Tranque and Zwyah are 16 year old brothers in the year ????? and they will do whatever they can in this colorful world to stop Tantekuno from corrupting the world.
Tranque is a swordsman with a long black ponytail a shirt, a trench coat, pants, ans shoes in all black
Zwyah has short, spiky hair and weilds a crossbow. He wears a black vest and a brown overcoat
Sorentaku wears red Dragon armor and wields a 3 pointed spear. She has long yellow hair
These main three will do whatever they can to help the world and eternally bring it to peace!
GinisGod · 奇幻
46 Chs
Kohitsuji news
"This is the start of the next volume not the last chapter because like EW last chapter was like soooooo last chapter! Oh! uh! Ahem! Goodnight" Said Kohitsuji