
Oshi no Ko: To Save a Star

Have you ever found yourself believing in the potential to achieve something extraordinary in your life? I was once a firm believer in such possibilities. In truth, my life was ordinary but satisfying. I found contentment in spending time with friends whenever I could, and my academic achievements at university even earned me the reputation of a genius. I never truly saw myself that way, but I accepted such compliments with a smile. One fateful day, a close friend urged me to indulge in an anime series called... Oshi no Ko As an ardent anime enthusiast, I willingly delved into its world. From the very first episode, it captivated me. Ai Hoshino—a character of extraordinary charm, capable of captivating anyone with a single gaze. Her life was a tumultuous blend of being an idol and a mother of twins, dealing with the demands of public adoration and motherhood. Witnessing her trials sparked an unusual and strong desire within me—a fervent wish to shield her from the harsh realities she faced. I wish that knife would've killed me instead. Such a thought may seem absurd, even melodramatic, but the series had stirred something profound within me. As I continued to delve into the world of Oshi no Ko, the stories of Ruby and Aqua further deepened my emotional involvement. Their arduous journeys and their struggles tugged at my heartstrings, and I couldn't help but feel immense sadness for them. Struggling to relate to their pain, I could only appreciate the stark contrast between their hardships and the relative comfort of my own life. I desired to rid the world of that despicable excuse of a father, perhaps even more than Aqua or Ruby did. But I had to suppress these feelings. After all, it was just an anime, just a manga... Tragically, my obsession with the series clouded my awareness, and I failed to notice an oncoming truck. The very cliché "truck-kun" became the instrument of my undoing. I lost my life because I couldn't tear my thoughts away from the anime world to focus on reality. Pathetic. In the gloomy aftermath of this unforeseen tragedy, I found myself standing alone in a desolate street, a murder of crows ominously watching over me. Amidst this eerie silence, a haunting question pierced through my thoughts [Do you wish to change Hoshino Ai's fate?] --- My discord server: ava9cEr3eG

DeeplyLostInShadow · 漫画同人
34 Chs

Who is The Shining Star?

--- Instructor Kei's POV ---

It's been a few months since Ren began offering guidance to several aspiring talents who had just embarked on their careers, and the transformations I've witnessed have left me astounded.

While the majority of these newcomers didn't undergo radical changes, it's a fundamental truth that true transformation requires not only sage advice but also a personal desire for change.

He couldn't nor would he force anyone to change if they didn't want to do so.

Nonetheless, the atmosphere within my classes has undergone a profound shift compared to earlier times.

It's akin to comparing unruly children to mature adults. This indirect impact, subtly orchestrated by that kid, has left the students more eager than ever to learn from me—a change I'm genuinely pleased with.

However, one particular girl stands out amidst the talented newcomers.

If I were to recount her initial entry into my classroom compared to her current demeanor, the media would likely dismiss it as mere slander.

[New child prodigy emerges in the world of acting—a tale of a sweet young talent who outshines all when gracing the stage...]

I could barely contain my amusement whenever I encountered such headlines.

True, she now radiates an angelic aura, yet what those articles fail to comprehend is that this "angel" has been tamed into her current form by none other than that kid.

They say love has the power to unveil a woman's inner beauty, a saying I once scoffed at, having never truly witnessed such a thing in my life. However, I was proven undeniably wrong.

Merely her presence today can elicit flushed faces and stolen glances from her peers, yet her gaze remains unwaveringly fixed on him.

I understand her perspective; after all, that young man has set a standard so high none can hope to compare. Yet, it still bewilders me just how effortlessly he has ensnared not only her heart but also the hearts of countless others within our industry.

I suspect he has already declined numerous confessions, and yet not a single girl bears any resentment towards him. If I didn't know him as well as I do, I might perceive him as a cunning player, but the reality is quite different.

He must be gently conveying his unavailability for a relationship at this time, rather than outright rejecting them—a tactful way to quell their advances.

Well, regardless of the specifics, I'm pleased that my students are thriving in the entertainment industry to the extent that articles now celebrate not only Suzuki Honoka's achievements but also those who guided her from the outset.

I inquired if Ren would permit me to acknowledge his significant contribution, but he declined, expressing a desire to avoid any unwarranted attention.

I actually concur with his choice to keep a low profile; claiming credit might lead the public to assume he has ulterior motives, tarnishing the genuine success both he and Suzuki Honoka have achieved.

I never doubted for a moment that he possesses remarkable wisdom. He is kind yet possesses an uncanny ability to safeguard himself, a quality that has allowed him to bask in substantial success thus far without the shadow of scandal.

--- Ren's POV ---

As expected, she was the embodiment of the perfect queen piece. Every move I had orchestrated had fallen into place with impeccable precision, and now all that was required was patience, for the fish to take the bait.

I had deliberately cultivated an environment where she would draw all attention to herself, just as I had intended. Now, all I needed to do was wait for the inevitable moment when he couldn't resist the allure any longer and try to kill her.

I anticipated he wouldn't be swayed easily, so I was prepared to let time run its course. During this interval, I would continue my activities, keeping a careful distance from her unless it was absolutely necessary, such as sharing the stage in a play. Even then, I would ensure I had a ready excuse to decline any such offers.

As events unfolded precisely according to my design, it became evident that I had held complete control for far too long. Thus, fate chose to change that...


A typical day unfolded with Shiina reporting another group of aspiring actors to be taught the fundamentals.

I adhered to my busy schedule, making time for my habitual run and gym sessions to hone my skills even a tiny bit further. However, nothing could have prepared me for the moment I entered that one classroom.

As customary, I greeted the instructor who wasn't Kei, as he wasn't overseeing this new batch. I then swiftly assessed the newcomers to gauge their personalities. But when my gaze fell upon a particular girl, and I...


I blinked, attempting to clear my mind as I subtly coughed and commenced my address in the usual manner.

"Hello, everyone. You may not know who I am, but that's of no importance. I am Hashibara Ren, and I am here to offer some advice that will prove valuable on your journey to success in this industry..."

However, her presence was anything but typical. Her purple eyes, usually brimming with cheerfulness, were devoid of emotion. She didn't cast a single glance in my direction. Yet, despite her outward portrayal as an aloof, arrogant child with no apparent interest, I knew better.

How could I not? While I recited my well-practiced lines, I couldn't help but steal occasional glances at her.

Her striking features left me captivated. Her purplish hair framed her fair complexion exquisitely, and her eyes held dark stars that seemed to float within them, almost as if they were dead.

I reached the conclusion of my speech, and I realized I hadn't paid much attention to the eager students with questions or those who scoffed due to their wounded pride, feeling challenged by the success of someone their own age boasting about being able to offer valuable guidance.

In that room, Ai Hoshino... had made her appearance.



[]: when a higher being speaks OR could be used to imply something written somewhere, or a voice over the phone. Its uses can still be easily understood from the writing itself.