
Orbs: The Police Force

Orb World is a very dangerous place to be in especially when two races which are Demonic and God are always at each other throats. Different countries that are completely opposite from the human world. Rival gangs terrorizing people's daily life. You could say that Orb World and the Human World are the same which in a way it's true. But who knows maybe someone will break this cycle. Since Blue Cross no longer here to protect Orb World so who would take his place. However a evil lurks in the shadows waiting to strike.

Mr_Mysophobia · 奇幻言情
19 Chs

Chapter 16 Second Version

Leaving the meeting room heading towards the exit. Stopping shortly after remembering the glare coming from Kaito.

Ashton: ...

(In his mind).

"Possibly there's a small chance I'll get a visit from him."

(Out of his mind).

Creation Orb King: So have you decided on what you be doing yet?

Says it calmly while standing right behind Ashton.

Ashton: I have but I still don't think it's a good idea since the police force is starting to make arrests. And I'm afraid that I probably be next so no.

Says it calmly while activating his power his eyes changed color from green to dark green.

Creation Orb King: Remember what I said earlier it wasn't a choice.

Activating his energy as a device appears from his body.

Ashton: Why me? There has to be a reason why I mean why choose me out of all Kings and Queens? To my understanding, it seems like you're gathering Kings or Queens for some type of purpose.

Looks at him with a glare as his gas mask begins to break into pieces showing off what his face looks like.

Creation Orb King: What's wrong with gathering newcomers who seem perfect for the job? You're power especially I studied you.

Says it calmly while remembering what the black figure had said to him.


The Black Figure: Ashton is one of the people who has to join Takumi's group. But the big question is will they get along and also would Ashton even agree to it? That's the main problem.

Says it calmly while standing in the shadows.

Creation Orb King: Is it because Ashton is part God Orb King?

Looks at him calmly while standing under the moving light that's swinging back and forth.

The Black Figure: Ashton is Disease Orb King and Earth Orb King so he is perfect for our cause. Find a way to persuade him. Since he's almost at his peak.

Says it calmly while disappearing into the shadows.

Creation Orb King: There are many ways to force someone to join the group and I think I know a way.

Smirks slightly.

(End of Flashback).

Creation Orb King: I know deep down you like Sebastian that Light Orb King. It's strange to see a Demonic Orb and God Orb liking each other since the two sides are enemies.

Grabbing him from behind he puts his lips near his ear and whispers something softly.

Creation Orb King: It'll be ashamed that something would've happened to him.

Smirks slightly while showing him a remote control in his hand.

Ashton: You did something during the meeting...

Using his energy to control the diseases that were bottling up within him. The diseases that he created a few years ago.

Creation Orb King: If you attack me then I'll kill Sebastian.

(In his mind).

"It wouldn't matter if he manages to get the remote control away from me since I do have a higher advantage. And I know you could hear me Ashton since Demonic Orbs can read minds."

A twisted smile appears on his face while creating another remote control but made it disappear.

Ashton: ...

Quickly disappearing his diseases back into his body he sighs slightly since the thought of losing Sebastian pains him.

Ashton: You win I'll join you but I do want to meet the Leader in person I need to see if it's worth lending my power.

Says it calmly while growing the gas mask back onto his face.

Creation Orb King: Well then follow me.

(In the background).

The Black Figure: ...

Hiding in the shadows hearing everything that's happening.

The Black Figure: We'll see how these two will react.

(At Orbrael's Hospital).

Dennis: Damn so much destruction.

Looks at his cell phone to see the violence and destruction that is happening in the human world.

Dennis: Satanic Slaughter Yakuza...

Remembering the live video stream.

(In his mind).

"Possibly Heaven Orb King is going to talk about this soon."

(Out of his mind).

Hearing footsteps coming up from right behind him.

Azriel: Sup asshole.

Stands right next to him as he leans against the wall.

Dennis: Satanic Slaughter Yakuza attacks the human world. The Human News and Orb World News are talking about it right now.

Says it calmly while showing him the cellphone of the video of what just happened.

Azriel: Blue Cross travels so fast.

Smirks slightly.

(In his mind).

"He's still amazing."

(Out of his mind).

(Orb World News).

Male News Reporter: Disaster struck in the Embassy of Human World America. Where Satanic Slaughter Yakuza Leader Kaito clashed against Kings.

Shows a video of his battle and the mass destruction including the deaths of everyone who was in the Human America.

Female News Reporter: It seems like the Satanic Slaughter Yakuza is trying to make their selves known.

(At the forest in Orbpan).

Breathing heavily while using his black flames making it hotter and hotter.

Mochizuki: I have to push myself!

(In his mind).

"For Kaien's sake."

(Out of his mind).

Remembering Kaien for a moment and then remembers Anastasia especially the battle with her.


Mochizuki: Black Flames are supposed to be my strongest move and yet it couldn't stop her!

Tearing up more after remembering how easily was for her to take down his black flames.

(End of Flashback).

Mochizuki: That fucking slut is going to pay I'll make sure of it!

Shooting out his black flames towards some trees but stopped for a moment since the black flames were burning his skin. Looked at his hands for a short moment. Already imaging Kaien being taken away from him. Heartbeating fast as an immense amount of energy went around his body.

Mochizuki: Anastasia you Bitch I hate you more than Heaven Orb King at the moment!

Shooting out flames from his mouth and aiming it to a tree but noticed that the Black Flames had grown darker than usual.

(In his mind).

"What's that?"

Felt the burning sensation in his mouth which made him stop completely.

"That's fucking hot."

(Out of his mind).

Closing his mouth immediately still feeling the burning sensation.

Mochizuki: ...

Looking at the flames for a moment.

Black-Figure: It seems you unlocked Black Flame Version Two.

Appears right behind him.

Mochizuki: Version Two?

Looks at him confused.

Black-Figure: Orb Kings and Queens have versions of their ultimate move. Let's say for Dark Orb King for example. His favorite ultimate move is Black Moon so meaning he can make different versions of his technique as much as he likes. However, there's always a limit. It depends on your power level.

Says it calmly while showing him a diagram of what he was talking about. The diagram shows Yusuke as a small chibi-like anime.

Mochizuki: Oh I see so version two huh? Is that enough to defeat Anastasia?

Looks at him wondering if it's enough.

Black-Figure: What do you think?

Looks at him while staying in the shadows.

Mochizuki: No...

Looking down slightly.

Black-Figure: Just keep training you'll get there.

(In his mind).

"He still needs more training soon he will reach his peak."

(Out of his mind).

(At Orbrael's Hospital in the Room).

Hiromi: ...

Staying quiet while remembering the battle between her and Mikhail who is the Ritual Orb King. Remembering the punch that she gave him.

(In her mind).

"For some reason, it felt like I didn't hit him or he was holding back there's no way I landed that punch without having help."

Sighs slightly wondering how she managed to hit him. Especially after witnessing that insane move that Mikhail has done. The move seemed impossible for her to gain any advantage unless he was getting tired.

"I guess I'll just keep on training."

(Out of her mind).

Hearing a knock on the door looking up slightly just to see her Leader, Hayden.

Hayden: Sup guys and girls.

Smirks slightly while pushing both Dennis and Azriel into the room.

Hayden: We need to talk.

(At the other side of the forest).

Takumi: ...

Using his time energy to freeze time for the animals nearby.

(In his mind).

"I'm just wasting my time using my power on defenseless animals."

(Out of his mind).

Black Figure: You're almost there to your second version but it seems to be stuck or you don't have that much confidence in yourself.

Appearing right in front of him.

Takumi: Second version? It matters anyway.

Deactivating his energy he sits down on the grass.

Black-Figure: You seem to be upset is there something that matters?

Looks at him calmly while staying in the shadows.

Takumi: I lost to Anastasia what kind of Leader am I supposed to be if I can't even defeat another King or Queen?

Sighs slightly while looking down at the grass.

Black-Figure: Well anyway I don't remember if I mentioned this before but a new member is coming to this group. So I'm hoping you both can get along. His power can benefit your goal Takumi.

Looks at him while floating in the shadows.

Takumi: His power huh?

Thinking about it for a short moment before looking back at the Black Figure.

Takumi: Fine I'll meet with this guy when he's coming.

Looks at the the black figure.

Black-Figure: Right now but introduced him to everyone he might be your new member.

Disappears into the darkness.

Takumi: ...

Hearing footsteps coming up right behind him. Looking back slightly just to saw a young man about in his eighteen or nineteen in a black gas mask that covered his entire face. The man was wearing a black business suit, black pants, and black shoes. His hair was also black.

Ashton: You must be Takumi... My name is Ashton.

Standing at a distance while activating his energy in case of a scenario gone wrong.

Takumi: I'm Takumi but I prefer you meet the others so follow me.

Both glared at each other for a moment.

To be continued on the next chapter