

_____________________________________ ORIPATHY an infection that renders the body of any biological living beings to begin experiencing heavy symptoms that may lead to death Those who are infected with ORIPATHY are labelled infected and are rejected by society itself But ORIPATHY does not only residents in bounds of Terra to what people believe... DEATH WILL ALWAYS COME EVENTUALLY THERE IS NO CURE THERE IS NO HOPE EMBRACE YOUR INEVITABLE DEATH ______________________________________ Secrets are held between friends as those who you trust will eventually look back against you to fulfill they're goal and to achieve they're desire TRUST NO ONE

Adam_Ycaro · 漫画同人
2 Chs


Current year of the Cenozioc Era...

2019 February 25th


Specified Location...

The underground sewers of Tokyo the gathering place of a branch of a group to free those who were oppressed by this corrupted government

They would make sure that no matter the cost that those who are called "Infected" will achieve they're longing freedom from oppression

And they will achieve it by any means necessary even to the lasting point of needing to murder inncoents and children to achieve this goal

Their belief had swallowe up their own sense of justice now the only real that's in their head is one simple thing

"The only way to bring unification to everyone is to kill anyone who dares to stand by the Governments side"

Years of longing for justice have they waited for this moment to come they have had enough of hiding they have had enough of everything that happened

When she took them in they would promise themselves that they would follow her to the end's of the world itself to achieve their mission

No this was not a mission what this was,was their longing destiny they are the heroes of this world

This belief the plagued most of the soldiers everywhere in the world they would feel their wrath,their anger,their suffreing one by on ethey would them feel what they had felt for so long!

There is no Hero in this story neither is there a greater evil,what there is are people who were broken by society

People who were to afraid to embrace the truth of this world now the largest catastrophe in GAIA begins today...

North America,NYC 5:43 PM

As tourists and citizens gander around the streets of the city showing no sign of fear or panic

That would eventually soon change

"This is an Important announcement by the Government of the Uniyed States all those who are currently outside seek shelter immediently a large meteorite is heading quicly to your location

please remain calm and stay in an orderly fashion I repeat stay calm and go in an orderly fashion to your nearest subway or basement

This is not a drill a repeat thus is not a drill stay calm and may America bless all of you during this time over and out goodluck and stay safe"

And in a matter of seconds citizen's began panicking all around pushing each other to find the nearest safe zone

But this event was not only happening here hundreds no thousands of countries all across the Seven continents began experiencing the same thing

Meteors beginning to crash down on to the lands no one knew what was happening by their instinct knew one thing run and hide as fast as you can

But thus everyone desperate running led to nothing a fiery explosion crashed on to the lands but what came was surprising to say the least

The meteor that had crashed was not made of any stone the public knew of because the Meteors were to be infact high concentrations of Originium



(What the Hell is Happening!)

Civilian Child:お父さん お母さんどこにいるの! (Mom Dad where are you!)

Civilian:ここで負傷者がたくさんいるので救急隊を呼んでください! (Call emergency services theres to many people injured here!)

As panic and tension kept growing figures started emerging from the wreckage sporting a white cloak with a mash of pure with nothing byt holes on where the eye sockets are supposed to be

They wore armor on their chest and heavy armor plating on their legs they weirded machetes and the most distinguishable thing a orange shoulder band bearing a symbol of unknown

Civilian:ありがとう,ここにいる誰かが私たちを助けてください!--- (Thank god someone's here!please help us!-)

As one of the individuals clad in white clothes non hesitantly raised his weapon and struck down the Civilian on his chest causing him to instantaneously combust in a pool of blood

Civilian:な,何してるの!?(w-what are you doing!?)

?????:Killed them...Kill them all... kill every single one of them!

As every single one the white cloaked individuals began charging to the civilians pouncing on them and quickly killing them

Civilian:お願いですから,私と私の子供を助けてください! (p-please spare me and my child i beg of you!)

?????:Spare you?what a funny joke,all of you deserve to die!!!

As before he could strike the mother and child something wrapped around his arm seemingly looking like a scarf?

?????:tch!dammit knew it heroes would start appearing huh and they sent one of the professionals ey!oi assist me with killing this son of a bitch!

As two more individuals came our of nowhere preparing to kill the unsuspecting person

?????:Water Breathing...Third form:Flowing Dance...

As the individuals were quickly dealt with in a matter of seconds and at last the person with the scarf spoke...

?????:Wait aren't you tomioka giyuu from the Demon Slaying Branch!

Giyuu:Indeed so Eraserhead

Eraserhead:Good cause I may need some back up dealing with these grunts...

Giyuu Tomioka:

One of the Pillars of the Demon Slaying Branch he posseses the style called water breathing which allows for quick successive strikes to hinder the opponent useless


Eraserhead otherwise known as shouta aizawa he is part of the heroics branch his job is being a underground hero a person who is not well known to the public as his work is done in the shadows he can cancel out others abilities by looking at them but if he blink the effect weares off

Eraserhead:Now who are you all supposed to be huh?

?????:Us?Well that's simple eraserhead we're the future of thus world we're it's true saviors!we are the movement that will abolish this dammed corrupt system!we are the ones that will bring justice to those who came before!we are the heroes of this world I say!

As the previously knocked out grunts suddenly started to stand grabbing their weapons once more without any injuries whatsoever

?????:We are the Reunion Movement!and we will bring this government down to it's fucking knees!hahahhahahahahah!!!

Eraserhead:you ready?

Giyuu:Ofcourse I am...

Reunion Grunt Captain:Be prepared cause this is just the beginning!





A branch that's responsible in creating new heroes to help the public evil such as villains the heroic branch comprises imof many schools across the world each one birthing new heroes each year

Each one having an image of it's own the most prominent one being U.A. College the most prestigious school for heroics in the entire world


A much smaller branch oftrianing across the globe as most don't have the talent to learn the so called "Breathing Styles" possessed by people part of this branch they are undoubtedly one of the weaker branches

As only 9 people are considered worth the fight and they are not mostly compatible to most big shots but what they do have are weapons called nichirin blades weapons made from a very rare ore

They're main goal is to vanquish they're demonic types being lead by the weakest Demon Lord known to Demon kind which is also the most cowardly and hypocritic