
Only I Travel to Multiverse

A MULTİVERSE FANFİC After Peter's family died at the hands of a criminal organization, Peter began living an isolated and lonely life. As the years pass in this way, Peter one day meets the system, which tells him that he can become stronger by doing tasks in the multiverse, and at the end of the years, he agrees to merge with the system, thinking that he has the opportunity to avenge his family. Uzume, who was sent to Peter with the system, tries to make Peter a person who knows how to be happy again while traveling the multiverse. ------- Although the main character is smarter than a normal person, he did not receive a proper education or grew up in a family environment, so the main character's emotional intelligence is very low and Uzume tries to help the main character in this regard. -------- My native language is not English. If you indicate any errors you see with a paragraph comment, I can fix them as soon as possible. ------- first world : Oshi No Ko - over second worls : blue lock patreon.com/OLD_storage

OLD_storage · 漫画同人
16 Chs

hikaru kamiki

Peter left the sushi restaurant with two packages of sushi and entered his car.

Because Peter was preoccupied with the question of which sushi a woman who had just given birth should eat, he forgot that Ai Hoshino was still breastfeeding her children and got into the car.

------- Peter's spiritual domain

Uzume, who was lying in the area she had made for herself in the middle of a dark and low cave, clenched her fist in celebration when she saw Peter enter the car unannounced.

"Uh-huh, Peter accidentally gets into the car and sees the breasts of Ai Hoshino, who is breastfeeding her children, and he immediately apologizes and throws himself out of the car, but it is too late. Now, whenever Peter looks at Ai Hoshino, his naked skin comes to his mind. Time progresses and Peter, Ai Hoshino "He sees Hoshino talking to another man and feels heart palpitations for the first time. Thus, the first seeds of an epic love grow."

Uzume was in her original appearance because she was in Peter's spiritual domain. If anyone could look here, they would see a beautiful woman in her late 30s smiling perversely while sitting on a chair of unknown origin in the middle of a gloomy cave.

The next thing Uzume saw using Peter's senses, she fell out of her chair and hit her head on the rocks of the cave.


When Peter saw that Ai Hoshino was still breastfeeding her children, he started to get out of the car quietly so as not to disturb the children.

Ai Hoshino smiled when she saw Peter's behavior and said, "I think Aquamarin and Ruby are too busy to be disturbed by the sounds, you don't need to go."

"That's right, okay. The cook who sold the sushi made this tuna sushi specially for you when he found out that you were pregnant. According to what he said, you shouldn't eat sushi from now on unless you have to."

"Ehhh, that's right. I took notes, thank you Peter-san."

Peter started eating his own sushi after handing his food to Ai Hoshino, who was smiling with stars in her eyes.

------------- (Peter's spiritual domain)

*Clashing sound*

*Clashing sound*

*Clashing sound*

Uzume was questioning her life by repeatedly hitting her own head against the stone wall of the cave.

"What is the matter with these two, why are they acting as if nothing is wrong? Come on, Peter's behavior is due to having to live an isolated life. So why is this girl acting as if everything is normal. Ahhhh"

*Clashing sound*

*Clashing sound*

*Clashing sound*


Since the trip became very disturbing due to the babies' crying and their endless demands, Peter stopped the vehicle in front of a motel in the morning and entered the motel with Ai Hoshino.

When he heard that there was only one available room in the motel, Peter did not hesitate to leave the room to the girl and return to his car to sleep.

After sleeping for a few hours, Peter was woken up by Uzume's voice.

"Peter, wake up quickly. There is a new mission."

While massaging the sleep from his eyes, Peter read the quest Uzume had come up with.

[ Protection mission ( A+ )

Quest world: oshi no ko

Estimated tenure: 3 years

Mission content: Protect the woman named Ai Hoshino from the pervert who is after her]

"Peter, the timing of this mission's appearance is very suspicious, I think you should go check on the girl."

Peter secretly suspected that Uzume was lying, but his suspicion wasn't enough to risk the mission.

When Peter entered the motel again, he saw that the same old woman was still at the front desk.

"Excuse me ma'am, may I know which room Ai Hoshino is in?"

The old lady raised her head, played with her glasses, and then looked at the handsome young man in front of her with a smile.

"You must be her husband. It was for you that she left the spare key to me when she entered her room."

While Peter was trying to understand the old woman's words in confusion, he saw the key from the old woman and the writing 26 written on the key.

Since he didn't need to ask the woman anything further, Peter went up the stairs and looked for room 26.

After Peter opened the door of room 26 slowly so as not to wake the children, what he encountered was a gun pointed at his forehead.

While looking at the blond-haired young man standing in front of Peter, he sighed and headed to the chair in the middle of the room with the young man's guidance.

"So you're the famous composer Peter. What a surprise. The mysterious and inaccessible genius songwriter visited my wife by chance, and in the meantime, by chance, crushed the head of the man I tricked into killing the rats hanging around my wife with a rock."

While the blonde-haired man continued talking to himself, Uzume emerged from Peter's body with surprising news.

"Peter, be careful, this man is the target of our killing mission. Besides being a very dangerous person, he is also a little crazy."

"What happens if I die?"

The man named Hikaru suddenly started laughing when he heard Peter interrupting his conversation with a ridiculous question.

"Hahaha, that's a really interesting question. I've always wondered what would happen if I died..."

As Hikaru continued speaking, Uzume answered, knowing that the question was directed at her.

"If you die, you can either go back to the world you came from or go back to the time you first came to this world, but your level will be halved. Since you are at a low level now, dying doesn't matter much, but we cannot complete the tasks we have completed again, and most importantly, dying is a very painful feeling, believe me."

When Peter learned that he would not come to the end of his life when he died, he was relieved and opened the system store with his thoughts and bought a glass of water worth 1 point.

Uzume floating in the air she looked at Peter, who was hiding a glass of water with his hand behind the chair.

Peter decided to take a risk because he felt strangely calm. Normally, in such a situation, Peter would stay where he was and could not move. Peter's inner voice was telling him that he could do more than that, and Peter wanted to trust his inner voice and test the limits of how much he had improved.

To get to know his enemy better, Peter heeded Uzume's earlier advice and purchased the item called oshi no ko memories from the system store. In just a split second, Peter knew almost everything about the world he was in and the person in front of him, and he tried to take control of the situation using the acting methods described in the memories in his mind.

"Isn't your name Hikaru kamiki?"

The boy, who was muttering like a madman in front of Peter about gods and life after death, suddenly stopped and looked at Peter.

"Wow, I didn't expect a famous person like you to recognize a small actor like me. What an honor."

" Airi said something to me about you having a good voice "

Hikaru shuddered involuntarily when he heard the name Airi. Even though she caused Airi to commit suicide, Hikaru was still not completely free from that woman's existence.

"You killed her, didn't you?

When Hikaru heard the words spoken by the man in front of him with a cold facial expression, he started acting like a bomb whose pin had been pulled.

" That's right, I killed Airi Uehara. More precisely, I made her commit suicide, but what can you do about it? Now I will kill you too and watch your eyes slowly darken. You still don't realize it, right? You 're already dying right NOW!

Peter pointed the gun in his hand at his own head and looked at Hikaru, who was making fun of him. He decided that the opportunity had come and threw the glass in his hand at Hikaru, who was standing 3 meters away from him.

*breaking sound*

The old woman sitting at the hotel's reception was startled by the sound coming from the room she normally used on the upper floor and, unable to continue acting any longer, she began to cry. The sudden sound was the last thing that shattered the woman's psychological threshold

Although some of the guests staying at the motel woke up due to poor insulation, they cursed the motel owner a few times and went back to sleep.

Before losing consciousness with the glass shattering on his head, Hikaru thought that he shouldn't have that glass.

Hikaru was obviously a careful sadist and murderer. When he guided Peter to the chair, he had already checked the items on Peter, but even he did not think that Peter could have a system store

Peter looked at the boy lying on the ground in front of him and lost himself in a flood of thoughts, while Uzume started poking Peter's face with excitement.

"Hurry up, Peter, let's get out of here. If it turns out that you killed him, you will be arrested."

"If we leave him here, what you say may be true. Therefore, the first thing we need to do is get rid of this brat."

Peter saw the long coat, sunglasses, and black English-style hat thrown in the corner of the room. After Peter dressed Hikaru in the clothes he found, he grabbed the unconscious Hikaru as if he were holding a drunk person and took him out of the room.

When she saw Peter's actions, Uzume was horrified and shouted at Peter.

"Do you realize that walking around with a dead body on your arm will not protect you from the police? Get rid of this guy and let's get out of here."

As Peter passed by the area where the reception was supposed to be, he couldn't see the old woman, but he heard faint cries coming from under the reception desk.

When Peter reached his car, he put Hikaru in the passenger seat and started driving quickly.

After speeding on the empty highway for about 10 minutes, Peter was able to find the type of terrain he was looking for and drove off the highway onto the dirt road.

Peter looked at the sea waves hitting the cliff under his feet. Without hesitation, he shot Hikaru in the forehead with his own silenced gun and threw him into the sea.

"Peter, what if someone finds his body and calls the police? I think it would be better if you tied a rock to him before you throw him down."

"This is the Pacific Ocean, Uzume, there are neither people nor ships here due to the strong currents. Only sharks are found in such places."

"Are you sure about this?"

"My geography teacher told me in the last year of secondary school"

Uzume realized that she was the only one acting anxious and forced herself to calm down so as not to get in the way of Peter.

"Peter, what are you going to do about the woman at the front desk?"

"Nothing but going back and cleaning room 26."

"But what if he tells the cops what happened?"

"Hikaru is an extremely careful killer. I don't think that man would carelessly show his face to the old woman. Even if the woman tells what happened to the police and the police find the body, they cannot establish a connection between the body and the person who threatened the woman because there are no fingerprints, and they cannot arrest me due to lack of evidence."

"Of course, these are your thoughts."

While Uzume was watching Hikaru's body floating on the sea with a bad feeling that everything would be revealed and that Peter, whom she brought here to make her happy, would be arrested, a huge shark came out of the sea and swallowed Hikaru's body in one go.

"See, you're worrying too much, Uzume."

Peter returned to the motel and got help from the old lady to clear Room 26 of fingerprints. The old woman calmed down and helped Peter because the person who threatened her was no longer there.

After Peter tucked the gun, which was the only evidence of the murder he committed, into his trousers, he woke up Ai Hoshino and they set off again.