
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · 奇幻
472 Chs

Chapter 395: 4 days until Rean's wedding

[Farhah point of view]

"CHARLOTTE! I come to pick you up!" [Farhah]

"Just 5 more minute" [Charlotte]

"Nope. There is a big festival outside, so I will not let you waste your childhood working around while other are enjoying" [Farhah]

"Wait, just wait" [Charlotte]

"I guess this is actually a good time to stop" [Karon]

"Agree. Just what we need." [Qudus]

"Not like we are making any progress anyway" [Haliza]

And thus, I drag the ever resisting Charlotte from her work station inside the R&D department located in The Higher Education building. She is strong, magic wise that is, but her physical strength makes me worry. I mean, without using magic to increase her physical capabilities, she's just your average twelve years old girls, and considering how nobles and merchants are sending her wedding invitation, one could'nt help but to worried about her

It's currently 4.00P.M, and there is still some time left before dusk set in which is why

"You two are having fun... I suppose?" [Female elf adventure]

Seeing how grumpy Charlotte is, eating her strawberry honey ice cream just beside me, she couldn't help but to end her statement with question mark.

"We are. We are. Don't worry" [Farhah]

"She's bullying me" [Charlotte]

"I AIN'T!" [Farhah]

"Umm... I know you're the Avery, but try not to bully your little sister too much" [Female elf adventure]

"I AIN'T!" [Farhah]

I know she's just joking. As my mentor in archery in the past, she's just as happy go lucky as I am. There's another male elf archer affiliated with the adventure guild, but she's kinda naive and overly straight forward kinda guy that just couldn't read the atmosphere, and speaking of atmosphere

"She really is an Avery"

"This... This is a blessing for us elf"

"What will you do from now on Dear Avery?"

"Please! Lead us all"

"Ri...Right..." [Farhah]

(She's having difficulty... Somehow, I can emphasized with her considering I am the Mermaid Princess) [Charlotte]

Fairies and Elves, somehow, they just recognize me as an Avery. Even the concealing bracelet that were made by Brother Ash back then could'nt help me mask my status as an Avery in their eyes. Heck, I even asked Karon to upgrade the concealing bracelet with his puppet magic, but somehow, just somehow, at the end of the day, they knew I am their Avery

"Huh? Isn't that Sis Diana?" [Charlotte]

"Let just say hi to them" [Farhah]

She's making a round as well as enjoying the festival. Who wouldn't.

With the gentle blow of the wind carrying the gentle fragrance of the elemental trees, with each elements distinctively having their smells, and yet somehow mix perfectly together without becoming something offensive to the nose. The gentle laugh of the children and parents enjoying the festival, the stalls owner loud voice yelling discount discount multiple times. The multitude of attraction from swordplay to the school's stage dance, it really is the perfect mood to enjoy the festival, even when the threat of the fallen god looming ever closer. I wonder, as an Avery... As the leader of elves and fairies, what should I do

"Both of you shouldn't stress out so much. You aren't alone" [Diana]

"True. If you ask me, you two have quite a number of sincere people around you that will willingly lend their helping hands. Even us" [Haliza]

"Pardon?" [Farhah]

"Is it really obvious what we are thinking?" [Charlotte]

"Think about it, they're the princesssess of their respective countries, and both of you are the elven princess and mermaid princess respectively, obviously they will know what you're thinking" [Qis]

"Indeed. It's quite obvious. Even us can caught your worries considering we are quite close to Princess Diana back then" [Linda]

"Even without all that, the fact that Charlotte keep trying her hardest to complete the Sea Serpent Project is a giveaway" [Liyana]

I see. I guess I can hide it well toward others, but not toward them as they cleanly dissect through our mind like a professional therapist

"But still, we are also the heroes. What will we do once all of this is over..." [Farhah]

"I'm afraid... I am afraid that those devils will be stronger than the Devil that invade the New Headquarters or the True Beastman Group. They're giving me anxiety that I simply couldn't shake off..." [Charlotte]

The mood surrounding us turn into a heavy one, and the bystander couldn't help but to notice about it, when suddenly

"Must be hard... I don't really get it, but I do know something" [Female elf adventure]

""And that is??"" [Farhah, Charlotte]

"I know you both are Avery and Mermaid Princess, but fact remain, both of you are still Farhah and Charlotte that we come to know from when you're just little girls. If anything happens to you, all of us will undoubtedly come rushing to your side! At least I'm sure I will!" [Female elf adventure]

""Mrs..."" [Farhah, Charlotte]

Hearing that makes us feel happy

"As a princess, one word of advice that I can give is that, you and your subjects are bound to take and give. If you happily work for their sake, they will do the same" [Haliza]

"As a general advice, that's indeed true" [Diana]

"What a boring subject... Can't you guys lighten up a bit" [Calypso]

"Since when did you..." [Linda]

"Ever since Princess Diana said Both of you shouldn't stress out so much. You aren't alone" [Calypso]

"That early..." [Liyana]

Well, since Calypso basically forces us to change subject, we simply have some talks regarding what will we do during the main wedding event, which is basically a recap of our jobs that day

Come dusk, and visitors come gathering on the outside of the orphanage, where

"Ready all of you?" [Farhah]

"Aye aye!" [Calypso]

"Marine golems: Luminescent jellyfishes!" [Charlotte]

"All of you Fairies! Now!" [Farhah]


With dusk setting in, we begin our light fireworks festival solely by using magic. Since the orange sky is a beautiful one, Charlotte simply order her jellyfishes to take the same gradient of colour, making it blend nicely with the background, and as for the fire fairies, they did the same, creating an illusion like that multiple mini sun flying around. We slowly make a transition when night fall, where various display of colours are made, which further attract the crowds

"Such beauty" [King Druser]

"Indeed. What a spectacular show" [King Leogris]

"As expected of them" [Old lion duke]

"Seeing them and the orphanage truly make me feels like I am finally back home" [Female paladin of the Demon Kingdom]

"That's right, you're once an adventure here" [Motra's younger brother]

"And will you take a look at that" [Htilorez]

"Long time no see, all of you" [Icy Demon Queen]

"Your... Your highness! Grandpa! Aren't you supposed to greet King Estel first? What are you guys doing here!?" [Singa]

Singa loud shout causes the crowds to finally realized the spectacular guests we are having