

princy_prince23 · 奇幻言情
10 Chs


You cannot hear me cry,

you won't see the tears in my eyes.

Cause I am great at disguises.

I am good at pretending to smile or laugh.

Oh, I am sorry you had a bad day,

But it isn't my concern,

A smile is all I have,

When the fight begins..

I still cry.

I still cry like a baby but silently on my bed.

The tears roll down my cheeks,

I felt paralyzed by my own mind..

I still cry before I fall asleep,

If you don't mind,

I don't mind sharing you these stories of mine..

The stories of what made me cry..

Laughter is the best solution for a sad day,

But if the laughter is going to be all fake..

Oh, I still cry.