding a new hybrid race that could endure both Earth and Otherworld conditions.

The Otherworld encompasses the Human Race, the Elf Race, the Dwarf Race, and the Beastman Race, as well as the Sub-beast Race, an offshoot of the Beastman Race. Luo'er himself was a hybrid of Earth people and the Elf Race.

"What, admiring your own beauty again?"

Deep in thought, Luo'er suddenly heard a hearty yet teasing voice from behind. Turning around, he found a towering military figure standing behind him. He was a middle-aged man, his skin tanned, clad in army training gear, and radiating heat all over, seemingly just having come in from outside the lecture hall.

Luo'er recognized him. His name was Wang Xu, a Master Sergeant in the army and a faculty member at the academy. In an institution directly established by the Ministry of Defense, military personnel were commonplace.

Wang Xu had watched Luo'er grow up and was very fond of him, but Luo'er didn't particularly like him, since he would often speak up for a certain person, intentionally or not.

"Do you need something?" Luo'er's expression remained unreadable at Wang Xu's appearance. After drying his hands, he turned to leave.

"Now, is that any way to treat someone who has watched you grow up? You don't need to be so cold to me," Wang Xu seemed unfazed by Luo'er's behavior, continuing to stand with arms crossed, looking at Luo'er with a teasing smile.

"Unless, once again, you're speaking on someone's behalf."

"Of course not," Wang Xu blocked Luo'er's way, looking at him and said earnestly, "I only came to remind you about something."

Luo'er looked up at him, his expression noncommittal. Wang Xu craned his neck and said, "Come with me."

The two of them arrived at a designated smoking area, which was a separate room. After Luo'er stepped in, Wang Xu casually locked the door and leisurely lit up a cigarette.

"Speak, what's your concern?" Luo'er didn't mind him smoking, but he instinctively kept a distance.

Wang Xu took a deep breath, exhaled a smoke ring and looked at the drifting smoke with a far-off gaze. He listened to the hum of the room's air purifier, sighed, and then slowly said, "We're on the brink of war."

"War? Against the Otherworld?" Luo'er was taken aback.

"Hmm, not sure," Wang Xu ashed his cigarette, then continued, "The human nations of the Otherworld have been in turmoil for a long time. Their king wishes for the United Nations to send troops to stabilize the situation. Some representatives in the UN Security Council are already considering it, but..."

He paused to take another drag on his cigarette, coughed for a while, then went on: "The Church of Light, the strongest religious organization of these human nations, has expressly forbidden Earth's military from appearing in the Otherworld-- any breach of this rule will be considered a declaration of war. However, this doesn't seem to deter the UN Security Council from considering an intervention."

"What about us?" Luo'er asked.

"You must understand, the lure of benefits is universal. As long as we help the Otherworld nations quell the rebellion, we can find a reason to extend our influence to the Otherworld. Any sane person wouldn't reject such a favorable position." Wang Xu laughed as he spoke.

"Then what?"

"Headquarters plans to reform the academy's system, dividing students into teams of five. After the graduation exam, there will be a selection competition, and the victorious teams will be incorporated into the frontline command under headquarters, becoming forward units, and dispatched to the Otherworld for missions."

Wang Xu then looked at Luo'er, who was lowered his gaze, avoiding eye contact. He continued, "I know you've always wanted to enter the Otherworld. This is your best chance. Form a team, win in the selection competition, and you can get the opportunity to go to the Otherworld."

Luo'er lowered his head, silent. All this time, he had been accustomed to going it alone, quietly pushing himself. His goal has always been clear - to enhance his strength, shake off the shackles of the academy, and then enter the Otherworld.

For this goal, he has thrown all his energies into learning to enhance his strength, ignoring relationships with others. Now that the academy requires them to form teams, it is akin to asking him to learn from scratch, which is a daunting task for Luo'er, who has been in isolation for decades.

Wang Xu seemed to understand his thoughts; he sighed and slowly said, "I don't know how to help you. It's up to you. If you need me, you know where to find me."

Over twenty years ago, when he was still a security guard, he saw Luo'er for the first time. Luo'er was only a few years old then, a timid half-elf clinging to his father's side. For more than twenty years, he watched Luo'er grow into a man and witnessed the decades-long cold war between Luo'er and his grandfather. Ever since Luo'er's father passed away, his relationship with his grandfather deteriorated rapidly. To some extent, Luo'er's keen desire to enter the Otherworld is inextricably linked to his grandfather.

"So, now I have to find people to form a team and then participate in the selection to have a chance to enter the Otherworld?" Luo'er suddenly asked.

"Yes," Wang Xu nodded.

"What if I can't find anyone?" Luo'er looked at him.

"Then I wouldn't know," Wang Xu shrugged and spread his hands. Then, almost as an afterthought, he added, "But your grandfather would probably be quite pleased."

Luo'er looked at him. Wang Xu's face bore a noncommittal smile. It was unclear if he was mocking or resigned. But as soon as he mentioned his grandfather, Luo'er felt unaccountably angry.

"I see," Luo'er turned around decisively and without looking back, said, "I will find others to form a team and then participate in the selection, alright?"

"Good luck! As long as you can find companions to participate in the selection, your chances are good. You need to know the headquarters..." suddenly, Wang Xu stopped, realizing he had said too much. Replacing his words was an odd smile.

Luo'er turned to look at him. Wang Xu had a strange smile on his face, but Luo'er chose not to inquire further, he turned around and left without uttering a word.