
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · 奇幻
472 Chs

Chapter 299: What will I do with this? Part 2

I can't be there for them most of the time, and even when I am here, it doesn't necessarily mean I can reach them in time, and for that, I need a backup plan

Elemental trees, Bobunny, Housey, Calypso tree, Birdie, and all other defensive systems put by Brother Ash and various other measures put by other have proven reliables, but alas, they're "outdated" and what I meant by outdated is that they simply been long been neglected from getting necessary upgrade. They're still ahead from other defensive systems of certain countries, but alas, it has been long since they got their necessary upgrade

"Housey, Calypso Tree can you help me with something!" [Charlotte]

""Absolutely -.-. .... .- .-. .-.. --- - - ."" [Housey, Calypso Tree]

"Great! For starter, can you check the communication stones that are being connected to you? I really need to know about their condition" [Charlotte]

""Sure, -... ..- - / .. - / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / - .- -.- . / .- long time"" [Housey, Calypso Tree]

"That's fine. Take all the time you need. In the meanwhile, I'll prepare the necessary part" [Charlotte]

This is a mega project. I think I should give it a name... How about Upgrade 1.0? Sound bland... Charlotte mega upgrade? Sound childish. Well, I'll think of it later.

For now, what should I do? I'm 100% sure that thing Reshir gave me is still in a top condition, but I have to make confirm it once again. It is the core part of this plan of mine.

"Yup, all good. Now, let see" [Charlotte]

I need to supplement this with other. How about the

"The magic cores that I got from the mermaid kingdom are all in a pristine condition! I could probably use some extra, but I can get it from the spawning block from the training hall whenever I wanted to. For now, this is good enough" [Charlotte]

Still, I should upgrade it even further! I can do this all day long if necessary, but should an emergency arrive, I will be in pickle, which mean getting someone to help me will be necessary, and for that

"Charlotte? What are you doing here?" [Lisa]

"I come here to make a request to the adventure guild" [Charlotte]

"That's rare, may I hear it first" [Lisa]

"Sure" [Charlotte]

And I tell the receptionist Lisa about it. Her face said it all, she's simply bewildered just hearing about it.

"Shouldn't you ask the court magician for help? This seems a bit..." [Lisa]

"It's complicated, I don't have a good relationship with any one of them. Some will even misunderstood me if I ask them for help" [Charlotte]

"I see. If that's the case, I should probably tell Guild Master first, is that ok with you?" [Lisa]

"Please, do so" [Charlotte]

She went upstairs, and after a short while, I was asked by another receptionist to went to Mother Aries's office. I did just that and quickly seat in her sofa, where

"I can approve of the request, but this need to go through and get the approval from Princess Diana and King Estel, as well as Queen Rinz from Kiserre, Princess Nurhaliza and Mira from Malsia, Saintess Rumia for the new headquarters, King Leogris from Beastman Kingdom and King Druser from Demon kingdom" [Aries]

"But why? Majority of the infrastructure are being made by Brother Ash. Even the maintenance comes from the orphanage's funding" [Charlotte]

"True, but they also have significant share, especially the maintenance part. That's especially true for New Headquarters, Beastman and Demon kingdom. I can't approve of this request until I got their written consent" [Aries]

"I see..." [Charlotte]

"For now, discuss this with Princess Diana first. I'll also advise you to seek corporation from my younger sister Lisa at the R&D and higher education. They're under Princess Diana after all, so they should be way more helpful than your fellow court magicians" [Aries]

"This is complicated... But alright! I'll do it" [Charlotte]

"That's good. Once Princess Diana give the green light, I'll try to persuade other countries as well. They should be willing if you come up with a concrete planning" [Aries]

"Thank you very much!" [Charlotte]

For now, I'll just speak with Sis Diana first. A quick call to her is all I need, but Mother Aries said it's better to discuss this with her in person. Calling her, she immediately pick up her phone, and what do you know, she's with Principal Alice and Saintess Rumia at the church right now.

Going there by public transport, I stop in front of Diana hall, and enter the church there. Looks like they're on the break, and now their number increase, with Linda and Liyana here as well. They ask me to munch some cookies first, for which I gladly take the offer, and then

"That's the plan! What do you think?" [Charlotte]

"..." [Other]

Their bewildered expression makes me excited! I can't wait for the plan to get approved by them, but unfortunately

"I can't?" [Charlotte]

"For now, you can't" [Diana]

"But why?" [Charlotte]

"Your plan is brilliant, but shall you fail, the communication between all of us will get disconnected, and that will be disastrous!" [Diana]

"True. Six years ago, I can still imagine using knight to send messages between countries, but now..." [Liyana]

"It feels like we're in the dark ages should the communication stone get broken" [Qis]

"Still, the advantage that comes with it is rather tempting" [Alice]

"Pro and cons. We need to carefully decide it" [Linda]

"That, as well as getting as many help as we can. Saint Louis enormous mana and Seraph light magic proficiency will be a big help. Other than that, I can think of several individuals that are suited for the task" [Rumia]

And now, they're getting work up and start discussing about it. The discussion is loud enough, that Sir Crow and Sir Ceanu Reaves actually leave their offices and come join the discussion. I kinda get the feeling this will get approved, but

(This will surely become a massive headache... Oh well) [Charlotte]

I am the one that brings this up, so I shouldn't complain much. Plus, this is also my duty not only as the hero, but also as the elder sister in the orphanage! I can't be selfish!