
Orphan On The Snow

Natalie Wilson, A 13-Year-Old girl, who like most of the other teenagers, is filled with the hope of a better future. But all of that shatters when she is captured by a cult, it is the end of the future, All her hopes and dreams crushed, She has to Escape, Little did she know what her future is gonna be... Credits to DragonsAreCool for making me this amazing cover! Link to her Deviantart, where you can find her other great artworks :) https://www.deviantart.com/dragonsarec00l

CaptainChaos0301 · 科幻
14 Chs


"I'll be in the library…" I said, looking at my fingers as if to say, 'I don't care', "If you uh- need me…" I gave them a sly smile and walked off to the library.

I walked to the library and sat there, Wanting to read a book but I got kinda mad at them for being so weird as to say 'No! You aren't allowed to come and talk with us 'cause we're so busy', I mimicked them, frowning. Was I being salty? Maybe. I stood up, annoyed by how they started to avoid me all of a sudden, then I gave a huge screech, to which the librarian gave me a ballistic look as to say "sit down you little ferret", I mean... I couldn't exactly blame her. It was I who screeched. I ignored her glare and muttered "Sorry" Under my breath.

I sat down and started reading the book I had picked up and hid in a secret cupboard, underneath the shelf I found, while roaming around with Mia earlier. Oh, and.. let me correct myself... Re-read to borrow the book for a few months. She said yes. I wringed out the allowance paper and walked out. I was happy walking down the corridor and there I saw Mia and Isiah walking towards the library. So I hid between a gap on the wall and the thick shelf. Trying to listen to what they were talking about. They went and sat on the couch, and started to talk about me. ME. Not in a bad way though, they were keeping secrets from me.

"How can we tell her that she's being experimented on?" Mia asked quietly, as if someone were eavesdropping on their conversation, well… it was true though, I'd been listening to their conversation, and, the word 'Experimented' It rang through my ears, Anger flushed me out, I wanted to confront them so bad, then, sadness, I wanted to sit there and cry, for them, who weren't being honest towards me. But I knew it was for the sake of my own good, so I decided to continue listening, and shut the hell of my brain up.

"So… I think I'll tell her everything except the experimenting part, and maybe… she'll be nice" Isaiah said, Probably pleading that I wasn't listening to this conversation. "I just wish she doesn't go crazy like Lissy"

"Who's Lissy?" I leaped out and asked, before I could shut up, Then I gave a croak of angriness at myself after babbling this way to everything that got me caught. I looked at them, a bewildered look sheeted their faces. "What?"

"Did you…" Isaiah's voice faltered, He brought himself back together in one piece and asked again, this time, a bit bolder, which I found a bit weird, considering we were in a library, "Did you hear everything?"

"Yeah-" I said, stopped myself for a few seconds and quickly added, before his face formed into a complete weird looking scowl, "And, I am not angry at you."

"Really?" He asked, as if he still didn't believe me, well of course he didn't. I don't think he ever will after this 'eavesdropping' incident

"I expected this…" I mumbled between what you call a sigh of anger, "I mean… come on! I expected this from the start-"

"How?" Mia interrupted my words, as if she wasn't going to deal with my hour-long babbling.

"Well, I always used to read books…" I grunted, Slouching over a shelf half filled with books,My elbow hitting one of the hardbacks. "No cult would ever let you live peacefully if you're with them. They either Experiment on you or torture you 'til you die. Nothing different from those books to real life"

They seemed to frown at my explanation that doesn't make sense to even the sanest person. Isaiah's frown faded as sly-grin suddenly wiped out, to my surprise. I was startled by the creepy smile Isaiah gave me.

Even Mia, the wise one who understood basic human problems, looked confused, and muttered to Isaiah, "Hey, Isaiah, You seem happy enough for someone who's part of a cult after disaster-"

"Oh uh what…" he said, as if he just broke out a hypnotic trance.

"So… what are you thinking about?" Mia elbowed him.

He didn't answer, so I decided to step in. "Spit it out, Bootleg Batman!" I said, without thinking, The response I got was a giggle from Mia and a glance from you-know-who (no not voldemort-)

"What did you call me?" Isaiah asked, calmly, "Nat. Spit it out"

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mk. ima go eat chips. baii-

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