
The Third Sister

"Boy...!" Jukzuk called from the foyer, looking around, he did see hide nor hair of Phillip. He had already checked the bedroom and house when he heard a grunt in the backyard.

Jukzuk walked to the back of the Burrow, as he saw Phil sitting.

"Boy, you can't cultivate like a human... Why are you even trying???"

"Oh..." Phillip's eyes snapped open, as he turned to look behind him at Jukzuk, as he spoke again, "Old habits..."

"Well, diligence is good. When you finally can cultivate... I have high hopes! I, also, have a question for you."

Phillip got up and came to Jukzuk. Phillip was just slightly taller than Jukzuk but was twice as wide.

"When we talked before... You've been alone for a long time, aye?"

Phillip grunted.

"I know it might be a sensitive subject, but... You have no more family? No lovers?"

Phillip grunted again with the meaning of no.

Jukzuk nodded a few times, "Phillip... My mate... She died many years ago, and I was never able to produce an heir."

Phillip watched Jukzuk eye's turn slightly red betraying his calm voice. He might have sounded like he was talking about someone else's life, but his eyes... They told more of how he actually felt.

Jukzuk paused slightly looking to the rising sun of the morning, before continuing, "I... I don't know, but I wanted to ask... If... If you would allow me to adopt you to be my son."

Phillip's mouth hung open... His thoughts left him...

Hearing the silence, Jukzuk turned his head to see Phillip's astonished face. Contrary to what he expected, Phillip looked more surprised, than hating the idea.

"Can you take this old Orc as your father?" Jukzuk asked, again.

"Father? I... I don't know what that means. I don't know what a mother means, either... What would that even mean to me?" Phillip finally came back to his senses.

"...I..." Jukzuk shook his head, and then cleared his thoughts. He reigned in his emotions, and then spoke, "It means I would care for you. Put your interests above others, and above mine. Teach and guide you. Well cutting the crap, I would become your family."

"...Family..." Phillip's voice choked slightly, as he remembered his sister.

"If you don't... I mean... I understand. You may be too old for wanting a-"

"Yes." Phillip nodded.

"You don't mind?" Jukzuk asked again.

"You've already been the one in my life that has taught me more than anyone else... Even... Never mind. So, I can already consider you family!" Phillip hit his chest a few times to emphasize his point, as taught by Jukzuk.

In response, Jukzuk smiled widely over his tusks, "This morning, I've come by to take you to see the chieftain. There We will talk about how to treat you. Being a Thrall, the Slave Pits, and becoming a member of the Blacktongues. Now with your acceptance, I plan to adopt you openly. Let me teach you how that works."

Jukzuk went over with Phillip how the adoption process went, and then he finished, "You will also get a new name."

"New name?"

"You can't expect to keep your Thrall name. You're an Orc; you should be named as an Orc."

Phillip thought about it and felt... This was great! It would be best to get rid of anything done by those... Humans.

Phillip simply nodded, and with a smile hanging on Jukzuk's lips and his back straight, they left the burrow, under the eyes of the guards, to the Chieftain's mound.


Phillip lumbered behind Jukzuk, who seemed to be in high spirits, as Phillip took in more of this Orc City.

These large buildings didn't tower quite like the Humans, but they were extremely wide! It seemed to him, that humans built tall, and Orcs built wide. As he came to the front of the Chieftain's mound, it was a vast residence. It was as large as the warehouse he used to work in... Just why was his place so large?!?

Jukzuk spoke to the guards of the Chieftain's mound, and shortly thereafter an Orcess came out to greet.

Phillip's mouth fell open for the second time today... She was... SHE HAD TO BE HELLIE'S AND DEMZE'S THIRD SISTER!

[Her... Her face looks the same! Exact same!] Phillip could only think within his mind.

But... Phillip saw her eyes had red pupils, almost like fire dancing in her pupils.

"I hear you have already met Demze and Hellie. Looks like you can see that this one is their sister. My name is Midka." Midka introduced herself.

Phillip's eyes wondered, with his mouth open... If Hellie was a hard-bodied athletic Orcess and Demze was a frail, skinny, and intellectual... Then Midka was a curvy seductress! She wasn't fat, but her peaks rose where they should, and valleys formed as they were to be... She had wide hips and a large bust!

She had long hair that flowed down from her head all the way to her mid-thighs, past her backside. It was a deep black, like Hellie's and Demze's. She had a slight black leather hood on her head, that came down and formed strips of leather that covered her breasts just so slightly, leaving a wide breadth of flesh on both sides. Her shoulders were clad with more leather, and her waist and lower region were covered by a black cloth that draped to the floor but exposed her legs and feet. This black cloth that draped was secured by a black leather cord around her middle. This cord had several pouches hanging from it on both sides of her body, and various bits and bobs could be seen... Including an Orc Skull. Phillip could see her exposed stomach, and while not hard abs like Hellie, she had abs, but there was a softness of flesh to them. He couldn't help but notice two black strings that came from her lower region of black cloth and on both sides of her hips and loops behind her. Phillip could only guess it was something like an undergarment... But it was exposed...?

Jukzuk looked over at his soon-to-be son, and chuckled, as he elbowed him in the side. Phil shut his mouth, as he grimaced from the blow. He had seen many Orcess on his way over, but they all paled before Hellie and Demze... Especially Hellie, but now that he saw Midka. Phillip now knew what the true form of pure beauty meant for Orcess within the Orckind.

Midka laughed, "Legbreaker, it's not proper to stare at an Orcess. Remember this for the future, please."

Phillip nodded his head.

Jukzuk sighed in relief... Hellie had a temper, Demze would brood, but Midka... He shuddered again, as he led Phillip inside following behind Midka.

Phillip swallowed hard watching the tight black cloth of Midka's lower half as it stretched over her backside. As her hips sway the black fabric became taut, revealing the curvature and leaving little to the imagination, as the black lines over her hips became intoxicating!

Another sharp elbow to the side, sobered Phillip again, as he heard a whisper from Jukzuk, "Unlike Hellie, Midka does not like to be stared at... Keep your eyes to yourself. Wait for Hellie and eye lick her, she would like that. Don't... I repeat, DON'T do that to Midka!" He yelled in a whisper.

Phillip retracted his eyes and decided to look around everywhere but the curvaceous female in front of him, as he grumbled in his mind,

[Why would nature birth such an Orcess if I'm not supposed to look! Do the mountains and forests get pissed from being looked at?!?] But Phillip wouldn't breathe this, due to Jukzuk's warning.

As he looked around, he saw many Orcess coming and going. They performed various chores and talked in groups. Some lounged, and others were doing arts. This was Phillip's first time seeing anyone paint, though he heard of it, and seen paintings before.

Phillip leaned down and whispered to Jukzuk, "Why's there so many Orcess here?"

Jukzuk chuckled, as he whispered back, "These are the concubines of the Chief. With power comes women, but remember boy... With women comes trouble."

Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!

Oh, Midka is bae...

Also... That is def a thong she is wearing... Sexy!

Voidmiragecreators' thoughts