
Only One Way Up

I have a lot to say so bear with me now. Only One Way Up is a story about Parker Jay Asher, better known as parker. Parker is an average teenage boy in a futuristic world where everyone has powers, Parker is an exception though, although he would be called superhuman in our world he would just be normal in his. But like all mc’s he won’t let that stop him after all he is fairly strong for a kid without abilities. Parker's main goal in life is to be strong, in order to fulfill his mom's wishes he strives to get stronger every day. Parker only has one chance to prove himself though, in order to finally move on to tertiary school he has to take an exam. This exam will decide whether he will fulfill his mom’s wishes or if he dies trying. Anything goes in this game we call life so lets make it count. There’s gonna be a good amount of things to say so that I can answer or clear up any questions that you guys might have. First thing i would like to point out is that I'm a student so if i weren't to post new chapters in over a few weeks then that means I’m just doing my thing in school, And if i were to take a break or had a very busy schedule (not that i am really busy) i would tell you guys about it in my latest chapter and would mention it on my socials. Something you all probably noticed is that my grammar sucks. So if anyone were to reach out to me and would like to help me read over/edit my book then i would be glad and would explain further details if we were to get in contact. That should sum everything up, oh and one last thing thank you all for reading my book later. Socials (twitter is the only social for now) My twitter: I’m a bum @JN77510440

imabum · 科幻
25 Chs

It Made Me Swallow My Pride


"E- Elizabeth?" 


"Oh hey there parker."


"(isn't this considered cheating?? Actually on second thought I don't really care anymore, I'm way too tired to put up with this shit so imma just sit down for a bit and wait until whatever this is ends)"


"What the hell are you doing here?"


"What do you mean I'm here to save your ass."


"My ass wasn't in need of saving, I had everything under control."


"It definitely was, look at yourself dammit, your legs are literally about to give out."


"First off they're not, and second off I would've been able to counter her attack perfectly fine and probably would've been able to knock her out of the exam too, but nooooooo you just had to show up and be the hero."


"You know it's very rude of you to talk to your savior like that."


"(what the hell is all that- wait what are they doing here)"


"What's going on over there?"


"My question exactly."


"Hey, I think we should put our battle on pause right about now."


"Yeah I think that would be best for now."


"That was cheating right?"


"Obviously it was."


"So if that was cheating then why aren't we stepping in too well I don't know maybe stop it?"


"You do realize that I don't always have to do everything right? You could've gone in and stopped it yourself right?"


"Fine then lazy old bum, well I'll be back-"


"What are you doing, sit back down."


"Wait why, shouldn't one of us go in and sort it out."


"Did you even listen to a thing levner said?"


"No, not really."


"(I honestly fucking hate you sometimes)..............."


"Well tell me already, I hate this awkward silence, and would you quit staring at me like that."


"Honestly man, why are you like this?"


"Just get on with it already you old bum."


"His instructions were clear as day, he told us to not interfere under any circumstances unless it was an emergency."


"Why would he tell us to do that?"


"So that we wouldn't interfere, are you dumb?"


"I know that much, I was just wondering if there was another reason as to why we shouldn't interfere. Isn't it unfair that there might be a few kids cheating in the test as we speak and ruining the chances of those that are doing it by the book."


"Well I don't know the exact reasons as to why he doesn't want us to interfere but it literally doesn't make a difference even if we did."


"What do you mean it doesn't make a difference, it's not like everyone's gonna end up passing the exam no matter what happens."


"From what you've said earlier up until now I'm guessing you also weren't paying attention to levner when he said that no matter what happens each examinee that takes test 5 would pass right?"


"Wait, they're all passing?"


"(I just have no words to describe your stupidity) of course they are you idiot, why do you think I've been lax throughout the entire duration of this mission? To the point of even letting you design the exam."


"Oh, no wonder you let me do a lot more without your supervision."


"(honestly you being self aware at the fact that I don't really trust you on your own hurts me a lot more than it hurts you) anyways like i said earlier there's no need to worry about the examinees failing because they won't, in the end all we need to do during this mission is to be on the lookout for the potential candidate or examinees with extraordinary abilities."


"Oh that's really simple."


"It would've been simpler if you had just listened to everything that levner said."


"(ok so everyone's gonna pass so there's no need to interfere unless it's an emergency, and keep an eye out for the candidate or just really strong examinees in general) thanks for actually explaining it to me sai."


"Yeah no problem, it's easier for me if you know anyways."


"Wait, can someone please explain to me what's going on here?"


"There's not much to really say dude, they just waltzed right into our fight."


"What do you mean we just waltzed in, we clearly saved you."


"(at this point they're just saying that to annoy me) you know the whole you saved me gag was a bit funny at first but it's just starting to get annoying now."


"Even if it was a little joke at first it's still the truth isn't it? We still saved you at the end of the day, and you owe us big time."


"You guys are honestly so annoying- (what the hell, what the hell is this feeling)"


"(I feel so sick all of a sudden, the fuck is going on)"


"They're annoying? Well yeah sure they're annoying in their own way but compared to you and that bum over there they're not annoying in the slightest."


"(usually when someone tries to act like this I just laugh in their face and say something to piss them off, but there's this kind of pressure emanating from him, the feeling is just something else, my instincts are flaring up. It's like my body's telling me to run away, and from what i can tell everyone else is feeling the same feeling)"


"Yall gonna say something? What up with yall, cat's got your tongue or something."


"Adrian, what are you doing here, you trying to fish what we started?"


"I'm not here to settle things between me and you, no I've reserved that kind of thing for someone else, I'm here to end things with the little shit right in front of me."


"Little shit? Hah don't you mean little shits?"


"You're not worthy of my recognition."


"Worthy huh? What type of god complex is that. And besides you of all people shouldn't be spouting out such nonsense, after all you've gotten your ass handed to you by me and parker alike. You're not as strong as you make yourself out to be."


"Ahahahahahaha "you're not as strong as you make yourself out to be." ahahaha don't make me laugh. You know earlier I promised someone very important to me that I would pass the test and obliterate my opponents while holding back." 


"Ahahahah, you holding back what type of joke is that, look at yourself man, you're all beaten up. Look the fact that you've decided to step up and take the exam all by yourself when you knew you wouldn't have a teammate is admirable and all, it really is, but like she said earlier you're not all that, there's only so much that a single person can do before they fall so don't push your luck."


"This is honestly pissing me off. Like I said earlier I made a promise and I'm the type of man that fulfills their promises, so when some bullshit comes up and I'm not able to keep my promise I get pissed off, you see I never planned on using everything I had even from the start, and now that I've also made it into even more of a challenge I definitely wouldn't. But ever since I've stumbled upon the both of you that all changed, 

I wasn't able to beat you during our first encounters and that pissed me off, so much so that it made me swallow my pride. I won't be playing nice anymore."


"You won't be playing nice anymore hahah, look at this guy-"




"Jane, watcho-"


"That's one down."


"What was that."


"I warned you, didn't I?"


"(stone spires literally just erupted from the ground causing lucia, someone I've had a lot of trouble with to be knockout in an instant, luckily the spire hadn't hit head on or else it would've impaled her, but even then she just got lucky, would we end up being that lucky too)"


"So there's five left now, this shouldn't take long."


"(even though she hadn't known me for long she still sacrificed herself in order to save me, I probably wouldn't have done the same if she were in the same situation as me but she selflessly went out of her way just to protect me, I won't be letting what she had just done go in vain, heh damn well I won't) this shouldn't take long my ass, flame burst."


"Even though I'm probably in no condition to fight I'm still gonna back you up, 102nd fist."


"(just look at them delaying the inevitable) heh, bring it on."