
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · 奇幻
472 Chs

Chapter 56: The second day


[Night in Malsia]

Three random soldiers doing his best to perform his usual night watch.

The rumour regarding an appearance of a strange and an unknown monster wielding an unknown weapon becomes one of the topics that they discuss so that the three can avoid dozing. Not only that,

"So Estel being hit with the yearly endemic disease once more?"

"That country really are messed up, but then again every country have its own share of problem"

"Still, you guys heard the rumour? About the appearance of a traveler who opened up something called an orphanage? Apparently he all by himself take care of the orphans in that country, when nobody was willing to do it. What's more, those orphans are from various races and there's also a twin among them"

"Yeah, I heard that as well. He must have some hidden agenda if you as..."


You! You are!"

The sight of a hooded monster with a strange weapon appear. Plus, the now two corpses of his friends begin to act strange, as if something is trying to find their way out from the body


While the first day of treatment center around few locations (the orphanage included), the second day revolve around going from house to house as to treat those who are too ill to even take a step outside their house.

At first, I thought to just leave it in the hand of the young healers since I wanted to use this free time of mine to get prepare and stock some food etc to be brought inside the Rock and Sea dungeon. I don't have any idea how long will this job take so that's why I thought of doing that but

"It's fine, us from the castle will prepare it for you. So why don't you join us for today" [Diana]

"That's generous of you, any reason why?" [Ash]

"Of course, just what kind of King will my father be if he didn't at least provide that much to those he entrusted a job with!" [Diana]

Diana said that, in almost angry tone. Guess she must have thought I'm once again being too suspicious to them.

"Sorry" [Ash]

"It's fine, sorry for raising my voice just now" [Diana]

I guess with all the problems that she have, couple with the fact that there are bad rumours about her floating around spread by those irresponsible peoples do take a toll on her. So the best I can do for her now is at least not adding more to it. Still, I do feel bad about it

"Sorry Diana, I am being insensitive here" [Ash]

"Just try to trust us next time alright" [Diana]

"My bad and I will. Don't want my siblings to learn being biased to certain group of people just because of my stupidity" [Ash]

Well, Kids are prone to mimics those around them, and since I am one of the closest adults around, I'm sure they will start copying me. It will be wonderful if they can pickup the good things and leave the bad one aside, but that's not how it works. As such, it's my duty to act as a good role model all the time. At least In front of them

"Bus golem coming through" [Ash]

Just to ease us, I bring out the bus golem once more and let them all in. Right now, there are 16 of us (Us siblings, Diana, Qis Rafiah, Yefefiah and another young healer)

"Let see, this should be the first house" [Yefefiah]

"Alright, next stop, house. Next stop, house" [Ash]

I begin to mimic the robotic lady voice that you will hear when commuting and

"""Next stop, house. Next stop, house""" [Singa, Savel, Charlotte]

"How cute!" [Young healer A]

"They are!" [Yefefiah]

Once all of us get off the bus and me parking the bus inside the item box, we enter the house of an old man lying there with his wife next to him. The house reminded me of Borg and Lin's house and I quickly applied some cure magic just like yesterday to all of us.

"How about you do the honour for today" [Young healer A]

"That will be nice" [Rafiah]

"If you said so" [Ash]

While I am treating the old man, the other didn't just sit there and watch. Instead, they're all giving information about what causes the endemic disease and what to do to prevent it, emphasizing more on the hygiene part.

"Remember, always wash your hand before eating!" [Diana]

"Preferably like this, but a simple hand wash that clean the dirt from the hands are enough" [Rean]

Diana and Rean try their best to explain it to the crowds. They knew that Diana alongside me will be moving around from house to house for today treatment and as such they will gather around the house that we stop by. Seeing this, Diana quickly took the opportunity to involve my siblings as well to teach the masses about the disease. It's a good step, that way prevention can be done as someone higher up from them are personally explaining the disease to them, washing the dirt off Diana's name which is tainted by nasty rumour and also spreading the good name of the orphanage.

"There, done" [Ash]

"it, it doesn't hurt anymore!"


The two of them hug eachother, such a sweet scene, still I have to interrupt them as the schedule is a bit tight. Plus

"You guys heard what Princess Diana said right, about the importance of hygiene. So do us a favour and start helping this two sweet couple cleans up their house, or else the disease will only spread further" [Ash]

"As the behemoth slayer rightly said" [Diana]

"Yosh, leave it to us!"

And with that, our busy schedules continue on. We met some of the young healers as well, going by the castle carriage along the way doing the same thing as us. We also went and stop at the clothing shop and chat with the clothing shop aunty and his son for a while before moving on to the next location.

The same scenario keeps on happening, we treated the patient, the neighbour used the opportunity to peak at the princess and thus the princess and my siblings started to give a health talk. It's tiring but also fun.

There's still some of them that looks at my siblings like they're looking to a garbage, it hurts me alright but

"You there, if you have nothing better to do, then I suggest you to leave!" [Qis]

"Nice job Qis" [Diana]

"Thank you" [Qis]

"Female knight is cool!" [Elise]

"That's rare word coming from you Elise" [Ash]

I can understand her admiration toward Qis, but hearing Elise using the word cool somehow sound strange to me.

"Thank you, the three of us once really strive to become one" [Qis]

"Three of us?" [Elise]

"Nothing" [Qis]

"Don't just brush it off Qis" [Diana]

I'm pretty sure Qis is trying to tell Diana not to tease her, but let just let it slide. I don't want Elise image of a strong female knight to be needlessly destroyed by my comment

And after a while, we finally covered the assigned area. Since we are having some free time, Diana asked all of us to come with her to dine together in one of the luxurious restaurant. Naturally we all rejected that offer. We compromise and eat at what is called as normal restaurant for the likes of us.